Impulse Gay Social Club

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This photoshopped image becomes quite hilarious in hindsight.

The Impulse Gay Social Club is a non-profit gay social club located on 1417 North Emmet St. in Charlottesville, Virginia. By mid-2015, it had become Chris's most important Attraction Location.

Initial Exploration

Chris dressing up as a filthy, unkempt hippie for Halloween.

In August 2014, Chris came out as a "Lesbian Identified Male," or as he eventually put it on his OKCupid profile, "a Female, Lesbian Soul in this Male Body; a Lesbian Transwoman (Very Interested in Women) (no operation)." This was (no doubt coincidentally) around the same time that he was beginning to build bisexual Catherine into a Sweetheart from the Ground-Up. In early October, Chris learned that Catherine would be in Charlottesville for Halloween, and he began to make plans for them to wear matching costumes in public with a "Lesbians Through Time" theme.[1] Regrettably, Catherine couldn't make it, but Chris decided to make the best of it, and attended the Halloween party at Impulse alone.

He had a good time. Immediately upon returning home, he went to his Facebook page and posted a selfie of himself in the bathroom, captioned "Groovy 70's Lesbian Chic enjoying the beats at Impulse Gay Social-Club!" He also offered a review of the club:

The show tonight has been good; I've enjoyed the ladies here; great views. They could turn the speaker volume down a few decibels; that's what cost them that fifth star from me.

Continuing Fun

While his non-relationship with Catherine died shortly thereafter, it did have one lasting positive impact in giving Chris a new hangout. While the details remain unclear, he apparently began to show up to Impulse on a regular basis and even made what he considered friends. This did not become public knowledge until May 2015, when Kiwi Farmer Lucrid announced, "I just saw Chris at Impulse (Cville's gay bar)." Lucrid's account:

There was a drag show tonight at Impulse and I just happened to see Chris there. I've been living in Charlottesville now for a few years and this is the first time I ever saw him in person, so it was pretty unexpected, even though I've heard that Chris has attended events at this particular bar before. I didn't take any pictures or video recordings, though, so you'll just have to take my word.

I arrived at the place with some friends at around 10:15, so it was about fifteen minutes before the start of the show. They had these long rectangular ottoman-like stools that people could sit together on as they watched the show. Chris was seated on one, and he wasn't talking to anyone, just sitting and looking at what I think was his phone. He was wearing a sleeveless blue dress with white flowers (it looked like something from Goodwill) over a dark navy blue T-shirt, sneakers, and normal glasses (he wasn't wearing the MLP kids' classes from the Gamestop incident video). His hair was the mess that it usually is. The lighting was pretty dim but it also looked like he was wearing bluish-purplish eyeshadow. So basically it was just the standard Tomgirl look.

Chris hardly talked to anyone, though he seemed to be really enjoying the show -- he tipped all of the performers (it is customary to tip the performers that you like, so it is not that unusual, though Chris showed his appreciation for every single performer). I think there were at least ten performances in total, with an intermission in the middle somewhere. He stayed for the whole show, which means that he didn't get back to Ruckersville until well after midnight.

Anyway, on the other end of the stool that Chris was sitting on, there were two (biological) girls. I have no idea if they are Christorians or just random girls, but I noticed Chris was trying to sit closer to them, and it looked like he was trying to listen in on their conversation without taking part in it. It was a little weird, but then I turned around later and he was talking to them. When he left, though, he wasn't with anyone else.

After the drag show itself ended, people typically stick around and socialize. There was still music playing, and Chris kind of did a swaying-dance thing where he was standing (it wasn't on the dance was a quiet night so people weren't dancing there), and his eyes were half-shut (oddly enough the expression he made reminded me of how he looked in the "For J-R's Eyes Only" video).

Again, sorry about not having any real proof. Though there isn't really much to say -- he went to a gay bar and acted relatively normal and didn't have any outbursts. I don't think people paid him much attention, either. But since no shit is too minor, I figure I'd share it with you all.

In the next few weeks, Chris all but confirmed this with public Facebook references to being at "the club last night," handing out business cards to the "ladies," and getting advice from his new "D.Q." (Drag Queen) soul-sisters.


On 24 May, forum member heyyyJackiePie released three brief videos of Chris enjoying the show at Impulse and interacting with other human beings.


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Stardate 24 May 2015
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Stardate 24 May 2015
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The Boom Boom Room

Chris with his new gal pal, who looks somewhat uncomfortable.
Chris claims to have gotten some phone numbers.

Twice a month, Impulse is entertained by The Boom Boom Room, a local burlesque variety troupe. Chris attended his first (and undoubtedly not the last) show on 12 June 2015, and had a blast. As soon as he got home, he got on Facebook and posted with pride and defensiveness about how all the ladies loved him. He even claimed to have participated in the show.

Do you know who Likes me? These Women Like Me! I was at the Boom Boom Burlesque Show Friday Night, and Zhora Nova was quite taken with my audience support and participation. On stage, I acted a drown quite well. I applied naraja lip balm with vaginal outlines. And I flexed muscles and booty. Not only was I awarded a couple of blow pops, but I also won the raffle, complete with a Trophy and a Tiara, among other most valuable prizes. And Kisses and hugs were shared with great delight.

See also


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