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* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CompletelyMissingThePoint Completely Missing The Point]: In his "Message to the Future" he encourages everyone to stay straight because "everything else is vice, as said by Doctor Kinsey." The statement "everything else is vice" was part of a larger statement in which Kinsey was saying that this was what society says and that it was not a particularly effective deterrent. Kinsey, for the record, experimented with mansex. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CompletelyMissingThePoint Completely Missing The Point]: In his "Message to the Future" he encourages everyone to stay straight because "everything else is vice, as said by Doctor Kinsey." The statement "everything else is vice" was part of a larger statement in which Kinsey was saying that this was what society says and that it was not a particularly effective deterrent. Kinsey, for the record, experimented with mansex. | ||
** In the phone call to Kacey's dad, Chris complained about how hard it was to pull weeds. | ** In the phone call to Kacey's dad, Chris complained about how hard it was to pull weeds. | ||
::'''Kacey's dad:''' "My ''grandma'' pulled weeds. My grandma had ''arthritis'' and pulled weeds." | |||
::'''Chris:''' "I'm sorry your grandma had arthritis." | |||
** In [[Kacey and Liquid Call|the later conversation with Kacey and Liquid Chris]], Kacey pointed out that [[Rescuing Kacey From Christian W Chandler#Gameplay video|the LittleBigPlanet level Solid Chris supposedly created for her]] was actually the level he created for <strike>BlueSpike</strike> Julie a few months earlier. Solid Chris responded that it doesn't matter because Julie turned out to be a guy. | ** In [[Kacey and Liquid Call|the later conversation with Kacey and Liquid Chris]], Kacey pointed out that [[Rescuing Kacey From Christian W Chandler#Gameplay video|the LittleBigPlanet level Solid Chris supposedly created for her]] was actually the level he created for <strike>BlueSpike</strike> Julie a few months earlier. Solid Chris responded that it doesn't matter because Julie turned out to be a guy. | ||
** He has also [http://twitter.com/CWCSonichu completely missed the point] of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Twitter Twitter]. | ** He has also [http://twitter.com/CWCSonichu completely missed the point] of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Twitter Twitter]. | ||
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** The Father Call. What's especially awesome about it is that it certainly wasn't the first [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheReasonYouSuckSpeech The Reason You Suck Speech] Chris had ever gotten, but it ''was'' the first time Chris ever had to actually ''listen'' to one, or risk losing precious [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnusualEuphemism china.] | ** The Father Call. What's especially awesome about it is that it certainly wasn't the first [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheReasonYouSuckSpeech The Reason You Suck Speech] Chris had ever gotten, but it ''was'' the first time Chris ever had to actually ''listen'' to one, or risk losing precious [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnusualEuphemism china.] | ||
** His dad telling Chris to stop his bullshit or he'll take his Internet. Go Bob! | ** His dad telling Chris to stop his bullshit or he'll take his Internet. Go Bob! | ||
*** Bob actually said he would cut down the internet, making him the [ | *** Bob actually said he would cut down the internet, making him the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanNickname "Internet Lumberjack"]. | ||
** From the Asperchu Saga, Alec calls Chris out on his entire franchise, how he treats his 'fans', and Chris's grip on reality, but best of all, calmly. And of all the encounters with trolls, under reasonably legitimate pretenses. In particular, Alec telling Chris to "Man The [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrecisionFStrike Fuck] Up"! | ** From the Asperchu Saga, Alec calls Chris out on his entire franchise, how he treats his 'fans', and Chris's grip on reality, but best of all, calmly. And of all the encounters with trolls, under reasonably legitimate pretenses. In particular, Alec telling Chris to "Man The [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrecisionFStrike Fuck] Up"! | ||
*** On general principles, Alec can be considered to be a walking, talking [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrowningMomentOfAwesome Crowning Moment Of Awesome]. | *** On general principles, Alec can be considered to be a walking, talking [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrowningMomentOfAwesome Crowning Moment Of Awesome]. | ||
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** The sheer deadpan way the Audiobooks have Sonichu calm down after an anti-homosexual rant: "Instantly calmed by the promise of intercourse". | ** The sheer deadpan way the Audiobooks have Sonichu calm down after an anti-homosexual rant: "Instantly calmed by the promise of intercourse". | ||
** The end of [[Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 5|fifth phone call between Chris and Alec Benson Leary]]. Chris didn't want to talk with Alec so he made up an excuse to finish the conversation ''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FacePalm by impersonating his own mother]'' (not his father, curiously) ''"telling" him that he has to clean up cat poop in their kitchen''. | ** The end of [[Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 5|fifth phone call between Chris and Alec Benson Leary]]. Chris didn't want to talk with Alec so he made up an excuse to finish the conversation ''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FacePalm by impersonating his own mother]'' (not his father, curiously) ''"telling" him that he has to clean up cat poop in their kitchen''. | ||
*** And then there was [[Vivitheg | *** And then there was [[Vivitheg's AIM chat|the time]] when he really did have to clean up cat poop, but "slipped and made a mess". | ||
** CWCki's [[Encyclopedia_Dramatica|page]] on [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EncyclopediaDramatica Encyclopedia Dramatica], quoting a post Chris made to his own discussion page, potholing "Why do you hate me so much?" to "Frequently Asked Questions". | ** CWCki's [[Encyclopedia_Dramatica|page]] on [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EncyclopediaDramatica Encyclopedia Dramatica], quoting a post Chris made to his own discussion page, potholing "Why do you hate me so much?" to "Frequently Asked Questions". | ||
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming]: Liquid and Kacey singing "A Whole New World." | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming]: Liquid and Kacey singing "A Whole New World." | ||
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** Which is a shame, cause God DAMN that would be funny to watch. | ** Which is a shame, cause God DAMN that would be funny to watch. | ||
** Very arguably, the trolling if you subscribe to the cliché of it being better to have loved and lost than have never loved at all. Thanks to the trolls, Chris believes he's had several 'sweethearts', which would never have happened otherwise. Then again, since none of them fucked him he probably doesn't care. | ** Very arguably, the trolling if you subscribe to the cliché of it being better to have loved and lost than have never loved at all. Thanks to the trolls, Chris believes he's had several 'sweethearts', which would never have happened otherwise. Then again, since none of them fucked him he probably doesn't care. | ||
* DarkerAndEdgier: Some fics put the series in a darker prospective, [http://sonichufinale.canalblog.com/ Sonichu Finale] in particular. More recent examples are [http://sonichu.the-comic.org/ Sonichu Is Dead] and [[Fan:The Death of Sonichu|the fic]] on which it's based. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkerAndEdgier Darker And Edgier]: Some fics put the series in a darker prospective, [http://sonichufinale.canalblog.com/ Sonichu Finale] in particular. More recent examples are [http://sonichu.the-comic.org/ Sonichu Is Dead] and [[Fan:The Death of Sonichu|the fic]] on which it's based. | ||
* DartboardOfHate: Adam Stackhouse, winner of the Parappa contest, was a "victim" of this. Michael Snyder, who Chris tried to ''run over with his car'', was meant to be used for this as well. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DartboardOfHate Dartboard Of Hate]: Adam Stackhouse, winner of the Parappa contest, was a "victim" of this. Michael Snyder, who Chris tried to ''run over with his car'', was meant to be used for this as well. | ||
* DaydreamBeliever: Chris believes that all works of fiction (including Sonichu, of course) are real. And his "proof" is how various cartoon characters were shown living together in [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DaydreamBeliever Daydream Believer]: Chris believes that all works of fiction (including Sonichu, of course) are real. And his "proof" is how various cartoon characters were shown living together in [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhoFramedRogerRabbit Toon Town]. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotMakingThisUpDisclaimer Seriously.] | ||
** Apply some | ** Apply some [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FridgeLogic Fridge Logic] to this, and this becomes the reason he adamantly opposes [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrollFic parodies or fanfics] featuring his characters: they are ''changing reality,'' and so he has to [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Retcon Retcon] any relation to his canon those fics might have had. | ||
* DeadBabyComedy: Chris attempted this by comparing Clyde Cash's imminent downfall to ''the freaking World Trade Center attacks''. Needless to say, it failed. [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadBabyComedy Dead Baby Comedy]: Chris attempted this by comparing Clyde Cash's imminent downfall to ''the freaking World Trade Center attacks''. Needless to say, it failed. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InternetBacklash Horribly]. | ||
* DeathIsCheap: As far as it applies to real life, Chris honestly believes people who go to heaven can come back whenever. Which explains why he pleads for BillyMays to "come back soon". And thinks it's ok to depict the deaths of Ivy and Panda-Halo the way he did, since they didn't have any objections. That or he thinks they're just acting. Also for someone who loved his dog, he sure as hell won't let her rest in peace. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathIsCheap Death Is Cheap]: As far as it applies to real life, Chris honestly believes people who go to heaven can come back whenever. Which explains why he pleads for [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BillyMays Billy Mays] to "come back soon". And thinks it's ok to depict the deaths of Ivy and Panda-Halo the way he did, since they didn't have any objections. That or he thinks they're just acting. Also for someone who loved his dog, he sure as hell won't let her rest in peace. | ||
* DethroningMomentOfSuck: Probably the worst thing to come from Chris' magic markers would be | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DethroningMomentOfSuck Dethroning Moment Of Suck]: Probably the worst thing to come from Chris' magic markers would be ShecameforCWC.JPG, a pornographic drawing of him and his then-friend Megan, first uploaded ''by himself'' to [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EncyclopediaDramatica Encyclopedia Dramatica] under the claim of "replacing negativity with positivity." This was evidently the final straw in a relationship already strained by stalker-ish tendencies and sexual harassment, and Megan has since moved as far away from Chris as possible. Chris doesn't seem to understand what he's done, blames Encyclopedia Dramatica for "twisting" the image against him, and has since reuploaded the picture that cost him what might have been his only friend, claiming that he "needed sexy pictures." | ||
** For added FacePalm points, he ''still'' refers to Megan as having "broken up" with him despite her repeatedly telling him they were never together. | ** For added [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FacePalm Face Palm] points, he ''still'' refers to Megan as having "broken up" with him despite her repeatedly telling him they were never together. | ||
** There's also the infamous drawing of him having sex with three women. He has used this piece of creepy WishFulfillment as proof that he's straight. | ** There's also the infamous drawing of him having sex with three women. He has used this piece of creepy [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WishFulfillment Wish Fulfillment] as proof that he's straight. | ||
** "Your trope has been read fully, and your thoughts have been inputed and accepted for better improvement. Thank you for your time and efforts." | ** "Your trope has been read fully, and your thoughts have been inputed and accepted for better improvement. Thank you for your time and efforts." | ||
** "[ | ** "[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NauseaFuel I recycle my own semen]." | ||
** Some of his edits to | ** Some of his edits to CWCipedia also qualify. Worst offenders include [[Aspergers (CWCipedia article)|his article about Asperger's syndrome]], [[Mailbag 29|answering Mailbags with "Whatever"]] [[Mailbag 43#Go Fuck Yourself, too!|or insults]] and [[Mailbag 49|expressing hope that gays serving in the military will die in explosions]]. | ||
** [ | ** [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RunningGag Your trope has been read fully, and your thoughts have been inputed and accepted for better improvement. Thank you for your time and efforts.] | ||
** [[ | ** [[CWC Blog#March 2010|Chris insulting both trolls and "Honest, True and Loyal" fans he thinks he has - the latter just because they wanted him to update his comic regularly]]. Apparently he thinks that their demands contributed to the loss of his most recent "sweetheart" on pair with trolls' actions. | ||
** Chris making a | ** Chris making a YouTube video in which he tells his ex-"sweetheart" that she should be his girlfriend [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FacePalm because prostitutes are] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Wallbanger too expensive for him]. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InsaneTrollLogic And no, he isn't deliberately trying to insult her -] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatAnIdiot he actually thinks that this "revelation" will make her pity him and that she'll agree to be his girlfriend.] | ||
** Even before Chris uploaded | ** Even before Chris uploaded ShecameforCWC.JPG to ED, there was his reaction to the fact someone else won ''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ParappaTheRapper Parappa The Rapper]''-themed contest he participated in: he [[PSN Blogs#4 August 2007 — Adam Stackhouse!!!|insulted and wished death upon the winner and other people that got more votes]], [[CWC is Angry|filmed himself shooting a photo of the winner with a toy pistol]], [[PaRappa the Rapper contest#Aftermath|created a fake webpage showing him as the "true" winner and openly admitted in an e-mail to Sony that he wanted to win the contest because he thought Megan would have sex with him then.]] | ||
** The nude photos. Then the tape of him with his blow-up doll. | ** The nude photos. Then the tape of him with his blow-up doll. | ||
** He also put Sonichu's comic on his resume. The saddest part? It forms 80% of his entire resume ''and'' he is very demanding about which companies would be allowed to use his makeshift franchise and which products he expects to be made out of it. | ** He also put Sonichu's comic on his resume. The saddest part? It forms 80% of his entire resume ''and'' he is very demanding about which companies would be allowed to use his makeshift franchise and which products he expects to be made out of it. | ||
** Chris using the word "Jew" as an insult to finish the conversation while secretly recording it, then [[ | ** Chris using the word "Jew" as an insult to finish the conversation while secretly recording it, then [[Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean|releasing the audio recording of the event]], then [[:File:AskMichaelSnyder.jpg|ordering the fans he thinks he has to troll Michael Snyder]], and then [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DiggingYourselfDeeper revealing in a comment to] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWq4pB_Vikw Vivian's video] that "I gave him the finger as I left for real (...) right before the final insult". And he apparently thinks it was funny. | ||
*** Although it was something of an accomplishment for Chris that he actually did realize that the video was intended to make fun of him. | *** Although it was something of an accomplishment for Chris that he actually did realize that the video was intended to make fun of him. | ||
** Creation of [[ | ** Creation of [[Damien Antaria (CWCipedia page)|the CWCipedia article about "The Wallflower"]], as well as pretty much all Christian's actions described in said article. He stated that trolls discovering her identity was ''her'' fault because "[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WallBanger SHE HAD TO HAVE A Facebook Page with her REAL NAME and LINKS to her FanFictions on it]", and of course he isn't even remotely to blame for anything. While he was at it, he also once again proved his racism ("the Trolls HAD to stick their n***** noses into my affair"). He expected ''her'' to apologize ''to him'' for cutting off contact with him ([http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SarcasmMode surprisingly], she didn't do that). And he finished his article about her with the following statement: "[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FacePalm Now she'll have to live the rest of her life with the recurring memory of hurting me like she did. Got-Dang Asexual Woman!]" | ||
* DidNotDoTheResearch: ''A Girl who Brought Down the | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidNotDoTheResearch Did Not Do The Research]: ''A Girl who Brought Down the World'' accurately portrays Chris as the homophobe he is. However, he is equally fearful of lesbians and homosexual men, despite it being common knowledge that IRL Chris respects the gay population-the female half, to be precise. | ||
** At time the fic was written he liked lesbians, but | ** At time the fic was written he liked lesbians, but [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbx8CBbUsnU that might not be the case anymore] (1:01-ish, if you don't want to expose yourself to too much ear rape). | ||
** Also, Chris has no idea how copyright works; he seems to think that a character is automatically copyrighted the minute you create him, and that mashing together two existing properties makes something legally original. Additionally, he appears to believe that simply drawing a (c) next to the name qualifies them as legal copyrights. | ** Also, Chris has no idea how copyright works; he seems to think that a character is automatically copyrighted the minute you create him, and that mashing together two existing properties makes something legally original. Additionally, he appears to believe that simply drawing a (c) next to the name qualifies them as legal copyrights. | ||
*** Though he has ''[ | *** Though he has ''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RefugeInAudacity legally copyrighted Sonichu]''. [http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?Search_Arg=Sonichu&Search_Code=TALL&PID=8CvxbO0K6jQW0cyX7XU19mX&SEQ=20100105230829=25&HIST=1 Seriously, look.] | ||
**** No, actually not. To be technical, he has merely registered when he came up with the "idea". A registering is only handy for proving that you were there first, should the case end up in a court, and they are therefore pretty cheap to acquire and is generally quickly handed out without much of a preview process. But it does not give you a full copyright, which is a longer, more complicated and expensive process. | **** No, actually not. To be technical, he has merely registered when he came up with the "idea". A registering is only handy for proving that you were there first, should the case end up in a court, and they are therefore pretty cheap to acquire and is generally quickly handed out without much of a preview process. But it does not give you a full copyright, which is a longer, more complicated and expensive process. | ||
** He also doesn't seem to know that [ | ** He also doesn't seem to know that [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllAnimalsAreDogs you can't take hermit crabs for a walk]. | ||
** More recently, he is very tenacious about his belief that autism and AspergerSyndrome are nothing alike, and has received several emails from people trying to convince him otherwise, to the point where he's been forced to open a new mailbag section for these emails. The sad thing is, he's started answering these emails with a generic reply [ | ** More recently, he is very tenacious about his belief that autism and [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AspergerSyndrome Asperger Syndrome] are nothing alike, and has received several emails from people trying to convince him otherwise, to the point where he's been forced to open a new mailbag section for these emails. The sad thing is, he's started answering these emails with a generic reply [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheyJustDidntCare where he basically says he doesn't care,] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WallBanger and won't listen anyway.] | ||
*** He also believes that "Asperger's" sounding vaguely like "Assburgers" or "Assboogers" is a legitimate reason for disparaging it. When a letter writer confronted him about this, Chris's only response was to [ | *** He also believes that "Asperger's" sounding vaguely like "Assburgers" or "Assboogers" is a legitimate reason for disparaging it. When a letter writer confronted him about this, Chris's only response was to [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FacePalm make fun of the letter writer's name as well.] | ||
** The best example from his Asperger's vendetta would have to be his proclomation that he "helped cultivate the first generation of autistic people". [ | ** The best example from his Asperger's vendetta would have to be his proclomation that he "helped cultivate the first generation of autistic people". [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoYeah Yeah.] | ||
* DiggingToChina: Not used in the normal sense, but it is bizzare just how low Chris will go in order to score. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DiggingToChina Digging To China]: Not used in the normal sense, but it is bizzare just how low Chris will go in order to score. | ||
* DiggingYourselfDeeper: Much of what is known about Chris was not gained through hidden cameras or in-depth investigating, but [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DiggingYourselfDeeper Digging Yourself Deeper]: Much of what is known about Chris was not gained through hidden cameras or in-depth investigating, but [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooMuchInformation volunteered by the man himself] in what was probably an attempt to get the trolling to stop. In other cases, Chris will casually mention in a chat session something that most reasonable people would keep to themselves. For example: Clyde Cash brought up pictures of Chris wearing his mother's undergarments (which only existed due to blackmail), and Chris responded by revealing his severe incontinence. Strangely, Chris doesn't seem at all embarrassed by this, and only gets upset after direct insults. | ||
* DoesNotLikeMen: Chris hates the entire male population for stealing all the women; excluding himself, his father and [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoesNotLikeMen Does Not Like Men]: Chris hates the entire male population for stealing all the women; excluding himself, his father and [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GeorgeWBush George W. Bush], or as he likes to put it, 0,000000000004% of the male population (4% times 10 to the power of -12). Given the present population of the Earth, such a percentage would equal significantly less than one complete person. | ||
** This makes his homophobia quite ironic, because, logically, if every man but him, his father, and Dubya were gay, he wouldn't have to worry about women already having boyfriends. | ** This makes his homophobia quite ironic, because, logically, if every man but him, his father, and Dubya were gay, he wouldn't have to worry about women already having boyfriends. | ||
* [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoesNotLikeSpam Does Not Like Pickles]: Chris vehemently dislikes pickles because they remind him of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreudWasRight a certain male body part]. This hatred is incorporated into the comics, serving as a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeaksauceWeakness Weaksauce Weakness] for Sonichu and a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BerserkButton Berserk Button] for Rosechu. | ||
** This is also because one of the more famous trolls is simply known as "The man in the pickle suit". Ever since he popped up, pickle hatred has run rampant! | ** This is also because one of the more famous trolls is simply known as "The man in the pickle suit". Ever since he popped up, pickle hatred has run rampant! | ||
** This actually stems from when he was first discovered by a certain imageboard. They originally were just mocking his art, and a troll decided to pretend to do some "fan art" of Sonichu and mail it to Chris out of "admiration." Most importantly was a picture of Rosechu depicted with a penis, which Chris strongly objected to. However, Chris for some reason has an aversion to that word, and absolutely refuses to use it, or any other common phrases to refer to the penis. He instead refers to his own as his "duck" (no, that is not a typo), and refers to others as "pickles." When he saw the picture of Rosechu with a penis, he '''freaked the fuck out,''' and demanded that the troll, who Chris honestly still believed was a fan at this point, that he draw Rosechu again without a "freakin pickle!" The troll responded by sending a picture of Rosechu holding a ''literal'' pickle in her hand. Chris was not amused in the slightest, and the rest is history. | ** This actually stems from when he was first discovered by a certain imageboard. They originally were just mocking his art, and a troll decided to pretend to do some "fan art" of Sonichu and mail it to Chris out of "admiration." Most importantly was a picture of Rosechu depicted with a penis, which Chris strongly objected to. However, Chris for some reason has an aversion to that word, and absolutely refuses to use it, or any other common phrases to refer to the penis. He instead refers to his own as his "duck" (no, that is not a typo), and refers to others as "pickles." When he saw the picture of Rosechu with a penis, he '''freaked the fuck out,''' and demanded that the troll, who Chris honestly still believed was a fan at this point, that he draw Rosechu again without a "freakin pickle!" The troll responded by sending a picture of Rosechu holding a ''literal'' pickle in her hand. Chris was not amused in the slightest, and the rest is history. | ||
* DoesNotUnderstandSarcasm: Chris has a remarkable inability to tell when he's being insulted; any insult that's not outright calling him a name tends to fly right over his head. Some outstanding examples are his edits to EncyclopediaDramatica and | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoesNotUnderstandSarcasm Does Not Understand Sarcasm]: Chris has a remarkable inability to tell when he's being insulted; any insult that's not outright calling him a name tends to fly right over his head. Some outstanding examples are his edits to [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EncyclopediaDramatica Encyclopedia Dramatica] and CWCki where the facts that the doesn't edit are obviously sarcastic insults, proudly showing off his letter that was printed in Nintendo Power despite it almost certainly having been posted for people to laugh at, and his Screwattack Europe interview, with Guru Larry dropping lines like "Yes, you are indeed a role model to us heterosexuals" or "Yes, I often get people confused with fictional characters" while Chris just stares blankly. | ||
** This may be due to his autism more than anything else, leaving him incapable of detecting sarcasm and instead taking everything he hears at face value. Hilariously, this extends to the newly opened mailbag section on | ** This may be due to his autism more than anything else, leaving him incapable of detecting sarcasm and instead taking everything he hears at face value. Hilariously, this extends to the newly opened mailbag section on CWCpedia where Chris answers reader mail, although he has a separate section for "hatemail" or otherwise disruptive messages that he still refuses to ignore, and even answers some of them as sincerely as he can (including advice for buying sex toys). | ||
*** Of course, he now just deletes the mails he doesn't like, [ | *** Of course, he now just deletes the mails he doesn't like, [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hypocrite and then claims that he is better than Alec and others because he doesn't censor mail]. | ||
**** Or [[ | **** Or [[Mailbag 50|makes up his own "mailbag"]] by publishing some posts from Sonichu [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Troll fan] forum (that, in his opinion, praise him) rather than answering actual emails. Obviously, he fails to realize that these posts also actually mock him. | ||
* DoubleStandard: Alec points out Chris' double standard in him hating gay people because of an incident (that he may have been lying about) when he himself does lots of creepy, hateful things which by his logic should put people off straight and/or autistic people. Also, he states that the Bible tells people to shun gay people, even though it also condemns magic, which Chris (believes to) use all the time. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoubleStandard Double Standard]: Alec points out Chris' double standard in him hating gay people because of an incident (that he may have been lying about) when he himself does lots of creepy, hateful things which by his logic should put people off straight and/or autistic people. Also, he states that the Bible tells people to shun gay people, even though it also condemns magic, which Chris (believes to) use all the time. | ||
** There's also [[ | ** There's also [[Mailbag 54|a mailbag message]] where a reader calls him out on his homophobia by explaining how much he hates autistic people for the way they speak awkwardly and how their minds can't function properly to illustrate a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoubleStandard Double Standard]. Par for the course, Chris [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CompletelyMissingThePoint completely misses the point] by explaining that he himself [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlatantLies has no trouble speaking or thinking clearly], and calls the poster [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hypocrite an ignorant bigot]. | ||
* DracoInLeatherPants: Mary Lee Walsh is portrayed in trollfics as a beautiful, benevolent woman intent on destroying the WretchedHive / PeoplesRepublicOfTyranny that is | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DracoInLeatherPants Draco In Leather Pants]: Mary Lee Walsh is portrayed in trollfics as a beautiful, benevolent woman intent on destroying the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WretchedHive Wretched Hive] / [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PeoplesRepublicOfTyranny People's Republic Of Tyranny] that is CWCville. The real Mrs. Walsh isn't particularly glamorous, but she seems to be a pretty good college dean. | ||
** Her ''Sonichu Finale'' portrayal mixes this with a good helping of DarkIsNotEvil. Finale!Mary has a mischievous streak in her as well as a [ | ** Her ''Sonichu Finale'' portrayal mixes this with a good helping of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkIsNotEvil Dark Is Not Evil]. Finale!Mary has a mischievous streak in her as well as a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AGodAmI god complex] (that is neither particularly illogical given her power nor anywhere near as massive as Chris-chan's in ''Sonichu'' proper), and yet she is still a very compassionate woman who <font color="#FFFFFF">cannot even bring herself to kill Chris when she has the chance.</font> | ||
*** | *** <font color="#FFFFFF">Doesn't help that it was Christopher asking her to kill him. Christopher is a semi-decent person trapped in the body of a stark-raving mad godmanchild, only able to get out during brief moments of lucidity. She wouldn't be killing Christian with her bare hands, she'd be killing Christopher</font>. | ||
** Kacey's dad. Disgustingly homophobic, but he sure puts Chris in his place, and...and that ''voice''! | ** Kacey's dad. Disgustingly homophobic, but he sure puts Chris in his place, and... and that ''voice''! | ||
* DreamingOfThingsToCome: According to Chris, "it was fortold [sic] unto me in multiple dreams" that he would one day be the father of Crystal Weston Chandler, lending divine credence to his Love Quest. He has also been told by | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DreamingOfThingsToCome Dreaming Of Things To Come]: According to Chris, "it was fortold [sic] unto me in multiple dreams" that he would one day be the father of Crystal Weston Chandler, lending divine credence to his Love Quest. He has also been told by GodJesus that several of his internet girlfriends were the future mother of Crystal, which caused him to look like even more of an ass when they revealed themselves as (mostly male) trolls. | ||
** That also could mean that even Jesus is trolling him. | ** That also could mean that even Jesus is trolling him. | ||
* DrivenToSuicide: The trolls use this card quite a bit. First off, Ryan Cash's | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DrivenToSuicide Driven To Suicide]: The trolls use this card quite a bit. First off, Ryan Cash's <strike>fake</strike> suicide over Chris threatening to stop making comics was Clyde Cash's motivation for becoming head of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AncientConspiracy The Miscreants] and trolling Chris. After months of trolling did little to affect his target, Clyde followed in his little brother's footsteps and <strike>pretended to have</strike> shot himself in the head. <sup>* Really, one of the other trolls, Ching Chong, thought that Clyde had [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CharacterDerailment derailed] his persona somewhat when he started claiming that he really wanted to help Chris and suggested that Clyde killing himself would be the best course of action.</sup> After ''that'', Chris would later hear that Ivy had killed herself after he broke up with her when he found out she wasn't real. The comics are also the leading cause of suicide in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKxKg4c_J4c plush hamsters]. | ||
** In January 2010 Chris drove | ** In January 2010 Chris drove [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Troll fan] [[Chris and death#Mike Jackson (1969-2010)|named Mike Jackson]] to suicide. Being the kind, caring man that he is, Chris responded to the news about his "death" [[Mailbag_52|with a copy-pasted message]]. | ||
*** Not just any copy-pasted message, [ | *** Not just any copy-pasted message, [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheyJustDidntCare a copy-pasted message that didn't even fit in context]. | ||
* DrowningMySorrows: There are hints that this is how Chris spends his lonely evenings, at least when he's not playing video games or masturbating. Alcohol might explain [[ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DrowningMySorrows Drowning My Sorrows]: There are hints that this is how Chris spends his lonely evenings, at least when he's not playing video games or masturbating. Alcohol might explain [[6 June 2010|why he thought stalking Michael Snyder would be a great idea]]. | ||
* DudeNotFunny: One infamous video has Chris mocking the DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. Thanks to the massive InternetBacklash, it was taken down the next day. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DudeNotFunny Dude Not Funny]: One infamous video has Chris mocking the DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. Thanks to the massive [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InternetBacklash Internet Backlash], it was taken down the next day. | ||
** Of course, Chris [ | ** Of course, Chris [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WallBanger then tries to justify his horrendous actions] by saying that [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CompletelyMissingThePoint he was only trying to show how weak Clyde was]. | ||
* DysfunctionJunction: A WikiWalk reveals that the Chandler family isn't exactly the best you could hope for. [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DysfunctionJunction Dysfunction Junction]: A [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WikiWalk Wiki Walk] reveals that the Chandler family isn't exactly the best you could hope for. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreudianExcuse Might explain a bit]. | ||
* | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Egopolis Egopolis]: In troll fics, CWCville is often presented as one of the authoritarian style. | ||
* EnsembleDarkhorse: Bob Chandler (Christian's geriatric father) is amazingly popular with trolls, despite arguably being ''worse'' than Chris. Most of his popularity derives from his infamous threat of "cuttin' [the family's internet] down", hence his nickname "The Lumberjack". | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EnsembleDarkhorse Ensemble Darkhorse]: Bob Chandler (Christian's geriatric father) is amazingly popular with trolls, despite arguably being ''worse'' than Chris. Most of his popularity derives from his infamous threat of "cuttin' [the family's internet] down", hence his nickname "The Lumberjack". | ||
** Cole Smithy (Chris's maternal half-brother). Considering that Cole has a happy marriage with a hot wife and a steady job at Rotten Tomatoes, Cole is considered everything Chris would be if he were a functioning member of society. | ** Cole Smithy (Chris's maternal half-brother). Considering that Cole has a happy marriage with a hot wife and a steady job at Rotten Tomatoes, Cole is considered everything Chris would be if he were a functioning member of society. | ||
* EpicFail: [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EpicFail Epic Fail]: [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Understatement Oh dear! Oh so many, many things...] In fact, it would be wise to consider Christian Weston Chandler's mere existence as the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TropeCodifier Trope Codifier]. Some people have even commented that he IS the personification and embodiment of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThisIsSparta PURE. CRYSTALLIZED. FAIL.] He is the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GiftedlyBad loser's] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BeyondTheImpossible loser's] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleofThree loser] - just look at [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DavidGonterman Daveykins's] quote at the top of the article if you have any doubt, [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakeOurWordForIt and that's all coming from a 30+ year old man who lives with his parents writing and drawing poorly wrote, poorly drawn comics and fan fiction.] | ||
** Special mention must be given to any of the videos where Chris tries to show off his physical prowess, by doing Herculean tasks like [[ | ** Special mention must be given to any of the videos where Chris tries to show off his physical prowess, by doing Herculean tasks like [[11042009 51 50|struggling to lift soda boxes,]] [[30 Push-Ups|almost doing fake pushups,]] or [[Sonichu's Edge|stopping six times to catch his breath in a three minute jog.]] | ||
** Special mention should go to Chris's recent attempt to vandalize the | ** Special mention should go to Chris's recent attempt to vandalize the CWCki, which, as usual for Chris, failed. | ||
** Chris tried to paint Michael Snyder as an unreasonable bigoted jackass for refusing to let Chris back to | ** Chris tried to paint Michael Snyder as an unreasonable bigoted jackass for refusing to let Chris back to THe GAMe PLACe and tried to get his Internet legions to harass him. Instead, Chris himself comes across as the intolerant jackass, throwing out the word "Jew" as an insult, and now Michael Snyder faces heaps of personal fans, most likely offering to buy him drinks and play at his shop. | ||
* EscalatingWar: The Ad Saga on | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EscalatingWar Escalating War]: The Ad Saga on CWCipedia has become one of these. Trolls put gay ads in the sidebar, Chris changes his monitor resolution so he won't have to look at them. Trolls put BIG ads in the middle of the front page so he can't miss them, and he creates his own version of the front page so he doesn't have to look at them. The trolls invest in banner ads that appear on every page of the site... | ||
** A dispute over a [ | ** A dispute over a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Troll fan] character involved CWCipedia going down, then coming back with an Asperchu comic named ''Sonichu Revolution'' about copyright infrigement in place of the ads, and then Chris having comic book versions of Asperpedia guys tortured and killed in his comic. In response Asperpedia team gave ad space on CWCipedia back to Jack Thaddeus, and soon after that gay ads were back. | ||
* EvenEvilHasStandards: Bluespike managed to force some trolls-the same trolls that had tricked Chris into taking pictures of | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenEvilHasStandards Even Evil Has Standards]: Bluespike managed to force some trolls-the same trolls that had tricked Chris into taking pictures of <font color="#FFFFFF">himself in his mother's underwear</font>-to feel sorry for the manchild about forty minutes into his hour long confrontation. | ||
** Vivian's commentary for the end of issue #6 just kinda trails off, since there's nothing particularly funny about someone missing a beloved pet. | ** Vivian's commentary for the end of issue #6 just kinda trails off, since there's nothing particularly funny about someone missing a beloved pet. | ||
** Not to mention the backlash that came from the "[ | ** Not to mention the backlash that came from the "[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DudeNotFunny Twin Falling Towers]" video. | ||
** And of course, see the DavidGonterman quote above. | ** And of course, see the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DavidGonterman David Gonterman] quote above. | ||
*** No, seriously. DavidGonterman wrote what some people ''still'' call the worst Fanfic online. He ''knows'' what's it like to be trolled, and he's been proven to be a stand-up guy regardless, especially in recent years. And Chris-chan is even making ''him'' shake his head? That's a Real Life MoralEventHorizon sign there. | *** No, seriously. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DavidGonterman David Gonterman] wrote what some people ''still'' call the worst Fanfic online. He ''knows'' what's it like to be trolled, and he's been proven to be a stand-up guy regardless, especially in recent years. And Chris-chan is even making ''him'' shake his head? That's a Real Life [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralEventHorizon Moral Event Horizon] sign there. | ||
** It's essentially an unwritten rule amongst the trolls that Megan Schroeder should ''never'' be contacted about anything regarding CWC, as it is known she is still quite disturbed by what happened. | ** It's essentially an unwritten rule amongst the trolls that Megan Schroeder should ''never'' be contacted about anything regarding CWC, as it is known she is still quite disturbed by what happened. | ||
** 'The Wallflower', Chris's latest gal-pal, originally had a quite in-depth page on the | ** 'The Wallflower', Chris's latest gal-pal, originally had a quite in-depth page on the CWCki. When she personally contacted the sysop asking that irrelevant information be removed and the page be rewritten under a pseudonym, the requested changes were quickly made. | ||
** In early 2010 a (possibly newbie) SomethingAwful Goon tried to make a thread on Chris around and included his own encounter with him, he was greeted with post after post of [ | ** In early 2010 a (possibly newbie) [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SomethingAwful Something Awful] Goon tried to make a thread on Chris around and included his own encounter with him, he was greeted with post after post of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SarcasmMode "Yeah, torturing the mentally disabled is really fun!"] | ||
* EvenTheGuysWantHim[ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenTheGuysWantHim Even The Guys Want Him]/[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StupidSexyFlanders Stupid Sexy Flanders]: This is what Chris actually believes. [[Mailbag 22#The implications of this are staggering|THIS IS WHAT CHRIS ACTUALLY BELIEVES.]] | ||
** Played straight (no pun intended) with Liquid Chris and Kacey's Dad, Matthew. | ** Played straight (no pun intended) with Liquid Chris and Kacey's Dad, Matthew. | ||
* EvenNerdsHaveStandards: [ | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenNerdsHaveStandards Even Nerds Have Standards]: [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FurryFandom Furries], [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SomethingAwful Goons], [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ImageBoards *Channers], pretty much ''every'' subculture and community on the internet that is aware of Chris-chan uses him as a reference to the lowest of the low. He's quite possibly ''the'' rock bottom of the Internet totem pole. | ||
** Don't be silly... he's '''waaay''' [ | ** Don't be silly... he's '''waaay''' [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DiggingToChina below the bottom]. | ||
*** Even people with Autism and AspergerSyndrome will have nothing to do with him, also being fully aware of what Chris Chan has done in life. | *** Even people with Autism and [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AspergerSyndrome Asperger Syndrome] will have nothing to do with him, also being fully aware of what Chris Chan has done in life. | ||
* EvilCounterpart: Liquid Chris is the ''good counterpart''. | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilCounterpart Evil Counterpart]: Liquid Chris is the ''good counterpart''. | ||
* EvilVersusEvil: On the one hand you've got an absolutely vile person who's a bigot (called Tito a NIGGER ''several times'', and threw "Jew" at Michael Snyder like it was an insult), a homophobe (stating that they deserve to die by stepping on land mines), and a | * [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilVersusEvil Evil Versus Evil]: On the one hand you've got an absolutely vile person who's a bigot (called Tito a NIGGER ''several times'', and threw "Jew" at Michael Snyder like it was an insult), a homophobe (stating that they deserve to die by stepping on land mines), and a <strike>borderline</strike> complete sociopath among other evils, but let's face it, his opponents aren't really much better than a gaggle of schoolyard bullies. [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarknessInducedAudienceApathy It's really hard to root for anyone at this point.] Nevertheless, [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RootingForTheEmpire trolls still have way more supporters than Chris ever will.] | ||
* FacePalm: LITERALLY. EVERYTHING. WILL. MAKE. YOU. FACEPALM. To the point that the PVCC forums have ''SIX facepalm emoticons''. | * FacePalm: LITERALLY. EVERYTHING. WILL. MAKE. YOU. FACEPALM. To the point that the PVCC forums have ''SIX facepalm emoticons''. | ||
* FailedASpotCheck: Chris complained that Alec chopped off his head in ''Sonichu Revolution'' (which is one reason why he so brutally killed Alec in his own comic), and Alec pointed out that Comic!Chris was completely fine, and that he was only acting. Chris said that it could have been more obvious. The comic literally has Comic!Chris in one piece the very next panel saying don't worry, he's fine, he was just acting. | * FailedASpotCheck: Chris complained that Alec chopped off his head in ''Sonichu Revolution'' (which is one reason why he so brutally killed Alec in his own comic), and Alec pointed out that Comic!Chris was completely fine, and that he was only acting. Chris said that it could have been more obvious. The comic literally has Comic!Chris in one piece the very next panel saying don't worry, he's fine, he was just acting. |
Revision as of 18:04, 12 June 2010
“ | Go! Sonichu! Go out and zap to the extreme! | ” |
Sonichu #0 |
“ | Tell me about it on CWC. Geez, when you have me facepalming at you, you have got to be pretty bad off. | ” |
David Gonterman |
There is Artemis' Lover. There is Agony In Pink. There is The Girl Who Lived. There is My Immortal. There is My Inner Life. Many demonstrations could be made for the ascendant terribleness of such works, putting them above all lesser bad fanworks.
But then, standing resplendent above them all, there is Sonichu.
Sonichu was a fan TRUE and ORIGINAL webcomic created by one Christian Weston Chandler, starring (at least initially) the eponymous Electric Hedgehog Pokémon and his friends. The comic itself would be remarkable only for how unbelievably bad it is, but it has in recent years gained notoriety due to the author's antics in response to trolling and other harassment. The result is a perversely-fascinating, deeply-dysfunctional, symbiotic relationship - Mr. Chandler's creation has been saved from the curse of obscurity at the price of a "fanbase" devoted to making his life a living hell.
Sonichu started as some sort of Pokémon/Sonic The Hedgehog crossover world, and the first few issues focus on Sonichu's origin, his meeting with his "heartsweet" Rosechu (based heavily on Amy Rose), and a supporting cast of other Hedgehog Pokémon of various types. But in issue #2 and from issues #4-7, the series crystallizes into its present form, as Christian himself takes center stage and encounters and battles his enemies in real life, from mall cops to the dean of his local community college to internet trolls. Needless to say, the supposed main plot, a search for the Sonichu Bal- sorry, Sonichu Crystals, in order to use their powers to free Christian's Distaff Counterpart and "dream sibling", Crystal, from a mirror the aforementioned dean have trapped her in, takes a backseat.
Due to criticism over such a self-centered plotline, Christian eventually gets trapped in a timestream, leaving Sonichu to take up his heroic mantle of defender of CWCville]. The war against Encyclopedia Dramatica and "Four-Cent Garbage" rages on, interrupted by the occasional furry sex scene, until issue #9 changes focus (again) to dating education (no, not sex education) and Christian's crude interpretation of how relationships work.
The last chapter of issue 9 depicts a lengthy battle against invading forces from the PVCC, and ends with Sonichu and friends beating them with as much resistance as a team of Mary Sues typically gets. Christian's Author Avatar is released from the timestream shortly afterwards, and this cues the beginning of Issue #10, which can best be described as a combination of undisguised Wish Fulfillment and Christian's attempt to get back at his internet antagonizers by turning both his avatar and Sonichu into bigger God Mode Sues than ever, via the Sonichu Crystals Balls, and depict them punishing in-comic representations of his enemies by either killing or injuring them, destroying their property or making them pray to him for forgiveness. As the story progresses, Christian's feud with his "enemies" from real life becomes increasingly more disturbing, and its culmination in issue #10 finale can be most charitably described as the ultimate proof that Christian is in dire need of psychiatric help. It's worth noting that in this issue Christian frequently derailed the plot so he could devote several pages to "punishing" comic books versions of people who "wronged" him most recently; by contrast, (supposedly) important plot threads (such as Crystal being trapped in Dark Mirror Hole, or Christian's feud with college dean) were resolved quickly and anticlimactically. This sequence of events create probably the most unplanned and, for newcomers, incomprehensible storyline so far in Sonichu. Christian (once again) promised that in the future issues he will give the spotlight to Sonichu and that his Author Avatar won't appear so often. However, he isn't famous for keeping his promises (having made this exact one before), so future issues can be expected to be similar storyline-wise to Sonichu 10, with new real life-based enemies introduced as more trolling undoubtedly will continue to rain down upon him. (That is, of course, assuming there will be new issues at all, which might not happen in the foreseeable future. Christian hasn't uploaded any new pages since February 2010 and is deeply offended even by mere suggestions that he should update his own webcomic. It seems that he decided to devote his time to more entertaining activities instead, such as masturbating, playing video games and whining about them on the internet, continuing his Quest For Sex on the internet, condemning internet and claiming that he is "active within his community".)
Since this comic blurs the line between fiction and reality so much, a deep understanding of Mr. Chandler's life and psyche is required to make any sense of it. The best source would be the CWCki, an entire wiki cataloging Mr. Chandler's life and works (warning: some pages and images are definitely Not Sage For Work or your mental health), while the even more NSFW Encyclopedia Dramatica page that started this whole mess can be found here. Mr. Chandler's own websites tend to be hacked and deleted with some degree of regularity. He used to have his own Sonichu wiki which could be found here; however, in response to trolls hacking and vandalizing his precious wiki (again), on 27 May 2010 he announced his decision to "relinquish what was the Cwcipedia" while "keeping ownership of what it was before yesterday". In response Vivian Gee and Alec Benson Leary took control of CWCipedia and claimed all rights to Sonichu; at the beginning of June 2010 the control of CWCipedia apparently was taken over by a mysterious individual who may or may not be the TRUE and HONEST CWC.* Well, actually it's definitely not CWC, but it's fun to pretend otherwise. And who knows, maybe it's a beginning of new saga...
Compare the Gonter Verse, Silent Hill, Hell. See also Asperchu and Moon-Pals, two much better series that you probably should be reading instead of this one, if you aren't already.
Please note that several links on this page are not work safe. Don't forget to keep the Brain Bleach close by should you decide to visit any of them, worksafe or otherwise.
Tropes from the comic: A-M |
This comic contains examples of:
Tropes from the comic: N-Z |
But the Sonichu phenomenon cannot be contained by the comic itself. Because Christian Weston Chandler's life is inextricably intertwined with the stories he writes and his interactions with his "fanbase", just as many tropes can be applied to his not-so-private life as to his comic. Sonichu has also inspired a unique type of FanFic, the "trollfic" (not to be confused with a Troll Fic), a normal fanfic with the characters' moral alignments usually flipped. Meanwhile the blogcasts and chat channels the author uses to communicate with people can be more interesting than the actual comic, and offer profound insights into the mind of Mr. Chandler.
Tropes found in trolling, trollfics, and RealLife: A-H | ||||
--> I can imagine myself doing it with a collie at least. You know, like Lassie.
Tropes found in Trolling, Trollfics, and RealLife: I-P | ||||||
--> kaybear@mail.com: You're almost 28. Why do you think you are still a virgin at your age? --> Chris: Because I still have not ever had sexual intercourse.
> "Death to the trolls, peace to everyone else."
Tropes found in Trolling, Trollfics, and RealLife:Q-Z | ||||