My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Chris's Applejack avatar.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the My Little Pony franchise's 2010s incarnation and the longest-running animated series in its history. It ran for nine seasons, from October 2010-October 2019. As mentioned before, while intended for a young female audience, it wound up gaining a massive adult audience, especially among men. With that in mind, plus his previous track record for loving children's shows, it's not surprising that Chris was later turned onto the show, and that he'd have even more confidence with being publicly interested in it.

Chris used a picture of Applejack from Friendship is Magic as his Tomboys and Tomgirls of Virginia forum avatar, although his screen name was modeled after the name of another major character in the series – Rainbow Dash.

A Friendship is Magic Rainbow Dash toy can be sighted in the background of "Correction of EX relationship status" and a G3 My Little Pony sticker can be seen on Chris's 3DS in the Wristwatch-SwissWatch for Jeremy "Thorg" video.

Chris also has a Friendship is Magic playlist on his ChristianWChandler YouTube account, which included what was then all of its episodes.[1] In the Facebook note he made on 31 March 2012, he complains about "gum gabbing gossip columnists working for a corrupt editor", which is the plot for the episode "Ponyville Confidential" (which aired not too long before the note was made), the giveaway being that the nom de plume used in the episode was "Gabby Gums".

Chris gets intimate with one of his favorite characters.

On 24 April 2012, Chris wrote a note on his Facebook, calling for the rescue of the MLP:FiM character "Derpy Hooves" (later officially credited as "Ditzy Doo" and then "Muffins"), a character who is characterized by her lazy eyes and comical method of thinking, whose first speaking appearance in the episode "The Last Roundup" was re-edited because one person (who would later be heavily criticized by the MLP:FiM fanbase) thought Derpy's voice and personality in said appearance was offensive to the disabled. Naturally, Chris saw it as a vehicle to gain more pity towards him by sympathizing with a character that appeared to have some sort of disorder.

On 26 June 2012, Chris whined about dark pony-related media on his Facebook via Twitter. He mentioned watching an animated adaption of the infamous fanfiction Cupcakes and SHED.MOV (an episode of HotDiggedyDemon's PONY.MOV series). He took particular offense at Rainbow Dash, a tomboyish character, being gorily killed in both videos and, in a characteristic fit of fatuous egotism, suggested that it was done because people hate tomboys and tomgirls. He went on to rant about the "Dark Parodies" being the reason behind his writer's block, before descending into the usual tirade of hatred against people in general.

In a twist of irony, it was later discovered that Chris has not one,[2] but two[3] playlists from HotDiggedyDemon, the creator of SHED.MOV that he hated so much. Also, he eventually would share a word of wisdom HotDiggedyDemon posted to his Facebook account that trolls noted would be useful for himself.

Chris's Lego pony in question; talented as always.

In 2013, Chris's actions would cause him to become a social pariah to the Brony community by calling out voice actress Tara Strong (who voiced Twilight Sparkle on the Friendship is Magic series) on her "Twilightlicious" video, claiming that she was tainting the name of the characters she had voiced by apparently supporting trolling and bullying. Many trolls had responded that his actions were, to say the very least, ridiculous, due to him misunderstanding the context of her video and expecting a well-known celebrity to personally answer to him. This certainly would have ended in Chris not hearing squat from Tara, had a troll not decided to forward his rant to her Facebook account. This is what she had to say:

"I don't think I've seen anyone put an ugly spin on something this outrageously for their own attention. Anyone who follows me know that I'm on a huge anti-bullying platform, and even wrote and produced a song about it.

All my "twolling" as we on Twitter call it is completely adorable and makes people smile. Christian's article makes me angry & disappointed. Hope I never meet the guy."

In other words, Tara immediately and understandably chastises him despite not meeting him before in her life, saying he's probably someone who would pull this stunt for attention and makes note of her work in anti-bullying campaigns (which is something Chris would not put any effort into researching). Chris did not respond, but in all likelihood ignored every word of what she said and dismissed her as a "DANG, DIRTY TROLL!" like he does with anybody who does not enable him. Eventually, though, he put her song "Take My Hand" on the Three-Quarter Woman CD, indicating he may have listened to her words at least a little.

When the Equestria Girls trailer was released, Chris threw a fit on Facebook, citing that it would attract "pedofile [sic] perverts" into the fanbase.[4] Never mind that the MLP:FiM fanbase has always had perverts (not to mention that so does every other fanbase in the world) and he himself has drawn porn of underage characters. He then goes on to say that the Friendship is Magic crew is "Out Of Their Minds", immediately after saying "With All Due Respect", even going so far as to name-drop Lauren Faust, who at that point had left the show more than a year prior. He then comments on his note, loudly demanding in ALL CAPS that somebody pulls the plug on it. Much to the surprise of nobody, Hasbro did not respond to Chris's suggestions. Chris later "liked" some videos related to the movie online and named it his #2 favorite.

In October 2014, Chris posted his own Lego "Derpy" to his Facebook page.

On 26 December 2014, Chris donned a pair of novelty My Little Pony sunglasses as a "disguise" while vandalizing a Sonic Boom display and macing a GameStop employee.

Chris's Rainbow Dash cosplay.

On 19 January 2015, a photo was leaked depicting Chris dressed up in a Rainbow Dash costume. His unclean, frazzled appearance unsurprisingly doesn't mix at all with her colorful design.

On 29 August 2015, Chris was seen cosplaying, again, at OmegaCon; this time as "Vinyl Scratch, A.K.A. DJ Pon3!". This time, instead of slapping on a wig and horse ears and calling it a day, Chris put at least a little effort into his costume; the result, while striking, was still far from good.

Having followed a number of prominent members of the brony analyst community on social media after BronyCon 2018, Chris was blocked by several of these members in January 2019. The causes for the mass blocking were boiled down to Chris compulsively interacting with the analysts and his ween following spamming said analysts (i.e. every comment Chris received, the analyst he initially tagged would be notified of the same post). This put Chris on the warpath against his antagonistic followers, and drove him to seek forgiveness from the analysts, as expressed through drawings and tribute videos. With his efforts proven futile, Chris began to purge his Twitter following, initiating a brief period known as the Soft Exile.

See also
