Chris and race

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Chris approves as he attends a Klansmen 4 Sonichu meetup
Chris's view of other races.

Christian Weston Chandler's racist tendencies can be traced at least partially to his Southern heritage, but certain other factors seem to imply that the rest of his worldview on race comes from stereotypes depicted by popular culture. In some cases, however, Chris seems to be completely unfamiliar with even the stereotypes, opting to make up a bunch of bullshit off the top of his head.

African Americans

Main article: Niggos

Chris demonstrates many instances of intolerance and racism, both intentional and unintentional. His racism comes from several sources: his father, his isolated formative years, television, and his complete ignorance of everything that isn't him. Black people, in particular, are a common target for his xenophobia, hence the word "niggo".


In the comics, Chris portrays Punchy as a kung fu master with slanty eyes. When a fan criticized this stereotyping, Chris claimed that Punchy was "NOT of Asian origin."[1] Outside of the comic, Chris also misattributes the origin of kung fu to Japan, when in actuality it comes from China. He does a racist impression of a Chinese person, and claims Japanese and Chinese people sound the same as shown in BlueSpike PSN Chat 3.5. In a recently leaked series of e-mails, it is shown and Chris simply does not seem to know there is a difference between China and Japan, as he calls the Japanese account Chinese, failing to realize that they have different written languages or even different currency.

In his real life dealings, Chris seems to have a positive or at least neutral view toward Asians. He has stated that he would not exclude Asian women from his Love Quest, and at one point believed Emily to be part-Asian. However, he never includes black hair when he lists suitable hair colors for potential sweethearts, which would exclude most Asian women. He also mentioned receiving a graduation gift from Reverend Shin of Chesterfield County's Korean congregation in the church audio.

"Turdijerk" from "Off-Target" has a vaguely South Asian appearance and the name may also be based on a stereotype of an Indian accent.

The only known image of "Ching Chong".

Ching Chong

In the Captain's Log, Stardate April 28th, 2009, Chris present us sincere apologies for having scared a small Chinese girl that Ivy tutored in art. The child, known only as Ching Chong (程鍾 Zhèng Zhòng) is now traumatized due to her witnessing a video of Chris drinking his own "navy" while innocently browsing Encyclopedia Dramatica. Chris never made a follow-up on the girl and never asked why her name was a known racial slur towards ethnic Asian communities. In the Wedding Comic, Ching Chong is seen as a flower girl.

Native Americans

Main article: Cherokian Clan
This has something to do with Native Americans. No, really.

As stated in the main article, despite claiming to have at least one Cherokee ancestor, Chris is completely ignorant of Native American culture. However, unlike other minorities, Chris's opinions and representation of native are a misguided expression of "pride" for his "heritage".

In Sonichu #2: Episode 7, Chris tries to tie in his "Cherokeeian" heritage with Sonichu lore. He depicts Cherokee characters in his work as white-skinned and blue-eyed, and wearing Ancient Roman-style armor (Joseph Smith would be proud). The Wasabi Clan also bear no resemblance to Native Americans.

Chris has also embodied his ignorance of Native American culture in a physical form. For a brief time, Chris blurred his gender roles and began to collect and customize "My Little Pony" dolls. One of the dolls he crafted was the infamous "Cheroki-Chan", a Native American pony. While there is nothing overtly racist about this abomination, it is probably not how Native Americans want to be represented. In the end Cheroki-Chan is just another Mary Sue for Chris, and pales in comparison to Chris's most infamous portrayal of Native Americans.

In a shocking display of ignorance, Chris attempted to emulate what he perceives as "Native American culture" in a War Paint Video. In this video Chris wears water-washable paint (and a "muscle bra") and wields a gun in an attempt to frighten trolls into submission. This video was inevitable fail because true Cherokee wore vests, and used only bows and arrows (which Chris lacks the strength to use).


I hope that God will forgive you for being so heartless and cruel Michael Snyder! JEW!

In "A Sonichu and Rosechu Christmas", Chris describes how Jews living in CWCville celebrate Hanukkah. On December 12, members of the CWCville Jewish diaspora set up "Menorah candles" (the "Haunaka" Menorah candelabrum has seven candles in it, while the traditional menorah used on Hanukkah IRL, called a Hanukkiah, has nine) instead of Christmas Trees, with dreidels lying under them. Since the candle-related symbolism is very much present in the RL Hanukkah rituals, it's in good taste to give CWCville Jews anything candle-related as a gift. e.g., when Sonichu's daughter Cerah Rosey baked cookies for her friends, she decided to make her Jewish friend Kevin a candle-shaped one. Because Jews surely love to be distinguished from other people on any occasions based solely on their faith, and would take deep offense in receiving a normal nothing-special-shaped cookie as a gift! Also, Hanukkah is the only Jewish holiday, and so candles (especially single ones not on a Menorah) are super-important to Jews!

Cerah also makes the flavor vanilla, just in case poor Kevin had any nut/chocolate allergies. Instead of simply asking if he's allergic, she just assumes it. Because Jews are Melvins with many allergies, you see.

In fact, there actually is a tradition of eating specially fried foods (latke and sufganiyah) on Hanukkah, and vanilla is one of the allowed ingredients used in making them. Not that Chris knows anything about this, mind you.

Near the beginning of Chris' latest (unsuccessful) attempt to be unbanned from the The GAMe PLACe, he casually pointed out that Michael Snyder was probably Jewish (although, Snyder is a very common German last name), using his last name as a point of reference. Of course with Chris being the idiot he is, it ended with him angrily calling Snyder a Jew. Given the use of the word as an insult, and Chris using it in context with other words denoting a type of sin it shows just how tolerant he is of other religions. In a later video (100 2178), Chris appears to restrain himself from calling Snyder a "greedy Jew".


Espanolic, the Spanish Pokémon

Aside from his rather tenuous grasp on the Spanish language, Chris has created a somewhat racist caricature in the form of Espanolic. It's a Grass-type Pokémon that resembles an anthropomorphized sombrero (even though most Mexicans prefer a ten-gallon hat), and its main attack is confusing its enemies with its "strange language". Its evolved form, Vegaton, has an attack called "Spanish Fly", that puts its enemies to sleep.

Hilariously enough, Nintendo would later create similar Pokémon named Lombre and Ludicolo, which they did being far less blatantly stereotypical.

So far, the only Hispanic character in the comics is Heather Iglesias, the nanny of Sonichu and Rosechu's children. Chris is probably trying to be inclusive here, but he isn't creative or intelligent enough to think of anything besides a stereotypical occupation for Hispanic women.

It may also be notable that often times, Chris refers to Hispanic people as being "Spanish". While not totally inaccurate, the word "Spanish" is usually reserved for people actually from Spain, whereas "Hispanic" is used for peoples from countries that predominately speak Spanish (a good comparison would be referring to people from Ireland or Scotland as "English").

Parental influence

Bob telling Chris the Barack Obama joke.

Given that his father Bob Chandler grew up in the southern United States before the civil rights movement and has friends in the Klan and may be a member himself, it's safe to assume that he passed at least some of them on to Chris. It is possible Bob also disliked that Chris's high school basketball team had only three white players and the two waterboys were both white. In 2008, Bob said that, if elected president, Barack Obama would "paint the White House black." In a 2010 prank call, Bob implied that he was a Ku Klux Klan member, and said "I’ve seen crosses burning, fella. I've seen 'em. And you don’t wanna see it." Of course, he may have just made these claims to intimidate trolls.

Chris and stereotypes

Chris's views of cultures besides Southern white Christians can also be traced to the television he watches. The typical Adult Swim cartoon includes gratuitous use of stereotype-based humor. Chris takes The Boondocks' satire of black stereotypes at face value. He also portrays nearly every person of African descent that appears in Sonichu with bald heads and either round, bulging eyes or glasses that resemble such. Finally, he does an impression of the stereotypical black accent, which he apparently confuses with the Jamaican accent, in Mumble 4.

His exposure to anime fuels his misguided views on East Asians. Asians, in his views, excel at random-access humor and martial arts.

Chris, despite claiming Cherokee ancestry, doesn't seem to know what a Native American even looks like, as he portrays the Ancient leader of the Cherokee Clan as an overtly European person wearing Greco-Roman garb. He also tramples all over their actual rituals and culture simply to implement the Anchuent Prophecy into his comic. Chris most likely has no idea what kind of rituals took place in Native American culture. If he did, he would know that some tribes slit their cocks to please the gods. I bet he doesn't want to be Native American anymore. Or does he?

Not a racist?

Chris being a wiggo.
And I am NOT racist, and I like Jews
Chris, in response to a rejected mailbag email

Chris does not want to be considered a racist. He claims to respect blacks as equals, saying that in CWCville "they can even vote", but at best he merely tolerates their existence so long as they stay away from him. Or if they can help him get his inane and idiotic video game made. However, he does genuinely like two black people: Kenan & Kel.

Also, Chris has probably never been told that the voice of Sonic in the animated series that he loves so much was Jaleel White (AKA Steve Urkel), a black man. If someone told him this, he would probably deny it. However, given that Chris managed to get respect for Stephen Fry...

He did mention more than once that the reason he doesn't want black girls (but any other race is okay) is because he thinks God told him that his future daughter Crystal must be white, too. (In an IRC, Chris said he has no problem with dating an Asian. Later, in Mailbag 35 he wrote he would date "Asian, Native or Hispanic women, as well as women of all other countries" except the ones being black because he's "Old Fashioned".)

Realistically, Chris is not considered a white supremacist type of racist but more of a xenophobic one. In other words, he's afraid of ethnic groups he's not familiar with. Like most things in his life, Chris has no real knowledge and bases everything off what he's seen on TV. Chris's perception of minorities is only what the TV shows him, since encountering them in real life is something that rarely occurs.

Improved race relations?

Chris does not judge a woman by the color of her skin but by the size of her tits.

An image leaked on 26 September 2009 showing Chris having sex with three young ladies, including an African American woman. In the Captain's Log of 10 October 2009, Chris clarified that the woman with whom he's performing sexual intercourse is "Half And Half" (mixed ancestry). This proves to us that, even if he's ready to touch the genitals of a black woman, he is unable to imagine the sexual intercourse with someone not sharing white ancestry. In fact, there's evidence that shared ancestry may be a turn-on for Chris.

It seems that the futility of his love quest has lead Chris to lower his ridiculously high standards even further, as he did with fat chicks (which he dropped for Sarah Jackson), and red heads (as he did with Ivy).

Nope, no improved race relations

"Fitty years ago you'da been hung from a damn dirty tree!"

This just in: Chris is a bigot. If anyone had any misconceptions that Chris was anything short of the most horrible person on earth, he ended Sonichu Day by calling Tito the N-word in "Chris Drops the N-Bomb" and in the Surfshack Tito Emails, making him an official racist. (The repercussions of this event included Jack Thaddeus removing his ads from CWCipedia and Mao taking over the site for a short time, leading to a massive amount of vandalism.) Soon, Chris also called Michael Snyder a Jew (in a derogatory way) in Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean. He later performed a song in blackface for his sweetheart Jackie.

Minority characters in Sonichu

In the Mailbag, when Chris is confronted about the lack of minorities in his comic he claims that all of his Electric Hedgehog Pokémon are considered "minorities" in CWCville, implying that he completely missed the point of the question.


Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: ContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games