Sailor Moon Poster of Fail

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Pedofork... Prism... Power!

Coerced into saying he was gay on YouTube, Christian Weston Chandler employed several nonverbal clues to signal to his fans that he was, in fact, straight. Among these was the Sailor Moon Poster of Fail, which Chris later explained he looks at every night to help keep him straight.[1] (While Chris doesn't realize how much irony he's created, as some, if not most, people would assume a man was gay if he had a poster of Sailor Moon on his wall.)

In typical lulzcow fashion, the revelation that he needed an object to remind him of his shaky (and possibly fictitious) heterosexuality only served to tarnish Chris's reputation even further. This is not the first time that Chris has referred to heterosexuality as a status he struggles daily to maintain, nor is this the first indication of his sick lust for anime girls.

What is new is that of all the posters he could have chosen, Chris uses one that prominently features Chibiusa, Sailor Moon's prepubescent daughter from the future. In short, he looks at a fetishized cartoon eight-year-old to reinforce his sexual appetites. But even if he didn't, according to Wikipedia, Sailor Moon, is in fact, 14-16 years old, so it doesn't matter which one he looks at, he is still a pedofork, at least in his home state of Virginia.[2]

It also has to be noted that like many young anime females, Sailor Moon's future daughter is distinctly tomboyish in appearance, which only strengthens claims that he is a homo pedofork.

Also, while it is entirely possible his exposure to the show is limited to horribly translated versions that edit out most of the homosexual overtones, it is indeed ironic he chose a program with two confirmed heroic lesbian characters (portrayed positively) and several villainous characters who are also confirmed homosexuals of both genders (oddly, some of them are also portrayed positively or their sexuality is not emphasized in any particular light, or at least it would so appear assuming he watched the versions with a minimum of censorship).

tl;dr Why he would choose this anime to prove his heterosexuality is puzzling, as it's a very crappy choice to emphasize how straight he is.

See also
