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La Cocina en La Casa de Casanova. Chris's kitchen, located on the second floor of 14 Branchland Court, is a disgusting cesspool full of rotten food, boxes of old crap, and no doubt a few gallons of tard navy from many a sex chat.

Chris's computer is located here, and he has shot a few videos in this place, including various videos of him masturbating.

Items in Chris's Kitchen

What normally goes on in the kitchen.

The following items are present in Chris's kitchen:

  • Chris.
  • Christmas decorations (including a tree) that are left to stew year round and most likely have been there since the Chandlers moved in.
  • Various pots and pans.
  • Disposable fast food drink containers piled up on top of plates.
  • A mountain of presumably unwashed dishes and cookware covering almost half the window. The giant mound spills out past the window and well around the corner of the bench. No space to prepare food is visible.
  • One perfectly cylindrical object emblazoned with a Mountain Dew label.
  • Plastic bags, some apparently still containing matter.
  • Two chairs or movable set of drawers, both covered in junk.
  • A potted plant sits atop the cupboard. Due to its healthy, uniform bright green colour despite living in a trash heap on a high shelf with no access to sunlight or water, top men are certain it is fake.
  • Paper plates still smeared with some kind of off-yellow food are clearly visible sitting near the two fast-food drink containers atop a mountain of rubbish. Could be an overflowing bin.
  • A purple box of tissues right beside/behind the microwave in the far left corner.
  • Various knick-knacks on a small shelf obscure another part of the window; coupled with Mount Trashheap, this almost completely obscures the window.

List of videos filmed here

Presumably, almost all of Chris's IRC chats and webcam/VOIP conversations took place in the kitchen, save for a few that employed only his PS3. He has also ventured out of his room to record several videos in front of the computer in the kitchen.