Chris and politics
“ | EID, PMURT, EID | ” |
Chris's biting political commentary on President Trump. |
In recent years, Chris has been quite vocal about his political views. He was once a moderate, and then shifted left. During the Tomgirl Saga, he shifted further left. His progressing support of LGBT may have been why he has been more vocal about politics.
Political Views
Chris's political views resemble a third grade child's "if I were President" social studies assignment, possessing a shallow understanding of major world issues.
A rather insightful example of his limited understanding of how the world actually works is his video A Public Announcement for Congress, in which Chris explains in detail the actions he would take if elected President of the United States.
One doesn't even need to play the video to know that Chris is full of shit, as the title "A Public Announcement for Congress", contradicts itself. The video is not directed at Congress in any way, but rather is a stump speech directed at the American people. Anyone familiar with Chris's unique manner of speaking knows that he makes a habit of using fancy-sounding words (to him, at least) to make himself sound more intelligent than he actually is. Since Chris has no idea how to actually these words, the results often make him sound even more like a total moron.
A Public Announcement for Congress | |
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Stardate | 18 October 2010 |
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In the video, Chris displays for all the world to see that he has no idea how anything works.
Chris's first 100 days as President would be as follows:
- Use federal funds to create massive government housing complexes in every major city for the homeless.
- Drastically lower the sales tax of the state of Virginia from 5% to 2.5%
- Not lower "benefits" for retirees.
- Subsidize pharmaceutical costs for retirees.
- Confiscate all firearms owned by civilians.
- Legalize gay marriage in every member state of the United Nations.
- Construct FBI stations to monitor the activities of internet trolls.
Ideologically, Chris's views are all over the place, ranging from conservative such as slashing tax rates in half to extremely liberal views such as setting up a massive welfare initiative in the form of "soup hotels".
One point of interest is the fact that the "five percent" tax rate Chris talks about cutting in half refers to Virginia's sales tax rate, and not federal income tax. Besides the fact that sales tax rates are set by states and not the federal government, and a President Chandler would have no power to change this, Chris's misunderstanding of the distinction between income and sales tax points to the fact that, to nobody's surprise, Barb most likely did all of his taxes for him for the entire three months out of his entire life he spent working a job.
Since Chris most likely has never seen a W2 in his entire life, his approval of cutting taxes was most likely the influence of his late father. This is also most certainly the case with the next two points, which both relate to benefits for retired persons.
He would also take away all firearms from the civilian population, a direct violation of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. He then immediately backtracks on this idea, instead settling to just confiscate and ban the sale of ammunition. This ammunition would then be redistributed to the population in the event of an attack from 'another nation or planet". Not even considering the fact that such a plan would be a logistical nightmare, Chris seems to forget that the United States already has a military to defend itself, so exactly why Chris believes the U.S. population would have to be engaged in Guerrilla-style warfare against a foreign invader is a mystery.
Chris's final proposal is perhaps the most egregious, suggesting that the resources of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a federal agency which is, among other things, dedicated to stopping foreign and domestic terrorist plots, should be used to investigate people who type "ur gay" over the internet.
In short, Chris's views on politics are mostly the product of the influences of his conservative parents, combined with a well-meaning, yet naïve understanding of complex social and political issues like poverty and gun violence.
Other Issues
On 15 November 2015, Chris wrote a piece on the ISIS attacks in France.
He demonstrated a very simplistic notion of ISIS, comparing it to a cartoon villain “looking to gather energies and power for themselves.”
He also tried to understand the motives of the terrorists by using his own life experiences against trolls, saying “I feel the terrorists, regardless of country, are misguided with paranoia and fear of others.”
His solution for world peace is simply to “stand together, combining our hearts and souls in the efforts to share the lights of friendship and love.” This ignores all underlying motives for sociopolitical tensions, and is a solution more fitting for a fight among small children.
In the 2009 Father Call, Matthew called out Chris on his lack of patriotism, for making Twin Falling Towers, saying, “Don't tell me you're an American.” Chris took it literally, responding with “I was born in America, I was raised in America my whole life, I never left the United States of America.”
On 3 May 2017, Chris naïvely appealed to North Korea, a foreign totalitarian regime, for a coup against the President of the United States.
Chris's Involvement in the Political Process
Chris, to many people's shock and horror, has voted in multiple United States presidential elections. In 2008, Chris voted for Barack Obama, his main reason for doing so was the fact that he had watched a set of documentaries on both Obama and his Republican opponent, John McCain. Chris, in True and Honest form, said he voted against McCain because he couldn’t identify with him on a personal level. In December 2008, he stated[1]:
I saw more of myself in Obama when I watched his A&E Biography, than in McCain's A&E Biography; both downloaded from the Playstation Store.
Who would you vote for; a war hero that you couldn't feel that much for, or the guy who you feel like is similar to you in social dilemmas? |
Exactly what qualities of Barrack Obama an obese manchild saw in himself is currently unknown. Chris elaborated further in 2014, during a date with Catherine:
I kind of felt like um, with my mental stabil-, with my mental problems and whatnot, I felt like I could similarly relate to him? I felt more related, felt more relatable to him in that sense than McCain was. As he was the, uh, prisoner in that other country he insisted, he did not want to be released early. He wanted to go out with the r-, with as s-, at the same time as errybody else. Uh I mean, that is, that is admirable [he pronounces this word all wrong]. |
Chris would go on to vote for Obama a second time in 2012 for, once again, no real reason besides his claim that he personally identified with him, saying, “I felt like I wanted to make sure that I had good reason to decide from the change and having a first black president. Aside from that, cause if I had done that, if I had done it on just that alone, that would have been racist.”Template:Citation needed
Despite having four more years of opportunities to actually understand how a country functions, Chris's reasoning for his choice in the 2016 Presidential election remained laughably shallow. Chris repeatedly made clear his preference for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton during this election cycle, his main reason being that she is a woman. In February 2016, Chris said, "I feel like American [sic] needs a woman's touch finally after all these years"[2] as a reason for why he wanted Hillary Clinton to become president.
Chris did make a slight attempt to develop his political views from the Obama era, Instead of just voting for Clinton because she reminds him of himself, he read up on the issues. Unfortunately, this consisted of skimming clickbait articles written by LGBT activists. He also cited an episode of The Simpsons as one of his major sources for being opposed to Clinton’s opponent, Donald Trump.[3].
When a fan asked him for reasons for vote for Clinton, he responded[4]:
- Hillary will Tax the Fat Cats and fill the middle class and lower and get the country less in debt.
- She is PRO-LGBTQ and Immigrants
- She is more beneficial for EVERYONE in General.
- AND, this country is long Overdue for a Woman's touch.
Despite claiming to be a feminist, the sexism in Chris's "woman's touch" remarks seems to elude him.
Chris has also given many reasons for opposing Trump.
2016 Election Results
On 9 November 2016, Chris reacted to news of Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton by throwing a huge temper tantrum. During that time, he:
- Asked someone to kill Trump with “a sniper rifle”
- Made videos and Facebook posts depicting the President-elect, and later the Vice President-elect, being murdered in effigy, using Transformers and Legos
- Posted to the comments section of a LGBT Facebook page and asked its readers to pray for Trump’s death
He also signed an online petition asking the Electoral College to disregard the results of the 2016 election and install Clinton into the presidency which did not happen.
Chris has refused to recognize Pmurt as his president, saying, “Trump is Not president, mayor, or Anything in Cwcville.[5]
Open Letter to Pmurt on the LGBT
Upon reading that Pmurt had said he would sign the First Amendment Defense Act if passed by Congress, a bill opposed by liberals due to potentially enabling discrimination against the LGBT, Chris first reacted by making a death threat, then writing an open letter directed at Pmurt.
Hey! #DonaldTrump. I have a puzzler for you.
In the alternate reality/dimension/universe where A, Every person there is the Opposite born gender from here (in an example, the Donald Trump there is a Woman, and Every President of the United States of America there has been Female), and B, the LGBTQ is the Norm and the discrimination happens against the Straight People. Would You, the Donald Trump of This reality/dimension/universe, allow the Donald Trump(ette) in That opposite reality/dimension/universe, Sign the Anti-Straight Law, that would allow discrimination of Yourself, Ever? If your answer is No, then it should be fit that you Not discriminate against us, the LGBTQ, as the people there Discriminate against the Straight. Yet, if your answer remains Yes, then you, sir, would end up being a Self-Loathing Person, as you allowed the continuing of Discrimination of Yourself in that reality/dimension/universe that is the Very Same Planet, AND the Very Same United States of America, that You, Yourself, regardless, dare to reside and take office in. #DonaldTrump, Abdicate the Office and let Hillary Clinton run this country, For the Love of Religion, and for any shred of Self-Love you have for yourself. Or die from yours or someone else's hand. Good day. |
Though confusing, Chris's point seems to be that he wants Pmurt to consider the perspective of a LGBT-oriented person before making his decision on the bill. Aside from the death threat at the end, it is a fair effort by Chris, whose own autism often makes it difficult for himself to empathize with other people.
Reasons for Chris's political shift
Bob's death
Though his bigotry is often exaggerated by trolls, Chris's father, being a geriatric southerner, held noted racist, sexist, and homophobic tendencies. Due to Chris's dependence on his parents and general social isolation, Bob was probably the only major political influence Chris had in his youth, and Chris's conservative social views probably came from Bob's.
After Bob's death in 2011, Chris has no longer been exposed to his opinions, and Barb has been seemingly too lethargic and withdrawn from society to impart any political views of her own. This has left Chris open to political influence from others, particularly as he has begun socializing within the LGBT community and other generally progressive outlets.
Political alignment of trolls and white knights
In his original heyday, Chris saw criticism from progressives, for his racism, sexism, and homophobia, as well as from conservatives, for being a sexually perverted welfare leech. However, the mid-2010s saw a shift in internet-based progressive politics toward the "social justice" movement, based strongly on "identity politics", while many communities hostile to Chris, such as Kiwi Farms and 4chan, saw a political shift toward the "alt-right". At the same time, Chris re-identified from a straight male to a lesbian transwoman.
With this, certain modern right-wingers have come to consider Chris the embodiment of the decline of contemporary society: gender-confused, autistic, immature, politically naïve, and financially dependent on the government. On the other hand, according to orthodox "social justice" thought, Chris, as an impoverished, disabled "lesbian transwoman" with a history of genuine online harassment, is near the top of the "oppression hierarchy". Consequently, certain progressives consider him immune to criticism and deserving of ideologically motivated white knighting.
Thus, Chris's newfound support for SLGBTQ and ethnic minorities could be an attempt to attract more positive attention from those who already sympathize with him, while his hatred of right-wing figures like Pmurt could be from their association with trolls.
Financial problems
- Main article: Financhu Crisis
Chris's deteriorating financial situation, continued dependence on government money, and growing health problems for himself and his mother have enhanced his sensitivity to social spending and fiscal policy. In particular, one of Pmurt's most prominent policy goals is the repeal of the current Affordable Care Act; while the exact effects of the law on healthcare costs and availability for common people are debatable, it is generally considered at least partly effective. Chris has no doubt heard about Republican repeal efforts from his limited political news exposure, and likely holds them against Trump and his allies.
See also
Chris and... |
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