Sonichu Game Talk

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"Sonichu Game Talk" (officially "Sonichu Game Talk Part 1" and "Sonichu Game Talk Part 2") is a two-part video made by Chris in August 2008, in which he discusses the upcoming Sonichu video game by JK Productions, which he would later discover to be an elaborate prank.

Despite making no contributions to the game, Chris assures his fans that he is working hard on the storyline, which really just boils down to Rosechu getting kidnapped at the mall, like in Sonichu #0 and Sonichu #1. And so forth. Also, you'd be able to play each stage as any of the other Electric Hedgehog Pokémon

Throughout the video, Chris continues to segue in and out of talking about the comics, explaining how he'll be returning from the Time Void to defeat Count Graduon, only to step down as Mayor of CWCville and take a less prominent role in the story. Chris also hints that Graduon will encounter Metal Sonichu later on, which will have serious ramifications down the road. He also announces Black Sonichu's name change, and his love affair with Bubbles Rosechu.

Chris also mentions the trust he has for his good friends Blanca and Robert Simmons V, which is why he featured them in the pages of Sonichu 7. He then plugs the JK Productions blog, and signs off.

Part 1

Sonichu Game Talk, Part 1
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 28 August 2008
Subject Matter ComicsComics Comics; Video gamesVideo games Video Games
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Shirt Sea GreenSea Green The Shamrock Shake
An Official Sonichu Update
Sonichu Game Talk, Part 2

I will be coming out of the, uh, time void.


An update to my loyal fans on the Internet through the YouTube! You know who I am by now: the big CWC, the original creator of Sonichu and Rosechu, my Electric Hedgehog Pokémon.

Alright. Well, first off, I am going to, uh, give y'all some talk as, uh, w—as, uh... suggested by my, uh, associates, who are in… on the Sonichu game that's—uh, that's, uh, in development. I'm, uh, still thinkin' about the, uh, story very much. It's in m—all—it's—well, I got a big chunk of the stories in my head. It's gonna be, like, multiple stories, like, you know... we’ll go through multiple characters—uh, all the original Sonichu and Rosechu hedgehogs. That's, uh, one idea. Yeah. So, uh...

Yeah. Well, anyway, I'm just gonna—anyway, I'm just gonna mention, uh, a few, uh, random, uh, things that I'm thinkin' about between the comic… and the game and... whatever else that may come out of it.

Mmm. As for, uh, plans—as for future plans of the game once it, uh, gets, uh… once it gets fully developed and released onto the, uh, systems, excluding the, uh, H-HEXBox... [stops speaking, looking suddenly confused]

Yeah. Anyway, um... [starts tapping PS3 controller against hand]

Once we get this—uh, once we get the, uh, game o—game project off the ground (hopefully with the assistance of Nintendo of America and Sega of America [inhales sharply])... we will de—w—there will definitely be the, uh, release of the official Sonichu merchandise, including officially-released and… distributed—manufactured medallions, for, uh, one thing. Copies of my, uh, C—my CWC on TV DVD... that you've seen only a few bits of on the, uh, YouTube... and such, and, uh, the ac—as well as, uh, possible—uh, S—possible Sonichu action figures.

Mmm… let me point out one thing just, uh, so we're clear: the name of the comic is "Sonichu". "Sonichu". It's about—it should be mostly about the Electric Hedgehog Pokémon—not me; I'm just the intrusive director, and I picked up that plotline from the anime series Excel Saga, with Shinichi Watanabe doin’ pretty much the same thing that I did.

But, you know, I'll give y'all a sneak peek: at the end of the, uh, season, I will be coming out of the, uh, Time Void. But, also, I will be, uh, relinquish—I will be relinquishing my, uh, role as Mayor, but I will still be the main founder of CWCville. I will be giving the keys of... [stutters unintelligibly]. Storywise, I'll be giving the keys to the city and the—and the whole Mayorship to my... imag—to my twin sister. But do note that I will still definitely be the original creator of Sonichu, no matter what, even though I'm just—even though I'm basically takin’ m’out—myself out of the story, 'cause I felt like... I've been hogging the spotlight for too long, so... at the end of the season, I will... humbly withdraw myself. But I will still be making, like, you know, cameo... appearances now and then (as I see fit) in the comic. [inhales sharply]

As for the, uh, story of the, uh, game... I got a few ideas on my mind—uh, alright. So, here's the idea. Alright. At the end of seas—at the end of the comics’ season one, I will reveal that—I will reveal that, uh... I take uh, Mary Lee Walsh's, uh... wand... that's, uh, also known as th—also, you know, is—has the spirit of the evil Count Graduon. He's gonna be the big, leading villain... in the second season. I'll be tossin’ the wand... tossin’ it up to the Moon, and, you can take a stab at, uh, who he will manifest into... that has been stranded on the moon since, uh… Number 1. Comic... Number... One. Emphasis on the "number"... because... you don't wanna get messed up with Z—Number Zero.

Part 2

Sonichu Game Talk, Part 2
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 28 August 2008
Subject Matter ComicsComics Comics; Video gamesVideo games Video Games
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Shirt Sea GreenSea Green The Shamrock Shake
Sonichu Game Talk, Part 1
Christian's Update 11 September 2008! 'Nothin' but net.'


So… that's something for y'all to—read the comic and get yourself familiar with.

Mmm… let’s see what else we got here… um… oh, yeah. It's, uh, the main point—the, uh, villain. Now, uh… as far as some ideas I have upon the, uh, multiple stories, uh, I'll give ya, like, uh, beginnings of what I have in mind, in a nutshell.

First’ll be—first at—you’ll be able to unlock by—you'll be able to play by default in the video game—the Sonichu game... will be... Sonichu. The original—the original Sonichu. [inhales deeply] Basically, with the opening’d be him being—running about like, you know, like Sonic the Hedgehog would? And, then, he finds out that, uh... Rosechu's been kidnapped. So, uh, he's— so the— basically, his story will be to, uh... go out and rescue her.

And then, uh, event—and then, event—and then, as his story progresses, he'll get to meet all the other hed—all the other hedgehogs, as well. But, then, uh, we move on over to, uh, Rosechu's story, where, like, you know...

First, we, uh, see her makin' her trek down to the, uh, shop—down to the shopping mall, and she—and then, uh, we—uh... As she g—we follow her as she, uh, picks up the—uh, multiple number of items she, uh, wants and needs, like, uh, [switches to a disturbing falsetto] “Ooh! Look at that ring! That ring's so pretty!” [switches back to normal voice] Yeah. And, then, eventually, she will get kidnapped, and that will be where it will tie into the beginning of Sonichu's story.

And then, we go to—and, then, uh, we go into Wild Sonichu's story. Uh... not fully developed as to, like, uh, what his goal is yet, but, you know... it will definitely, uh, be like, you know... he'll be able to sss—vine swing through every level. At least, uh, he'll be able to vine swing as much as reasonably plau—possible.

And, then, we go onto Bubbles. [switches to a kinda-cutesy voice] Everybody love Bubbles. [fully switches to cutesy voice] Bubbles is the bub-bl-y one! [switches back to normal voice] Anyway, yeah. Some—uh, she'll get more wet. I mean, uh, a—all the hedgehogs will go through… all the same levels, 'cept a variation. Bubbles will be mostly being a—will mostly be able to swim. Some—so, somewhat underwater versions of those levels. And Angelica, you know, well, she'll s— she’ll be flying high... casting off Wing Attacks against, uh, the enemies in her story.

Punchy's, uh… he's just gonna be punchin’ down the bad guys… but, unlike Knuckles, not—no—no treasure hunting. He's not a treasure hunter... He's, uh, basically just a master of the ol’… ninjitsu… [raises hands in a mock-ninjutsu stance] and something, but he mostly [switches to a deep voice] punches! Punch, punch, punch! [mimes throwing punches, then returns to normal voice] Yeah. And, then, Magi-Chan, you know, he'll be ab—he'll—he’ll be similar to, like, what Silver could do, since, you know, he is the psychic one. [slowly waves one hand, pretending to use telekinesis]

And yes, Black Sonichu will, uh… yeah, definitely give him his story in the—his own storyline, like, you know… you know, basically, starts off as ba—starts off bad, like he did, but, then, uh, he gets betrayed by, uh, Naitsirhc, who turns into Reldnahc. Yeah. S—so, anyway, uh… yeah, they basically lea—so, they basically leaves him… behind, and, uh… tries—goes about, uh, lookin’ up his own, uh, meaning of, uh, life, and whatnot… like, uh, similarly—how Shadow would. But, also, reveal definitely… Black Sonichu. Also, you know, for short—for Black Sonichu was “Blachu”? I'm changin' it! For his nickname, as it will be revealed—revealed in the upcoming [switches to an increasingly gay voice] "Spring Break issue"! [drops gay voice and puts on a vaguely Mexican accent] Everybody have fun on Spring Break! [returns to normal voice] He will prefer to be called “Blake”. Simply “Blake”.

Yeah. So, anyway, yeah, Blake's fartin' around with Bubbles… [switches to kinda-cutesy voice again] but Bubbles likes to try to think that she can keep it—keep it to herself, like, you know, she wants to l—she wants—she has a, like, uh, you know… [fully switches to cutesy voice again] ooh, she turned on by the [abruptly switches to a bad Palpatine impression] Dark Side... of the Force… [returns to normal voice] and all the naught-i-ness that Black—that Blake will want to bring with him! But it's obvious to Ro—it's obvious to original Rosechu. So, she talks to—so, she…—what's the word I'm looking for? What's the wor—you know, uh... oh, yeah. She gossips with Ang—she gossips with Angelica about it.

Anyway, uh, among all the, uh, stories between my Electric Hedgehogs and, uh, myself, I'll be leaving s—the, uh, s—at the end of the s—first season. Mmm… I'll have a feeling that, you know, I'll be able to, uh, work better, once in real life I actually do find my woman to become my sweetheart… but… you know, it's so—it's nice to know that I actually do have a… good gal-pal that I made over the Internet recently, whose, uh, inspired character—she was inspired by me. Her inspired character I've given my full approval f—of and introduced in the comic I just uploaded to what is now—can also be considered to be…! “Nothin' but net.” Screw your com! I got da net! Yeah.

Her name is, uh, y—sh—her online name is, uh, KawaiiKitsune… and she is the—and she, herself, is the original character of—the new bubblegum pop star: [holds up drawing of Jiggliami while speaking in the cutesy voice yet again] Jiggliami! Jiggliamiii… [returns to normal voice] Yeah. So, like, you know, uh... it's possible she may, uh, act—she and I might actually meet in the future, but, uh... Yeah, 'cause, you know… I—reason why I put—I allowed, uh, like, you know, interviews with, uh, KawaiiKitsune and, uh, Robert Simmons V? 'Cause those two—they both, res—they both—"each" have earned my trust… in their own way, between, uh, Robert's YouTube videos and, uh... just—uh, and then, a whole bunch of, uh, honest chats between, uh, Kawaii... Yeah. So, basically... they both earned my trust, so I give 'em... radio interview on the—in the comic between Jamsta and Lo-isa! ["sings"] Lolisaaa! [pauses and returns to normal voice] Yeah.

Okay. So, uh, anyway, point is... Sonichu game: I just gave you the, uh, details on that… gave you a little sneak peek at the, uh... Spring Break issue… and, uh... and the Season One. But, uh, basically, the, uh, Sonichu game will definitely have, uh, you know, stories between… Sonichu and Rosechu and all—and the other hedgehogs. The—they're like if y—or like, uh, they'll, uh, start it—they'll start off with the stories that originally originate in Season One. They'll mostly be, uh, the newer stories that'll be s—revealed in Season Two.

Alright. So, anyway, that's the, uh… update. Be sure you go to, uh,… to, uh, talk to my associates over at… JK… [stifles a burp and exhales loudly] Productions. Or, uh, con—or, uh, talk about how you're lookin' forward to the game because… yep… just like, I'm excited—I'm excited about the game, as well. I don't have any future plans as of this point, but, uh… you know, I think my—I'll feel better when my future's set, when I have my, uh, sweetheart.

So... thank you very much, everyone of you, for your, uh, patronage. And I hope y'all have a pleasant day.

An Official Sonichu Update Chris's videos Christian's Update 11 September 2008