Chris Drops the N-Bomb

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Artist's interpretation of Chris between this and his previous video
Tito is shocked and saddened by Chris's choice of words.

Chris Drops the N-Bomb (officially posted as 100_2151.MOV) is a video uploaded on 17 March 2010, where Chris sends yet another gory death threat, and uses the dreaded 'N-Word', at Surfshack Tito. It is also believed that this video was the reason that Jack Thaddeus pulled all of his funding from CWCipedia.

Unsurprisingly, Chris once again drops the name of the Wallflower. His actual explicit and complete usage of a racial slur, though, was unexpected; the closest he had previously come was singing "Don't Trust them Niggas over there" to Julie and when BlueSpike coerced him into saying it during their final conversation, where it took Chris several tries to get the word out (the best he could manage on his first attempt was "Niggo").

It's well-known that Chris harbors racist feelings (based on reports of his behavior at The Game Place, among other things), but they're not usually expressed so bluntly. The release of the Surfshack Tito E-mails on 18 March 2010, however, revealed that Chris has apparently grown quite fond of using the word as an insult.

To make matters worse, there hasn't been any indication that Surfshack Tito is actually black, or that Chris has any reason for thinking so. Tito's cartoon namesake is a Pacific islander, not ethnically African in any way, and Tito the troll bills himself as Hawaiian.

This being the case, it would seem that Chris is not only saying the N-word, but also believes that simply being called black is an insult in itself. Alternatively, Chris might just mentally lump anybody with brown skin into one generalized ethnic group, which would be about par for the course as far as his ability to recognize the human form is concerned.


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Stardate 17 March 2010
Subject Matter RacismRacism Racism, ViolenceViolence Violence
Performance Style RageRage Rage
Saga Surfshack TitoSurfshack Tito Surfshack Tito
Shirt Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png Tan Wide Lines
Happy Sonichu Day
03212010 C-Ya Later.MOV

You God damn womanizing raping... trollin' stupid pickle suited... nigger!


Tito! You stay away from Heather, you son of a bitch. You have no right taking her from me like that, you womanizing rapist! And if you go near her again, then I will find you! I will find you, I will cut you up, I will beat you up, I will knock you on your backside, stand on your gut like a log roller, and roll your fat right through your skull! Blowin' it wide open!

Because that's what you deserve, you God damn womanizing raping... trollin' stupid pickle suited... nigger! And don't you ever, don't you dare contact me in my E-mail again, or contact me ever! You stay away from me- You stay away from me and contact. Don't call me... I will find you! [Shows middle finger]

Fan videos

Stardate 18 March 2010
Made By Vivian Gee
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

Chris says the N-word, and goes crazy
Stardate 5 April 2010
Made By DrButler
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos
Happy Sonichu Day Chris's videos 03212010 C-Ya Later.MOV

Videos for trolls

Clyde Cash: Plea to Clyde | Chris Comes Out of the Closet | Vibrator destruction video | The proof | BACK THE FUCK OFF | Secret Weapon | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | YouTube Finale | A CWC Audition | Chris Calls Clyde Out | Sign destruction video | Clyde Cash the kid video | Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris loses it | War paint video | Response to Gregg | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | Apology for doing WTC | No More Jokes | To Clyde and Jack | Don't Mess With Me | I am Clyde Cash | Chris has no creativity | Chris "executes" Clyde

Other trolls: We're Being Watched | Naïve YouTubers | A near public apology | Rollin' and Trollin' | CWC Trollin More | It's UGH! | Chris humps his PS3 | THAT IS MY HOUSE | Forgiveness Blessings | Curse the Trolls | Ultimatum for Vivian | Chris dispels videogame rumors | To Clyde and Jack | Multiple challenge | Asperchu fury | Surfshack Tito | A message to the Trolls | Tito Got No Luck Against We Brits, Irish and Scots! | Chris Drops the N-Bomb | I Pimp My Ride | Chris tells the trolls | Sonichu copyrights | Stardate, August 27, 2010 | ItIsFinished | Anti Troll Movement Video1 | Don't make the Grimace sad | I am Alec Benson Leary | Calling Out videos | Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada

Lady Managers: Doxing Jeff/Francine | Thank You, Jeff, and I accept your apology. | Update 1/17/2016 | Jeff is Beyond Denounced.

Idea Guys: Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! | Cherokean Chant | Smashing | Get Out, You D*** Nazis! | Tour of Chris's House III | Chris apologizes to Gwen | Chris slaps himself | Dick Licker; that is I. | One-Hundred! | Chris pleads to stop Cryzel Torture‎ | All Star | Chris lost Crystal | I’m Sorry for Ruining so many Fandoms