- A God Am I: Chris really thinks he can curse people in real life. He really thinks he has supernatural powers.
- Acceptable Targets - There is a list of reasons on CWCki to advise against White Knighting for Chris - for starters, he's homophobic, sexist, refuses to get counseling for autism, and, as a major selling point for trolls, he always gets over getting trolled, or is oblivious to his mocking.
- Hell, Chris counts as an Acceptable Target here at TV tropes, too. Any other article this overwhelmingly negative and insulting in tone probably would've gotten purged a long time ago.
- In an inversion, the only hard and fast rules about trolling Chris are that Megan is left out of it, and that "The Wallflower"'s true identity should not be revealed. It's known that Megan is still spooked by what went on and "The Wallflower" requested that her name and personal details be removed.
- The Ace: No, not Chris at all but you! Compare Chris to your life and you may suddenly feel ten times more competent and awe-inspiring. Having a job or getting a date alone is enough to dwarf Chris' successes. Way to go!
- Adaptation Distillation: Vivian Gee's audiobooks are infinitely better than the actual comics. Chris's own audiobooks? ...Not so much.
- Angrish: Vivian's commentary occasionally lapses into this as a result of the subject matter. "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTlfkdsrtbdfgnvetndgnd"
- "God damn just...look...at...eversfkljdfvd"
- Catch Phrase: From Vivian's commentary, "Look at that ____, god damn!" "oh god that face!" "HONOR ROLL MY ASS."
- For Chris: "*SIGH* Hm, well that's your opinion that I have any catch phasses." (He says those about ten times each phone conversation).
- Crowning Music Of Awesome: To make up for the lack of fun in the comics, Vivian amuses herself through her selections for the background music. Transformation sequences (even for males) are accompanied by the Sailor Moon theme, infiltrations are set to pieces from Metal Gear Solid, Darkbind Sonichu's leitmotif is apparently "Frog's Theme", "Sex Bomb" plays whenever hanky-panky is implied, and "Go Go PowerRangers" plays whenever the Chaotic Combo is fully assembled. There's also fun soundtrack dissonance, such as the Spring Break episode opening with The Day of Lavos.
- Not to mention a large amount consists of Kirby music.
- The Danza: The real Jason Kendrick Howell voicing Sonichu!Jason Kendrick Howell in his audiobook episode.
- Lemony Narrator: Dethchemist, the dulcet-toned narrator. Usually he just does a good job reading the dialogue, but when he does describe the action, he can be slyly snarky.
- "...Wild replies, staring directly at her chest."
- A character produces a handful of change from nowhere: "reaching deep into his anus..."
- "...his Thun attack."
- "...an utterly emasculated Bionic..."
- "'I am full of surprises,' she says, possibly referring to the male genitalia nestled within her body."
- "'I feel as silly as the time that I temporarily gained weight, became stupid, and went to watch television at Ghost Command.' ...as he gets up to use the bathroom, we see that Chris is indeed fat and stupid."
- "'Ohh...,' he thinks as he sees her bent over the dryer with a clear view of her underwear. Overcome with lust, he begins to masturbate furiously."
- "His erect manhood is enormous, twisted and bent, like a crooked tree emerging from a forest of pubic hair."
- (After hearing about Chris raping his wife) "Listening intently, Wild and Magi-Chan struggle to conceal their disgust."
- MSTing: Vivian's audiobook presentations of the comics are littered with snarky commentary, which does a lot to make them bearable.
- One Of Us: Vivian noted that "also i laughed at me/dethchemist on tvtropes thanks guys!!111" in episode 21 of the annotated series.
- "also, god damn you fucking tvtropes people are fast"
- Tsundere / French Jerk: Vivian has shades of this; she seems to appreciate having an audience, yet she realizes that this forces her to suffer through the comics. "Thanks for watching you fucking whores!"
- What The Hell Hero: If we take the narrator as someone in the story, then Dethchemist's repeated disgusted comments about Chris and the others' disproportionate brutality toward innocent and jerkish people. The narrator is especially disgusted with Wild over encouraging his daughter to brutally torture Evan.
- Adult Child: Chris-chan himself, obviously, considering his tendency to scream at trolls over the internet, his apparent belief that one troll would have his soul haunted by the spirit of his dead dog, and his constant empty threats.
- He also admits to still play with his toys at least for an hour, every day.
- Ad Of Win: Trolls buy advertising space on the CWCipedia, where they put up banners for gay dating, gay rights, Asperger's, Asperchu, and pickles * This is not a joke; Chris hates pickles because they remind him of wangs, all to aggravate the generally intolerant, particularly homophobic Chris. The Gay ads on this website are also LOL-worthy. There have also been ads for background checks and a website to report suspicious activities to.
- Don't forget the "Adopt Christian Chandler" ads that linked to mental institutions and mad houses.
- Or the advertisement for Asperchu's latest issue, which shows Sonichu shooting
Chris Ian's knee with a sniper rifle.
- Or the other reecent ones which involve Chris hung up and with limbs cut off while Sonichu stands in front talking, referencing the way Chris decided to kill off certain characters to stroke his ego.
- Aesop Amnesia: On 21 March 2010, after his activities on the Internet resulted in his most recent "sweetheart" cutting off contact with him and trolls vandalizing CWCipedia, Christian posted a video in which he announced that he's leaving the Internet, claimed that he learned a lot from his encounters with trolls, stated that he doesn't need the Internet and that he's going to "enjoy real life, go out and socialize!" Less than two days later, he returned to the Internet to whine about The Cleveland Show, and since then he posted several new YouTube videos... including two or three in which he announced that this time he's leaving the Internet for real, only to make a new video a few days later.
- Chris attempted to vandalize his Encyclopedia Dramatica page by removing facts and opinions about himself he didn't like, adding the praise of himself and uploading pornographic drawings. This only made trolls troll him more. What did Chris learn from this experience? Literally nothing - he later attempted to vandalize CWCki by removing facts and opinions about himself he didn't like, adding the praise of himself and making his drawing of himself having sex with three women the Picture of the Now.
- And let's just say that despite the fact that revealing his or other people's personal information repeatedly brought troubles upon Chris - something even Chris himself acknowledged in the video from 21 March ("I have put too much of my personal life online to be ridiculed so much") - he didn't learn to stop doing that.
- The list from the linked article proves that most of Christian's "sweethearts" and "gal-pals" were just girls who went to the same schools he did and who most likely hanged out with him out of pity or because teachers asked them to; anyway, apparently it wasn't too important to them to keep in touch with Chris after graduation, as he lost contact with them long time ago. "Sweethearts" he met after his graduation either were trolls (Blanca Weiss,
BlueSpike Julie), eventually dumped Chris and married other men (PandaHalo, Kacey) or weren't trolls but wanted to be just friends with Chris and eventually cut off contact with him upon realizing that he's a creepy, deranged jerkass (Megan, "The Wallflower"). Did a history of such "relationships" made Chris rethink his opinion that he's a handsome and charming women magnet? Needless to say, it didn't.
- Air Guitar: Chris doesn't know how to play guitar. He is apparently decent at Guitar Hero, though, so he'll sometimes pretend to strum along to songs on his guitar. The problem? So far, aside from a song he played on Guitar Hero, none of the songs have had a guitar. There is something unfathomably hilarious about Chris clicking a game controller in pretend-tune to horns and synthesized piano.
- All Animals Are Dogs: Judging by the fact that Chris couldn't wait to play with Ivy's hermit crabs and wanted to walk them, he seems to believe that crabs behave just like dogs.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Solid Chris is often called Ian Brandon Anderson, taken from one of his account names, and is portrayed by others as a stupid loser troll who tries to steal Liquid Chris's fame and take over his franchise, ruining his name in the process. Liquid Chris, though obviously the true impostor, is jokingly refereed to as the real Chris, because his videos and songs are much better than Solid Chris's, and because it pisses off Solid. Notably, Liquid Chris has true fans and a good amount of subscribers and friends on Youtube, and a Girlfriend, Kacey, while Solid's fanbase is just a bunch of trolls.
- Also, there's a persistent school of thought that says he must simply be one of the most elaborate, dedicated internet trolls ever, going so far as to get his father in on the gag. This may persist simply as a sheltering hope that no one could be that... whatever he is.
- Megan has one too as detailed here
[1] links broken anyway according to a guy who used to work at the game place meagan was a manuplative psycho and chris was the victim
- And Your Little Dog Too: Why does so much trolling revolve around hacking Chris's PSN accounts? Easy...he's made it pretty obvious that his PS3 is the only thing in the world he loves. That, and Chris really sucks at password security.
- Animated Adaption: Sonichu: The Animated Series.
- Anti Role Model: For people with Asperger Syndrome or Autism, Chris Chan is pretty much this, their Bizzaro, their Red Skull. The complete negative embodiment of the Autistic Spectrum brought to life. Go onto any AS forum and ask about him and they will either refuse to talk about him or will spew off exactly why they hate him, then the thread will be locked quickly as a result.
- Although he does inspire people to do better in life, simply by looking at what he does and then doing the exact oppositie to ensure you never end up like him.
- Arch Enemy: Clyde Cash, the most persistent of trolls, is probably the closest to being Christian's archnemesis. Chris himself appears to see Clyde that way, as he (rightfully or not) blames Clyde for all kinds of bad things that happened to him in recent years and occasionally threatens to murder him.
- Arson Murder And Jaywalking: "That Is A NIGHTMARE to me, EVEN WORSE than the nightmare I had where I was in a factory and I watched PEOPLE lying on a conveyor belt with their mouths full of cigarettes, going through BURNING OVENS, coming out singed (not ON FIRE), then dunked into a huge tank of Alcohol that DISSOLVED THEM to DUST like ACID would do, and their remains would come out of the factory's smokestacks in puffs of smoke and ashes. And another detail, the Front of the factory is SKULL-SHAPED."
- Artifact Of Doom: The Relics of Fail, a treasury of home-made... mementos.
- Asexuality: Chris-Chan has stated in a mailbag reply that he finds it to be disgusting...even though it's one of the things that, if eliminated, would leave even less "boyfriend-free girls" for him.
- Attention Whore: Combine this with his ego and inability to tell when people are making fun of him, and there's No Such Thing As Bad Publicity for Chris.
- Awesome McCool Name: Inverted with Christian Weston Chandler, who, lives up to his pansy-ass sounding name by being a total, hissy-fit throwing wuss.
- Badass: Kacey's father, hands down. Firstly, he's an ex-marine who served in the Gulf War. Secondly, after the 9/11 attacks, he was there to look for and to rescue survivors from the rubble. Third, he has a kickass voice. And finally, he was more than willing to give Chris a much needed Reason You Suck Speech that lasted for over two hours.
- Bob Chandler himself could qualify, for walking in on Chris doing bad things and giving him a horrible time about it (Bob Walks In), and also threatening to literally cut down his internet connection while interrupting a rage-filled demand. (THAT IS MY HOUSE) Let's not forget Alec, however, who also handed out entire Reason You Suck Speeches to Chris with a cool voice of his own, despite Chris's horrible excuses to get out of the conversations.
- Bad Liar: Chris himself, repeatedly caught out lying and defending his lies after being called out on them.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Chris has managed to obtain the fame and attention many webcomic authors would kill for... at the cost of having absolutely no true fans, being trolled both online and in real life, and having a his every movement and flaw put on show for the world to see.
- Berserk Button: People "stealing" Sonichu is just about the only thing that makes Chris visibly angry. So naturally, that's what most of the best trolling revolves around.
- Chris really doesn't like homosexual men, and calling him gay often results in him yelling that he is STRAIGHT. Gay men using the body spray AXE also set him off, resulting in him writing a formal complaint to the company who manufacture it, and in the comic his future self has managed to create the cure for homosexuality.
- Chris also went completely ballistic several times when Liquid Chris managed to start getting trolls to call him Ian Brandon Anderson.
- Being called fat also makes Chris snap. He's actually not that heavy, but he's in intense denial that he's overweight at all.
- Actually, he has become fatter than ever, as he barely leaves his room anymore.
- Calling him naïve will also invoke his rage. It is also apparent that he has no idea what "naïve" means. He also likes to call other people that.
- Chris also will rage at the mere existence of his ED page, the memory of his high school graduation, and his expulsion from college.
- The Lumberjack may also have this quality.
- It is speculated that bringing up his dead dog or Megan could also provoke him.
- Even the slightest mention of Asperger Syndrome seems to send Chris into a frenzy, partially because he believes that Asperger's sufferers are trying to get people to symphathize with them, thereby hogging the spotlight from
others who suffer from 'real' Autistic Spectrum disorders such as himself. That, and the name sounds a fair bit like "ass burgers".
- The Asperchu, Asperger's and Liquid Chris issues seem to fall under one particular theme--someone stealing Chris' thunder or taking attention from him. Some of the videos he does related to Clyde Cash in particular almost seem playful or funny, but he's all business and blind rage when it comes to the idea that someone might be trying to draw attention from him.
- It seems to be more that he's afraid of losing the "fans" he believes he has or that he's afraid people will actually confuse Sonichu/him and Asperchu/"Liquid," when the difference is actually pretty obvious to most people. Same deal with the "I AM STRAIGHT" business. He's afraid that people will actually think he's gay if trolls or anyone else accuse him of being so.
- BetterThanCanon: The Asperchu, Simonchu, and Moon-Pals comics.
- Beyond The Impossible: Chris is the internet's favorite lol-cow for a reason: Every time you think the lulz have dried up, and Chris can't get any more pathetic and/or delusional, he goes and tops himself.
- Bishonen: In real life, Liquid Chris is boyishly handsome, if a bit geeky-looking (though the costume probably has something to do with that), but he tends to get this treatment in fanart.
- Blah Blah Blah: Chris sometimes answers emails this way. A good example can be found here.
- Break The Haughty: One of the long term goals of the trolls with Chris; to finally break his pride and ego and cause him to realize what an utter failure he is. But Chris's wall of delusion is so impenetrable that it'd probably take the Lasso of Truth to get past them. But with trolls being trolls, they will happily do this for as long as Chris exists.
- BrutalHonesty: Chris simply doesn't seem to possess a sense of shame, and is perfectly willing to upload nudes of himself, sex tapes, or reveal nausea-inducing personal information. "Honest" for Chris seems to be "tell everyone you meet about your sex life (or lack of it) and any disgusting biological conditions."
- Butt Monkey: A definite Real Life example, Chandler is the entire internet's punching bag. Everyone mocks him, very few defend him (and when they do, they usually just want his trust so they can find new grounds on which to mock him), and on a few occasions, people who've tried to help him got so fed up with his self-centered, obstinate personality that they gave it up and became trolls themselves.
- But You Screw One Goat: There's no definite proof that Chris had sexual relations with an animal or even wants to, but some things he's said about dogs can't help but make you wonder...
--> I can imagine myself doing it with a collie at least. You know, like Lassie.
- Camera Abuse: When Chris has an outburst of rage during filming a video, sometimes he just can't stop himself from attacking his own camera.
- Ironically, this actually improves the quality of some later videos, as the damaged camera makes him look and sound like Max Headroom.
- Cartwright Curse:
Three Two of Chris' "sweethearts" (Sarah Jackson, PandaHalo and Ivy) died, and his " gal-pal" Sarah May attempted suicide.
- Cassandra Truth: During the Julie saga Clyde Cash told Chris that Sarah Jackson, PandaHalo and Sarah May aren't dead that they were all trolls. Christian's response? "I know y'all are feeding me lies right now."
- Caught With Your Pants Down: The aptly-named video "Bob Walks In." No wonder he wants to cut down the internet.
- Character Name Alias: Sonichu 1984 has the anonymous main character make up the alias "Winston" when meeting another character, who uses the alias "Orwell."
- This trope was also part of a major trolling scheme against the "original" Sonichu author, who was successfully convinced that his comic was being plagiarized by an Englishman named Jimmy Hill, who is actually a football commentator.
- "Fans" also commonly use this trope when writing fan mail to Chris. To date, he has received fan mail from famous people such as Levi Johnston, Kim Jong-un, Ron Jeremy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Norio Wakmoto, Light Yagami, Nozomu Itoshiki, Davros, Josef Mengele, Gillian Seed, Freddie Mercury, Guybrush Threepwood, Maria Renard, Reimu Hakurei, Takato Matsuki, Kathryn Janeway, Billy MC, Kefka Palazzo, Kenshiro Kasumi, Gendo Ikari, Max Eisenhardt/Magneto, Neil Gaiman and even Leonardo Da Vinci. So far, Chris seems to be none the wiser.
- However, showing some small capacity to learn, Chris was skeptical when Stephen King wrote in for story ideas. He then proceeded to answer a question supposedly written by Chris Brown (the question was about girlfriend-beating, unsurprisingly) immediately afterward. Hilarious In Hindsight when you realize The Wallflower looks like a gender-flipped StephenKing.
- Of course, given that Chris's only exposure to the world seems to be video games and Adult Swim, he probably doesn't know who most of these people are.
- Choose Your Own Adventure: "Choose Your Own Adventure, At Your Own Pace", two CYOAs with Christian as the main character. One scenario, "Christian Weston Chandler in Lost in Wal-Mart" has him... get lost in Wal-Mart, while the other, "Christian Weston Chandler in Gay Date Rape Forever", has him accidentally go to a Gay Bar.
- Clothes Make The Legend: Incredibly, there was a time when Chris actually stopped wearing that childish medallion, changed his wardrobe, let a goatee grow and came close to look like an average redneck. Then he shaved and went back to the medallion and striped shirts because trolls "doubted" he was the real Chris.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Christian himself. Most of his attempts of writing coherently inevitably go awry, leading to some very disjointed prose (and frustrated readers.) Examples include: Chris goes from ranting against Asperchu to describing a bad dream he once had, the Sonichu article on CWCipedia becomes a long and drawn-out description of Pokemon in the CWCville gym, and an e-mail he writes to an anti-troll about sexism becomes a description of the CWCville radio station.
- Well, he actually thinks that cartoons are real and he uses them as role models, imitating their behavior and expecting to get the same results on real life.
- Completely Missing The Point: In his "Message to the Future" he encourages everyone to stay straight because "everything else is vice, as said by Doctor Kinsey." The statement "everything else is vice" was part of a larger statement in which Kinsey was saying that this was what society says and that it was not a particularly effective deterrent. Kinsey, for the record, experimented with mansex.
- In the phone call to Kacey's dad, Chris complained about how hard it was to pull weeds.
---> Kacey's dad: "My grandma pulled weeds. My grandma had arthritis and pulled weeds."
---> Chris: "I'm sorry your grandma had arthritis."
- Cosmic Plaything: Chris started getting abused at age 1 when he had an abusive babysitter and it went downhill from there. He actually got trolled before trolling even existed (he was locked in a crawl space when he was six when a girl convinced him that Casper lived there). He's become the internet's punching bag and enough painful and embarrasing things have happened to him through his life that the only reason he isn't a Woobie is that he's a "perverse, narcissistic, homophobic, sexist, racist, overweight, delusional 'high-functioning autistic' virgin man-child". Also, most is self-inflicted.
- Could Say It But: In the ED-related video, Chris said that if he were not a Christian, he would tell the people behind the page to go to hell.
- Hilarious In Hindsight: In aforementioned video Chris claimed: "I would not even weigh that upon my worst enemy", because he's so kind. In later videos he actually told his "enemies" to rot in hell.
- Create Your Own Villain: Chris has managed to do this a couple of times. CChanSonichuCWC just started out doing impersonations of Chris for fun. It was after Chris first angrily told him to stop doing it that he became Liquid Chris and started using his impersonations as a way of trolling him. Ivy originally just wanted a shout-out in a video, but after Chris begged her to be his sweetheart, she just ran with it.
- Another was Vivian, originally a white knight who was trying to help him. Of course, when he completely ignored her warnings that his sweethearts were all trolls, sent death threats to her, and refused to take any of her help, she gave up and started messing with him.
- Creator Breakdown: Frequently occurs whenever the trolls get the better of Chris, resulting in "stress" (which he conveniently blames for everything that can't be excused away with his autism).
- Cringe Comedy: In its purest form.
- Crowning Moment Of Awesome: We need one of these too:
- The Father Call. What's especially awesome about it is that it certainly wasn't the first The Reason You Suck Speech Chris had ever gotten, but it was the first time Chris ever had to actually listen to one, or risk losing precious china.
- His dad telling Chris to stop his bullshit or he'll take his Internet. Go Bob!
- From the Asperchu Saga, Alec calls Chris out on his entire franchise, how he treats his 'fans', and Chris's grip on reality, but best of all, calmly. And of all the encounters with trolls, under reasonably legitimate pretenses. In particular, Alec telling Chris to "Man The Fuck Up"!
- The first Jack Thaddeus call actually had Chris being the most awesome he will ever be in his entire life. First he shuts Jack up by pointing out that the mails from Miyamoto were from one of those anonymous mail sites where anyone can get any name they want, then he delivers a solid burn to Jack when Jack asks Chris why Jack's parents threw him out at 18 instead of coddling him like Chris' parents.
- "Hmm... probably because they couldn't stand you?"
- Alright, this is one momentary speck of inspiration in a lifetime of fail, and he apologizes right after, but props go where props are due.
- Well, this incident, as well as (a very few) others (like the time he realized that it wasn't real Stephen King who wrote fan mail to him - see Character Name Alias above), definitely prove that Chris isn't incapable of thinking logically. Which means he has no excuse for all these times he acted like a complete idiot.
- An anonymous prostitute hanging up on Chris when he tried to make her feel sorry for him hoping that she would have sex with him for free. Possibly the best response to his whining, ever.
- Michael Snyder kicking Chris out of The GAMe PLACe (again).
- Vivian made it even better in her take on it, making a South Park-style cartoon to go with the audio file.
- If they are telling the truth, the trolls tricking Chris into signing off his "rights" to Sonichu to CWCipedia.
- Crowning Moment Of Funny: So many, but Your Mileage May Vary:
- Ickeriss66 and the destruction of the first medallion.
- The Jew In The Pickle Suit coming to rescue a girl that they'd set up to date Chris.
- Possibly the same trolls getting Chris on the booze.
- The Ivy Saga, up until the Thirty Xanatos Pileup forced trolls to abort. This came complete with Chris leaving a message on his ED page claiming that he knew Ivy was fake due to police investigation. Two months later, he's dedicated a video to the memory of Ivy, who he now thinks killed herself due to his lack of faith.
- Clyde Cash (one of the main trolls behind everything funny that has happened to Chris) got Chris to dress normally, act somewhat normal, and generally not act like himself at all, editing parts of the video to sound like Chris was faking his iconic nasal, high-pitched tone. It ends with Chris mocking famous trolls, saying he's not autistic, and works to support his parents. Many trolls shat bricks, until they realized Chris would have had to go to ridiculous lengths to fake what he's known for. Even the most dedicated of trolls wouldn't have started a seven year deception.
- Case in point- Jack Chick.
- Chris then made it quite clear by then making a video claiming he had trolled everyone. This revelation of sorts would then lead to the Liquid Chris Saga, arguably a series of CMoF, whereby a guy on YouTube posted videos of himself posing as Chris. They were amusing (and disturbingly accurate) on their own, but how Solid Chris reacted to him made it even funnier. He even got his own Crowning Moment Of Awesome when he played "More Than A Feeling" on guitar after the real Chris posted a video of himself playing the song on Guitar Hero.
- The events with the impersonator culminated in Chris-chan challenging him to a singing contest in order to prove his identity as the real Chris. Yes, you did read that correctly. What makes this particularly funny is that, while the impersonator had a relatively decent voice, Chris is pretty much flat-out terrible.
- Liquid Chris won the contest fair and square; one of the real Chris's appointed judges voted for the impostor. The impostor declared himself the winner (and therefore the real Christan Weston Chandler) and excused himself from YouTube to prepare for the future. The videos and phone calls following this are unbelievable.
- Real Chris then backpedalled and claimed the contest was never to prove who was the true CWC, despite the fact that he said it was when he started the whole thing.
- The sheer deadpan way the Audiobooks have Sonichu calm down after an anti-homosexual rant: "Instantly calmed by the promise of intercourse".
- The end of fifth phone call between Chris and Alec Benson Leary. Chris didn't want to talk with Alec so he made up an excuse to finish the conversation by impersonating his own mother (not his father, curiously) "telling" him that he has to clean up cat poop in their kitchen.
- And then there was the time when he really did have to clean up cat poop, but "slipped and made a mess".
- CWCki's page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, quoting a post Chris made to his own discussion page, potholing "Why do you hate me so much?" to "Frequently Asked Questions".
- Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming: Liquid and Kacey singing "A Whole New World."
- Crowning Music Of Awesome: This, and this, and this... There's a surprising amount of awesome music, really.
- Cursed With Awesome: Chris's laziness. Why? It's the only thing stopping him from trying to sell Sonichu merchandise and getting the pants sued off of him by Nintendo and/or Sega.
- Which is a shame, cause God DAMN that would be funny to watch.
- Very arguably, the trolling if you subscribe to the cliché of it being better to have loved and lost than have never loved at all. Thanks to the trolls, Chris believes he's had several 'sweethearts', which would never have happened otherwise. Then again, since none of them fucked him he probably doesn't care.
- DarkerAndEdgier: Some fics put the series in a darker prospective, Sonichu Finale in particular. More recent examples are Sonichu Is Dead and the fic on which it's based.
- DartboardOfHate: Adam Stackhouse, winner of the Parappa contest, was a "victim" of this. Michael Snyder, who Chris tried to run over with his car, was meant to be used for this as well.
- DaydreamBeliever: Chris believes that all works of fiction (including Sonichu, of course) are real. And his "proof" is how various cartoon characters were shown living together in WhoFramedRogerRabbit Toon Town. NotMakingThisUpDisclaimer Seriously.
- DeadBabyComedy: Chris attempted this by comparing Clyde Cash's imminent downfall to the freaking World Trade Center attacks. Needless to say, it failed. InternetBacklash Horribly.
- DeathIsCheap: As far as it applies to real life, Chris honestly believes people who go to heaven can come back whenever. Which explains why he pleads for BillyMays to "come back soon". And thinks it's ok to depict the deaths of Ivy and Panda-Halo the way he did, since they didn't have any objections. That or he thinks they're just acting. Also for someone who loved his dog, he sure as hell won't let her rest in peace.
- DethroningMomentOfSuck: Probably the worst thing to come from Chris' magic markers would be [=ShecameforCWC.JPG=], a pornographic drawing of him and his then-friend Megan, first uploaded by himself to EncyclopediaDramatica under the claim of "replacing negativity with positivity." This was evidently the final straw in a relationship already strained by stalker-ish tendencies and sexual harassment, and Megan has since moved as far away from Chris as possible. Chris doesn't seem to understand what he's done, blames Encyclopedia Dramatica for "twisting" the image against him, and has since reuploaded the picture that cost him what might have been his only friend, claiming that he "needed sexy pictures."
- For added FacePalm points, he still refers to Megan as having "broken up" with him despite her repeatedly telling him they were never together.
- There's also the infamous drawing of him having sex with three women. He has used this piece of creepy WishFulfillment as proof that he's straight.
- "Your trope has been read fully, and your thoughts have been inputed and accepted for better improvement. Thank you for your time and efforts."
- "NauseaFuel I recycle my own semen."
- Some of his edits to [=CWCipedia=] also qualify. Worst offenders include [his article about Asperger's syndrome], [answering Mailbags with "Whatever"] [or insults] and [expressing hope that gays serving in the military will die in explosions].
- RunningGag Your trope has been read fully, and your thoughts have been inputed and accepted for better improvement. Thank you for your time and efforts.
- [Chris insulting both trolls and "Honest, True and Loyal" fans he thinks he has - the latter just because they wanted him to update his comic regularly]. Apparently he thinks that their demands contributed to the loss of his most recent "sweetheart" on pair with trolls' actions.
- Chris making a [=YouTube=] video in which he tells his ex-"sweetheart" that she should be his girlfriend FacePalm because prostitutes are [[Template:Wallbanger too expensive for him]]. InsaneTrollLogic And no, he isn't deliberately trying to insult her - WhatAnIdiot he actually thinks that this "revelation" will make her pity him and that she'll agree to be his girlfriend.
- Even before Chris uploaded [=ShecameforCWC.JPG=] to ED, there was his reaction to the fact someone else won Template:Parappa The Rapper-themed contest he participated in: he [insulted and wished death upon the winner and other people that got more votes], [filmed himself shooting a photo of the winner with a toy pistol], [created a fake webpage showing him as the "true" winner and openly admitted in an e-mail to Sony that he wanted to win the contest because he thought Megan would have sex with him then.]
- The nude photos. Then the tape of him with his blow-up doll.
- He also put Sonichu's comic on his resume. The saddest part? It forms 80% of his entire resume and he is very demanding about which companies would be allowed to use his makeshift franchise and which products he expects to be made out of it.
- Chris using the word "Jew" as an insult to finish the conversation while secretly recording it, then [releasing the audio recording of the event], then [ordering the fans he thinks he has to troll Michael Snyder], and then DiggingYourselfDeeper revealing in a comment to [Vivian's video] that "I gave him the finger as I left for real (...) right before the final insult". And he apparently thinks it was funny.
- Although it was something of an accomplishment for Chris that he actually did realize that the video was intended to make fun of him.
- Creation of [the CWCipedia article about "The Wallflower"], as well as pretty much all Christian's actions described in said article. He stated that trolls discovering her identity was her fault because "WallBanger SHE HAD TO HAVE A Facebook Page with her REAL NAME and LINKS to her FanFictions on it", and of course he isn't even remotely to blame for anything. While he was at it, he also once again proved his racism ("the Trolls HAD to stick their n***** noses into my affair"). He expected her to apologize to him for cutting off contact with him (SarcasmMode surprisingly, she didn't do that). And he finished his article about her with the following statement: "FacePalm Now she'll have to live the rest of her life with the recurring memory of hurting me like she did. Got-Dang Asexual Woman!"
- DidNotDoTheResearch: A Girl who Brought Down the World accurately portrays Chris as the homophobe he is. However, he is equally fearful of lesbians and homosexual men, despite it being common knowledge that IRL Chris respects the gay population-the female half, to be precise.
- At time the fic was written he liked lesbians, but [that might not be the case anymore] (1:01-ish, if you don't want to expose yourself to too much ear rape).
- Also, Chris has no idea how copyright works; he seems to think that a character is automatically copyrighted the minute you create him, and that mashing together two existing properties makes something legally original. Additionally, he appears to believe that simply drawing a (c) next to the name qualifies them as legal copyrights.
- Though he has RefugeInAudacity legally copyrighted Sonichu. [Seriously, look.]
- No, actually not. To be technical, he has merely registered when he came up with the "idea". A registering is only handy for proving that you were there first, should the case end up in a court, and they are therefore pretty cheap to acquire and is generally quickly handed out without much of a preview process. But it does not give you a full copyright, which is a longer, more complicated and expensive process.
- He also doesn't seem to know that AllAnimalsAreDogs you can't take hermit crabs for a walk.
- More recently, he is very tenacious about his belief that autism and AspergerSyndrome are nothing alike, and has received several emails from people trying to convince him otherwise, to the point where he's been forced to open a new mailbag section for these emails. The sad thing is, he's started answering these emails with a generic reply TheyJustDidntCare where he basically says he doesn't care, WallBanger and won't listen anyway.
- The best example from his Asperger's vendetta would have to be his proclomation that he "helped cultivate the first generation of autistic people". SoYeah Yeah.
- DiggingToChina: Not used in the normal sense, but it is bizzare just how low Chris will go in order to score.
- DiggingYourselfDeeper: Much of what is known about Chris was not gained through hidden cameras or in-depth investigating, but TooMuchInformation volunteered by the man himself in what was probably an attempt to get the trolling to stop. In other cases, Chris will casually mention in a chat session something that most reasonable people would keep to themselves. For example: Clyde Cash brought up pictures of Chris wearing his mother's undergarments (which only existed due to blackmail), and Chris responded by revealing his severe incontinence. Strangely, Chris doesn't seem at all embarrassed by this, and only gets upset after direct insults.
- DoesNotLikeMen: Chris hates the entire male population for stealing all the women; excluding himself, his father and GeorgeWBush George W. Bush, or as he likes to put it, 0,000000000004% of the male population (4% times 10 to the power of -12). Given the present population of the Earth, such a percentage would equal significantly less than one complete person.
- This makes his homophobia quite ironic, because, logically, if every man but him, his father, and Dubya were gay, he wouldn't have to worry about women already having boyfriends.
- DoesNotLikeSpam Does Not Like Pickles: Chris vehemently dislikes pickles because they remind him of FreudWasRight a certain male body part. This hatred is incorporated into the comics, serving as a WeaksauceWeakness for Sonichu and a BerserkButton for Rosechu.
- This is also because one of the more famous trolls is simply known as "The man in the pickle suit". Ever since he popped up, pickle hatred has run rampant!
- This actually stems from when he was first discovered by a certain imageboard. They originally were just mocking his art, and a troll decided to pretend to do some "fan art" of Sonichu and mail it to Chris out of "admiration." Most importantly was a picture of Rosechu depicted with a penis, which Chris strongly objected to. However, Chris for some reason has an aversion to that word, and absolutely refuses to use it, or any other common phrases to refer to the penis. He instead refers to his own as his "duck" (no, that is not a typo), and refers to others as "pickles." When he saw the picture of Rosechu with a penis, he freaked the fuck out, and demanded that the troll, who Chris honestly still believed was a fan at this point, that he draw Rosechu again without a "freakin pickle!" The troll responded by sending a picture of Rosechu holding a literal pickle in her hand. Chris was not amused in the slightest, and the rest is history.
- DoesNotUnderstandSarcasm: Chris has a remarkable inability to tell when he's being insulted; any insult that's not outright calling him a name tends to fly right over his head. Some outstanding examples are his edits to EncyclopediaDramatica and [=CWCki=] where the facts that the doesn't edit are obviously sarcastic insults, proudly showing off his letter that was printed in Nintendo Power despite it almost certainly having been posted for people to laugh at, and his Screwattack Europe interview, with Guru Larry dropping lines like "Yes, you are indeed a role model to us heterosexuals" or "Yes, I often get people confused with fictional characters" while Chris just stares blankly.
- This may be due to his autism more than anything else, leaving him incapable of detecting sarcasm and instead taking everything he hears at face value. Hilariously, this extends to the newly opened mailbag section on [=CWCpedia=] where Chris answers reader mail, although he has a separate section for "hatemail" or otherwise disruptive messages that he still refuses to ignore, and even answers some of them as sincerely as he can (including advice for buying sex toys).
- Of course, he now just deletes the mails he doesn't like, [[Template:Hypocrite and then claims that he is better than Alec and others because he doesn't censor mail]].
Troll disclosure: This persona was created, appropriated, or otherwise used by trolls to manipulate Chris. Though this identity is contrived, the CWCki may treat it as if it were a real identity because it was to Chris. (It's also funnier that way.)
fan]] forum (that, in his opinion, praise him) rather than answering actual emails. Obviously, he fails to realize that these posts also actually mock him.
- DoubleStandard: Alec points out Chris' double standard in him hating gay people because of an incident (that he may have been lying about) when he himself does lots of creepy, hateful things which by his logic should put people off straight and/or autistic people. Also, he states that the Bible tells people to shun gay people, even though it also condemns magic, which Chris (believes to) use all the time.
- DracoInLeatherPants: Mary Lee Walsh is portrayed in trollfics as a beautiful, benevolent woman intent on destroying the WretchedHive / PeoplesRepublicOfTyranny that is [=CWCville=]. The real Mrs. Walsh isn't particularly glamorous, but she seems to be a pretty good college dean.
- Her Sonichu Finale portrayal mixes this with a good helping of DarkIsNotEvil. Finale!Mary has a mischievous streak in her as well as a AGodAmI god complex (that is neither particularly illogical given her power nor anywhere near as massive as Chris-chan's in Sonichu proper), and yet she is still a very compassionate woman who spoiler:cannot even bring herself to kill Chris when she has the chance.
- [[spoiler: Doesn't help that it was Christopher asking her to kill him. Christopher is a semi-decent person trapped in the body of a stark-raving mad godmanchild, only able to get out during brief moments of lucidity. She wouldn't be killing Christian with her bare hands, she'd be killing Christopher]].
- Kacey's dad. Disgustingly homophobic, but he sure puts Chris in his place, and...and that voice!
- DreamingOfThingsToCome: According to Chris, "it was fortold [sic] unto me in multiple dreams" that he would one day be the father of Crystal Weston Chandler, lending divine credence to his Love Quest. He has also been told by [=GodJesus=] that several of his internet girlfriends were the future mother of Crystal, which caused him to look like even more of an ass when they revealed themselves as (mostly male) trolls.
- That also could mean that even Jesus is trolling him.
- DrivenToSuicide: The trolls use this card quite a bit. First off, Ryan Cash's strike: fake suicide over Chris threatening to stop making comics was Clyde Cash's motivation for becoming head of AncientConspiracy The Miscreants and trolling Chris. After months of trolling did little to affect his target, Clyde followed in his little brother's footsteps and strike: pretended to have shot himself in the head. [[hottip:*:Really, one of the other trolls, Ching Chong, thought that Clyde had CharacterDerailment derailed his persona somewhat when he started claiming that he really wanted to help Chris and suggested that Clyde killing himself would be the best course of action.]] After that, Chris would later hear that Ivy had killed herself after he broke up with her when he found out she wasn't real. The comics are also the leading cause of suicide in [plush hamsters].
- In January 2010 Chris drove [[
Troll disclosure: This persona was created, appropriated, or otherwise used by trolls to manipulate Chris. Though this identity is contrived, the CWCki may treat it as if it were a real identity because it was to Chris. (It's also funnier that way.)
fan]] [named Mike Jackson] to suicide. Being the kind, caring man that he is, Chris responded to the news about his "death" [with a copy-pasted message].
- DrowningMySorrows: There are hints that this is how Chris spends his lonely evenings, at least when he's not playing video games or masturbating. Alcohol might explain [why he thought stalking Michael Snyder would be a great idea].
- DudeNotFunny: One infamous video has Chris mocking the DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. Thanks to the massive InternetBacklash, it was taken down the next day.
- DysfunctionJunction: A WikiWalk reveals that the Chandler family isn't exactly the best you could hope for. FreudianExcuse Might explain a bit.
- Template:Egopolis: In troll fics, [=CWCville=] is often presented as one of the authoritarian style.
- EnsembleDarkhorse: Bob Chandler (Christian's geriatric father) is amazingly popular with trolls, despite arguably being worse than Chris. Most of his popularity derives from his infamous threat of "cuttin' [the family's internet] down", hence his nickname "The Lumberjack".
- Cole Smithy (Chris's maternal half-brother). Considering that Cole has a happy marriage with a hot wife and a steady job at Rotten Tomatoes, Cole is considered everything Chris would be if he were a functioning member of society.
- EpicFail: [[Template:Understatement Oh dear! Oh so many, many things...]] In fact, it would be wise to consider Christian Weston Chandler's mere existence as the TropeCodifier. Some people have even commented that he IS the personification and embodiment of ThisIsSparta PURE. CRYSTALLIZED. FAIL. He is the GiftedlyBad loser's BeyondTheImpossible loser's RuleofThree loser - just look at DavidGonterman Daveykins's quote at the top of the article if you have any doubt, TakeOurWordForIt and that's all coming from a 30+ year old man who lives with his parents writing and drawing poorly wrote, poorly drawn comics and fan fiction.
- Special mention must be given to any of the videos where Chris tries to show off his physical prowess, by doing Herculean tasks like [struggling to lift soda boxes,] [almost doing fake pushups,] or [stopping six times to catch his breath in a three minute jog.]
- Special mention should go to Chris's recent attempt to vandalize the [=CWCki=], which, as usual for Chris, failed.
- Chris tried to paint Michael Snyder as an unreasonable bigoted jackass for refusing to let Chris back to [=THe GAMe PLACe=] and tried to get his Internet legions to harass him. Instead, Chris himself comes across as the intolerant jackass, throwing out the word "Jew" as an insult, and now Michael Snyder faces heaps of personal fans, most likely offering to buy him drinks and play at his shop.
- EscalatingWar: The Ad Saga on [=CWCipedia=] has become one of these. Trolls put gay ads in the sidebar, Chris changes his monitor resolution so he won't have to look at them. Trolls put BIG ads in the middle of the front page so he can't miss them, and he creates his own version of the front page so he doesn't have to look at them. The trolls invest in banner ads that appear on every page of the site...
Troll disclosure: This persona was created, appropriated, or otherwise used by trolls to manipulate Chris. Though this identity is contrived, the CWCki may treat it as if it were a real identity because it was to Chris. (It's also funnier that way.)
fan]] character involved [=CWCipedia=] going down, then coming back with an Asperchu comic named Sonichu Revolution about copyright infrigement in place of the ads, and then Chris having comic book versions of Asperpedia guys tortured and killed in his comic. In response Asperpedia team gave ad space on [=CWCipedia=] back to Jack Thaddeus, and soon after that gay ads were back.
- EvenEvilHasStandards: Bluespike managed to force some trolls-the same trolls that had tricked Chris into taking pictures of spoiler:himself in his mother's underwear-to feel sorry for the manchild about forty minutes into his hour long confrontation.
- Vivian's commentary for the end of issue #6 just kinda trails off, since there's nothing particularly funny about someone missing a beloved pet.
- Not to mention the backlash that came from the "DudeNotFunny Twin Falling Towers" video.
- And of course, see the DavidGonterman quote above.
- No, seriously. DavidGonterman wrote what some people still call the worst Fanfic online. He knows what's it like to be trolled, and he's been proven to be a stand-up guy regardless, especially in recent years. And Chris-chan is even making him shake his head? That's a Real Life MoralEventHorizon sign there.
- It's essentially an unwritten rule amongst the trolls that Megan Schroeder should never be contacted about anything regarding CWC, as it is known she is still quite disturbed by what happened.
- 'The Wallflower', Chris's latest gal-pal, originally had a quite in-depth page on the [=CWCki=]. When she personally contacted the sysop asking that irrelevant information be removed and the page be rewritten under a pseudonym, the requested changes were quickly made.
- In early 2010 a (possibly newbie) SomethingAwful Goon tried to make a thread on Chris around and included his own encounter with him, he was greeted with post after post of SarcasmMode "Yeah, torturing the mentally disabled is really fun!"
- EvenTheGuysWantHim[=/=]StupidSexyFlanders: This is what Chris actually believes. [THIS IS WHAT CHRIS ACTUALLY BELIEVES.]
- Played straight (no pun intended) with Liquid Chris and Kacey's Dad, Matthew.
- EvenNerdsHaveStandards: FurryFandom Furries, SomethingAwful Goons, ImageBoards *Channers, pretty much every subculture and community on the internet that is aware of Chris-chan uses him as a reference to the lowest of the low. He's quite possibly the rock bottom of the Internet totem pole.
- Don't be silly... he's waaay DiggingToChina below the bottom.
- Even people with Autism and AspergerSyndrome will have nothing to do with him, also being fully aware of what Chris Chan has done in life.
- EvilCounterpart: Liquid Chris is the good counterpart.
- EvilVersusEvil: On the one hand you've got an absolutely vile person who's a bigot (called Tito a NIGGER several times, and threw "Jew" at Michael Snyder like it was an insult), a homophobe (stating that they deserve to die by stepping on land mines), and a strike:borderline complete sociopath among other evils, but let's face it, his opponents aren't really much better than a gaggle of schoolyard bullies. DarknessInducedAudienceApathy It's really hard to root for anyone at this point. Nevertheless, RootingForTheEmpire trolls still have way more supporters than Chris ever will.
- FacePalm: LITERALLY. EVERYTHING. WILL. MAKE. YOU. FACEPALM. To the point that the PVCC forums have SIX facepalm emoticons.
- FailedASpotCheck: Chris complained that Alec chopped off his head in Sonichu Revolution (which is one reason why he so brutally killed Alec in his own comic), and Alec pointed out that Comic!Chris was completely fine, and that he was only acting. Chris said that it could have been more obvious. The comic literally has Comic!Chris in one piece the very next panel saying don't worry, he's fine, he was just acting.
- FamousAncestor: [Christian claimed] that he's descended from Anne strike:Boleyn Bolyn... whose only daughter was Queen Elizabeth I, TheVirginQueen. He later backpedaled on that and claimed that [somehow Anne was his ancestor "in an aunt sort of sense"] and that he's really descended from Mary strike:Boleyn Boylen. Anyway, [he says that's why there should be an article about him on Wikipedia].
- Template:Fanon: Where all of the characterization comes from.
- FatBastard: Chris, of course. Though many might say that obesity is the least of his problems...
- FeigningIntelligence: [In Mailbag 54] Chris tried to show how smart he is, claiming that he knows the words Template:Antidisestablishmentarianism and MaryPoppins supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Incidentally, ShlubbAndKlumpEnglish he misspelled both these words.
- FetishFuel: Mary Lee Walsh, as portrayed in troll comics. Also, Crystal Weston Chandler, the imaginary twin sister of Chris.
- FetishRetardant: How about a sex vid, several pictures of his dick, official Template:Rule 34 or a video where Chris demonstrates how he would pleasure a woman orally? For your own sanity, TakeOurWordForIt.
- FlexingThoseNonBiceps: Chris in the "I AM STRONG" video.
- FoeYay: Christian's hatred of Mary Lee Walsh didn't stop him from drawing a pornographic picture of her.
- ForcefulKiss: [Chris tried to do this at the end of his "date" with Emily]. Fortunately, he failed.
- FreudianExcuse: Chris tried to justify his homophobia claiming that it was caused by [the (allegedly) homosexual principal of his elementary school who made him sit on his lap]. Of course, he contradicted himself later, admitting that [he started to hate homosexual people after one woman refused to go out with him, claiming she's lesbian].
- FridgeHorror: When you see all the acts that Chris's AuthorAvatar does, and compare him to the real person, you'll realize that, in a way, this comic is his incredbily twisted wish fulfillment, this is exactly how he wants the people he hates to die.
- FrivolousLawsuit: He threatened to sue Liquid Chris and [=ViviG=] for "selling" Sonichu merchandise. Because, you know, he clearly owns the rights to his derivative character.
- Subverted with one 'fan', who just got fed up with all this and contacted Template:Sega directly. No results yet.
- TheFundamentalist: Chris is quick to condemn homosexuals to the fires of hell, but like many fundamentalists is blind to his own transgressions in the eyes of God - he draws pornography, masturbates to pre-existing lesbian porn, threatens to murder people, has made getting laid the focus of his existence, and wears an idol around his neck almost all the time. The [=CWCki=] offers a [fascinating study] of his religious beliefs.
- Template:Gaslighting: Liquid Chris. It counts because the target, albeit already mentally defective, became BeyondTheImpossible more mentally defective.
- And naturally, most fanworks continue this tradition by having Liquid Chris as Christian Weston Chandler and Regular/Solid Chris as Ian Brandon Anderson.
- GiftedlyBad: Chris seriously believes that SmallNameBigEgo his writing and artwork are masterful and thinks his artistic "talent" is comparable to that of strike:Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci Michalanglo and [=DeVinci=], all the while lambasting Asperchu
for its (StylisticSuck intentionally) offensive writing and bad artwork (which are still better than his own).
- GirlOnGirlIsHot: Despite his homophobia, Chris is okay with lesbians, mostly because he can masturbate to them.
- Let's remember a few things. He hates gay men because they're gay; he hates straight men (except his dad) because they're straight and take away boyfriend-free girls; he hates asexuals for reasons currently unknown; and he loves lesbians, because they're gay and take otherwise single girls. His hypocrisy is an endless void filled just as infinitely with flawed logic, and he may never understand.
- Also, in a mailbag where it was pointed out that logically the more gay men there were mean't there would be more single women around, Chris replied that it would make no difference to him. He also has pointed out he began hating the gay population when a woman turned him down because apparently she was a lesbian.
- GlassesPull: While not always having to do with trolls, Chris dramatically takes off his glasses in his YouTube videos whenever he wants to make a point. This results in him occasionally putting them back on only to dramatically whip them off again.
- Which is a bit hard to take seriously when you have a strap for them.
- GodwinsLaw: One of ads makes Chris-Chan out to be like Hitler for his propaganda. Though that's a low blow.
- GoshDangItToHeck: [CWC-isms], which include terms such as "Duck", "Comeuppance", and the most famous of all, "China".
- Template:Greed: While Chris [doesn't care much about money], he's quite obviously obsessed with acquiring material possessions, [particularly] [various] [games], [videos] and [sex toys].
- GreedyJew: In Christian's mind, [Michael Snyder].
- GuiltyPleasure: Is anyone actually proud to admit that they follow the life of Christian Weston Chandler? Probably not, but it's still very entertaining.
- HappyPlace: [=CWCville=], to a large extent. It seems strange that Mr. Chandler would put his mortal enemies in there with him, but this at least makes it possible for him to defeat them. To outside observers, on the other hand, [=CWCville=] is strongly reminiscent of SilentHill, a place of mutated monsters that fight and rut for their creator's amusement
- HaveIMentionedIAmHeterosexualToday: All the friggin time! Even Sonichu started doing it in episode 20.
- HeyItsThatGuy Hey, It's That Guy!: Guru Larry from ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, formerly a part of [=ScrewAttack=] as [=ScrewAttack=] Europe, is in the trolling scene and has even [interviewed Chris].
- More recently, another e-famous Briton (Harry Partridge, better known as [=HappyHarry=], the creator of Saturday Morning Watchmen and Hal the Misinterpretive Porn Star) has shown his true colours with [this] wonderful piece of fanart.
- HighOctaneNightmareFuel: It's quite easy to send Sonichu into this territory, and the DarkerAndEdgier darker fanfics easily qualify. One that comes to mind is [A Girl who Brought Down the World], which is based more upon the author himself than the actual series. Told from the view of a young girl (at least at first), this NaNoWriMo project shows what just might happen should anyone as insane as Chris get into power. It's... ParanoiaFuel worrisome.
- The fanfic "[Chris Gets Laid]." Especially the beginning. The whole thing is filled to the brim with HighOctaneNightmareFuel, but how it starts is just... [[Template:Squick oh god]].
- Recommended listening during the reading session is, of course, entries from the SilentHill soundtrack. "[Betrayal]" works well for the climax.
- Vivian's video "[please...why...please...why...why...]", an MindRape intensely disturbing theory about what's going on in Chris' head concerning the Megan Saga.
- One must wonder what the trolls posing as Chris's sweethearts must deal with. While his displays of affection are creepy enough, imagine being the one actually receiving them. His declarations of love seem to get crazier over time too: for example, compare [this video for Julie] to [this one for Ivy], which was made about a month later. And that's not including his videos aimed at Kacey...
- One video has him playing out a revenge fantasy on camera where he proceeds to play out slitting [[
Troll disclosure: This persona was created, appropriated, or otherwise used by trolls to manipulate Chris. Though this identity is contrived, the CWCki may treat it as if it were a real identity because it was to Chris. (It's also funnier that way.)
Clyde Clash's]] throat with an actual knife.
- Then there's his [Creepy Stare.]
- Hell, pretty much everything Chris Chandler does or says ends up being HighOctaneNightmareFuel in some form or another.
- Perhaps the biggest piece of [=HONF=] with Chandler, however, is the fairly-recently-come-to-light way about how he [perceives reality]. He doesn't think of cartoons and the like as a storytelling medium; he is convinced that all of them, including his own work, exists in a WhoFramedRogerRabbit-esque Toonland, coexistant to physical reality. This is why he gets so enraged at people who write Sonichu "fanfic" and whatnot, because he perceives this as altering reality. Why is this nightmare fuel? Well, hell, just think about it from his perspective: CWC lives in a world where not just he but anyone can change the consensus reality with the mere power of thought and words. He essentially lives in an MCEscher painting. Is it any wonder he's so messed up?
- What makes it really scary is if he really does think all these fictional characters exist, that would by extension make him a mass-murderer.
- This [video], which looks like it should be the intro for a documentary about Chris-Chan.
- There's something... disturbing in his [papier-mâché Sonic's eyes].
- HilariousInHindsight: In the [Lost in Wal-Mart Choose Your Own Adventure, At Your Own Pace], one of the endings has spoiler: Chris becoming a Juggalo after fancying a Wal-Mart employee's Hatchet Man medallion. Eventually, Chris released [this video].
- Another HilariousInHindsight moment (or FunnyAneurysmMoment, YourMileageMayVary) is when Chris says that he didn't have a DeathNote in a video made shortly after the death of BillyMays BILLY MAYS. In an email to Vivian, he says "HAVE A GODDAMN HEART ATTACK RIGHT NOW, THE MOMENT YOU READ THIS MESSAGE, YOU GOD DAMN BITCHING WHORE!"
- HollywoodToneDeaf: Chris really cannot sing to save his life.
- HomePornMovie: Chris declared that [he will film himself having sex with a woman for the first (and maybe second) time, and then upload the video on the internet] so he can finally prove to
Troll disclosure: This persona was created, appropriated, or otherwise used by trolls to manipulate Chris. Though this identity is contrived, the CWCki may treat it as if it were a real identity because it was to Chris. (It's also funnier that way.)
s that HE IS STRAIGHT! Proving that is so important to him, that, if necessary, [he will film the event without his partner's knowledge and consent]. And that's not even getting into his previous sex tape of him sharing an intimate moment with a sex doll while shouting Julie's name...
- HurlItIntoTheSun: This is what Chris wants to do to the tobacco supply in earth.
- Template:Hypocrite: Chris at one point whined about how the winner in a contest he participated in should have been disqualified for breaking the contest rules and then admitted to trying to stuff the ballot box in the very same email. He later sent a complaint to the company about contest participants he thought had violated the rules, saying "It's not a matter of jealousy or loss; it's the principal of rule violations. Justice will be done to the seven people involved in the four violating videos..." The astounding thing is not so much his hypocrisy as the sheer off-handedness with which he admits to cheating immediately after whining about how the contest winner broke the rules, as if he has no clue how such behavior JerkAss makes him look.
- Furthermore, he is outraged when people steal his characters. If he steals from Template:Nintendo, Template:Sega, or anyone else, though... that's licensed parody.
- Chris is a massive hypocrite, often telling people one thing in order to get with their good graces (e.g. saying he doesn't have a problem with gay people when fans threaten to abandon the comic) and immediately contradicting it (e.g. saying he doesn't have a problem with gay people at the start of a video, and spending the rest of the video bashing gay people. It's possible that at least part of this is due to the BrutalHonesty mentioned above; it's the clash between Chris's desire to suck up to his fans and his complete inability to control what comes out of his mouth). In fact, let's just say this: When Chris extols the virtues of Truth and Honesty, it's his version of the truth and what he honestly hopes the other guy will believe.
- Similarly, he brings up how Michael Snyder is a Jewish name, brings up how he doesn't have anything against Jews (which, given that he brought up the subject in the first place, is suspect), then ends the video using "Jew" as an insult like he was SouthPark Eric Cartman.
- The Mailbag feature on his website is a goldmine for Chris' golden nuggets of hypocrisy, as trolls feed him constantly with messages asking for advice, which Chris is more than happy to dispense but never actually take into consideration himself. He frequently lambasts the posters for being immature and telling them to grow up (when he himself ManChild still lives with his parents, spends all of his money on toys and video games and acts like an angry five-year-old when he can't get his way), get a job (while he has only managed to hold a job for two months of his entire life) and stop using his characters without his permission (but he will not hesitate to copy "fan"-characters and change themhottip:*:i.e. remove any personality they may have had without bothering to ask first, and will stubbornly claim that the character was his all along when someone calls him out on it, even if that someone is the creator of that character) and slandering him (whereas he is quite content with drawing cartoonish, demonized versions of the people who antagonize him, on the internet as well as real life, and then drawing himself DisproportionateRetribution ruining their lives and/or killing them brutally).
- As an added bonus, the reason why he thinks he has so much power over Sonichu fan-characters is because he has a DidNotDoTheResearch Copyright for Sonichu. So that means his mashup is perfectly acceptable in the face of two giant corporations, while nobody but him is allowed to do anything Sonichu-related if he doesn't approve of it.
- Chris called Asperchu "Vulgar Fanfiction", despite he himself writing a series that takes place in some combination universe of Pokemon and Sonic, with various characters having sex and talking dirty.
- [=http://cogsdev.110mb.com/cwcipedia/index.php/Image:SchuComic10P98.jpg=] This "ad." (Hotlinking redirected to a virus, copy-paste the address) Yes, that's a CaptainErsatz. Talking about how ripping off is wrong. Chris sees nothing wrong with this.
- Be fair; A CaptainErsatz isn't a ripoff, it's an homage. Chris doesn't use ersatzen because he thinks he's being original rather than knowing he's basing things on other things as a tribute.
- Christian expects women to accept the fact that he's autistic and love him anyway... but at the same time [he made it clear that he wouldn't be interested in dating autistic woman]. He even noted: "Although I, myself, am High-Functionally Autistic, but that's beside the point", with no hint of him realizing his hypocrisy.
- He doesn't want a girlfriend, he wants a beautiful and obedient strike:sex slave [[strike:FreudWasRight mother]] [[Template:Squick sex slave and mother combined]].
- In fact, the whole subject of Christian's attitude towards other people with autism/Asperger syndrome/physical deformities etc. is a goldmine of his hypocrisy. Chris uses his autism as a crutch and feels it entitles him to being a recipient of everyone's pity and admiration; at the same time, he gladly admits that he doesn't like to associate with other people with autism, especially people with low-functioning autism, because "[it would be like looking through a window to hell to me]", which is why he doesn't want to volunteer to help them. His views about people with facial deformities that make it impossible for them to speak clearly or people with Asperger syndrome [are] [vomit-][inducing] as well.
- Don't forget how he whines and rages about the trolls "ruining" his life while himself is an horrendous troll who doesn't hesitate to insult, menace, curse and even (attempt to) vandalize other people's sites just because they don't give him blind praise or refuse to obey his selfish demands like good, obedient SLAVES. He also [asks his "TRUE and LOYAL fanbase" to troll people he doesn't like].