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| A crystal that can open a warp gate.
| A crystal that can open a warp gate.
| 13 July 2022
| 13 July 2022
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Nightvee & the Warriors For Andromeda is an expansion pack of Chris's TSSSF cards, consisting of lore involving the Watchmen and Jacob Sockness.

Pack images


Nightvee helps in prepping the Goddesses for an adventure in another galaxy in this Dimension. With the help of Maker, Nightvee gathers Chris Chan Sonichu and the other CPUs of Dimension 1218 to not only help in the Dimension Merge's completion, but to set them out to take down a really great threat all the way from the Andromeda Galaxy.

With the shipping grid to visually aid you, you, too, can help guide the deities towards abolishing slavery and taking down a war-mongering monster.

TSSSF Core Deck or Sonichu Deck are required for playing the game with this Expansion Pack. This pack contains 46 cards.

Cost: $22.00[1]


Card Name Type Icon Effect Description Date
Black hole.jpg Black Hole Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: You discard 3 Pony cards in a single turn. A vast nothingness that absorbs everything that goes into it. What a way to be Shipped; being sucked into one of these. 30 June 2022
Carrie krueger-min.jpg
CPUAmethystHeart.jpg CPU Amethyst Heart Pony Female, Alicorn Pioneering Blades (Replace): While this card is in your hand, you may discard a Pony card from the grid and play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied. Cannotonia is the CPU of the LaserActive Console and the Nation of Lexxvania. She likes to get down to the nitty-gritty, directly. She is intelligent and insightful, and very aggressive in battle and combat. 4 January 2020 (leaked)[2]
CPUBismuthHeart.jpg CPU Bismuth Heart Pony Female, Alicorn Colourful Learning (Copy): You may copy the power of any Pony card currently on the shipping grid, except for Pony cards with the Changeling keyword. Vee is the CPU of the V-Smile Console and the Nation of Smileville. She generally likes to troll around, but she's of good intentions and observation. She likes to be a leader, because her ideas are direct and forward. When she gets depressed, she goes totally grey and really moody. 4 January 2020 (leaked)[2]
CPUEmeraldHeart.jpg CPU Emerald Heart Pony Female, Alicorn Soulja Goodness (Draw): You may draw 1 card from the Ship or Pony deck. Tapu is the CPU of the Souljagame Console and the Nation of Gizzala. A youthful, energetic and quirky type, she likes to do her best and have fun with everyone. She's good on offense as she is on supporting everyone and raising their spirits. 4 January 2020 (leaked)[2]
Cpu magenta heart-min.jpg
Cpu onyx heart-min.jpg
CPUOpalHeart.jpg CPU Opal Heart Pony Female, Alicorn Shimmering Colours (3-Way Swap): You may swap up to 3 Pony cards on the grid. Silva is the CPU of the WonderSwan Console and the Nation of Swaland. She sees and appreciate things of good beauty and awesomeness. A bit flighty at times, she is still a good-hearted nerd in her own way. 4 January 2020 (leaked)[2]
Cpu sonichu henshin belt-min.jpg
CPUTopazHeart.jpg CPU Topaz Heart Pony Female, Alicorn Epyx Action (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. Emily is the CPU of the Atari Lynx Console and the Nation of Chilanna. A fun and assertive type that likes to be rebellious. She is motivated by the anticipation of adventure and action. She always gives her best in the heat of battles. 4 January 2020 (leaked)[2]
Celestial key.jpg Celestial Key Pony Unicorn Open The Door or Portal (Retrieve): While this card is in your hand, you may choose a Pony card on the grid and put it into your hand, then play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied. A Key of a Clestial [sic] or Goddess that is able to unlock and open about any enchantment and blessing, including between Dimensions. This particular key is a chunk of Lightning Strike Quartz, infused and linked with Chris Chan Sonichu: the Goddess, CPU Blue Heart. With this personally enchanted key, she can and will complete the Dimension Merge when the time is correct to do so by the course of fated events. 9 August 2020 (leaked)
Fire nightvee-min.jpg
Gate crystal-min.jpg Gate Crystal Ship Heart Swap

You may take one Pony card attached to this card and swap it with another Pony Card on the shipping grid.

A crystal that can open a warp gate. 13 July 2022
Group image-min.jpg
Kylechu sonichu.jpg Kylechu Pony Sonichu, Special Muscling Sciences (Swap): You may swap 2 Pony cards on the shipping grid. A good friend with CPU Aqua, and a survivor of the fallen Dimension of ZX-49. Kylechu is an intelligent and tough type, with smarts in physics and science. He knows that when things get really tough, you get dirty to get shit done. 2 July 2022
SupernovaCard.jpg Supernova Ship Heart All Pony cards attached to this card are unable to activate their powers. A star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass. 11 March 2021[3]
VRProjectedSlavery.jpg VR-Projected Slavery Ship Heart N/A In the Rokat Empire, they impose slavery. Even when projected to other locations via Virtual Reality Projection, which literally ends up sending their individuals to real locations in C-197 and 1218, transporting goods between Dimensions. Nobody gets paid. I know; I took a few shifts for myself to see the happenings. Everyone was just plain miserable and frightened of the Rokat Empire and of Jakoba. He's going down, and Slavery will be Abolished on Kidasuna. 4 January 2020 (leaked)[2]
Good mirror of elaera.jpg Good Mirror of ElAeRa Pony Unicorn 1218>-<C-197 (Swap): You may swap 2 Pony cards on the shipping grid. An enchanted mirror created based on the original words of the Elfen of Elaera, but created with the skills and magic of a Goddess. This mirror allows portal access between Dimensions 1218 and C-197, as well as a boosted effect where the temple and property dimensions it resides in allows the temple, itself, and all inside and around the temple to switch between both dimensions on the very spot in Ruckersville, Virginia, USA. 9 August 2020 (leaked)
JakobasUltimateFate.jpg Jakoba's Ultimate Fate Goal Checkmark When [sic] this Goal when: Jakoba is removed or discarded from the grid by the effect of an [Alicorn] with the Princess keyword. During the big battle on Earth between Jakoba and Chris Chan Sonichu, after Jacob offers his energy and powers to give her an instant recharge, Chris Chan lands the final Blow and Jakoba of Dimension 1218 finally falls dead without reincarnation or revival, very much like the Jakoba of C-197 and most other Dimensions and Timelines. 9 August 2020 (leaked)
Lightning nightvee-min.jpg
Nabe sonichu-min.jpg
Nightvee pendant-min.jpg
Proto magi chan gashat-min.jpg
R righteous-min.jpg
Rokat grunt.jpg Rokat Grunt Pony Male, Earth Pony I Want Out of This Racket (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. In the Rokat Empire, their battalion mainly consists of trained soldiers and slaves. Nobody gets paid, and the food they serve is mediocre at best. The only recluse they have is the designated time periods for rest (equal to only a few Earth hours). They really are quite strict there. Even the Grunts often talk of how awful the treatment and abuse is; to some of them, they know not the better life outside. It is very sad. 9 August 2020 (leaked)
Rokat technology-min.jpg
Saving kidasuna.jpg Saving Kidasuna Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: A Villain is discarded or removed from the shipping grid by the power of an 🦄 card. Kidasuna is a planet in the Andromeda galaxy overtaken by Jakoba and the Rokat Empire. We aim to absolve their cruelty withing the communities. 30 June 2022
Simple mediation.jpg Simple Mediation Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: No Pony card has been discarded from the shipping grid during a turn, and at least one new Pony card and one new Ship card is added onto the grid (This Goal is Not Earned during the First Round of the game). The meditation and fountain areas of Kidasuna are usually quite serene, peaceful an quiet to gather energy, recover, and power up. 30 June 2022
JakobaCard.jpg Jakoba Pony Male, Alicorn Overpowered (Special): This card can ONLY be swapped, discarded or removed from the shipping grid by the effect of an Alicorn with the Princess keyword. This power cannot be copied. For a time, Jakoba was a God in the Andromeda Galaxy, but he was keeping the seat warm for the next God-in-waiting, and was dethroned. He still acts as a war-monger and rampaging leader of the Rokat Empire and over the planet of Kidasuna. His wants include conquering other planets. 11 March 2021[4]
Welcome to kidasuna.jpg Welcome To Kidasuna Goal Check Mark Win this Goal when: Jacob is shipped with Chris Chan "Ah. Here we are, Jacob. Welcome back to Kidasuna. I told you I'd be the one who transports you here. And we did it with Faster-Than-Light Teleportation of my powers and abilities." -Chris Chan Sonichu 12 December 2019[5]
Princess Fehuni Hitikara TSSSF.jpg Princess Fehuni Hitikara Pony Female, Alicorn For The Peoples! (Special): While this card is on the grid, when Jakoba is shipped with this card or Chris Chan, remove Jakoba from the grid (he does not go to the discard pile). This power cannot be copied. In my past life before being born anew as a Special Half-Sonichu, I was a Princess on the planet of Kidasuna in the Andromeda Galaxy in Dimension 1218. I was still young and naive during her time, but I did her best for her people, yet I became overwhelmed and was exiled to this life. Now I am back anew and a lot wiser, and with everyone else, we will abolish slavery on Kidasuna and take Jakoba down for good, for Kidasuna, and for the safety of Earth. 16 December 2019[6]
Wabbit hunting season.jpg Wabbit Hunting Season Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: Harriet is discarded from the shipping grid. Meghan, feeling Harriet was just too much, she pulled her Ace and summoned her Rowlette to kill the rabbit and save Nights, while Zappy was being distracting to everyone elsse. Harriet has a backstory, but it wasn't chronicled yet. 30 June 2022
Water nightvee-min.jpg


BenSaintIcon.png Secret Shipfic Saga BenSaintIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisBen SaintProjectSNTOpuscon789Jacob SocknessSarah and SteveHelena FiorenzaThe Sergeant at ArmsMultidimensional White KnightsMKRNightVeeNaughtGeno Samuel
Fictional Characters: OCs (NightVeeStrawberry Milk and Phantom HornPickchuWild Sonirisu)

The Games
TSSSF Packs: ArizonaSlimeBlessed Wares and Extra CreditChris Chan Sonichu Expansion PackHangin' With Magi-ChanIdeaGuy CorruptionsNightstar & FriendsNightvee & the Warriors For AndromedaProjectSNT and FriendsA Righteous RisingSamurai Pizza BotsSonichu/Rosechu OC Expansion PackSonichu & RosechuSonichu DeckSonichu PromoSonichu VillainsSuper/Mega FormsYES to MLPFiMSeasons10to14
TSSSF: Ben Saint: Dungeons and Dragons/ProjectSNT:

Coinciding Sagas
Watchmen, Jacob