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Wendy's logo.png
The branch of Wendy's at which Chris worked.

Wendy's is an American fast food chain that employed Chris briefly until he got fired. Chris's job primarily consisted of custodial duties instead of preparing food.

Chris has contradicted himself at various times about exactly when he worked there. He claimed in his resumé that he worked there from August to October 2001, but he told Kacey's father that he had already been fired before 11 September.[1] Chris likely worked at Wendy's for a month and a half, working about 20-30 hours a week for what was probably minimum wage.

Chris the employee

Chris's own accounts of his employment paint him as a stubborn and difficult employee. In 2009, Chris was asked about his time at Wendy's several times after the date with Emily. Chris believed his supervisor didn't think very highly of him for reasons upon which we can only speculate. He mentioned a time involving him getting his uniform dirty and simply continuing to wear it after trying to wash it in the bathroom sink, not taking into account the usual sanitation standards of most fast food restaurants and also not realizing he could get another, clean shirt from the supply room.[2]

In a conversation with Kacey's father, Chris mentioned "emotional differences" as the reason for his termination, and claimed that the manager had a "spike on his shoulder" against him. It's not known what these differences were, although they were almost certainly minor differences of opinion over punctuality and performing the job duties for which he was hired.[3]

A chat with Jackie revealed more information about Chris's time at Wendy's. Chris talked about how a female co-worker was mean-spirited and gave him "bad times with criticisms, insults and whatnot." In reality, this could have been a co-worker simply trying to give Chris some constructive criticism. In the same chat, Chris also admitted that he would take frequent breaks after washing the tables and taking out the trash, not realizing that there was other stuff for him to do.[4]


You got fired from Wendy's, most people quit because it sucks. You got FIRED. You weren't GOOD ENOUGH for Wendy's.
Matthew Devoria

The circumstances of Chris's firing are unclear, as Chris has given vague and contradictory answers about the cause of his dismissal. The last straw appears to have been when Chris scared a small boy in the restaurant. His family were about to leave, Chris helped them by giving them their bags and a top for their baked potato boat,[5] but then Chris performed his terrifying Donald Duck impersonation and the child cried. Chris claims that this did not scare the child - he was just tired.[6][7]

In a later account, he denied performing the voice when talking to Jackie,[8] even though he had admitted to it in previous accounts.[9][10]

At Wendy's, Chris received the only money he has ever actually earned in his life — a sum likely consisting of about $500, or nineteen days' tugboat.


  1. Father Call
  2. Emily Date Conversation Transcript
  3. Father Call
  4. Jackie Chat #4
  5. Mumble #7
  6. Emily Date Conversation Transcript - "No, not really scary, you see he was tired..."
  7. Mumble #7 - "But I did not make the child cry, the child was already- was just tired."
  8. Jackie Chat #4 - "he got his opportunity one night after watching a family with a tired child crying; I did nothing to cause him to cry, he WAS tired. And I offered to get a top for their potato so they could take it with them. [...] the manager thought I had done my Donald Duck voice for the child and made him cry, which was not the case.
  9. Mumble #7 - Troll: "Well, we heard that, uh, you... We've heard so many things, like you helped a small child and you did a Donald Duck impersonation and you scared the child." Chris: "Mmm... Also, that- Also, that is correct, but I did not scare the child."
  10. Emily Date Conversation Transcript

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See also