Unicorn cosplay

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Please remove your head gear; it's reminding us of Nazis.
According to Chris, the contents of a note he received from church staff.
Coke, Unicorn cosplay.jpg

The unicorn cosplay is a set of accessories Chris obtained at the 2017 BronyCon. It consists of a unicorn horn, ears and tail.

Chris continued wearing it after the event. On 16 August, three days after BronyCon ended, Chris posted a selfie of himself holding a Coke bottle, while wearing the cosplay. His commentary was limited to the Coke, suggesting that he had normalized the cosplay as part of his typical attire.

Chris's note on how the unicorn cosplay went over at his church.

On 20 August, Chris went to church wearing the full cosplay. Partway through the service, during a reflection on the previous week's violence between neo-Nazis and protesters in Charlottesville, he was handed a note by his pastoral counselor, requesting that he removed the horn and ears. Chris claimed the note mentioned that his attire reminded the congregation of Nazis, specifically "NOT Nazi jesters".

Speculation is that Chris mangled the meaning of the note in his mind, and that it may simply have requested him to remove his head piece because it made him look like a jester, inappropriate for a church setting. Another theory is that Chris could have meant "Nazi gesture", but spelled it as "Nazi jester".

Chris, surprised at being called out, obeyed. Later, after leaving the church, he popped a valium and hand-wrote a note on the experience to Cathy Weseluck, a voice actress for My Little Pony, tweeting it to her and asking for her advice.

Chris was later seen wearing the cosplay on his videos about the August 2017 solar eclipse, wearing it outdoors.

See also