Jail Letter - 25 June 2022
On an unknown date, but presumed to be earlier than 27 June 2022, Chris has sent a fourth letter from jail to Helena Fiorenza. Like with the last letter Chris had sent to her, Eels and the Eggman, who again received the letter had chosen not to release the letter he got from Chris, again providing a summary. According to the summary, Chris believes that the prison staff has been tampering with his letters, and wishes future letters to be sent to 14 Branchland Court, believing for certain that he will return home soon.
Eels' Summary
So Chris writes to Helena and I (really just to her) about his usual "I'M JESUS!!!!!" bullshit. But there are a few interesting points
a.) He asks that letters be sent to "the sonichu temple" at branchland court. He is SOOOOOOOOO certain he's going home within a manner of days/weeks. Claims that his "soul is home but not his body" b.) Chris expresses' paranoia that prison guards are messing with his letters and tampering with his mail. He also doesn't want me Helena and others to potentially waste time/money/energy with letters being returned to us (since he believes by the time any other letters get sent to him (fyi usually takes me about 2 weeks to get a letter to chris and get a letter back, possibly out in 2 weeks?) c.) mentions new lore about something called "neo lives" (i'm assuming this is our perfect selves after the dimensional merge) d.) tries to introduce Helena to someone called "Val." they have some kind of connection to magi chan- Helena thinks Val is Val Valentino, formerly of the watchmen e.) Chris cosplays as his father "robertchu" and speaks about Val and Caden should meet Helena and collaborate son some sort of project, with a bunch of motivational "your a winner!" "believe in yourself and your powers bs" and also includes a drawing of his father "the internet lumberjack" young, as a sonichu with a third eye vouching for val.
Helena's Tweets