Fiona Facetime Videos

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This page contains videos from Chris and the Suitress. Many of the videos provided on this page seem to give a fairly rough idea on what their interactions were like, even before the Suitress was paired up with Bella.

The following are a set of Facetime videos that involve Chris and the Suitress, some posted by the Suitress on a throwaway Reddit account and some found in Bella's files.

Simulated kisses

Unknown date

In this video, the Suitress is simulating kisses with Chris.

Chris Chan and [the Suitress] Video Call
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate Unknown
Performance Style ComedyComedy Comedy
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked

Pretending to eat an apple

Unknown date

Chris Chan and the Suitress eating an apple
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate Unknown
Performance Style ComedyComedy Comedy
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked

Hair Twirling

Unknown date

Chris Chan twirls his hair to the Suitress
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate Unknown
Performance Style ComedyComedy Comedy
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked

Chris's videos

Watchmens.png Watchmen Saga Watchmens.png
The Players

Organizations: Watchmen (The Sons of the MiscreantsArbitarch CWC AllianceThe PlaceThe Knights of CWC) • Halal Server
People: ChrisWatchmen members (The WCTMKRNightVeeNaughtAnaxisKyleOwls) • Caden PeckJacob SocknessJoseph DraftMidnight MoonflowerKaiDillin ThomasGiBiBen SaintLarry VaughnIsabella JankeFiona

Watchmen Chats: General • Solo Members (AnaxisAquaDiamond8KyleMKRNightVeeNaughtSpunkyThe WCT)

Enabling and Delusions: Sexual Frustration: Targeted Orbiters: Handling of Incest Drama:

Coinciding Sagas
Jacob, Secret Shipfic, Praetor, Incest