Jail Letter - 6 December 2021

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On 11 December 2021, Chris had sent a sixth letter to Kenneth Englehardt of the Onion Farms. Like with the previous letter directed to him, the exact contents of the letter were previously not disclosed. However, unlike with the previous letter, Kenneth eventually did share all of the contents of the letter two days later.

Description of Letter

Kenneth had described the contents of the letter in an Onion Farms thread titled "Preview of 12/11/21 Letter: CWC Opens Up About Joshua Moon":

Buckle up Onions.

Claims Joshua regrets his fucked up life. Questionable financial dealings over CWC commissions, under the influence of demonic spirits, possibly fled legal issues in Pensacola.

User "Christine's Pickles" responded with:

It sounds like someone's been feeding Chris "information" on Joshua Moon, and it's being mixed up with Chris's head canon. Given Josh's long list of enemies, it could be anyone (Samuel C. Smith probably has a hand in this, and maybe others close to him), but would it really surprise anyone at this point if Josh was skimming off the top of those CWC donations?

To which Kenneth responded:

Actually I did encourage him to open up on his impressions with Joshua Moon, but I did not feed CWC info on Null. I got a little over enthusiastic with the prophet Muhammad and CWC asked me to tone it down. As for skimming off the top or not, I don't know. Come to think of it, I may put this off until I get the rollback issue fixed. This was from a very large letter that I wrote him on yellow legal paper. I thought the letter had been confiscated by the guards because maybe there was a policy that incoming letters had to be written on white standard letter sized paper.
I am working on the second YouTube video. As for this current letter, I may take another look at toning this down a little.

The only visible part of Chris's letter is the isolated phrase "fruit drink mixes".[1]

Chris's Response

Christine Weston Chandler Richmond VA 230
9 September 2009 US POSTAGE
9 September 2009
14 Branchland Court
Ruckersville, VA 22960-2807

Hey, Kenneth. December 6, 2021

For Starters, and this part you have our consent to post online, some genuine vital prophecies and signs everyone Needs to be watchful of in these events leading up to our Second Coming. Introduction: On behalf of our Soulful, and presently Astral Manifested and working, Partner, this is the 100% Physical Body Soul, and I, the 100% Mental Soul, as well, partners compnents of us Three Main components of Jesus Christine Weston Chanler Sonichu We are in full Zen-like Balance and sync with each other.

Jail Letter 6 Dec 2021 Image.png

Now, the Prophecies:

*Some of these are literally Already happening with and around you all, right now as well.

-Now, among The Neurotypical individuals; All of you all who are/ were not already spiritually enlightened or touched in your heads, of 1218 Earth, here, ...

-You all shall suddenly speak random foreign/strange Languages and Tongues, including Old Jewish, y a soba Akashi (and the AkashicLanguage).
-You all shall suddenly download MASSIVE amounts of Information, Truths, and Facts from the Akashic Records to the point your Brais Overload and Burn from fatigue.
-Some of you all shall suddenly act Ritualistic and appear schizophrenic, But you shall not be schizophrenic,nor shall Any and All around you doing similar,so Do Not Hate, and Do Not Interrupt them. You all will be Guided, Divinely, and "LivingManipulated" by us Gods and Goddesses. 🢥

-Random Animals, including some anthropological, sentient, andHuman-Language-Speaking Animal/Creature Individuals, shall increasigly suddenly appear in Random Places aroud this Earth.

-Likewise, a number of you all (out of the Majority of Good and Neutrals) shall suddenly (without dying) physically disappear from this Earth and reappear on 1C-211987's Earth.

-Also, as symbolized by the breaking of my left glasses lens, we are at the Point of No Return from the moment onward, and the Truth-Blinding Veils shall suddenly disappear from Everyone's (among the Majority) physical Eyes. All of ye shall see and know greater Truths leading up to our Second Coming.

-The Beliver and Religious Count Shall suddenly Skyrocket, even from the Toxic Minority seeking to Repent in lights of these Truthsand Enlightenments.

*Aswellas[sic] ALL other obvious and resonant Signs and Events. Also, did y'all observe December 02, 2021/12022021?


That day was VERY Cosmically Eventful. Thou can't keep yourselves Blind from the Truth. Heed the words and sudden guidance from us Gods and Goddesses.

But, yeah, also, Moon Is Paranoid; He is truly scared of the Demons and Devils from Hell Realm that he works with and holds a massive amount of regrets and sins within him. Moreover, rather he verbally, or in writing, admits it or not, but he has Known and Sensed my Aura and being Jesus Christ reincarnated. The reason he plays Athiest, is because he has sensed and known this sub and unconsciously, and he does not understand and Fears addressing us, or telling Anyone Else, about it and his Knowledge and experiences, past, in Universe 1C-211987.

And to answer your question from what is recorded in the Akashic Records: Moon had moved from Pensacola, Florida to Serbia, because of better business opportunites, to get away from those that remind him of his greater Regrets in Florida and the States, and other Legal charges against him as well. His former life in Pensacola was not among the better lifestyles. He’s essentially Hiding and not really wishing to return to the states, even though he feigns intentions to in his statements, Moon has not directly mention or tell us of his personal and daily life. But it is revealed that he is playing “Secret Identity” there, he is presently trying to, and is, maintaining a relationship with someone in Serbia, and essentially living life like he goes daily to a Starbucks at least once or twice a day.

What we have spoken of Joshua C. “NULL” Moon in this letter on the front and back of this sheet of paper does not go online or public, stays only between you, us, Christine, Magi-Chan, the Psychics, and the Akashic Records. And should you say anything online, you may state honestly your information source was the Akashic Records.

④ To end this letter for now, I request your phone number, please, so we may call and talk with you that way as well.

Go forth with further Peace, Clarity, Blessings, and Enlightenment.

Be Safe and Well.
Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu,
The Goddess Blue Heart, Avatar, and Lord,
Messiah, Savior, and God of all.


We have read and appreciated the information on Muhammad, But please, let’s tone it down on that being huge chunks of the letters. We appreciate, understand, and accept the Muslims as part of the worldwide religious collective who, a good number of, are among the Majority to be Shifted to 1C-211987 Earth, and shall be all further enlightened by us Gods and Goddesses and our deeds of Divinity.

Original scans
