Samurai Pizza Bots (TSSSF pack)

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This article is about the TSSSF card expansion pack. For the Sonichu comic characters, see Samurai Pizza Bots.

Samurai Pizza Bots is a custom TSSSF expansion pack Chris created consisting of cards that involve Samurai Pizza Bots characters.

Pack images


Autobots, Transform and Roll Out! We have to join the battles on the Shipping Grid to keep all of the innocent individuals from being decimated by the Decepticons!

Now, you have the chance to play with a few of the bots of Cybertron in this Expansion Pack featuring Son-Chu, the other local Autobots of Cwcville, and the Decepticlones of the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens.

Transform the Shipping Grid Today with this pack.

TSSSS [sic] Core Deck or Sonichu Deck are required for playing the game with this Expansion Pack. This pack contains 21 cards.

Cost: $29.00[1]


Card Name Type Icon Effect Description Date published
Aerial advantages-min.jpg Aerial Advantages Ship Heart When you attack this card to the grid, both Pony cards attached to this Ship becomes * until the end of your turn. This cannot affect Pony cards with the Changeling keyword. On a mission, Starscream was spotted leaving the city on route to return to the Decepticons, and Sky Lynx chased after him in pursuit. 12 July 2022
Armoraxe-min.jpg Armoraxe Pony Male, Horseshoe Rockin' On! (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. Armoraxe is the massive tank and music-lover of the group. Maintaining his bulky truck form, he can withstand many a blow from his foes. And with his weaponized guitar/axe, he can literally shred the enemy down with sound waves, and well as cut his competition down to size. 9 July 2022
Bumble lumba-min.jpg Bumble-Lumba Pony Male, Horseshoe Have a Slice (Draw): You may draw 1 card from the Ship of Pony deck. The Scout of the group, a bit clumsy, but moreover smart and witty, Bumble-Lumba will make sure the path ahead is safe and clear for his team. And if he throws a pizza at a Decepticon, it is infused with an EMP, so each slice is a hefty dose of Ouch! 10 July 2022
Combined efforts.jpg Combined Efforts Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: A Pony card on the shipping grid is fully shipped with four other Pony cards. Combiner Transformers tend to get the upper hand in Teamwork Abilities, not to mention standing taller even than a Tall non-titan Transformer. 30 June 2022
Crackder-min.jpg Crackder Pony Male, Wing DIVE! (Replace): While this card is in your hand, you may discard a Pony card from the grid and play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied. From the laboratories of the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens, Doctor Ren Skysoar takes imported Cybertronian technology to manufacture these Jet Decepticlones for only the most well-trained pilot amongst the armies of Jerkops and Janekops. Soaring the skies and swooping in for a massive breakup of ships. 10 July 2022
Excelina-min.jpg Excelina Pony Female, Horseshoe May I take your order? (Copy): You may copy the power of any Pony card currently on the shipping grid, except for Pony cards with the Changeling keyword. Excelina is the Autobot Spy and tactician of the group. Using a drone projector, she can project a visible and tangible human form anywhere she needs to in order to work at the Cwcville Pizzaria, or, of course, to spy on the Decepticons or any of the local villains, while remaining outside as an unsuspecting motorcycle. She also is very agile and quick with kick-ass combat skills. 10 July 2022
God hand focus.jpg God Hand Focus Ship Heart You may copy the power of any Ship card currently on the shipping grid to use as this card's power. Rather they be individual as Spectro, Viewfinder and Spyglass, or cloned and copied as Reflector, these camera bots always enjoying the view as they spy and gather intel. They even like to combine and take alternate shapes, including a set of them becoming a large hand and holding another set as a camera for a behind-the-corner perception of someone else around the corner. 10 August 2020
Gwenmi mikoto-min.jpg Gwenmi Mikoto Pony Female, Horseshoe Truckin' It (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it. Gwen Mikoto was an expert technician and mechanical engineer. She identified as a robot, or part human/robot combination. She crafted her own exo-suit that would become her exo-skeletal form, going from simple human woman to a fall on robot. Ending up becoming a Headmaster, she used her truck as her bigger body and vehiclular form. Gwenmi was also the OC of Stephen Boyd during the months of the IdeaGuy Corruptions. 10 July 2022
Helping a cybertronian.jpg Helping A Cybertronian Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: You add an Autobot or Decepticon from the Pony discard pile into your hand, and then immediately added it onto the shipping grid. A weakened Starscream sought aid after being abused by Megatron too many times to count, and solved his ways in sound mind and energon care. MKR, the CPU Magenta Heart, came to his aid, and he was very grateful. 30 June 2022
In between factions.jpg In-Between Factions Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: A Pony card without any Keywords (other than its name) is shipped in a chain between an Autobot and a Decepticon. Punch is one to remain on the side of good and justice, but his acting in his alt-mode as Counterpunch does get confusing. Fortunately, he has found an in-between form when he can be neither one or the other for a while and be just himself. 30 June 2022
IsThisMyBodyorYoursCard.jpg Is This My Body or Yours? Ship Heart Swap the positions of the two Pony cards attached to this ship. At the end of your turn, if neither of the affected Pony cards have been remobed from the shipping grid, swap the two affected Pony cards in their present positions. When one is a Headmaster, and they swap bodies with their teammates, and even their enemies(?), when is it enough if it goes on All Day?! 28 November 2019[2]
Kremzeek -min.jpg Kremzeek! Pony Gender-neutral Absorption (Retrieve): While this card is in your hand, you may choose a Pony card on the grid and put it into your hand. Then, play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied. This little-energy-crafted imp is one that should not be tampered with easily, as he can suck the electricity from mechanical beings for sustenance and power. The only way to quell these beasts down is to totally drain it. 10 July 2022
Samurai Pizza Bots TSSSF.jpeg Megatron Takedown Goal Checkmark Win this Goal When: While an Autobot is shipped with a Decepticon, the Decepticon is removed or discarded from the grid. In a battle against the Decepticons, Son-Chu bested Megatron a few times. This one event, Megatron was in Cwcvilled, looking to steal the energy from Sabrina's Sharicite Crystal, but after a good number of hits on Megatron with Son-Chu's lightning-infused blade, and a blast to the sholder, Megatron sounded the retreat and fled. 28 November 2019[2]
Pizza bagels -min.jpg Pizza Bagels!!! Ship Heart When you attach this card to the grid, you may choose one Pony card attached to this Ship. Until the end of your turn, that Pony card gains one food-based keyword of your choice, except for Pony names. Appparently, a small part of the dispute between Optimus Prime and Megatron is Prime's love of Pizza Bagels, and Megatrons love of Burritos. So, when Son-Chu and his team were being dispatched into Cwcville, Excelina returned with a big box of pizza bagels for Prime. He enjoy gobbling each and every one of them. (Shoutout to Emgo316 on YouTube) 14 July 2022
Pretender shell-min.jpg Pretender Shell Ship Heart Instead of playing this Ship with a Pony card from your hand, or connecting two Pony cards already on the shipping grid, you may take a Pony card from the grid and reattach it elsewhere with this Ship. THat card's power activates. To conceal themselves during times of peace, some Cybertronians would take a visual alt-form of a human or creature and co-mingle with the local individuals until when they are needed again for battle. 14 July 2022
Protecting the innocent.jpg Protecting The Innocent Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: There are 5 Autobots on the shipping grid. During the month of November, 2017, the Nation of Lowee was under attack, and the troops were outnumbered and overwhelmed. So, Cwcville sent some of their troops, and Son-chu and his crew followed to help. Having the Autobots there really helped turn the tide that day for the safety of Lowee and its citizens. 30 June 2022
Prower-min.jpg Prower Pony Male, Horseshoe Slipping Past The Enemy (Replace): While this card is in your hand, you may discard a Pony card from the grid and play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied. Prower is the weapons expert of the group. He keeps his and his teammates' weapons fine-tuned and sharpened for any battle. in his side-car armor, he takes the visage of a samurai warrior, and takes out any foe his size quick and slick. 11 July 2022
Punislav-min.jpg Punislav Pony Male, Horseshoe Sound The Siren (3-Way Swap): You may swap up to 3 Pony cards on the grid. From the laboratories of the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens, Doctor Ren Skysoar takes imported Cybertronian technology to manufacture these faux Police Cars to simulate the arrival of the local Police Force. And then the Jerkops would pop our not to protect and serve, but to punish and breakup. 11 July 2022
Scoundrel as vessel-min.jpg Scoundrel As Vessel Pony Male, Horseshoe BLOOOOSH! (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. From the laboratories of the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens, Doctor Ren Skysoar takes imported Cybertronian technology to manufacture these military-esque weaponized trucks to transport many a material to his facilities and take out anyone who gets in their way to complete the mission. 11 July 2022
Son chu-min.jpg Son-Chu Pony Male, Horseshoe Roll Out! (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. if it's still in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it. Son-Chu is the head of the Cwcville division of Autobots, known as the Samurai Pizza Bots (they did pick up a a bunch of samurai training from Autobot Drift, and Magi-Chan helped them find their center, balance and better skills). Son0Chu has triumphed over many a Decepticlone sent in from PVCCitizens, and even a number of Decepticons. He managed to stand up to Megatron and surpassed him on his own skills and merit in two battles. 11 July 2022
Where s my trailer -min.jpg Where's My Trailer Ship Heart Whenever a Pony card attached with this Ship card would be moved on the shipping grid, the other Pony card connected to this Ship card moves as well. This does not apply to discard rules. Optimus Prime's Trailer usually gets teleported into his subspace, or if needed locally, it will teleport to a nearby location. There is the odd occasion where the trailer does not appear when Optimus transforms into his vehicle mode. It can get pretty awkward for him when it happens. 15 July 2022


BenSaintIcon.png Secret Shipfic Saga BenSaintIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisBen SaintProjectSNTOpuscon789Jacob SocknessSarah and SteveHelena FiorenzaThe Sergeant at ArmsMultidimensional White KnightsMKRNightVeeNaughtGeno Samuel
Fictional Characters: OCs (NightVeeStrawberry Milk and Phantom HornPickchuWild Sonirisu)

The Games
TSSSF Packs: ArizonaSlimeBlessed Wares and Extra CreditChris Chan Sonichu Expansion PackHangin' With Magi-ChanIdeaGuy CorruptionsNightstar & FriendsNightvee & the Warriors For AndromedaProjectSNT and FriendsA Righteous RisingSamurai Pizza BotsSonichu/Rosechu OC Expansion PackSonichu & RosechuSonichu DeckSonichu PromoSonichu VillainsSuper/Mega FormsYES to MLPFiMSeasons10to14
TSSSF: Ben Saint: Dungeons and Dragons/ProjectSNT:

Coinciding Sagas
Watchmen, Jacob