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This page contains the [[:Category:2020 Discord leaks|2020 Discord leaks]] posted by a gatekeeper on the CWCki's Discord server, sorted in chronological order. The gatekeeper's commentary is color-coded green.
This page contains chats from the [[Watchmen]] Discord server [[The Place]] during [[December 2019]].

[[Category:2020 Discord leaks]]
Some chats listed were released as part of the [[2020 Discord leaks]].
Server members present in the chats below are: Chris (@Sonichu982), [[Kyle]] (@Nova), and Protoman00 (@Protoman00).
==Cold, ProjectSNT, and Dating Sim==
10-11 December 2019
{{main|The Place chats - ProjectSNT and Opuscon789#Cold, ProjectSNT, and Dating Sim}}
11 December 2019
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|Hey.  I was projected in [[CS-89]] the whole night; I leveled up quick enough to make it to [[Cwcville]] from [[Rulecwc]].  I had to regain my abilities in that dimension.
Apparently, CS-89 is also Plutia’s and Peashy’s main home dimension.
I have found that some choice items, individuals and so forth from there are being fatefully brought over into C-197, as there is a merge of those two dimensions as well.  But, moreover bringing in the choice and fated individuals as needed to save them from something that is going to happen there in CS-89.
The goddesses and I, and everyone else are continuing to determine the details.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Protoman00|Good morning Christine! Who did you bring over?}}
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|I ended up brining with me my self-counterpart from CS-89, a bunch of treasures I had acquired from the Dimension, and Plutia and the others with us at the moment.
My head is feeling faltering right now
I feel like I might crash again in a moment.
Check you later.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Protoman00|See ya! Hope you feel better!}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker=Kyle|Just for clarity's sake, could we have a summary chart of each one?
To anyone not as intimately onvolved, might help follow things}}
[''45 minutes later'']
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Protoman00|The Cwcki has documented most of them although it's a bit sparse on details}}
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|'''Eye Twitching'''}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Protoman00|As much as I don't like the Cwcki, it is a pretty good place for newcomers to learn about the dimensional merge.
I'm assuming you'll probably make some more videos explaining it in more detail in the future. I'm sure people would appreciate that since most people prefer to watch something rather than read.}}
File:The Place-1st Layer-11Dec19 - Dimensions1.png
File:The Place-1st Layer-11Dec19 - Dimensions2.png
==Art request for Sockness lore==
12 December 2019
{{main|The Place chats - Jacob Sockness#Art request for Sockness lore}}
==TSSSF cards at bronycon==
12 December 2019 (leaked as part of the [[2020 Discord leaks]])
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=Naught (giving context)|(December filled with murmurs of Courtney Snt and tssf cards either rejected or accepted)
December 12th asked about bronycon}}
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|The original set had at least five or ten expansions from themselves, and they allowed fans to add onto it.
So, I dare say, Countless.
It is big at conventions, yes
Y’all should look up TSSSF and the Children of Kefentse community of players.
I don’t have the numbers
Thinking I would be able to make a flow chart off-hand.}}
==TSSSF card partnerships==
12 December 2019 (leaked as part of the [[2020 Discord leaks]])
{{quotebox|Originally, the planned Expansions were Sonichu & Rosechu, Nightstar & Friends, Chris Chan Sonichu, IdeaGuyCorruptions, Sonichu/Rosechu OCs, Nightvee (Warriors for Andromeda added into that one), Samurai Pizza Bots and Super/Mega Forms.  Arizona Slime was a, let’s say, Bonus Expansion Pack.  And I like doing more for the while longer, so I opted to help with Sonichu Villains, Hangin’ With Magi-Chan, and (pending Courtney’s response to proceed) SNT & Friends.  The Promo cards were planned as well.}}
==Apologising to SNT for redesign rage==
14 December 2019 (leaked as part of the [[2020 Discord leaks]])
{{main|The Place chats - ProjectSNT}}
==Asking others to contact SNT==
14 December 2019
{{main|The Place chats - ProjectSNT}}
==Chris asks for Jacob to be kicked==
15 December 2019
{{main|The Place chats - Jacob Sockness#Chris asks for Jacob to be kicked}}
Chris requested that [[Jacob Sockness]], an [[untrusted guest]] in [[The Place]], be removed.
==Two Chrises dream==
15 December 2019
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|Good Morning.  I just had a really odd dream that I woke up from.  I went back in time to somewhen about 2004; the location was the Charlottesville [[Wal-Mart]], and they had the [[McDonalds]] inside. (edited)
I was going to enjoy some free time walking the store, and then my past self from that year entered.  He saw me from behind, became attracted and started pursuing me. I felt creeped out by him the whole time, and it wasn’t until after the chase ended at the other side of the store that I pulled a crazy.  I turned my head upside-down, and seeing my upside-down face freaked him out.
At least I was recognized and pursued as a pretty woman. But it felt sooo awkward that it was my past self.
I have a better understanding how all of the other women who saw me back in those earlier years felt about me.}}
{{quoteboxred|speaker=[redacted]|Thats interesting, not that I put too much faith in dream psychology, but you think it means anything deep down?}}
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|Advanced knowledge tells that I am not fond of who I was decade and a half ago; naive, horny and impulsive, as I was, and yet chronicled well in the recorded dialogue on [[Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History|Geno’s documentary video series]].  Also, considering I have taken in an infinite amount of my other [[Chris Chan Sonichu]] counterpart’s from the other dimensions yesterday, I was crossing paths with one of them.
Freaking Fan-Fictions that continue to have me depicted as Past-Tense like that.}}
File:2019-Dec-15 two cwc dream.png|Two Chrises dream
==Dating Sim and transformations==
15-16 December 2019
[[MKRNightVee]], [[Kyle]], [[AquaDiamond8]], and a Deleted User discuss plans for creating a [[dating sim]] based on Chris's characters. Chris does not comment during the discussion; afterwards he makes a remark about the stress of traversing [[dimensions]] or transforming.
{{quoteboxmagenta|speaker=MKRNightVee|I'll be doing the character art for the dating simulator, I'm looking forward to it. I hope you help out a lot too with it  @Sonichu982
Let's make this the first official sonichu video extra special and zap to the extreme! ^-^}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker=Kyle|With a game, the salebility is much higher, more markets for that.
Just to throw some numbers down, can do 10k on the low end, priced at 10 bucks a pop.
Thats 100k in revenue, 30k in variable cost on platform fees.}}
{{quoteboxorange|Hard to move that much physical merch, honestly, if we do it right, its no contest.}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|@MKR Are you? I thought I was doing the portraits. I’m not great at things like backgrounds and menu design. It’s okay if you’d prefer to do them, though.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=AquaDiamond8|[''posts art'']}}
{{quoteboxmagenta|speaker=MKRNightVee|I thought you were doing the writing and items?}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|Me?! Noooo! I think Bis and Kyle are taking care of the writing. I wrote up an item list because I was going to draw those too, lol. I do love drawing items.
Speaking of which, haven’t finished it yet. Will get on it soon!}}
{{quoteboxmagenta|speaker=MKRNightVee|I didn't mean to take your job if you were doing it tho?}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|I mean, I’d love to do it, if that’s okay! I just haven’t been in the server the past few days while I was recovering, so I thought you guys might’ve decided to switch or something.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=AquaDiamond8|lowkey dont know my job -sits in corner-}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|Buuuuut we do need people do draw like, fully rendered artwork for story scenes? I’m assuming there’ll be battle scenes in the story.
I’d suck at that, do you wanna do it?}}
{{quoteboxmagenta|speaker=MKRNightVee|I just thought the style should be kept constant and since I have experience in drawing the characters it would be best for me to step up? Yeah I'll do it.}}
OH, what if the character the person belongs to is repsonible for the art of that character?}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|You’re right, they should definitely be consistent. Actually, I’m generally pretty stylised in my artwork and I wanna try and tone that down for this project to get as close to Christine’s art as possible. Tell you what; I’m getting a new graphics tablet for Christmas, that’s why I’m not working on art already. Wanna collaborate on a unified design then? Then we can both work from that.
And Aqua too, actually.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=AquaDiamond8|Nightvee is mkr. val me, like that? so its like a collab}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|But I don’t want to be credited. I don’t intend to have Ariel show up at all. Although this is before she was born anyway, lol.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=AquaDiamond8|just an idea is all}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|Honestly, I wish I had my tablet. It’d help if I could contribute and show you guys an example of a portrait, get feedback. Feels like Christmas is taking forever to come.}}
{{quoteboxmagenta|speaker=MKRNightVee|[''posts art'']
Its rough
My work is usually more refined, but like this}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|That’s awesome!}}
{{quoteboxmagenta|speaker=MKRNightVee|Thank you}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=AquaDiamond8|thats really good}}
{{quoteboxmagenta|speaker=MKRNightVee|I plan to make the game art much cleaner}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|Honestly, it’s kind of exciting and bizarre to see this game happen. Credit to Kyle, I think it was his idea initially. It’s gonna be crazy to see it on Steam!
Um, but anyway. Back to R&R for me. Basically, I’d still like to have a go at the portraits, if that’s alright? But I gotta admit, that Magi-Chan portrait is really good, Meghan! Even for something rough. I’ll be able to show you guys what I can do before New Year, and then if you guys still think Meghan’s art would be best for the portraits, that’s o-okay.
... A-okay.
Typo makes me look like a roleplaying neckbeard.}}
{{quoteboxgray|speaker=Deleted User|[''posts reaction image'']}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker=Kyle|Alright alright.}}
[''Eight hours later, 2:42 AM on 16 December'']
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|Hey.  Just noting a personal observation for y’all’s reference.  The first time, or first few times, when your body literally undergoes a super powerful transformation, or a transition from one dimension into another (the Hard Way), you are very likely to feel some motion sickness as a side-effect on the changes going on.  Frequency changes between dimensions definitely bring on some motion.  That is all for now. I go beddy-bye for now.  Goodnight.
Think this is how Beast Boy felt when he first started transforming into animals.  It takes getting used to.}}
File:The Place-1st Layer - 15Dec19 - Dating Sim, Dimensional Frequencies1.png
File:The Place-1st Layer - 15Dec19 - Dating Sim, Dimensional Frequencies2.png
File:The Place-1st Layer - 15Dec19 - Dating Sim, Dimensional Frequencies3.png
File:The Place-1st Layer - 15Dec19 - Dating Sim, Dimensional Frequencies4.png
File:The Place-1st Layer - 15Dec19 - Dating Sim, Dimensional Frequencies5.png
File:The Place-1st Layer - 15Dec19 - Dating Sim, Dimensional Frequencies6.png
File:The Place-1st Layer - 15Dec19 - Dating Sim, Dimensional Frequencies7.png
==Chris tries to clarify==
16 December 2019 (leaked as part of the [[2020 Discord leaks]])
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Naught (giving context)|Chris tries to clarify}}
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|I was talking of Dimension Frequencies; the unique frequency of a dimension and/or timeline that differentiate it from the infinite other dimensions.  There are also Frequencies Between Dimensions (it can be a Void), like the one between 1218 and C-197 (the Iron Curtain) that we are still working around and through towards the completion of the Dimension Merge.
I am not feeling at my best right now.  I’ll check back later.}}
==More Seething Towards SNT==
19 December 2019
{{main|The Place chats - ProjectSNT#More Seething Towards SNT}}
==Chris explains why Jacob is gone==
22 December 2019 (leaked as part of the [[2020 Discord leaks]])
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Naught (giving context)|Chris talks as magi-chan:}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=Chris/Magi-Chan|Magi-Chan - Yes, I agree as well.  Jacob Was valuable for his individual knowledge, wisdoms and sorcery skills (albeit fickle, but still with promise).  After I, Tri, Val and Christine have personally gone in and took in the intelligence and tech of the Rokat, we have been formulating our plans on the continued flow of events and our premonitions of all future possibilities.  Jacob’s usefulness had come to an end around when Michiro had showed me around the local VR Simulator rooms for the Rokat Grunts and Soldiers to project themselves and carry out orders and tasks in other dimensions and areas to transport relics and rare goods for Jakoba’s mal-intentions.  I took a temp job to spare an individual from being a slave to their system, and also to gather the better intelligence.  Jakoba realizes that to us, Jacob has met his limit at the present time, so he is trying to discourage us through him.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|Anyway, with what we have gathered from there, is and will be most helpful to us in going between dimensions; you all and us, so we can group and work together for the greater good and safe future.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|With all of us working together, both worlds and dimensions will be safe and well together.
Our plan, as Jacob had put it, has been in not decreasing the magic of C-197, but Increasing the Magic in 1218, so the merge can be completed.
We had foreseen this outcome, waiting for the confirmation from Jacob’s wording, and this was our big plan, indeed.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Naught (giving context)|The leaker asked why magi-chan still messages Jacob, and he compares him to the idea guys,}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=Chris/Magi-Chan|Yes, Jakoba and Jacob’s relationship was similar to that between IdeaGuy and Johnson Wiles.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker=Naught (giving context)|Chris talking as magi-chan:}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker=Chris/Magi-Chan|Except, in the past time, IdeaGuy had the motives and ideals, while Johnson was the pawn with firepower and soldier ranks.
To get Christine to write his lore, which she did not, fully.
Jakoba is aware of Christine’s stronger ability to write, act and think events and actions into fact, which was the reasoning.
And in that, I intentionally told her to Not read his texts in this dimension, with the exception of the one part about the [[Good Mirror of ElAeRa]].
But she did not consciously know of his wordings and literature.
Jakoba, through Jacob, wanted her to make a card of Jacob’s dimensional mirror, but she did not.  Instead, she chronicled our Mirror of ElAeRa.
And she did the same of her Celestial Key, Light-Powered Celestial Mojo, and the temple powers of this house and even the gazebo in the backyard}}
==Marvin blocks Sockness, fated Pokemon card==
23 December 2019
{{main|The Place chats - Jacob Sockness#Marvin blocks Sockness, fated Pokemon card}}
29 December 2019
Chris comments on the ''Sonichu''-themed [[dating sim]] game that some server members have been planning to make and sell with his participation. He has instead prioritized other things, such as binge-watching the animated series ''Guardians of the Galaxy''.
[''12:39 AM'']
{{quotebox|speaker=Chris|Hey.  I Know, y’all needed my input for the dating sim project; I ended up having many a fated event and feeling happen within and all around me.  Also, binged “Guardians of the Galaxy” animated series on Disney+. I will try to be on tomorrow; now is the time for my nightly physical rest and further soul activity.
File:The Place-1st Layer - 29Dec2019 - Dating Sim.png
[[Category:2020 Discord leaks|2019-12]]

Latest revision as of 19:16, 20 May 2024

This page contains chats from the Watchmen Discord server The Place during December 2019.

Some chats listed were released as part of the 2020 Discord leaks.

Server members present in the chats below are: Chris (@Sonichu982), Kyle (@Nova), and Protoman00 (@Protoman00).

Cold, ProjectSNT, and Dating Sim

10-11 December 2019

Main article: The Place chats - ProjectSNT and Opuscon789#Cold, ProjectSNT, and Dating Sim


11 December 2019

Hey. I was projected in CS-89 the whole night; I leveled up quick enough to make it to Cwcville from Rulecwc. I had to regain my abilities in that dimension.


Apparently, CS-89 is also Plutia’s and Peashy’s main home dimension.

I have found that some choice items, individuals and so forth from there are being fatefully brought over into C-197, as there is a merge of those two dimensions as well. But, moreover bringing in the choice and fated individuals as needed to save them from something that is going to happen there in CS-89.

The goddesses and I, and everyone else are continuing to determine the details.

Good morning Christine! Who did you bring over?
I ended up brining with me my self-counterpart from CS-89, a bunch of treasures I had acquired from the Dimension, and Plutia and the others with us at the moment.

My head is feeling faltering right now

I feel like I might crash again in a moment.

Check you later.

See ya! Hope you feel better!
Just for clarity's sake, could we have a summary chart of each one?

To anyone not as intimately onvolved, might help follow things

[45 minutes later]

The Cwcki has documented most of them although it's a bit sparse on details
Eye Twitching
As much as I don't like the Cwcki, it is a pretty good place for newcomers to learn about the dimensional merge.

I'm assuming you'll probably make some more videos explaining it in more detail in the future. I'm sure people would appreciate that since most people prefer to watch something rather than read.


Art request for Sockness lore

12 December 2019

Main article: The Place chats - Jacob Sockness#Art request for Sockness lore

TSSSF cards at bronycon

12 December 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Naught (giving context)
(December filled with murmurs of Courtney Snt and tssf cards either rejected or accepted)

December 12th asked about bronycon

The original set had at least five or ten expansions from themselves, and they allowed fans to add onto it.

So, I dare say, Countless. It is big at conventions, yes Y’all should look up TSSSF and the Children of Kefentse community of players. I don’t have the numbers Thinking I would be able to make a flow chart off-hand.

TSSSF card partnerships

12 December 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Originally, the planned Expansions were Sonichu & Rosechu, Nightstar & Friends, Chris Chan Sonichu, IdeaGuyCorruptions, Sonichu/Rosechu OCs, Nightvee (Warriors for Andromeda added into that one), Samurai Pizza Bots and Super/Mega Forms. Arizona Slime was a, let’s say, Bonus Expansion Pack. And I like doing more for the while longer, so I opted to help with Sonichu Villains, Hangin’ With Magi-Chan, and (pending Courtney’s response to proceed) SNT & Friends. The Promo cards were planned as well.

Apologising to SNT for redesign rage

14 December 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Main article: The Place chats - ProjectSNT

Asking others to contact SNT

14 December 2019

Main article: The Place chats - ProjectSNT

Chris asks for Jacob to be kicked

15 December 2019

Main article: The Place chats - Jacob Sockness#Chris asks for Jacob to be kicked

Chris requested that Jacob Sockness, an untrusted guest in The Place, be removed.

Two Chrises dream

15 December 2019

Good Morning. I just had a really odd dream that I woke up from. I went back in time to somewhen about 2004; the location was the Charlottesville Wal-Mart, and they had the McDonalds inside. (edited)

I was going to enjoy some free time walking the store, and then my past self from that year entered. He saw me from behind, became attracted and started pursuing me. I felt creeped out by him the whole time, and it wasn’t until after the chase ended at the other side of the store that I pulled a crazy. I turned my head upside-down, and seeing my upside-down face freaked him out.

At least I was recognized and pursued as a pretty woman. But it felt sooo awkward that it was my past self.

I have a better understanding how all of the other women who saw me back in those earlier years felt about me.

Thats interesting, not that I put too much faith in dream psychology, but you think it means anything deep down?
Advanced knowledge tells that I am not fond of who I was decade and a half ago; naive, horny and impulsive, as I was, and yet chronicled well in the recorded dialogue on Geno’s documentary video series. Also, considering I have taken in an infinite amount of my other Chris Chan Sonichu counterpart’s from the other dimensions yesterday, I was crossing paths with one of them.

Freaking Fan-Fictions that continue to have me depicted as Past-Tense like that.


Dating Sim and transformations

15-16 December 2019

MKRNightVee, Kyle, AquaDiamond8, and a Deleted User discuss plans for creating a dating sim based on Chris's characters. Chris does not comment during the discussion; afterwards he makes a remark about the stress of traversing dimensions or transforming.

I'll be doing the character art for the dating simulator, I'm looking forward to it. I hope you help out a lot too with it @Sonichu982

Let's make this the first official sonichu video extra special and zap to the extreme! ^-^

With a game, the salebility is much higher, more markets for that.

Just to throw some numbers down, can do 10k on the low end, priced at 10 bucks a pop.

Thats 100k in revenue, 30k in variable cost on platform fees.

Hard to move that much physical merch, honestly, if we do it right, its no contest.
Deleted User
@MKR Are you? I thought I was doing the portraits. I’m not great at things like backgrounds and menu design. It’s okay if you’d prefer to do them, though.
[posts art]
I thought you were doing the writing and items?
Deleted User
Me?! Noooo! I think Bis and Kyle are taking care of the writing. I wrote up an item list because I was going to draw those too, lol. I do love drawing items.

Speaking of which, haven’t finished it yet. Will get on it soon!

I didn't mean to take your job if you were doing it tho?
Deleted User
I mean, I’d love to do it, if that’s okay! I just haven’t been in the server the past few days while I was recovering, so I thought you guys might’ve decided to switch or something.
lowkey dont know my job -sits in corner-
Deleted User
Buuuuut we do need people do draw like, fully rendered artwork for story scenes? I’m assuming there’ll be battle scenes in the story.

I’d suck at that, do you wanna do it?

I just thought the style should be kept constant and since I have experience in drawing the characters it would be best for me to step up? Yeah I'll do it.

OH, what if the character the person belongs to is repsonible for the art of that character?

Deleted User
You’re right, they should definitely be consistent. Actually, I’m generally pretty stylised in my artwork and I wanna try and tone that down for this project to get as close to Christine’s art as possible. Tell you what; I’m getting a new graphics tablet for Christmas, that’s why I’m not working on art already. Wanna collaborate on a unified design then? Then we can both work from that.

And Aqua too, actually.

Nightvee is mkr. val me, like that? so its like a collab
Deleted User
But I don’t want to be credited. I don’t intend to have Ariel show up at all. Although this is before she was born anyway, lol.
just an idea is all
Deleted User
Honestly, I wish I had my tablet. It’d help if I could contribute and show you guys an example of a portrait, get feedback. Feels like Christmas is taking forever to come.
[posts art]

Its rough

My work is usually more refined, but like this

Deleted User
That’s awesome!
Thank you
thats really good
I plan to make the game art much cleaner
Deleted User
Honestly, it’s kind of exciting and bizarre to see this game happen. Credit to Kyle, I think it was his idea initially. It’s gonna be crazy to see it on Steam!

Um, but anyway. Back to R&R for me. Basically, I’d still like to have a go at the portraits, if that’s alright? But I gotta admit, that Magi-Chan portrait is really good, Meghan! Even for something rough. I’ll be able to show you guys what I can do before New Year, and then if you guys still think Meghan’s art would be best for the portraits, that’s o-okay.

... A-okay.

Typo makes me look like a roleplaying neckbeard.

Deleted User
[posts reaction image]
Alright alright.

[Eight hours later, 2:42 AM on 16 December]

Hey. Just noting a personal observation for y’all’s reference. The first time, or first few times, when your body literally undergoes a super powerful transformation, or a transition from one dimension into another (the Hard Way), you are very likely to feel some motion sickness as a side-effect on the changes going on. Frequency changes between dimensions definitely bring on some motion. That is all for now. I go beddy-bye for now. Goodnight.

Think this is how Beast Boy felt when he first started transforming into animals. It takes getting used to.


Chris tries to clarify

16 December 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Naught (giving context)
Chris tries to clarify
I was talking of Dimension Frequencies; the unique frequency of a dimension and/or timeline that differentiate it from the infinite other dimensions. There are also Frequencies Between Dimensions (it can be a Void), like the one between 1218 and C-197 (the Iron Curtain) that we are still working around and through towards the completion of the Dimension Merge.

I am not feeling at my best right now. I’ll check back later.

More Seething Towards SNT

19 December 2019

Main article: The Place chats - ProjectSNT#More Seething Towards SNT

Chris explains why Jacob is gone

BodySwapExplanation.jpg Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Magi-Chan. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "wife".

22 December 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)

Naught (giving context)
Chris talks as magi-chan:
Magi-Chan - Yes, I agree as well. Jacob Was valuable for his individual knowledge, wisdoms and sorcery skills (albeit fickle, but still with promise). After I, Tri, Val and Christine have personally gone in and took in the intelligence and tech of the Rokat, we have been formulating our plans on the continued flow of events and our premonitions of all future possibilities. Jacob’s usefulness had come to an end around when Michiro had showed me around the local VR Simulator rooms for the Rokat Grunts and Soldiers to project themselves and carry out orders and tasks in other dimensions and areas to transport relics and rare goods for Jakoba’s mal-intentions. I took a temp job to spare an individual from being a slave to their system, and also to gather the better intelligence. Jakoba realizes that to us, Jacob has met his limit at the present time, so he is trying to discourage us through him.
Anyway, with what we have gathered from there, is and will be most helpful to us in going between dimensions; you all and us, so we can group and work together for the greater good and safe future.
With all of us working together, both worlds and dimensions will be safe and well together.

Our plan, as Jacob had put it, has been in not decreasing the magic of C-197, but Increasing the Magic in 1218, so the merge can be completed. We had foreseen this outcome, waiting for the confirmation from Jacob’s wording, and this was our big plan, indeed.

Naught (giving context)
The leaker asked why magi-chan still messages Jacob, and he compares him to the idea guys,
Yes, Jakoba and Jacob’s relationship was similar to that between IdeaGuy and Johnson Wiles.
Naught (giving context)
Chris talking as magi-chan:
Except, in the past time, IdeaGuy had the motives and ideals, while Johnson was the pawn with firepower and soldier ranks.

To get Christine to write his lore, which she did not, fully. Jakoba is aware of Christine’s stronger ability to write, act and think events and actions into fact, which was the reasoning. And in that, I intentionally told her to Not read his texts in this dimension, with the exception of the one part about the Good Mirror of ElAeRa. But she did not consciously know of his wordings and literature. Jakoba, through Jacob, wanted her to make a card of Jacob’s dimensional mirror, but she did not. Instead, she chronicled our Mirror of ElAeRa. And she did the same of her Celestial Key, Light-Powered Celestial Mojo, and the temple powers of this house and even the gazebo in the backyard

Marvin blocks Sockness, fated Pokemon card

23 December 2019

Main article: The Place chats - Jacob Sockness#Marvin blocks Sockness, fated Pokemon card


29 December 2019

Chris comments on the Sonichu-themed dating sim game that some server members have been planning to make and sell with his participation. He has instead prioritized other things, such as binge-watching the animated series Guardians of the Galaxy.

[12:39 AM]

Hey. I Know, y’all needed my input for the dating sim project; I ended up having many a fated event and feeling happen within and all around me. Also, binged “Guardians of the Galaxy” animated series on Disney+. I will try to be on tomorrow; now is the time for my nightly physical rest and further soul activity.

