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Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning parts of Asia and Europe, and currently led by Vladimir Putin. Chris considers both Russia and Putin to be adversaries, largely because of the anti-LGBT laws passed by Putin's government in recent years, as well as Chris following the lead of many other left-leaning individuals by blaming Putin for the election of Pmurt in 2016. Chris has made no real comment on the most contentious current issue regarding Russia, namely the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, although this can probably be attributed to (along with his general detachment from reality) the fact that Chris was still in jail when the war broke out.

Early mentions

References to Russia began cropping up during the Idea Guys saga in November 2017. Chris was brainwashed into believing that Sylvana had been captured by Russian billionaire Akan.[1]

In the comic

In Sonichu 13, a comic devised by the Idea Guys, Russia is featured as an enemy country from which forces are invading CWCville. In addition, the United States of America had lost the Cold War, and Russia had taken over its territory.

Alleged ties with My Little Pony

In May 2022 Chris began claiming that World War III is the conflict between Russia and Ukraine[2] and that World War III is responsible for My Little Pony G5[3], writing "As Caden had relayed for me; I had Foreknown WWIII as WHY My Little Pony Generation Five being manifested in 2020 - 2025 was Premature and My Little Pony -Friendship is Magic, AND Equestria Girls, Generation 4, was needed to continue to Season Fourteen and no Less." in a 11 May Jail letter. In November 2023 he changed his story, claiming that MLP G5 was the cause of WWIII.[4] From November to January Chris would make occasianal comments about MLP G5's ties to Russia but it wasn't until February 2024 that he began his Twitter campaign against MLP G5.

In February 2024, days before the world marked the second year of Russia's invasion of Ukraine - Chris took to Twitter and made a bizarre, rambling string of posts from the 20th to the 22nd of February that described MLPG5, and Pony Life before it, as Russian propaganda designed to destroy Generation 4. Referencing earlier comments he made in the same month shortly after blocking the majority of G5's voice cast on Twitter in an act of 'protest', he clarified that this included the 'demons' that were G5's characters, apparently believing that the Kremlin can will evil spirits into being in the form of pastel-colored ponies. The image provided as evidence of this nefarious Russian infiltration of his beloved show was a slide from an online licensing festival in 2020, which laid out plans for the future of the franchise to the Russian branch of Hasbro - seemingly, Chris is oblivious to the fact that these plans would have applied to the entire company.

Since his initial posts, Chris took to responding to random messages over the course of the next several days, in particular singling out anyone who posted art or messages in support of the show, but his replies to them rapidly became boilerplate, with Chris copying and pasting variations of his responses as the days wore on. Many of them contained various hashtags in a probable effort to drum up support for his one-man crusade, evoking memories of his feud with Sega over Sonic Boom. Tellingly, one of these hashtags was '#StupidSoviet' despite the Soviet Union having dissolved in 1991. This might be a lingering byproduct of the Idea Guys' manipulation, but given Chris' long-established ignorance of the world outside his rural backwater, it is entirely possible that he somehow believes the Russian Federation and Soviet Union are one and the same.

Curiously, one character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was also marked by Chris as a Russian agent: Luster Dawn, who was introduced in the final episode of the show as a student of Twilight Sparkle who would undergo a lesson similar to the one Twilight herself received from Celestia all those years ago, and who would eventually set out on her own journey. Describing Luster Dawn as 'part of Russia's influence and rush to propagate', he also refuses to use the proper title of the last episode of the show when referring to it, instead calling it 'Premature Future', making his real feelings on the matter abundantly clear.


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The Players: The Games: The Prizes: