Megatron Takedown
Win this Goal When: While an Autobot is shipped with a Decepticon, the Decepticon is removed or discarded from the grid.
In a battle against the Decepticons, Son-Chu bested Megatron a few times. This one event, Megatron was in Cwcvilled, looking to steal the energy from Sabrina's Sharicite Crystal, but after a good number of hits on Megatron with Son-Chu's lightning-infused blade, and a blast to the sholder, Megatron sounded the retreat and fled.
28 November 2019[1]
Is This My Body or Yours?
Swap the positions of the two Pony cards attached to this ship. At the end of your turn, if neither of the affected Pony cards have been remobed from the shipping grid, swap the two affected Pony cards in their present positions.
When one is a Headmaster, and they swap bodies with their teammates, and even their enemies(?), when is it enough if it goes on All Day?!
28 November 2019[1]