A message to the Trolls

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A message to the Trolls (video name: A message to the Trolls.MOV) is a video Chris uploaded on 10 March 2010, a while after learning that The Wallflower had discovered the CWCki. In it, he, while noticeably not wearing his medallion or the high school ring, mostly whines to the trolls for interfering with his life, but doesn't go into specifics--mentioning only that trolls have been messing with his friends. He ends the video by punching the PSEye.

It's worth noting that despite blaming the trolls for much of his emotional pain and troubles in life, most of that has been self-induced by him - like making The Wallflower's identity public to begin with, much like She Came for CWC was his own doing as well. The fact that Chris has been told at several points, by several people to stop engaging the trolls gives a new meaning to this video, considering it's purposefully addressed to his trolls and he went on to upload it for them, and in doing so ignored the advice of those who were trying to help him and renewing the trolls attention once more.


A message to the Trolls.MOV
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Stardate 10 March 2010
Subject Matter RumorsRumors Rumors, GalpalsGalpals Gal Pals, ViolenceViolence Violence
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, RageRage Rage, ComedyComedy Unintentional Comedy
Shirt The JokerThe Joker The Joker
Surfshack Tito
Don't Mess With Me

You are nothing but goddamn greedy, impatient, unloved, and corrupted fools.


[A visibly upset Chris begins the video by speaking in a barely-audible, whining tone] This message is for every last god damn troll that has been pestering me for the past number of years, even the recent ones. I have been in a number of moments finding peace and losing it later. Because


You are su- You are a bunch of damn immature DUMBASSES who have no lives of your own.

You don't want me to have a little life of my own, you don't want me to find long-lasting peace and happiness for myself, you don't want me to find the whole true love for myself because you are so self-absorbed in yourselves, you don't wan- you only want me to give you more got-dang stories and art then I can give because of my... inspiration comes in and out... it mostly comes in when I'm happy and have peace.

You are nothing but god damn greedy, impatient, unloved, and [shows the claw] corrupted fools. Heartbreaks and heartaches, they really hurt. I've let you all done so much whatever you want emotionally than me...but...it is...goddamn another story when you tryta hurt my friends AND GET THEM INVOLVED like you've been doing! [Chris punches the camera and we go bright orange for a microsecond before cutting off.]

Fan videos

Stardate 31 December 2017
Made By monkey777
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos
Surfshack Tito Chris's videos Don't Mess With Me
Videos for trolls

Clyde Cash: Plea to Clyde | Chris Comes Out of the Closet | Vibrator destruction video | The proof | BACK THE FUCK OFF | Secret Weapon | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | YouTube Finale | A CWC Audition | Chris Calls Clyde Out | Sign destruction video | Clyde Cash the kid video | Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris loses it | War paint video | Response to Gregg | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | Apology for doing WTC | No More Jokes | To Clyde and Jack | Don't Mess With Me | I am Clyde Cash | Chris has no creativity | Chris "executes" Clyde

Other trolls: We're Being Watched | Naïve YouTubers | A near public apology | Rollin' and Trollin' | CWC Trollin More | It's UGH! | Chris humps his PS3 | THAT IS MY HOUSE | Forgiveness Blessings | Curse the Trolls | Ultimatum for Vivian | Chris dispels videogame rumors | To Clyde and Jack | Multiple challenge | Asperchu fury | Surfshack Tito | A message to the Trolls | Tito Got No Luck Against We Brits, Irish and Scots! | Chris Drops the N-Bomb | I Pimp My Ride | Chris tells the trolls | Sonichu copyrights | Stardate, August 27, 2010 | ItIsFinished | Anti Troll Movement Video1 | Don't make the Grimace sad | I am Alec Benson Leary | Calling Out videos | Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada

Lady Managers: Doxing Jeff/Francine | Thank You, Jeff, and I accept your apology. | Update 1/17/2016 | Jeff is Beyond Denounced.

Idea Guys: Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! | Cherokean Chant | Smashing | Get Out, You D*** Nazis! | Tour of Chris's House III | Chris apologizes to Gwen | Chris slaps himself | Dick Licker; that is I. | One-Hundred! | Chris pleads to stop Cryzel Torture‎ | All Star | Chris lost Crystal | I’m Sorry for Ruining so many Fandoms