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'''Calling Out''' refers to a series of three videos Chris uploaded on 6 August, 2011 following an [[100 2357.MOV|8 month hiatus]] from [[YouTube]].
[[File:CWC0811.PNG|thumb|Chris during the Calling Out videos]]

These videos showcase Chris's [[Tomgirl]] look, where he attempts to make himself look feminine. Chris is sporting a new earring in these videos, which may or may not be a real piercing. His [[Pedo-Glasses|glasses]] are also absent.
'''Calling Out''' refers to a series of [[videos]] [[Chris]] uploaded from the 6–23 [[August 2011]], following an [[100 2357.MOV|eight-month hiatus]] from [[YouTube]]. The series focuses on Chris's efforts to expose the identities his various trolls, most likely based on information given to him by the users of the [[Tomboys and Tomgirls of Virginia]] troll forum.

== Calling Out "Tito" - Don ==
Each confrontation consists of Chris decrying the apparent traits of his trolls, such as Thorg's [[Chris and religion|atheism]] and Jack Thaddeus's [[Homos|sexual interests]], followed by demands for apologies and other instances of blackmail. Chris gives them deadlines to meet his demands, many of which are idiotic; e.g. asking Tito to send cash in the mail, or impossible, e.g. asking [[BlueSpike]] to stop random people all over the Internet from making [[prank calls]]. Some of the trolls actually played along with Chris's demands as part of the joke.
This video, also known as ''101 2461'', Chris announces his return to the internet. He claims to have information as to the true identity of various trolls, including [[Surfshack Tito]] (aka Don). After briefly showing viewers a fragment of the real Tito, Chris lists his demands to prevent the release of the full photo and, presumably, other revealing documents.

Chris's [[autism|gullibility]] is highlighted in the series as the "identities" of the trolls he believes he's acquired are really fellow lolcows (and in Thorg's case, the source of an image macro template) who lack the motivation and intelligence to troll Chris, as well as having completely different voices from the trolls they're supposed to be. Even if Chris did possess the actual identities of the trolls, it wouldn't have made much of a difference because he takes no direct action against them. Instead, Chris just exposes people's personal information and expects the Internet to do the work for him of tormenting his foes. He seems to believe that if a troll's identity is revealed, all of the other trolls will turn on him and troll him instead of Chris. This is not likely.
| name          = Calling Out "Tito" - Don
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|gDuIfwZbN3c}}
| stardate      = 6 [[August 2011]]
| subject        = {{Comics|text}}, {{Rumors|text}}, {{Website|Internet}}, {{Trollsicon|text}}
| style          = {{Reason|text}}, {{Smug|text}}
| saga          = {{Surfshack Tito|text}}
| shirt          = {{RedBlackTrim|text}}
| previous      = [[100 2357.MOV]]
| next          = [[#Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy|Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy]]

These videos also showcase Chris's [[Tomgirl]] look, where he attempts to make himself look feminine. Chris is sporting new earrings in these videos, two on his right ear and one on his left. His [[Pedo-Glasses|glasses]] are also absent. [[Chris and cinematography|Chris's camerawork]] in this series is exceptionally shitty, opting to hold the camera with his hand instead of propping it up on a surface. This results in a very shaky, Cloverfield-like viewing experience. Oblivious as always, Chris makes the videos while failing to realize that the obese horrific "tomgirl" delivering the messages overshadows the message.
''[Looks at camera with an emotionless face, and then jerks the camera to his right]''

Attention, citizens of the internet. I am making a return. [[Chris and Ego|Y'all should know me by now]], if in case if you don't, I am Christian Weston Chandler, the original creator of [[Sonichu|Sonichu]] and [[Rosechu|Rosechu]] and the [[Electric Hedgehog Pokemon|electric hedgehog Pokemon]]. Firstly, upon that note, I would like to inform everyone that it was originally meant to be a TV-Y7 rated...[[Chris and english|friendship socializing, promoting type of series]]...it is not meant to be taken otherwise in [[Sonichu and Rosechu's Luv Shack|any adulterous forms]].
The Calling Out series came to an abrupt end after [[Bob Chandler|Bob's]] death in [[September 2011]], a mere five days after the last video Chris posted in the series.

''[Jerks camera around more]''

And with that, I will now continue with why I am making my return. I am ready to initiate negotiations and paybacksss with the trolls, some cyberbullies that have been defiling me within the past five years...n- for the past four years. Firstly, I would like to make it well known that I have some information of such trolls and cyberbullies if at that point if I release them, they could be easily trolled back by aaanyone. And, the first [[Chris and english|among chopping block]] I would like to ensue, [[Surfshack Tito|'''Surfshack Tito''']]...or should I day, Don in Michigan! And I'm not saying that he's a total [[Obesity|fat person]], but [[Random Access Humor|he would make the really big Buddha look like a supermodel in comparison]]. In fact, with his looks, he could be a [[Inos|Rasta]] Buddha! And I show you only a fragment of the [[speech impediment|pho-to-graph]]. ''[Turns camera towards his television, showing part of a man's face.]''
{| class="wikitable"
! Troll
! Calling out
! Result
! Finale
| [[Surfshack Tito (troll)|Surfshack Tito]]
| 6 August: [[Calling Out "Tito" - Don]]<br>6 August: [[Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg"]]
| Admit to PlayStation Network hacking<br>Apologize to [[The Wallflower]] and her family<br>Send Chris $1,000<br>Delete all of his pages from the [[CWCki]]<br>Apologize to Chris
|31 August
| Met demands
| 9 August: [[Calling_Out_"Tito"_-_Don#Tito's_official_response|Tito's official response to Chris]]<br>10 August: [[Re: Don, and ReCalling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy]]
| [[Thorg]]
| 6 August: [[Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy]]<br>6 August: [[Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg"]]<br>10 August: [[Re: Don, and ReCalling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy]]
| Put up a [[20 December 2009#One of these things is not like the others|billboard]] in New York City saying that Chris is [[Homos|straight]]<br>Delete all of his pages from the CWCki<br>Apologize to Chris
|31 August
| '''Unmasked'''
| 12 August: [[Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada]]<br>20 August: [[Wristwatch-SwissWatch for Jeremy "Thorg"]] <br>28 August: [[Victory Rockout]]
| [[Alec Benson Leary]]
| 9 August: [[Calling Out "Alec Benson Leary" - Christopher]]
| Apologize to Chris
|31 August
| '''Unmasked'''
| 30 August: [[Christopher Paul Whitney reveal]]
| [[Jack Thaddeus]]
| 16 August: [[Calling Out Jack Thaddius - Ahuviya]]<br>23 August: [[Re-Calling Ahuvia]]
| Apologize to Chris
|10 September
| '''Revealed himself'''
| 29 August: [[Response to ADF]]
| [[BlueSpike]]
| 23 August: [[Calling Out "Julaaaay" - David]]<br>
| Apologize to Chris<br>Stop people from calling Chris [[Ian Brandon Anderson]] and yelling "[[For Julie's Eyes Only|JULAAAYY]]!"
|15 September
| Nothing{{refn|group="note"|Chris stopped making videos after [[Bob]]'s death.}}

Now, DON. Let's talk business. If you do not want me to review- reveal the entire pho-to-graph, or any of the remainder of your information of which I have upon my possession, [[Chris and negotiation|YOU WILL FOLLOW MY DEMANDS]]! And they are listed as such....
<references group="note"/>

I want you to come forward with- come forward with your participation in, uh, [[PlayStation Network|PlayStation Network]] hackings...directly to Sony Computer Entertainment America and Sony Computer Entertainment [[Anime|Japan]] with a '''live video''', unaltered, ay, uh--slightly altered, you MAY blur your face. That is the only option you get: Blurring your face. You will apologize to...Sony and mess up for hacking the Playstation Network and all, [[Chris and Reality|'cause I know you are responsible for that]].
{{Troll Videos}}

And also, I would you to, in that- within that same video, or in a separate video, apologize directly to my [[Gal-Pals|ex-girlfriend]] Heather and her family. You may even call them up on the telephone that you are the one among which responsibole for pretending to be me...and stopping that relationship between us, 'cause I would like to have peace between my past friends, because I don't like there to be bad things or [[Megan|ill tidings]] between people. ''(Pauses)'' And I know it was partially my fault, too, on that, by the way, within that relationship breakup.
[[Category:Chris-chan videos, August 2011| 2011-08-05 c]]
[[Category:Videos Christian uploaded to YouTube]]
But anyway, moving on with my demands, I would also like you to set me to send me via U.S. Mail, '''ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH'''. American. Unmarked billssss, snail-mailed to my home address, in a long small, white envelope, with YOUR home address clearly, legibly, hand writ-ten on the envelope in the return area. Next, I want you to remove '''ALL''' of the -cr-'''ALL''' of the pages on the website known as the [[CWCki|CWCki]] that have originally came from you that you have started. Also, as well as all contributions you have to any other pages as well. And lastly, from this point, after you have done things things, I would like you, '''Don''' of '''Michigan''', to leave me, my [[Lie|life]], my [[Chandler Family Tree|family]], my [[SonichuBabies|friends]] '''alone'''. To be. For the rest of our lives. In peace.
I leave that up to you [[Speech Impediment|Surussshack Tito]]. Expect another video in the near fu- in the near future of another troll I am well aware of. Thank you.
== Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy ==
In this video, Chris calls out "Thorg" (aka Jeremy) and again, sets out his demands to prevent the release of a full photograph and revealing documents.
| name          = Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|6Fh0p9WXRDc}}
| stardate      = 6 [[August 2011]]
| subject        = {{Website|Internet}}, {{Trollsicon|text}}
| style          = {{Reason|text}}, {{Smug|text}}
| saga          =
| shirt          = {{RedBlackTrim|text}}
| previous      = [[#Calling Out "Tito" - Don|Calling Out "Tito" - Don]]
| next          = [[#Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg"|Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg"]]
Hello, once again, the Internet! I have returned with another troll, cyberbully, that I am ware- aware of who he is in real life. I br- I called to your attention Master Thorg, T-H-O-R-G, or as he [is] known in real life, Jeremy, within Canada.
He is a pizza-faced [[Chris and Religion|atheist]]. You can find him possibly in a video game store. I leave the specifics disclosed at this time. And here is a sample of his [[Speech Impediment|pho-to-graph]].
[''Chris points the camera to the television showing half the face of a man. He then returns the camera to him.'']
Now, Jeremy, let's you and I [[CWC Personal Sonichu Presentation|talk business]] now. My demands are as follows:
Because I know and well awa- and I [am] well aware that you have Photoshopped me into that damned [[media:Gaybar.png|gay bar]] and uploaded it- and had it uploaded upon the billboards in New York City within some time ago. I would like you to make a public apology with your face, you may blur your face out as well, but I would like the statement to follow it:
"That you are- that it is a correction that I, Christian Weston Chandler, am [[Homos|STRAIGHT]], and I have never ever been in a damned gay bar ''ever.''"
And I want that uploaded among the New York City billboards, and I want them left up there for one whole week, from one Sunday to the following Saturday. One, whole, week. Seven. days.
And that I- and also within the statements I would like you to know that I, Christian Weston Chandler, am an [Lie|all-around good-natured person], and that I am to be treated and respected as a normal person. I am not a bad person; I do not like to be treated or thought of as a bad person, as I have been made out to be within the [[Trolls|trolls]], including yourself, Jeremy, within your [[Dirty Crapped Briefs|smearing]] and hate campaigns of my name.
My next demand: I would like you to remove all of your pages as well from the CWCki, including every last page and image that you have put up there talking about the [[Tomboys and Tomgirls of Virginia|Tomboy/Tomgirl forum of Virginia]]. Remove them all, as well as your contributions to any pages. And then beyond that after having completed all that, I would like you as well to leave me, my life, my family, and my friends, alone, and at peace, to live our lives respectively as well. I'll leave you all with that. Stay tuned for another revealed troll... or slightly revealed, as I am ON THE PAYBACK! [''laughs maniacally'']
[[Fail|I win]].
== Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg" ==
In this short video, Chris sets a deadline for Don and Jeremy to meet his demands - 31 August, 2011.
| name          = Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg"
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|mP4wwvCSS7U}}
| stardate      = 6 [[August 2011]]
| subject        = {{Website|Internet}}, {{Trollsicon|text}}
| style          = {{Reason|text}}, {{Smug|text}}
| saga          =
| shirt          = {{RedBlackTrim|text}}
| previous      = [[#Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy|Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy]]
| next          = Current
''[Jerks around the camera and makes a wide-eyed, blank face]''
I almost forgot. Between Don and Jeremy, also known as Suresack- Surfshack Tito and Thorg, my demands, I would like them met before August, 31st, 2011, the end of this month. And if my demands are not met before then, I'm gonna reveal your respective real life photographs as well as the rest of the personal information of you two in the- respectively, that I have within my possession. And then you two will each be trolled by your own trolls, and the police will catch up with you.
So, each of you. Meet my demands before August 31, 2011.
''[Fumbles with the camera again, almost dropping it]''
{{succession|label=[[List of videos|Chris's videos]]|prevlink=[[100 2357.MOV]]|nextlink=Current}}
[[Category: Chris-chan videos, August 2011| 2011-08-06]]

Latest revision as of 02:27, 21 August 2024

Chris during the Calling Out videos

Calling Out refers to a series of videos Chris uploaded from the 6–23 August 2011, following an eight-month hiatus from YouTube. The series focuses on Chris's efforts to expose the identities his various trolls, most likely based on information given to him by the users of the Tomboys and Tomgirls of Virginia troll forum.

Each confrontation consists of Chris decrying the apparent traits of his trolls, such as Thorg's atheism and Jack Thaddeus's sexual interests, followed by demands for apologies and other instances of blackmail. Chris gives them deadlines to meet his demands, many of which are idiotic; e.g. asking Tito to send cash in the mail, or impossible, e.g. asking BlueSpike to stop random people all over the Internet from making prank calls. Some of the trolls actually played along with Chris's demands as part of the joke.

Chris's gullibility is highlighted in the series as the "identities" of the trolls he believes he's acquired are really fellow lolcows (and in Thorg's case, the source of an image macro template) who lack the motivation and intelligence to troll Chris, as well as having completely different voices from the trolls they're supposed to be. Even if Chris did possess the actual identities of the trolls, it wouldn't have made much of a difference because he takes no direct action against them. Instead, Chris just exposes people's personal information and expects the Internet to do the work for him of tormenting his foes. He seems to believe that if a troll's identity is revealed, all of the other trolls will turn on him and troll him instead of Chris. This is not likely.

These videos also showcase Chris's Tomgirl look, where he attempts to make himself look feminine. Chris is sporting new earrings in these videos, two on his right ear and one on his left. His glasses are also absent. Chris's camerawork in this series is exceptionally shitty, opting to hold the camera with his hand instead of propping it up on a surface. This results in a very shaky, Cloverfield-like viewing experience. Oblivious as always, Chris makes the videos while failing to realize that the obese horrific "tomgirl" delivering the messages overshadows the message.

The Calling Out series came to an abrupt end after Bob's death in September 2011, a mere five days after the last video Chris posted in the series.


Troll Calling out Demands Deadline Result Finale
Surfshack Tito 6 August: Calling Out "Tito" - Don
6 August: Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg"
Admit to PlayStation Network hacking
Apologize to The Wallflower and her family
Send Chris $1,000
Delete all of his pages from the CWCki
Apologize to Chris
31 August Met demands 9 August: Tito's official response to Chris
10 August: Re: Don, and ReCalling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy
Thorg 6 August: Calling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy
6 August: Deadline for Don "Tito" and Jeremy "Thorg"
10 August: Re: Don, and ReCalling Out "Thorg" - Jeremy
Put up a billboard in New York City saying that Chris is straight
Delete all of his pages from the CWCki
Apologize to Chris
31 August Unmasked 12 August: Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada
20 August: Wristwatch-SwissWatch for Jeremy "Thorg"
28 August: Victory Rockout
Alec Benson Leary 9 August: Calling Out "Alec Benson Leary" - Christopher Apologize to Chris 31 August Unmasked 30 August: Christopher Paul Whitney reveal
Jack Thaddeus 16 August: Calling Out Jack Thaddius - Ahuviya
23 August: Re-Calling Ahuvia
Apologize to Chris 10 September Revealed himself 29 August: Response to ADF
BlueSpike 23 August: Calling Out "Julaaaay" - David
Apologize to Chris
Stop people from calling Chris Ian Brandon Anderson and yelling "JULAAAYY!"
15 September Nothing[note 1]


  1. Chris stopped making videos after Bob's death.
Calling out.png Calling Out Saga Calling out.png
The Players

People: ChrisThorg (Jeremy Slonwhite)Tomboys And Tomgirls of VirginiaJack Thaddeus (Ahuviya Harel)Surfshack Tito (Don)Alec Benson Leary (Christopher Paul Whitney)BlueSpike (NessHelper)

Call-Outs: ReCall-Outs: Responses: Results:
Coinciding Sagas: Jackie
Videos for trolls

Clyde Cash: Plea to Clyde | Chris Comes Out of the Closet | Vibrator destruction video | The proof | BACK THE FUCK OFF | Secret Weapon | Take that Page DOWN NOW! | YouTube Finale | A CWC Audition | Chris Calls Clyde Out | Sign destruction video | Clyde Cash the kid video | Challenge for Clyde | Challenge for Clyde II | Chris loses it | War paint video | Response to Gregg | To Clyde Gregg | ClydeGoingOnGregg1 | Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! | Clyde is Weaker than Water | Getting Foam Ed | I AM STRONG | Twin Falling Towers | It will never end | Apology for doing WTC | No More Jokes | To Clyde and Jack | Don't Mess With Me | I am Clyde Cash | Chris has no creativity | Chris "executes" Clyde

Other trolls: We're Being Watched | Naïve YouTubers | A near public apology | Rollin' and Trollin' | CWC Trollin More | It's UGH! | Chris humps his PS3 | THAT IS MY HOUSE | Forgiveness Blessings | Curse the Trolls | Ultimatum for Vivian | Chris dispels videogame rumors | To Clyde and Jack | Multiple challenge | Asperchu fury | Surfshack Tito | A message to the Trolls | Tito Got No Luck Against We Brits, Irish and Scots! | Chris Drops the N-Bomb | I Pimp My Ride | Chris tells the trolls | Sonichu copyrights | Stardate, August 27, 2010 | ItIsFinished | Anti Troll Movement Video1 | Don't make the Grimace sad | I am Alec Benson Leary | Calling Out videos | Exposed - Jeremy Slonwhite of Vancouver, BC Canada

Lady Managers: Doxing Jeff/Francine | Thank You, Jeff, and I accept your apology. | Update 1/17/2016 | Jeff is Beyond Denounced.

Idea Guys: Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! | Cherokean Chant | Smashing | Get Out, You D*** Nazis! | Tour of Chris's House III | Chris apologizes to Gwen | Chris slaps himself | Dick Licker; that is I. | One-Hundred! | Chris pleads to stop Cryzel Torture‎ | All Star | Chris lost Crystal | I’m Sorry for Ruining so many Fandoms