Twin Falling Towers

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Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?
Have you left no sense of decency?
Army Special Counsel Joseph Nye Welch, talking about the Manchild

Twin Falling Towers is a video uploaded on 1 November 2009. In this video, Chris proves once and for all he's an insensitive bastard by mocking the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center in his plan to blackmail Clyde. Sick, bizarre, tasteless and completely unexpected - in other words, classic Chris-chan.

This incident proves to us not only that Clyde Cash remains unfazed by Chris's previous intimidation attempts, but also that Chris himself is a morally bankrupt lunatic who would go so far as to mock a national tragedy in order to advance a personal vendetta, and it has been speculated that this video might even lead to him becoming the star player in a real-life game of Kick the Autistic, featuring an all-star opposition drawn from the ranks of the "Semper Fi" Brotherhood. Many believed that Chris must have been motivated by a trusted friend into creating such a video for the express purpose of causing Chris to embarrass himself for our amusement, but there has been no evidence to support this theory. Chris just managed to do something so horrible that it was difficult to believe, even for him.

This isn't the last time Chris made fun of a tragedy in which other people have died just to handle a dispute with somebody. Almost a year later, he would upload a video where he makes fun of the sinking of the RMS Titanic and all the people who died on board. Nice, Chris. Nice.


This video was put in the Comedy category. Good job, Chris.

Twin Falling Towers
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Stardate November 1st, 2009
Performance Style SmugSmug Smug CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga ClydeClyde Clyde Cash
Other AudioAudio Audio
It will never end


Artist's depiction

[Close up on an image of the World Trade Center before its destruction. Fragments of the photo of "Clyde", that Chris has been using this whole time, are visible through the silhouette of the towers. Laid over the image is a pointing cursor -- we are looking at a picture displayed on a computer screen.]

Well now, Mister Clyde...your toime and rutches...your fame and fortune shall fall just like these twin towers! They go crumbling down, with an airplane!

[Chris moves the cursor towards the "towers."]

Nyerrrrrrr! Pffff!

[Chris wiggles the cursor around the "towers" to give the impression that they have exploded. He then does a horrible imitation of Strong Bad from Homestar Runner.]

You are weeeeeeeak! I'm the strong wunnnnnn! You are going down Mister Clyde Cash! Gnrrrrrr!

Liquid Chris responds

Our Hero spotted the video not long after it was posted and offered a brief response reflecting the feelings of many observers.


Please Die,


YouTube comment from Liquid Chris

He made another comment a few minutes later.

And Another Thing, KACEY is from a MILITARY FAMILY. Now you are Doomed.


Liquid Chris, on how IBA further ruined any chances of getting to Kacey's china

Unfortunately, no Marines have been spotted waiting outside of 14 Branchland Court. Yet.

See also

I AM STRONG Chris's videos It Will Never End
Videos for trolls

Clyde Cash: Plea to Clyde | Chris Comes Out of the Closet | Vibrator destruction video | The proof | BACK THE FUCK OFF | Secret Weapon | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | YouTube Finale | A CWC Audition | Chris Calls Clyde Out | Sign destruction video | Clyde Cash the kid video | Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris loses it | War paint video | Response to Gregg | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | Apology for doing WTC | No More Jokes | To Clyde and Jack | Don't Mess With Me | I am Clyde Cash | Chris has no creativity | Chris "executes" Clyde

Other trolls: We're Being Watched | Naïve YouTubers | A near public apology | Rollin' and Trollin' | CWC Trollin More | It's UGH! | Chris humps his PS3 | THAT IS MY HOUSE | Forgiveness Blessings | Curse the Trolls | Ultimatum for Vivian | Chris dispels videogame rumors | To Clyde and Jack | Multiple challenge | Asperchu fury | Surfshack Tito | A message to the Trolls | Tito Got No Luck Against We Brits, Irish and Scots! | Chris Drops the N-Bomb | I Pimp My Ride | Chris tells the trolls | Sonichu copyrights | Stardate, August 27, 2010 | ItIsFinished | Anti Troll Movement Video1 | Don't make the Grimace sad | I am Alec Benson Leary | Calling Out videos | Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada

Lady Managers: Doxing Jeff/Francine | Thank You, Jeff, and I accept your apology. | Update 1/17/2016 | Jeff is Beyond Denounced.

Idea Guys: Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! | Cherokean Chant | Smashing | Get Out, You D*** Nazis! | Tour of Chris's House III | Chris apologizes to Gwen | Chris slaps himself | Dick Licker; that is I. | One-Hundred! | Chris pleads to stop Cryzel Torture‎ | All Star | Chris lost Crystal | I’m Sorry for Ruining so many Fandoms

Clyde vs. Chris

Clyde's Introduction: Captain's Log, Stardate December 28th, 2008 | Captain's Log, Stardate January 8th, 2009 | Chris's Plea to Clyde Cash | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | Clyde Cash the kid video | Secret Weapon | YouTube Finale | Captain's Log, Stardate April 23rd, 2009

Panda: Captain's Log, Stardate January 12th, 2009 |

Julie: Captain's Log, Stardate February 5th, 2009 | Captain's Log, Stardate February 6th, 2009 | Captain's Log, Stardate February 10th, 2009

Ivy: Captain's Log, Stardate March 27th, 2009 | ACWCAudition

Chris vs. Clyde: Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris Loses It | 10242009 | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | To Clyde and Jack

Jackie: DrainedCreativity

Performances: (Clyde's) Trollsta's Paradise | A CWC Audition | Don't Mess With Me | DivineTrial