Jail Letter - 10 December 2021

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On 10 December 2021, Chris sent his third letter to Eels and the Egg-man from jail. Eels would not reveal the letter until 9 July 2022, and had only provided a summary of its contents.

Eels's Letter

Thank you for sending me back again, it really warms the cuckles (get it like knuckles) of my

heart to hear you writing me back I'm sorry to hear you're still in that jail, I really really thought they'd have let you out of that place by now. I hope my "straight to the point, here are our questions" format is acceptable.

Eels's Summary

Marked december 10th 2021

Most of tie letter is just Chris' Wpical "I'M JESUS!!!"' nonsense with nothing "juicy", The letter is boring and nothing in regards to his imprisonment, his "affair with mother", Bella, his arrest, or anything like that gets mentioned

-Year 0 refers to tt-e year tie real jesus was bom and has nothing to do with the ghost

-he denounces Israers unjust treatment of the palestinians denounces the conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine, he says it won't hurt you and to get your shot

-chris ignores all of my funny questions deeming them "trivial and moot"

-chris attempts to start drama with a youtuber, whom he has never npt or heard of (l attempted to coyly ask in a previous letter if chris knew if dillian thomas him out without asking him directly as that would be telling him that info he might not have krwwn, Chris took a massive leap in logic thinking all of the youtubers I had ræntioned were somet-ww responsible for his imprisonment and made threats against them saying theyre •gang down' and will "pay for what they have done')

-chris begins using the -slur -neurotypicals- to insult and disparage non-autistic people (apparently autistic people are better than non-autistic people)

-claims that meditation is not for masterbating

-wants me to personally deliver a drawing (a picture of chris chan sonichu meditating with a 3rd eye in outer space, which i honestly wanna keep for myself and maybe get frarned 101) to this youtuber as a way to "humble them' and or 'bring them down' Chris was upset about my trouy bullshit questions and I ultimately learned the lesson to mly ask sorta serious questions to chris about chris if i want legit respnses.



Eels's Letter

