Soul Bonding

Soul Bonding is a CWC-ism and euphemism by Chris to describe his actions towards his mother, Barbara Chandler, during the time he was engaging in incest with her. Chris's definition of "soul bonding" has changed over time, notably during his stay at Central Virginia Regional Jail in his Jail Communications to various orbiters.
On 27 July 2021, Chris drew an art piece depicting "a basic visual representation of #PlatosSymposium for being on the good eyes for Inner Beauty as opposed to physical beauty." He uploaded the drawing to Twitter on 28 July, writing that:
the ships, aside from me with Magi-Chan, are up for interpretations, but the outlines do shape each individual well. So, they are free for your interpretations of gender and situation. Have fun. 😊[1] |
Notably the drawing had been produced and uploaded around the time the Incest Call is estimated to have occurred. One of the "ships" depicted is of two people in a sexual position. One asks, "My love, does our soul bond and play satisfy you?" and the other answers, "Yes, it does. Thank you."
On 1 June 2022, in a letter to Helena Fiorenza, Chris mentioned the term, using it in conjunction with cuddling, hugs and kisses (but drawing a line between it and sex). He wrote:
No sex was had between Barbara and I. All that happened was Simple Soul-Bonding, cuddling, hugs, and cheek and forehead kisses; nothing more. In the Soul-Bonding and talking, I had made great effort to restrengthen her mentality and emotions through talking and getting her to recall her past in story telling. Also, I Divinely Did heal and cleanse her of her sins and regrets.[2] |
On 4 June 2022, in response to Eels asking him what soul bonding is, Chris claimed that it involved New Age spirituality. He wrote in a jail letter that:
Soul Bonding is the Bonding and Union of Auras (Energy Fields) between at least two individuals. Crystals are not required. One can Soul Bond with themself in a (re)union of your own Soul and the separate energy manifested from your Body's Care point between the heart and Solar Plexus Chakra Points. If you have ever Astral Projected your soul out of your Body, and your Body managed to continue their functions at least on Basic Minium [sic] during your abscence [sic] with a manifistation [sic] of a Soul Copy manifested from your Body's Core, and find yourself communicating with that separate entity while in your Body, then you'd understand the situation and relationship of a Body and Soul Partner relationship. Other multi-dimensional Soul Bonding details will be talked about in the upcoming book.[3] |