“ | I am not a Pedofork, YOU DORKS!!! | ” |
CWC's Second Message |

A pedofork (pronounced "PED-oh-fork"), a portmanteau for "pedophile" and "dork", is Chris's term for a pedophile (paedophile to non-Americans), child molester, or anyone else with some sort of sexual interest in the underage.
This term was initially coined in his Madman Rising video in response to trolls comparing Chris to "that senile old man in Family Guy," known to the rest of the world as "Herbert the Pervert."
Suffice to say, this was one of Chris's first over-reactions to trolls and an early step towards becoming a LOLcow.
Evidence of Chris's pedofork tendencies
Although the Sonichu series was originally intended for children, Chris put a bunch of porn into issue 8. This included graphic depictions of Sonichu and Rosechu having sex, and multiple instances of Rosechu stripping naked. One of the most notorious sequences came near the end of episode 17, where Rosechu face-raped Jason Kendrick Howell to a near-death state after he taunted her by throwing a pickle at her. In the same episode an anthropomorphic lightning bug exclaims "I've just turned 14-years cute!!!" and wishes to assist Rosechu in making porn for "women's rights." Rosechu says "I don't know child, what with the dumb laws."
Chris later stated in Mailbag 3 that if given the power, he would change the age of consent in America to "Sweet 16", making it "another good reason it would be a 'Sweet' age." He is obviously unaware that age of consent is controlled by the state, and most states already have it set at 16 or 17. He also believes that kids can participate in "adult" activities, like perverse satires with adult themes and making a porno, as long as there's adult supervision.
All of his attempts at a classified ad for himself always start with "I'm looking for an 18-2X boyfriend free girl…" At his age, being seen with a woman a decade younger than him would be considered socially unacceptable and downright creepy, based on the "half-your-age-plus-seven" tradition. Of course, Chris doesn't understand social mores regarding age differences, so to him, if she's legal and breathing, she's fit as a sexual partner. This leads one to ask how low he'd go. If the legal age were, for example, 14, would he instead be saying "I'm looking for an 14-28 year old boyfriend-free girl…"?
Chris notoriously had sex with Kimmi, an anime blow up doll that looks underage. He maintains that he stays straight by looking at a Sailor Moon poster, which features said 14-year-old character and her eight-year-old daughter from the future, and when he was editing his ED article in his favor, one of his accounts had underage porn featured prominently on the user page. Most of the underage porn from this user page, along with a few other pieces of pornographic art chosen by him (which, ironically enough, includes Pedobear... twice) would reappear in the "elevator gag" in Sonichu #8. One might argue that because of his notoriously bad facial recognition, he might not realize how young they actually are. But as mentioned in The Tale of the Crazy Pacer, he is quite good at age recognition (a talent common among autistics). This obviously brings up many questions.
To be fair, there is evidence to suggest that even Chris has some degree of an age limit. In one of Guru Larry's Interviews with him, Chris reacted with shock when Larry mentioned how another internet lolcow, Spax3, allegedly has a crush on Cream the Rabbit, a six-year-old character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It could be that he looks down on someone going after someone so young or it could just be shock that someone shares a common interest with him.
Another thing to note is that Chris's own character Rosechu is based off Amy Rose, another character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and one who is only twelve years old in canon.[1]
It's possible Chris only cares about getting his china, and not so much how old it is. Then again, he doesn't ask for girls any older than him on his sign, so clearly he likes 'em young, so to speak. But this also might be a throwback from his "old-fashioned" rearing, which demands that the woman must be younger.
“ | It's okay where it [the legal age of consent] is, but yeah, if changable [sic], Sweet 16; another good reason it would be a "Sweet" age. | ” |
Chris, not even trying to be subtle, from Mailbag 3 |
While he's not an outright baby-fucker pedophile, Chris does seem to subscribe to the notion that "if there's grass on the field, play ball." On a number of occasions, he's suggested that if he were given the opportunity, he'd be willing to date and have sex with young women who are below the legal age of consent.
- The first example from Sonichu is found when Sonichu and Rosechu have a graphic furry yiff-fest in one of the early comics. The decision to draw such a horrific creation is doubly creepy; on the one hand Sonichu and Rosechu were just recently hatched, meaning they were well under the age of consent at the time the sexual intercourse was depicted by Chris (he later justifies it by saying Sonichu and Rosechu were hatched over the age of 18). On the other, Chris is drawing a comic about Sonic the friggin' Hedgehog characters, i.e, a comic probably aimed toward an audience of children. He drew graphic sex in a comic whose audience is primarily children. And it's not just an isolated incident - some form of graphic sex occurs in nearly every episode of Sonichu. Not to mention that Rosechu is blatantly copied from Amy Rose, who is canonically twelve years old.
- Exhibit B of Chris's pedofork tendencies comes in the form of a character in the Sonichu world known as Zapina. In an attempt to show that he wasn't a pedophile, Chris, hilariously, revealed that he thinks of child protective laws as "dumb". What happens in the drawing is all of the rosechus are "stripping for women's rights" and the "14 years cute" Zapina wants to strip too. Rosechu takes young Zapina aside and informs her that because of "those dumb laws", she must not... not to worry, though, as Chris lets Zapina view all of the stripping action, and they use her ass as a spotlight for the whole terrifying ordeal (because Zapina is some sort of lightning bug or something). It's also interesting to note that Zapina, despite being 14, is still drawn with cleavage and is even wearing a tube top.
- In Mailbag 54, Chris discussed his fondness for Gunslinger Girl and Shuffle, two anime series noted for their pedophilic appeal.
- In the comic version of A Sonichu and Rosechu Christmas Story, one of Sonichu's daughters says "I'm the Virgin Mary. That's my story and I'm sticking to it." When this joke first appeared on Family Guy 10 years ago it was said by an adult woman. In the comic, Sonichu's daughters have just entered elementary school.
- In a series of messages on Facebook, it was revealed that, even after learning his target was underage, Chris continued to pursue her.
- Chris repeatedly insists that showing graphic sexual content to children is not only acceptable, it is normal, healthy and educational. To wit, it's okay to have sexually explicit content in a children's comic or let your kindergartners watch TV shows loaded with sex and adult humor. Chris also thinks small children would be interested in sex, enough to seek out adult content on their own, such as watching softcore porn on Cinemax late at night.