List of Chris's lies

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I do not lie all the time; I lie some of the time.
Chris, lying during the Kacey and Liquid Call

Chris, not being one to accept personal responsibility, will frequently lie to save face. This trait was likely inherited from his mother Barb, whose dishonesty was described by Cole Smithey as "pathological".

In many cases, he will lie in a meager attempt to be "clever" or "outwit" the trolls. However, Chris is totally incapable of lying in a way that looks remotely convincing, so his lies have the opposite effect (e.g. going to Redmond). In other cases, he will lie to deny accepting personal responsibility for his actions (e.g. drawing Rule 34 of Megan).

The reason why Chris is capable of telling bold-faced lies while still claiming to be TRUE and HONEST probably derives from failing to understand the concept of a "white lie": a lie said out of courtesy to avoid offending people with the uncomfortable truth. Because telling this kind of lie usually is socially acceptable and won't tarnish one's reputation, Chris, in his usual blindness to social rules, probably learned through his autistic brain that it is okay to lie in order to save face, because it is possible to do so while still remaining TRUE and HONEST.

Complicating this further is the fact that Chris does not attempt to support his claims with any shred of evidence. The end result is a compulsive liar who is about as sly as a two-year-old who has been caught with both hands in the proverbial cookie jar screaming his head off about how he wasn't trying to steal anything whilst bits of cookie fly out of his mouth.

As of recently, Chris has taken to calling his lying "misspeaking". Instead of accepting that someone has busted him on his BS, he prefers to say he "misspoke". Needless to say, no one has fallen for this new ploy.

This list serves to document all of Chris's blatant falsehoods. While Chris is known to speak half-truth, exaggerate, etc., the fact that he is willing to outright tell blatant lies and untruths with no grounds in reality is disturbing and this list serves to document the latter.

Chris's lies

  • In a Mumble chat, he lied and said that nude photos of him on Encyclopedia Dramatica were photoshopped, despite the fact that he consented to these photos.[1] Chris also lied to someone he believed to be Shigeru Miyamoto about the ED images being photoshopped.[2]
  • For two days, Chris claimed to have a new sweetheart named Chloe after the Blanca breakup. The first mention was to his fans, of all people.[3] Yet, if he were already seeing Chloe, why was he sad about breaking up with Blanca? Chris claimed to have met Chloe IRL at GameStop, where they struck up a conversation, yet Chris has constantly said he freezes even while practicing talking to women.[4] He even said that they had a date together at Taco Bell and shared his first kiss with her. The most damning evidence is Chris never mentioned Chloe again. Furthermore, as of Mailbag #13, he denies that he ever said anything about a Chloe.
  • Chris lied about taking a trip to Redmond because he had no financial support and to get a "Peaceful Weekend Getaway from the Trolls of the internet."[2]
  • Chris claimed that Blanca received the medallion and sent it back so Chris could modify it, yet the medallion with the "special marks" was destroyed on YouTube. Furthermore, in a private chat with Robert Simmons V[citation needed], Chris admits that the medallion was procured and was hastily working on a new one to throw the trolls off guard.
  • When a nefarious IRL Jerkop confronted Chris on his Attraction Sign, Chris quickly hid the sign while the Jerkop left to get the Manajerk. Then, Chris proceeded to lie and pretend he never brought the sign, resulting in him being banned from the store.
  • Chris claimed that he was banned from The GAMe PLACe forever for going behind the counter. In fact, as revealed by Mimms on the PVCC forum, the ban for going behind the counter was temporary, and what got him banned forever was the fact that he got into a shouting match with a child and treated the store's manager rudely.
  • In an e-mail,[5] Chris claimed Megan said she loved him, when in reality she said no such thing.
  • He has made occasional claims[6] that he really doesn't hate homos, despite several instances of him showing otherwise.[7]
  • In an IRC chat[8] with Clyde Cash and BILLY MAYS, Chris told Clyde, "People who call others homo are themselves in dire question of their own sexual preferences." When Clyde pointed out that Chris had called Clyde a homo just minutes earlier in the same chat, Chris lied that he didn't. When Chris was shown the exact words he typed, he said it didn't count because he was retaliating against Clyde's remark.
  • Impersonated CChanSonichuCWC and called Kacey, telling her about his sexual fantasies (which involves recycling).[9]
  • Chris's challenges to CChanSonichuCWC began with a video in Spanish, stating that if Liquid Chris could not respond in Spanish, that would prove he is the impostor. When that backfired horribly, Chris then issued the SingStar Challenge to determine who is the real Chris. When Chris lost the SingStar Challenge, he declared that the contest meant nothing.
  • Chris made a fake page[10] mimicking that showed him as the winner of the PaRappa contest.
  • Trying to sound like a tough guy, Chris claimed in a 15 October 2009 Captain's Log entry that he "did not give a dang" about the reappearance of Liquid Chris, which is obviously not true since Solid devoted the entire first half of the Captain's Log to discrediting Liquid. Solid also stated that it would be the last time he mentioned Liquid, so of course he mentioned him again in a video six days later. In that video, Solid even used one of Liquid's SingStar Challenge songs to mock the trolls (the song's original purpose being to mock Solid), proving that Liquid does indeed still agitate him.
  • In Mailbag #14, Chris offered a revisionist account of his ejection from Grace Baptist Church, claiming that he was banned from the congregation because his pastor "found images of women in bikinis on my Facebook; he was offended." In fact, as Chris himself revealed in an e-mail to Lordsillynipples in 2008, he was kicked out after his pastor discovered the catalog of Chris's sexually deviant behavior on Encyclopedia Dramatica, as well as the deranged YouTube rant from his 25th birthday.
  • In Mailbag #25, Chris revealed that he told his father that he had taken the videos of the Chandler house off the Internet. The videos are still available on YouTube.
  • Chris began receiving e-mails in January 2010 pointing out to him that his drawings of the Raichu from which Rosechu spawned in Sonichu #0 had a pointed tail instead of a blunted one, meaning the Raichu was male. What makes this incident unique is that Chris could have easily resolved the entire conflict. Since Chris is a longtime fan of the series, he could have easily thought "Wait a sec, when did male and female Pokemon start using different sprites again?", done a few quick searches online, and found that all Raichu were drawn with pointed tails prior to 2006. Eventually, after Chris uploaded an edited page and claimed that the tail had been blunt all along, he had this realization...after someone else showed him Bulbapedia.
  • In early February 2010, Chris added a note to the CWCipedia page for Simonla Rosechu which claimed that she is a completely original character, and not a sloppy knockoff of Evan George's Simonchu. This was, of course, an obvious lie, contradicted by Chris's own e-mails and other statements about Simonla's creation. Later, in a phone conversation with Alec Benson Leary, Chris acted surprised that anyone would be unwilling to accept this "retraction" of the truth, suggesting that he doesn't even comprehend why people might not believe his lies.
  • On Chris's fifth phone call with Alec, Chris very quickly found his own logic being used against him. To extricate himself from having to admit he was wrong, Chris instead set the phone down and very unconvincingly pretended to be his own mother, carrying on a small "conversation" with Chris asking him to clean up some cat shit. Chris then came back to the phone to tell Alec his mom needed him to take care of the cat and that he had to hang up.
  • During the eighth conversation with Alec, Chris claims Nintendo sent him a letter saying Chris had free reign to use Pikachu in his comic, but when Alec asked Chris to upload the letter, Chris said he "misplaced" it. Also, during the call, Chris confidently stated that he "regularly" plays every single one of the games he owns — this being a valid reason he could not sell them for money. Chris owns roughly 600 different video games, so unless Chris has figured out a way to stop time, it would be impossible for him to play all of those games regularly.
  • Chris went to great lengths to tell the fans that he would never show gore and violence in his comics. However, he breaks this statement by killing Evan in a very gory fashion in Sonichu #10. He later insists in his first chat with Jackie that it was justified because Alec "gored it up first." Episode #17, which was written long before Asperchu even began, ended with Rosechu stripping naked, clawing a man's head open, electrocuting him, and leaving him in a puddle of his own blood.
  • When the trolls started to demand more comics, Chris stated that he was never sure whether he wanted to make money with Sonichu; if that were true, he would never have tried to make a video game about Sonichu, nor try to sell it to businesspeople.
  • Chris has repeatedly referred to The Wallflower as his "girlfriend", despite making a video pleading for her to be with him, and, in fact, complaining about her essentially putting him in the friend zone.
  • Chris promised to "remove [him]self from the Internet", only to return in less than 48 hours.
  • While trying to get himself back into The GAMe PLACe, Chris told Michael Snyder that he's become a better person. This is after all the things he's done since April 2008. He ends this meeting by calling Michael a Jew, despite stating he had nothing against Jews not five minutes earlier.
  • Chris's CWCipedia article about The Wallflower contains some of the biggest flights of fancy, blatant lies, exaggerations, half-truths, and flat-out delusions seen yet from Chris outside of the Father Call. Specifically, he claimed that he and The Wallflower had shared a kiss; since this would have been Chris's "real" first kiss (aside from "Chloe", a lie), it was considered important by obsessive CWCki editors to see if he remembers it later (the Wallflower CWCipedia page article was written on April the 19th). Naturally...leaked e-mails from Jackie show that by the 10th of April, nine days before making this highly suspicious claim, Chris had either a.) momentarily forgotten that he had been kissed — a monumental occasion in his life; b,) lied on his CWCipedia about being kissed; or c.) lied to Jackie about being kissed. In the end, a lie is still a lie, although it's possible he's basing his story on a gross exaggeration of the truth (the two sharing a drinking straw is the current troll favorite for this).
  • In the e-mails with Clyde Cash and Surfshack Tito about Chris's PS3, Chris swore that he would not reveal the name of his new girlfriend. He broke this promise in a video not two weeks later.
  • Also in the Clyde and Tito PS3 E-mails, Chris said he would not buy another PS3. Not only did he do that and begin earning trophies about two weeks later, he also bought a PS Move controller (seen in this video).
  • In an e-mail exchange with Jackie, he claims his penis is bigger than previously photographed and is no longer bent.
  • Chris told Vivian Gee that he read her book, A Girl Who Brought Down the World, when, in reality, he gave it to his pastoral counselor, and never touched it beyond that.[11]
  • In the Miyamoto emails, Chris claims he never sexually harassed Megan Schroeder, despite drawing ShecameforCWC.JPG, and Megan repeatedly having told Chris to stop touching her.[12][13][14]
