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[[CWC Calls Out Three Naïve YouTubers]] is a series of three videos posted on 10 [[July 2009]] by [[Chris]] for three individuals: ShmionSonozaki, sonichuizcool and oxycleanfanatic2264. Their accounts were already closed when the videos were posted.
{{quote|Someone told him she was a troll.|[[The Man in the Pickle Suit]] on why Chris lashed out at sonichuizcool.<ref name=troll>[[Kiwi Farms posts (Marvin)#Sonichuizcool]]</ref>}}

Deemed "Too Hot for [[YouTube]]" for Chris's very blunt and inflammatory rhetoric (calling individuals retards, telling individuals to kill themselves, etc), it lead to an immediate suspension of his account. Luckily a brave patriot discovered them when they were new and found them lulzy enough to mirror, allowing them to then be archived by the [[TheCWCvilleLibrary]]. Each video begins with Chris holding up a piece of paper with the user's name written on it and playing the same recorded disclaimer in the background.
'''CWC Calls Out Three Naïve YouTubers''' is a name to a trilogy of videos posted on 10 [[July 2009]] by [[Christian Weston Chandler|Chris]] for three individuals: ShmionSonozaki, sonichuizcool and [[BILLY MAYS|oxycleanfanatic2264]]. Their accounts were already closed when the videos were posted.

Ironically, Chris called the users "[[naïve]]" and revealed his particular disdain for this word calling it "The most cruelest of words", and then he proceeded to rape its definition by saying it meant being stupid. It has been speculated on [[PVCC (message board)|PVCC]] that he might have been slightly intoxicated when making the videos. He also threatens one user with a detective.  Considering that his demands were not met, and we never heard from this detective again, there was surely no detective.
Deemed "too hot for [[YouTube]]" for Chris's very blunt and inflammatory rhetoric (wherein he called individuals [[Slow-in-the-minds|retards]] and told them to [[Death threats|go kill themselves]]), it led to his account immediately being banned. Luckily, [[Trolls#The Miscreants|a brave patriot]] discovered them when they were new and mirrored them, allowing them to then be archived by the [[YouTube#Fan archives and leaks|TheCWCvilleLibrary]] for great justice. Each video begins with Chris holding up a piece of paper with the user's name written on it and playing the same recorded disclaimer in the background.
Ironically, Chris called the users "[[naïve]]" and revealed his particular disdain for this word calling it "the most cruelest of words", and then he proceeded to butcher its definition by saying it meant being stupid. [[PVCC (message board)|Some people]] have speculated that he might've been [[Alcohol|slightly intoxicated]] when making the videos.
It was eventually revealed that oxycleanfanatic was in fact, Samantha Thaddeus, daughter of [[Jack Thaddeus]], who was assisting her father in holding Chris's PSN hostage. She called Chris out on this video in the [[Samantha Thaddeus E-mails]].

==CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki==
==CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki==
| name          = CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki
| ytid          = sU6bLqXwue8
| stardate      = 10 [[July 2009]]
| style          = {{Rage|text}}, {{Crazy|[[Alcohol|Slightly Drunk]]}}
| shirt          = {{RefereeShirt|text}}
| previous      = [[CWC Update 7 July 2009]]
| next          = [[CWC Calls Out Three Naïve YouTubers#CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool|CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool]]

{{quote|Perhaps you are actually a dude, or even worse, a hermaphrodite.|Chris, who only needs a JPG of a woman to be convinced of her existence}}

[''The screen shows a piece of paper with the name ‘ShmionSonozaki’ written on it in felt tip pen.'']

[The screen shows a piece of paper with the name ‘ShmionSonozaki’ written on it in felt tip pen.]
The following is addressed to this individual, whose YouTube account is this only. The opinions and if--feelings and emotions expressed in this video are not...res--are not representative towards any persons other than this one. Thank you very much.

The following is addressed to this individual whose YouTube account is this only. The opinions and if- feelings and emotions expressed in this video are not res- are not representative towards any persons other then this one. Thank you very much.
[''camera cut to Chris''] Hello! Hmm...you hide under a veil. I don’t know, are you a pretty woman? Or are you a...or are ya hide a beard underneath that veil? Or do you hide that beard? Perhaps you are actually a dude, or even worse, a [[Silvana|hermaphrodite]]. You know what, you gettin' not much of response from me, because, you even deleted your own account! You are such a cowardly, naïve, retarded, individual. Naïve is the cruelest of words, cause it questions one's intelbi--intelligence. And that’s why I’m calling you...you naïve retard.

[camera cut to Chris]
[''jump cut''] And also, I know you live...in Pennsylvania!

Hellooo. Hmm… You hide under a veil. I don’t know, are you a pretty woman? Or are you a, or do you hide a beard underneath that veil. Or do you hide that beard. Perhaps you are actually a dude, or even worse, a hermaphrodite. You know what, you get not much of response from me, because, you even delete your own account. You are such a cowardly naïve retarded individual. Naïve is the cruelest of words cause it questions ones intelbi- intelligence... and that’s why I’m calling you… naïve retard.
==CWC Calls Out==
===True fan===
Sonichuizcool is a slightly [[slow-in-the-mind]] female [[Pokémon]] fan from [[Anne Boleyn|England]]. In the video included below, Sonichuizcool discusses [[Clyde Cash]]'s faked death, and tries to inform Chris that Clyde was still alive and posting comments to her videos.

[camera cut]
Trolls [[Manipulation|manipulated]] Chris into calling her out by planting the notion in his mind that she herself was a troll.<ref name=troll></ref>

And also, I know you live… in Pennsylvania.
| name          = True fan
==CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool==
| ytid          = yyZPrvYvyM4
| stardate      = 10 [[June 2009]]
| maker          = sonichuizcool
| type          = }}

===CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool===
| name          = CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool
| ytid          = AUnTJwvNfX0
| stardate      = 10 [[July 2009]]
| style          = {{Rage|text}}, {{Crazy|[[Alcohol|Slightly Drunk]]}}
| shirt          = {{RefereeShirt|text}}
| previous      = [[CWC Calls Out Three Naïve YouTubers#CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki|CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki]]
| next          = [[CWC Calls Out Three Naïve YouTubers#CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264|CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264]]

=== Transcript ===
[''The paper this time reads 'sonichuizcool'. The same disclaimer from the first video is heard, then a camera cut to Chris.'']

Hmm... I don’t know. You seem to hide behind a face mask, and a beanie. Who do you think you are? [[Sailor Moon|Tuxedo Kamen]]? Ah! You’re so naïve and slow in the mind. I couldn’t even give a dang about you. And if you want my trust, you’re gonna have to do some earning, ''then'' you’re gonna have to come out and into the open. You gotta come out where I can meet you. Ehh? Ehh?

[The screen shows a piece of paper with the name ‘sonichuizcool’ written on it in felt tip pen.]

The following is addressed to this individual who's YouTube account is this only.
===Vidio Reply To Christian Weston Chandler Maker of Sonichu Comics===
the opinions and if- feelings and emotions expressed in this video are not res- are not representative towards any persons other then this one. Thank you very much.
Sonichuizcool replied 3 days later. Hilariously, she 1-ups Chris in this video, parodying his index card introduction and referencing the destruction of his Sonichu medallion (albeit unintentionally) by chopping up her own. She (like so many others) calls him out on his bad behavior, and states that because of it, he had lost the only true fan he ever had at the time. Despite that, she still felt pity towards Chris and even offers some good advice, which speaks volumes about her virtue of forgiveness, and Chris' sin of being a total douche.

[camera cut to Chris]
Chris never replied to this video.

Hmm... I don’t know... You seem to hide behind a face mask... and a beanie. Who do you think you are? [[Sailor_Moon|Tuxedo Kamen]]? Aehh, you’re so naïve and [[slow in the minds|slow in the mind]], I couldn’t even give a dang about you. And if you want my trust you’re gonna have to do some earning bang, you’re gonna have to come out and into the open. You godda come out where I can meet you. Aehh? Aehh? Dumbass.
| name          = Vidio Reply To Christian Weston Chandler Maker of Sonichu Comics
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|kaBOHkXHVXU}}
| stardate      = 13 [[July 2009]]
| maker          = sonichuizcool
| subject        =
| type          = }}

==CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264==

'''Sonichuizcool:''' So. This is a reply to Christian Chandler, who made the video where he called me names, including "dumbass". I-I'm recording this again, because the sound was very bad. ''(brings out a piece of paper with 'Christian Weston Chandler' written on it, and peers under it at the camera)'' So...this is for the maker of the Sonichu ''(pronounces it 'Soniku')'' comics whose name is this and this only.

It was very mean of you to say all that [[Death Threats|nasty stuff]] to people, and what about it come to you? I have not tried to get your trust or [[Speech Impediment|whatever you said]] on your video, but the only thing I've shown is a true fan of Sonichu and yourself for a very long time and you called me names! I have done lots to sort out the trolls who were hating you, and I have argued for you when those nasty guys said bad stuff about you. I thought that you were truly a good guy.

Well, now, you have lost a good fan, and I might even be one of your best fans you ever had. I have now [[Sonichu medallion#Mark I (and decoy)|chopped up my Sonichu medallion]] because I think you are an idiot, and I am not a Sonichu fan anymore.

[The screen shows a piece of paper with the name ‘oxycleanfanatic2264’ written on it in felt tip pen. Below it says 'not a YouTube handle...something']
Anyway, [[A near public apology|apology accepted]], and I do see the vids you made. You have a lot of people to apologize to, who you have said so much bad stuff to people who have not done anything to you. I-I'm not one of your "fanbase" anymore, but, I still think you are okay. A lot of bad stuff has happened to you, and I'm not blaming you, as you have a lot of hate from nasty people, and [[Chris and Anger|that gets you all mad]], yeah. I think you should concentrate more on comics, and less, um, [[YouTube]], as there are a lot of bad people on YouTube, which is why I wear a disguise. I actually made a lot of vids without this mask before. I started wearing this. Y'know, I think it was cool, too.

The following is addressed to this individual whose YouTube account is this only.
Anyway, an update on my comic, second page is done, and posted the two pages online. The address is on my YouTube.
The opinions and if- feelings and emotions expressed in this video are not res- are not representative towards any persons other than this one. Thank you very much.

[camera cut to Chris]
Anyway, from the beanie-masked YouTuber who is now known as GX, or G Extreme, after my comics. Bye, bye, bye, that's all for now! Gene of X.

Hey! You! I know you. I have your name! You live in Sacramento California. I have a detective on the case and I am going to send him against you as soon as possible. Which that would be in the next few days, or tomorrow when I can get in touch with him. And I will get in touch with him. And you think you’re sooo [sic] smart and you think you’re soo'''ooo''' corny by doing the things that you have done so far, mister hackerrrr!
==CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264==
You think you’re so smart? Well you know what? you’re just a naïve retard! And naïve is my least favorite word because it s'''ou'''nds like nails on a chalkboard. You naïve retarded bastard! [...] You should just go ha- you should go hang yourself after you have given me back what you have stolen from me. Do it '''now'''! Give’m back to me! Or I will send the detective and the po-lice on your case. You bastard you, naïve retarded bastard.
| name           = CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264
| ytid          = A9rs5K7pjEE
| stardate      = 10 [[July 2009]]
| style          = {{Rage|text}}, {{Crazy|[[Alcohol|Slightly Drunk]]}}
| shirt          = {{RefereeShirt|text}}
| previous      = [[CWC Calls Out Three Naïve YouTubers#CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool|CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool]]
| next           = [[A near public apology]]
=== Transcript ===
[''The index card this time reads 'oxycleanfanatic2264', with '(not a YouTube handle, / but still a handle for this individual)' written below it in smaller writing in pencil. The intro from before is played, before we cut to Chris.'']

[camera cut]
[[CWC "Boyfriend"|Hey! You!]] I know you. I have your name! You live in Sacramento, California. I have a detective on the case, and I am going to send him against you as soon as possible. Which that would be in the next few days, or tomorrow when I can get in touch with him. And I ''will'' get in touch with him. And you think you’re ''sooo'' smart and you think you’re ''sooo'' corny by doing the things that you have done so far, Mr. '''''Hacker!''''' You think you’re so smart? Well, you know what? You're just a naïve retard! And naïve is my least favorite word because it ''sounds'' like nails on a chalkboard. You naïve retarded bastard! You should just go ha--you should just go...hang yourself, after you have given me back what you have stolen from me. Do it '''''NOW, GIVE 'EM BACK TO ME!''''' Or [[THAT IS MY HOUSE|I will send the detective and the police]] on your case. You bastard, you- naïve retarded bastard.

And not only that but your are such a coward you dare not even show your face like others have done partially on their youtube videos. You are such a cowardly naïve retarded '''bastard'''!
[''jump cut''] And not only that, but you are such a coward, you dare not even show your face like others have done, partially, on their YouTube videos. You are such a cowardly naïve retarded '''bastard'''!
[camera cut]
That’s right, I’m calling you out!

[''jump cut''] That’s right. I’m calling you out!

{{succession|label=[[List of videos|Chris's videos]]|prevlink=[[CWC Update 7 July 2009]]|nextlink=[[A near public apology]]|}}
{{Troll Videos}}
{{Troll Videos}}
[[Category:Videos Christian uploaded to YouTube]]
[[Category:Videos Christian uploaded to YouTube]]
[[Category:Videos with RAGE]]
[[Category:Videos with RAGE]]
[[Category:Chris-chan videos, July 2009| 2009-07-10]]

Latest revision as of 22:51, 11 July 2024

Someone told him she was a troll.
The Man in the Pickle Suit on why Chris lashed out at sonichuizcool.[1]

CWC Calls Out Three Naïve YouTubers is a name to a trilogy of videos posted on 10 July 2009 by Chris for three individuals: ShmionSonozaki, sonichuizcool and oxycleanfanatic2264. Their accounts were already closed when the videos were posted.

Deemed "too hot for YouTube" for Chris's very blunt and inflammatory rhetoric (wherein he called individuals retards and told them to go kill themselves), it led to his account immediately being banned. Luckily, a brave patriot discovered them when they were new and mirrored them, allowing them to then be archived by the TheCWCvilleLibrary for great justice. Each video begins with Chris holding up a piece of paper with the user's name written on it and playing the same recorded disclaimer in the background.

Ironically, Chris called the users "naïve" and revealed his particular disdain for this word calling it "the most cruelest of words", and then he proceeded to butcher its definition by saying it meant being stupid. Some people have speculated that he might've been slightly intoxicated when making the videos.

It was eventually revealed that oxycleanfanatic was in fact, Samantha Thaddeus, daughter of Jack Thaddeus, who was assisting her father in holding Chris's PSN hostage. She called Chris out on this video in the Samantha Thaddeus E-mails.

CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki

CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 10 July 2009
Performance Style RageRage Rage, CrazyCrazy Slightly Drunk
Shirt The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG The Referee
CWC Update 7 July 2009
CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool

Perhaps you are actually a dude, or even worse, a hermaphrodite.
Chris, who only needs a JPG of a woman to be convinced of her existence


[The screen shows a piece of paper with the name ‘ShmionSonozaki’ written on it in felt tip pen.]

The following is addressed to this individual, whose YouTube account is this only. The opinions and if--feelings and emotions expressed in this video are not...res--are not representative towards any persons other than this one. Thank you very much.

[camera cut to Chris] Hello! Hmm...you hide under a veil. I don’t know, are you a pretty woman? Or are you a...or are ya hide a beard underneath that veil? Or do you hide that beard? Perhaps you are actually a dude, or even worse, a hermaphrodite. You know what, you gettin' not much of response from me, because, you even deleted your own account! You are such a cowardly, naïve, retarded, individual. Naïve is the cruelest of words, cause it questions one's intelbi--intelligence. And that’s why I’m calling you...you naïve retard.

[jump cut] And also, I know you live...in Pennsylvania!

CWC Calls Out

True fan

Sonichuizcool is a slightly slow-in-the-mind female Pokémon fan from England. In the video included below, Sonichuizcool discusses Clyde Cash's faked death, and tries to inform Chris that Clyde was still alive and posting comments to her videos.

Trolls manipulated Chris into calling her out by planting the notion in his mind that she herself was a troll.[1]

True fan
Direct link Youtube, archive
Stardate 10 June 2009
Made By sonichuizcool
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool

CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 10 July 2009
Performance Style RageRage Rage, CrazyCrazy Slightly Drunk
Shirt The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG The Referee
CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki
CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264


[The paper this time reads 'sonichuizcool'. The same disclaimer from the first video is heard, then a camera cut to Chris.]

Hmm... I don’t know. You seem to hide behind a face mask, and a beanie. Who do you think you are? Tuxedo Kamen? Ah! You’re so naïve and slow in the mind. I couldn’t even give a dang about you. And if you want my trust, you’re gonna have to do some earning, then you’re gonna have to come out and into the open. You gotta come out where I can meet you. Ehh? Ehh?


Vidio Reply To Christian Weston Chandler Maker of Sonichu Comics

Sonichuizcool replied 3 days later. Hilariously, she 1-ups Chris in this video, parodying his index card introduction and referencing the destruction of his Sonichu medallion (albeit unintentionally) by chopping up her own. She (like so many others) calls him out on his bad behavior, and states that because of it, he had lost the only true fan he ever had at the time. Despite that, she still felt pity towards Chris and even offers some good advice, which speaks volumes about her virtue of forgiveness, and Chris' sin of being a total douche.

Chris never replied to this video.

Vidio Reply To Christian Weston Chandler Maker of Sonichu Comics
Stardate 13 July 2009
Made By sonichuizcool
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos


Sonichuizcool: So. This is a reply to Christian Chandler, who made the video where he called me names, including "dumbass". I-I'm recording this again, because the sound was very bad. (brings out a piece of paper with 'Christian Weston Chandler' written on it, and peers under it at the camera) So...this is for the maker of the Sonichu (pronounces it 'Soniku') comics whose name is this and this only.

It was very mean of you to say all that nasty stuff to people, and what about it come to you? I have not tried to get your trust or whatever you said on your video, but the only thing I've shown is a true fan of Sonichu and yourself for a very long time and you called me names! I have done lots to sort out the trolls who were hating you, and I have argued for you when those nasty guys said bad stuff about you. I thought that you were truly a good guy.

Well, now, you have lost a good fan, and I might even be one of your best fans you ever had. I have now chopped up my Sonichu medallion because I think you are an idiot, and I am not a Sonichu fan anymore.

Anyway, apology accepted, and I do see the vids you made. You have a lot of people to apologize to, who you have said so much bad stuff to people who have not done anything to you. I-I'm not one of your "fanbase" anymore, but, I still think you are okay. A lot of bad stuff has happened to you, and I'm not blaming you, as you have a lot of hate from nasty people, and that gets you all mad, yeah. I think you should concentrate more on comics, and less, um, YouTube, as there are a lot of bad people on YouTube, which is why I wear a disguise. I actually made a lot of vids without this mask before. I started wearing this. Y'know, I think it was cool, too.

Anyway, an update on my comic, second page is done, and posted the two pages online. The address is on my YouTube.

Anyway, from the beanie-masked YouTuber who is now known as GX, or G Extreme, after my comics. Bye, bye, bye, that's all for now! Gene of X.

CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264

CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 10 July 2009
Performance Style RageRage Rage, CrazyCrazy Slightly Drunk
Shirt The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG The Referee
CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool
A near public apology


[The index card this time reads 'oxycleanfanatic2264', with '(not a YouTube handle, / but still a handle for this individual)' written below it in smaller writing in pencil. The intro from before is played, before we cut to Chris.]

Hey! You! I know you. I have your name! You live in Sacramento, California. I have a detective on the case, and I am going to send him against you as soon as possible. Which that would be in the next few days, or tomorrow when I can get in touch with him. And I will get in touch with him. And you think you’re sooo smart and you think you’re sooo corny by doing the things that you have done so far, Mr. Hacker! You think you’re so smart? Well, you know what? You're just a naïve retard! And naïve is my least favorite word because it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. You naïve retarded bastard! You should just go ha--you should just go...hang yourself, after you have given me back what you have stolen from me. Do it NOW, GIVE 'EM BACK TO ME! Or I will send the detective and the police on your case. You bastard, you- naïve retarded bastard.

[jump cut] And not only that, but you are such a coward, you dare not even show your face like others have done, partially, on their YouTube videos. You are such a cowardly naïve retarded bastard!

[jump cut] That’s right. I’m calling you out!


CWC Update 7 July 2009 Chris's videos A near public apology
Videos for trolls

Clyde Cash: Plea to Clyde | Chris Comes Out of the Closet | Vibrator destruction video | The proof | BACK THE FUCK OFF | Secret Weapon | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | YouTube Finale | A CWC Audition | Chris Calls Clyde Out | Sign destruction video | Clyde Cash the kid video | Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris loses it | War paint video | Response to Gregg | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | Apology for doing WTC | No More Jokes | To Clyde and Jack | Don't Mess With Me | I am Clyde Cash | Chris has no creativity | Chris "executes" Clyde

Other trolls: We're Being Watched | Naïve YouTubers | A near public apology | Rollin' and Trollin' | CWC Trollin More | It's UGH! | Chris humps his PS3 | THAT IS MY HOUSE | Forgiveness Blessings | Curse the Trolls | Ultimatum for Vivian | Chris dispels videogame rumors | To Clyde and Jack | Multiple challenge | Asperchu fury | Surfshack Tito | A message to the Trolls | Tito Got No Luck Against We Brits, Irish and Scots! | Chris Drops the N-Bomb | I Pimp My Ride | Chris tells the trolls | Sonichu copyrights | Stardate, August 27, 2010 | ItIsFinished | Anti Troll Movement Video1 | Don't make the Grimace sad | I am Alec Benson Leary | Calling Out videos | Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada

Lady Managers: Doxing Jeff/Francine | Thank You, Jeff, and I accept your apology. | Update 1/17/2016 | Jeff is Beyond Denounced.

Idea Guys: Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! | Cherokean Chant | Smashing | Get Out, You D*** Nazis! | Tour of Chris's House III | Chris apologizes to Gwen | Chris slaps himself | Dick Licker; that is I. | One-Hundred! | Chris pleads to stop Cryzel Torture‎ | All Star | Chris lost Crystal | I’m Sorry for Ruining so many Fandoms