Women's rights

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Chris giving the thumbs up (and two fingers) to women's rights.

The right of women to take their clothes off in protest of being drawn with pickles.


Chris's most prominent reference to womens' rights occurs at the end of Sonichu Episode 17, in which the Rosechus of CWCville strip to celebrate their victory over Jason Kendrick Howell and assert their dominance over 4-Cent Garbage.com.

Chris's understanding of womens' rights demonstrates how entrenched his stereotypical view of women truly is. While not outwardly misogynistic, Chris nevertheless has a view that true liberation for women involves their being able to strip without interference. This misunderstanding is doubtless a product of Chris's own desires and informed by anime, video games, and pornography, which are Chris's main sources of knowledge concerning women.

For Chris, the truest expression of a woman's freedom is to strip. More tellingly, the truest expression of a woman's freedom is to strip and produce erotic artwork for a male audience. Chris subtly admits that women possess a great deal of power over him; in his mind, they are truly able to exercise their complete freedom in society when given the right to fully exploit what gives them power - their chinas, tits, and asses. True womens' liberation does not involve the treatment of women as equals, but rather opens up avenues for half of the population to finally get the chance to exploit the other half.

Despite their phenomenal talent for fighting evil, Chris depicts Rosechus as passive sexual toys for Sonichus. Reflecting Chris's own distorted image of women, the Rosechus in his comics expend exhibit a desire to engage in stereotypical behavior, with occasional aggressive sexual overtures. Women play the role of deus ex machina in Chris's comics - occasionally leaving their role as supporting characters to engage in acts of great bravery and heroism. This mindset is painfully obvious in Chris's interaction with women during his love quest. Chris takes on a passive role in his attraction strategy, waiting to be approached by women who he thinks will take interest in his appearance. Chris essentially is looking for a maternal figure in his life. Rather than aiming to better himself, he is looking to be fulfilled and served by women. Rather than having the full potential to use their talents in society, women's rights are the rights of women to bring pleasure to men.

TL;DR version

Chris is sexist and will never get laid.

The CWC-tionary

Relationships: Attraction Location | Boyfriend-free girl | Darling | Dating education | Friend Zone | Gal-pal | Heart Level | Homos | Infinitely-High Boyfriend-Factor | Love Quest | Noviophobia | SLGBTQ | Sweetheart | Sweetheart from the Ground-Up

Sex: China | Comeuppance | Duck | JULAY | Mass debating | Negligent | Pedofork | Pickle | Recycling | Soul Bonding | Virgin with rage | Virginia is for Virgins | Women's rights

Himself: Biological clock | Butt garments | Captain's Log | Christian Love Day | DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS | Fuzzy-Wuzzies & Prickly-Wicklies | Honest Content | I'LL BREAK YOU DEAD | Monthly tugboat | Muscle bra | Random-access humor | Saga | Scale of Respect | Tomgirl |

Stressors: 4-cent_garbage | GOPony | HEXBox | JERKS | Jerkops | Kick the Autistic | Manajerks | Naïve | Niggos | Pmurt | Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens | Slow-in-the-minds | Tobacky

Fantasies: Curse-ye-ha-me-ha | Dimension | Fangs | Godjesus | Iron Curtain | OC | Un-clit

Comics: Anchuent Prophecy | Da Update | Electric Hedgehog Pokemon | Nombie-zazis | Parody | Rosechu | Sonichu | Sub-Episodes | Sweetbolt

See also: Chris and English | List of phrases Chris copied from media