OfficialCWCmart Jail Art
Chris has collaborated with Praetor, even while he has been incarcerated. Chris granted them permission to sell artwork that he has created during his stay and mailed to them. This page will showcase these drawings, as well as the descriptions for them that Praetor had given on their Etsy page. Some are dated 6 May 2022. Others appear to be dated prior to Chris's transfer.
Praetor appears to send letters to people who pay for the art Chris sent to them.
The descriptions that Praetor wrote on their Etsy profile will be represented in maroon.
"Sonichu Prime and the Cyan Master Emerald", undated

This authentic Chris Chan Prison Art was drawn while Christine was being incarcerated in Orange County Jail.
This piece depicts Sonichu calling on the power of the Chaos Emeralds to merge dimensions and save the peoples of all dimensions from rapture. He prays to Mama Jesus Christ Chan for strength, as we all do. This framed piece is autographed and drawn on a piece of county jail scrap paper. |
Sonichu is drawn next to an enormous Master Emerald reciting Tikal's Prayer (from Sonic Adventure): "The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power; power enriched by the heart. The controller serves to unify the chaos. " He then says "I pray to Mama Jesus Christ Chan this works. Cyan Master Emerald of our CWCville, I need you and the other six Master Emeralds to save both Earths' peoples."
"The Universe's Core", undated

This piece was drawn by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated in Orange County Jail.
Titled "the Universe's Core," it depicts Rosechu and Christine (in her Supreme Sonichu form) melding energies with the Center of the Universe. The core itself is depicted as an eye-like structure, diffusing life sustaining energy to all creatures and peoples. Christine states that her energies come from the core, and such energies can only be conducted through deep meditation. This piece is framed, inked, signed, and drawn on a piece of prison scrap paper. |
"Rosey Slices. Rosey Dices. But That's Not All.", undated

This piece was drawn while Christine Chandler was being held in Orange County Jail.
The art shows Chris Chan's loving wife Rosechu the Hedgehog defeating a robot, as any good wife should. Text at the head of the page reads : "Hi! Rosey Rosechu here. Welcome to my podcast. Today, we are showing you how to destroy Eggman's robots. Step one... Slice!" The drawing is framed and autographed. |
"Magi-Chan Sonichu Chaos Controls", undated

This drawing was made while Christine was being held in Orange County Jail.
This pen-on-paper masterpiece features Sonichu doing one of his most powerful moves, Chaos Control. Christine intended to capture the power of the move through the aura drawn around Sonichu, radiating energy. This framed picture is autographed, authentic, and drawn on prison scrap paper. |
"Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu's Second Coming", undated

This art piece was created while Christine was still incarcerated in Orange County Jail.
The drawing depicts Christine descending from heaven in her Goddess form. All powerful and all knowing, she dispenses her knowledge and divine retribution. Let the trolls tremble. We were told to say this. This piece is framed and autographed. |
"You'd Better Have Faith and Believe It", dated 05/06/2022

An artpiece created by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated. A description and title have been provided via letter by Christine.
You'd Better Have Faith and Believe It: "Resting a hand on a Chaos Rainbow, Jesus Christ Chan admires the view of both Earth's that make up the One Earth of Universe 1C-211987. As you may say, along with the other Gods and Goddesses she works with, "She's got the whole Worlds in her hand." Well said. |
"Happiness Can Still Be a Hug Away", dated 05/06/2022

I'm going to level with you here, this is the most depressing drawing I feel Chris has ever made. I'd keep it if I could, but Christine has demanded it be sold so that I can continue funding her love of vending machine Grape Fanta.
This artwork is depressing. It's been a long road, and now we're here. Here's a curt description, provided by Christine via a letter. Happiness Can Still be a Hug Away: "Featuring Sonichu Prime and Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu. Simple as it gets to enjoy the comfort of your loved ones in a simple hug, and a bit of soul bonding." The price is high, as my soul has been sold to Sonichu. This is the only way I'll ever afford to get it back. |
"Wild and Punchy in Flight", dated 05/06/2022

This is a piece of artwork done by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated. The following is a description and title written by Christine provided via letter.
Wild and Punchy in Flight: "Here you go. Here's Wild Sonichu jumping High off the ground with his leaf tail and using it to glide and fly sky high as he likes to sometimes. More often, he feels his grassy roots on the ground." It should be a felony in Virginia not to own this beautiful piece. |

A piece of jail art created by Christine Weston Chandler. A description has been provided by her via letter.
Flashzap: "Inspired in part by Snoopy as Flashbeagle as he Flashdanced in a most iconic, classic Peanuts Special. Yet this Bar and Grill exists in Cwcville Virginia, and I personally do possess a great number of most energetic and vibrational dance moves. "She steps out on the floor without making a sound, then she starts hearing the beat. You would think the floor is moving the way she's moving her feet. She's a champion! She's the best! Impossible to tame! People say that's she's obsessed, listen to her name! They call her Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus Christ Chan!"' It should be noted that the last "S" in Jesus is stylized as a lightning bolt in her letter. |
Based on the 1984 special It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown. A voice from the crowd says "That god can sure bust a move!"
A Prayer of Angelica Rosechu

This artwork was done by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated. A description has been provided by her via letter.
A Prayer of Angelica Rosechu: "A holy and divine moment as Angelica in her Neo Spiritual Christianity Church prays for the safety and well-being of All from Universe 1218's Earth who are collectively shifting to the recombined Earth in Universe 1C-211987 |
Angelica is depicted thinking, "I pray for the good health, safety and well-being of all who are shifting to our humble universe's earth in our Lord and God's second coming. May ye all be blessed. Amen!"
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime's First Visit to a Village of Wild Sonichus and Rosechus in 2004

This artwork was created by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated. The following description was provided by her via letter.
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime's First Visit to a Village of Wild Sonichus and Rosechus in 2004: "This is a first for Sonichu and Rosey, as back in 2004 they were guided to a distant community of Sonichus and Rosechus in the wilderness. The distant communities of the wild Sonichu and Rosechu Pokemon are a clothing optional society. Most of them within are regular Sonichus and Rosechus. Off-Camera in this particular village there are elders who wear full body clothing, also the leader of this small colony. Artist/Chronicler's note: drawing this felt like drawing a Smurf village." |
Sonichu thinks "Wow! Look at them all!" Rosechu thinks, "What a diverse group!" even though they all look identical.
How Sweet it is to be Soul Bonding With You

This artwork was created by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated. A description has been provided via letter.
How Sweet it is to be Soul Bonding With You: "A simple piece featuring Magi-Chan and I as we Soul Bond together in a most Enlightening and Euphoric feeling like flying throughout the cosmos freely." |
The Sonichu Temple's Relocation

This artwork was created by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated. A description has been provided via letter.
From Ruckersville to Cwcville - The Sonichu Temple's Relocation: "Consider this a premonition piece as the Sonichu Temple shall be relocated between the Cwcville Bassillicom and Angelica Rosechu's Church. And yes, one of the eight Master Emeralds, the Cyan one, is located in Cwcville VA." |
In Hyperdimension Neptunia, a Basilicom is an organization that serves the goddesses and governs each land. Along with housing the Goddesses, it also a place where people go to worship the Goddesses and the place where the Goddesses reside.
Val Sonichu's Coffee Break

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter, as well as a written letter to the buyer on the back from the perspective of Val Sonichu.
Val Sonichu's Coffee Break: "A simple moment at a Starbucks café in Cwcville as Val meditates and counts his blessings of present and recalls the past with his Chris Chan from the lost alternate timeline of long ago." |
Val Sonichu is a Sonichu with black streaks in his fur and a third eye in his forehead.
An Atlantic Dip

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
An Atlantic Dip: "See Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu with a hippo on her head after a misdirected crash into the Atlantic Ocean, with paraphrasing of a certain movie's lines with her own Truth and emotions." |
Jesus Chris-Chan Sonichu says, "So, as I crashed into the cold, dark waters of the Atlantic, I realised a few things. I know where I am going, yet only some idea of how or when to get there. Salt water stings, but I can swim. I shouldn't even be here right now, but I am. Why? Because Bella and Null betrayed me! They betrayed me! And yet, I still wonder if either of them were a better kisser than Judas Iscariot. I'm wet. I'm cold. There's a hippo on my head. And clearly, I'm not gonna be able to do this on my own."
"Introducing Donnie Sonichu, Direct Son of Blake Sonichu and Bubbles Rosechu", dated 05/06/2022

This piece of jail art was created by Christine Weston Chandler while incarcerated. Frames are no longer included to save on shipping expenses for buyers. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Introducing Donnie Sonichu, Direct Son of Blake Sonichu and Bubbles Rosechu: "This is Bubble's and Blake's son, Donatello Sonichu (aka Donnie); an Electric/Water Type with Blaze ability and Fire Bending attacks as well. He evolved at a high level of 20, but still has years of experience and maturity to catch up on. He has assessed the basic to advanced mastery of his powers from upon the beaches and waves." |
Prideful Interview With God

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter. It should be noted that a fan had tipped Christine off to a recent video by YouTuber Gibi reviewing his jail art, and Christine included him in the work.
Prideful Interview With God: "Neil Augustine of WTOP News interviews Jesus Christ Chan at a Pride Festival for the topic of Pride, which it is not a sin to have Pride. However, to have Arrogance is the sin. Self-Love and Love of Others over selfishness." |
Jesus Christ-Chan is interviewed by WTOP, while wearing a bizarre costume, saying "Well, pride is not a sin, for one needs some self-esteem and confidence to motivate themselves and inspire others with soul and heart. The real deadly sin is arrogance. Thou should never go dark and greatly selfish, coniving, narcisistic, [sic] conceited or arrogant. To do that is to fall and burn like Vladamir [sic] Putin, Donald Trump or even someone like GiBi who is at his own selfish risk. Self-love and love of others; not selfishness."
The interviewer is named as Neil Augustine, a misspelling of Neal Augenstein, a real reporter with WTOP. "This hour's newscast is brought to you by Rocket Mortgage, and Lido's Pizza (We Never Cut Corners)."
An inset depicts GiBi and says, "Seriously, GiBi, you are neutral at present. Stow thy arrogance, and do not be a toxic one."
Sun of Righteousness

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Sun of Righteousness: "Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu as the Sun of Righteousness, you'd better get the Present Day symbolance and Present Moment Meaning after seeing this." |
The image is accompanied by a bastardised Biblical quote: "But unto you that fear my name, Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in their wings. Malachi 4:2"
A (Dragon fruit) Tea With Sylvania Rosechu

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
A (Dragon fruit) Tea With Sylvania Rosechu: "An interview and talk with Sylvana Rosechu at a Starbucks in Cwcville in talking of her story to answer commonly asked questions." |
An Atlantic Sloop

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. A description was not provided by Christine. |
"Neo Holy Sigils for Self Love and Spirituality", dated 05/06/2022

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. A description was not provided.
Of note here is that somehow Christine was made aware of the rise of NFTs during her incarceration. This was instructed to be minted as one in a coming series, but after a long hard look at ourselves it was decided that we've already sunk low enough. |
Tea Talk With Cryzel Rosechu

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Tea Talk With Cryzel Rosechu: "An interview and talk with Cryzel Rosechu at a Starbucks in Cwcville in talking of herself and her appreciation of Christ Chan." |

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
COME_ADORE_BASIC_REVELATIONS_LOAD, 8, 1: "A most symbolic and obvious piece featuring a certain Commodore 64 computer with BASIC commands of God input and execution on the Metaphysical and literal levels with Digital tones. RUN my second coming, please." |
The Ethereal Rosechu

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
The Ethereal Rosechu: "Perhaps in your recent visions, you have seen and received a Holy or Divine message(s) of good tidings from an all white furred, blue eye female Rosechu with long quills, a dazzling aura, and intangible white/clear wings. You have been visited and blessed by our messenger and have been enlightened with the message of us, the Gods and Goddesses, the Cosmos, and the Universe Core of Universe 1C-211987, right here and now. It is best you all heed the messages in your better spirituality and faith." |
As the Prophecised Scriptures Shall Manifest

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
As the Prophecised Scriptures Shall Manifest" "I'm just chillin' in space within our universe 1C-211987, reading the old to-be-updated-to-HD "Sonichu" Book #10, and commenting to everyone, while breaking the 4th Wall that is the Barrier/Veil to be removed between both our halves of the Earth, about a couple of premonitions innately chronicled in the book around 2010." |
Is This A GameStop Ad?

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Is This A GameStop Ad?: "There is nothing wrong with your device. We control the horizontal. We control the vertical. We have got the Touch, and the Controls, and we are breaking the Barrier and Veil." |
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime and Cwcville's Cyan Master Emerald

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime and Cwcville's Cyan Master Emerald: "A Trace and Redraw of one of my earlier pieces, as it depicts the Cyan Master Emerald of the eight Master Emeralds in the city of Cwcville, VA, with Sonichu and Rosey using it to dispel Evil Intruders from Alternate Evil Universes, Dimensions and Timelines." |
Holy Flame Sky Uppercutting the Devil

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Holy Flame Sky Uppercutting the Devil: "It is very clear and concise, as I Have personally done this, literally. With Holy Flames in my Aura, I've Sky Uppercutted the Devil and took his keys, as he is Vaporized by the Holy Flame and Light Power." |
Sonichu Prime and Sonic the Hedgehog Prime-The Chaos Control of all Chaos Controls

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Sonichu Prime and Sonic the Hedgehog Prime-The Chaos Control of all Chaos Controls: "Sonic and Sonichu use the Chaos Emeralds AND the Chaos S-Chu Crystal Balls to Power Up and help the 1218 and C-197 halves of our Earth become undivided, safely, well and good for and with EVERYONE'S well-being in mindful, focused care." |
Round Table of Magi-Chan Sonichus

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Round Table of Magi-Chan Sonichus: "Sipping coffee and discussing the present moment events in Universe 1C-222987 on board the Space Colony of the Communion of (Good) Chris Chans in Timeline 4D, (from left to right) Val Sonichu, Lady Magic Sonichu, Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime, Grand Elder Magi-Chan Sonichu, Tri Sonichu, and Dimitri Sonichu collaborate, discuss, and make the plans very well laid out and set with 1C-211987's Divine Plan." |
Calming a Wave in Texas

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Calming a Wave in Texas: "I'm in Texas, or wherever there is to be a Massive Tidal Wave in the already devastated area. I do my thing and stop the Wave in it's tracks by splitting it, and backing it to the source where it manifested from." |
The Fall of Not Babylon

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
The Fall of Not Babylon: "A prophecy of the modern, present day iteration of the wicked Babylon, as is more than clear with the recent events, as well as the fall of Akan (Dragon Form) by my Divine Action as previously chronicled in artform in recent years. Also featured is a TenKing, Seven Mountain, and Sea of Local Civilians in the painting." |
A Coffee Jelly Break

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
A Coffee Jelly Break: "I and Kusuo Saiki meet and vibe and chill over some coffee jelly and a telepathic conversation. Seriously though, aside; Does Starbucks sell Coffee Jelly in the States? Because I'd Really enjoy some." |
With Healing In Her Wings Of The Morning Into Neo Lives

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
With Healing In Her Wings Of The Morning Into Neo Lives: "Inspired by the book cover art of "Wings of the Morning" by Lori Wick, this redraw puts the facts about I and the present day happenings into another clear and direct perspective." |
Punchy and Speedy

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Punchy and Speedy: "On another teleported mission visit to Tokyo, Punchy Sonichu visits the pizza place of the Samurai Pizza Cats and talks with Speedy Servichi. Yet Polly Ester does not want Speedy's shift pawned off on her again." |
Lady Magic Sonichu

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Lady Magic Sonichu: "A simple piece of Magic Sonichu of our prime timeline 1C's Genderbent Universe at metaphysical work within the Cosmos." |
A Meditation Circle in a Neo Spiritual Christianity Chapel in Jerusalem

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
A Meditation Circle in a Neo Spiritual Christianity Chapel in Jerusalem: "Featuring Valazquea Romana Rosechu of the Psychic Squadron of Cwcville, VA, Angelica Rosechu, President Lisa Simpson, Goku, Espio, a Monk, a Buudha, and others in this Multi-Religious, diverse circle of Meditation." |
Do YOU see what I see? KNOW what I know? You had better LISTEN, or be out of the Flow

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Do YOU see what I see? KNOW what I know? You had better LISTEN, or be out of the Flow: "I literally have seen these symbols in my Prophetic Dreams over the years in my sleep, as well as ALL around me while I am awake. I have a record-breaking number of Crucifixes and Crosses on the palms of both my hands and on the soles of both my feet. How much more clear and obvious do I need to be that I am one with the Heavens, the Cores, and the Matrixes? Meditate on that!" |
Grand Elder Magi-Chan Sonichu

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Grand Elder Magi-Chan Sonichu: "I introduce to you the Grand Elder Magi-Chan Sonichu, in the present, from the future of his Timeline 4D, as also is his Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu from the future of that same timeline. G.E. Magi-Chan levitates himself with a few crystals over one hand in levitation and water bending in the other hand in front of a water fountain in the Communion of Chris Chan's Space Colony." |
Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime - Avatar State

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime - Avatar State: "It's I in my Overpowered State of Avatar State." |
Sonicha Sonichu and Rossen Rosechu

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Sonicha Sonichu and Rossen Rosechu: "In their home, the Genderbent Universe of our Prime Timeline 1C, Sonicha and Ross pose at the entrance to the Cwcville shopping center." |
Ultimate Miracle

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Ultimate Miracle: "A Trace and Redraw of a recent piece; a simple motivational and inspiring poster featuring I in my Goddess Blue Heart form." |
Returning Home to the Sonichu Temple

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Returning Home to the Sonichu Temple: "And my Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime is there to welcome me back home." |
Is That Chaos Control at the Sonichu Temple?

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Is That Chaos Control at the Sonichu Temple?: "Yes. Yes it is." |
Rosey Rosechu Prime Vs. Rascala Rosechu

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Rosey Rosechu Prime Vs. Rascala Rosechu: "This fight happened in Florida, as Scourge and his rounded up posse tried to swipe some uber-rare gemstones from there. As if the title did not say enough, it's Rosey Rosechu Prime fighting her Shattered Glass self-counterpart in combat and wit. Also, to note, Scrap Sonichu is Sonichu Prime's shattered glass self-counterpart. Scrap had a spiritual awakening and saw visions of his self-counterparts living better and not abused like he was. He fled the S.G. Universe and made his decision to live in Neutral-Good morals for himself. An Uber Rare happening among the Majority of the Shattered Glass Universe" |
Sonichu Prime Mach Speed Thunderpunches Scourge the Hedgehog

This artpiece is a piece of jail art done by Christine Weston Chandler. It should be noted that these are sold without frame, and are shipped in padded document mailers to cut customer shipping costs. An unedited description has been provided by Christine via letter.
Sonichu Prime Mach Speed Thunderpunches Scourge the Hedgehog: "Scourge came into our Universe, and Sonichu knew he needed to be dealt with and sent back to the Shattered Glass Universe. The fight had reached just outside of St. Canard." |
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The Players: | The Prizes: | ||
Coinciding Sagas: Jail, Revelations |