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{{protip|The CWCki continues to refer to Christian only by his [[Christian Weston Chandler's FUTURE MESSAGE|true, original gender]] and [[CHRIS!!! CHANDLER!!!|GodBear-given name]], to keep consistent to [[Sagas#Classic Chris Era|classical]] records.}}

Nowadays, [[Chris]] is struggling to figure out his true '''gender'''. He is physically a [[male]] but [[Tomgirl Saga|currently]] identifies as [[Girls|female]]. However, for someone so preoccupied with gender identity, Chris displays a staggering ignorance of how either gender typically behaves, and his views of both genders are extremely warped due to him taking the stereotypes he is presented with in [[Chris and television|television]] and [[Netflix|other media]] [[Autism|at face value]]. The result is that he often manages to come off as both a misogynist and a misandrist.
{{quote|When I feel like totally grossed out with even an image of a penis, and recalling and focusing on a vagina image in my mind usually works|Chris<ref>[[Misc texts#Desiree Delightful]]</ref>}}

== Misogyny ==
[[File:CWC gets kicked.jpg|thumb|Chris's gender issues in a nutshell.]]
Due to Chris's ignorance, he has gathered most of his knowledge of gender through media such as [[television]] and [[music]]. Chris views females as [[Sex tape|hyper-sexual]], [[Mall|preoccupied with shopping]], [[Animal Crossing Documentary|given to conversing with others for hours]], and fixated on [[PlayingHouse|getting married and having children]]. This is highly evident in his female characters in ''[[Sonichu (comic)|Sonichu]]'', most prominently in [[Rosechu (character)|his Rosechu character]], whose "personality" consists solely of the traits listed above, which is considered ironic as Chris constantly tries to show Rosechu with a passion for [[Women's rights|Women's Rights]]. Despite trying to portray them as being equal in power to their [[Sonichu (species)|male counterparts]], Chris rarely depicts [[Rosechu (species)|Rosechus]] fighting, more often simply leaving them on the sidelines of a battle to wail like damsels in distress, even when their boyfriends are in mortal danger. Even outside battle, they tend to be little more than organic sex toys for the Sonichus.

Chris's vision of an ideal relationship is also sexist. On several occasions, Chris eagerly suggested having a MFF threesome, but was horrified when Ivy suggested a MMF threesome.<ref>[[Ivy_Q&A#Love and marriage]]</ref><ref>[[Mumble 1]]</ref> Chris also deemed it acceptable for him to go to a strip club when stressed, but considered it immoral for women to do the same. When approached about his sexism, Chris [[Stress|becomes offended]]. His usual defence is that that he has never harmed a woman (despite numerous [[death threats]]). This suggests Chris believes that misogyny consists solely of physical abuse of women.
Similar to [[Chris and religion|the topic of faith]] and [[Chris and kindness|the topic of morality]], Chris's actual beliefs on '''gender''' and how it is classified are more complex than his stated beliefs. For someone so preoccupied with gender identity, Chris displays a staggering ignorance of how either gender typically behaves, and his views of both genders are extremely warped due to him taking the stereotypes he is presented with in [[Chris and television|television]] and [[music]] [[Autism|at face value]].  

In recent years, despite claiming to revere them, Chris's attitude towards women has slowly become yet more sinister, demanding and aggressive. In the [[Catherine E-mails]] leaked in 2014, Chris got annoyed when Catherine said no to a relationship, insulted her and claimed he is '''entitled''' to the relationship. He even went on to try to guilt trip her, saying that she should "appreciate the the hard work and effort I had put into US!!!", even though shortly before that he was abusing her friends and telling her what she could and couldn't do, all behaviors eerily resemblant of those of a domestic abuser.
{{See also|Women's rights}}

In early 2015, a female troll concerned by Chris's unrepentant stance on his [[26 December 2014|aggression at GameStop]] contacted Chris under the name Renee, and attempted to persuade him to seek psychological help. Instead, Chris tried to beg her to date him (even though she had already clearly stated she had a boyfriend) and taking her well-meaning request as an insult, he wished "Renee" and her boyfriend a slow demise in a [[Destruction of Chris's House|house fire]]...then tried to beg her to date him again a few days later.<ref>[[Open_Relationship_E-mails#Renee E-mails]]</ref> The ultimate message here is that Chris doesn't care who you are, what you have to say or what your intentions are. He only cares what kind of sexual organs you have, and if he has a shot at claiming them.
Chris repeatedly asserts his reverence of women, and seems to have a comparatively glowing opinion of them, stating that he finds women "empathetic". But, as stated at the beginning of the article, the truth is more complicated. While Chris has [[Chris and socialization|always preferred female friends]], and is known to be far more accommodating of [[Chris and sexuality|lesbians than gay men]], even going so far as to [[Chris and reality|identify as one himself]], in truth, Chris has a distinctly sexist view of [[Women's rights|women]]. Based on his failed attempts at getting girls at the mall, Chris views females as [[Sex tape|hyper-sexual]], [[Mall|preoccupied with shopping]], [[Animal Crossing Documentary|given to conversing with others for hours]], and fixated on [[PlayingHouse|getting married and having children]]. This is highly evident in his female characters in ''[[Sonichu (comic)|Sonichu]]''. As a matter of fact, In [[Sonichu 9|''Sonichu'' #9]], he referred to women as another species. This seems to be hyperbole, but considering Chris's abysmal knowledge of the sciences, it is difficult to be sure. [[Rosechu (character)|His Rosechu character]] who is a living embodiment of how Chris believes all women behave, has a "personality" which consists solely of the traits listed above, which is considered ironic as Chris constantly tries to show Rosechu with a passion for [[Women's rights|Women's Rights]]. Despite trying to portray them as being equal in power to their [[Sonichu (species)|male counterparts]], Chris rarely depicts [[Rosechu (species)|Rosechus]] fighting, more often simply leaving them on the sidelines of a battle to wail like damsels in distress, even when their boyfriends are in mortal danger. Even outside battle, they tend to be little more than organic sex toys for the Sonichus.

== Misandry ==
''Main Article:'' [[JERKS]]

Chris has harbored a deep hatred for [[JERKS|men]] ever since his teenage years, because he was bullied in grade school (largely because of his bloated [[ego]] making him extremely annoying to be around), and later because [[Infinitely-High Boyfriend Factor|seeing other guys scoring]] when he was failing miserably at it pissed him off. This gradually blossomed into a general distaste for masculine traits such as body [[hair]]; indeed, in his [[nudes]] it is apparent that he is surprisingly meticulous in shaving his body hair, certainly compared to [[Chris and health#Chris and hygiene|other aspects of grooming]]. He also has stated, as shown in this [[04232010 - Autism Awareness & Men Should NEVER be Topless|video]], a disgust for "topless men" and [[Brassieres For Males|encourages men]] to wear [[muscle bra]]s so he doesn't have to see their nipples. He even made a (now somewhat outdated) short list of the men he doesn't consider "jerks", which included himself, his [[Bob Chandler|father]] and [[Santa Clause]] ''<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Chris and English|sic]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>''.
Chris has harbored a deep hatred for [[JERKS|men]] ever since his teenage years, because he was bullied in grade school (largely because of his bloated [[ego]] making him extremely annoying to be around), not to mention the fact that Chris is known to fly into fits of [[Chris and his ego|jealous]] [[Chris and anger|rage]] whenever he sees [[Liquid Chris|a man more successful than him]], especially if [[Clyde Cash|that]] [[Infinitely-High Boyfriend-Factor|man]] [[Wes Iseli|is getting some]] and he isn't. This gradually blossomed into a general distaste for masculine traits such as body [[hair]]; indeed, in his [[nudes]] it is apparent that he is surprisingly meticulous in shaving his body hair, certainly compared to [[Chris and health#Chris and hygiene|other aspects of grooming]]. He also has stated, as shown in this [[04232010 - Autism Awareness & Men Should NEVER be Topless|video]], a disgust for "topless men" and [[Brassieres For Males|encourages men]] to wear [[muscle bra]]s so he doesn't have to see their nipples. He even made a (now outdated) short list of the men he doesn't consider "jerks", which included himself, his [[Bob Chandler|father]] and [[Santa Clause]] ''<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Chris and English|sic]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>''. Chris's misandry continued after identifying as a "tomgirl"; he has variously referred to men in general as "barbarians" and "Neanderthals", which, coming from him, are rather ironic accusations for [[Death threats|a]] [[14 Branchland Court|number]] [[Chris and racism|of]] [[Chris and health#Chris and hygiene|reasons]].

Since becoming a "tomgirl", Chris's misandry has not abated. In recent years he has variously referred to men in general as "barbarians" and "Neanderthals", which, coming from him, are rather ironic accusations for [[Death threats|a]] [[14 Branchland Court|number]] [[Chris and racism|of]] [[Chris and health#Chris and hygiene|reasons]].
Chris has since relaxed his former misandric attitude and no longer takes issue with the company of men.

== [[Tomgirl Saga]] ==
==Crossdressing and Gender Dysphoria==
In April 2011, [[Tomgirl Pictures|photos]] were leaked by [[Surfshack Tito (troll)|Surfshack Tito]] showing Chris dressed in women's clothes. Soon after Chris announced he was a "Tomgirl". Chris being a tomgirl has resulted in him wearing [[Chris and fashion#Chris's Tomgirl Fashion Sense|feminine clothes]], a brief attempt at [[Un-clit|piercing his taint]], and growing long hair. Despite this, Chris still rigidly maintains he is attracted solely to women.

There is still speculation as to why he has done this. Chris may have believed that joining the female community would aid his Love Quest, which naturally it hasn't, and indeed, any sensible person can see that identifying as a lesbian actually shrinks his pool of potential sweethearts, given that lesbians are a minority group.
[[Image:ChrisChan Twt Bio from 4-20-21.jpg|thumb|left|Chris's Twitter bio as observed shortly before [[Jail Saga|spending nearly two years in jail]]. As of 2024, the profile matches this description.]]

However, Chris has recently made several telling statements that indicate he believes that he can use his gender confusion to his advantage. For example, on various occasions, Chris has made statements to the effect of him being [[Chris and reality|"compatible with all women"]], or that he can [[HelloLadyFans|"go any way [a woman] desire[s]"]]. Statements like these show that he believes that by identifying as a female while remaining biologically male he can appeal to women of all sexualities, although it remains unclear if this is his main reason for crossdressing, or indeed whether it was a premeditated reason for it at all, or merely an idea he came up with later. Needless to say, this too is pure folly; a willingness to date folks with penises is hardly a given among lesbians, and most straight women would be put off by Chris's crossdressing. Not to mention that both lesbian and straight women alike would probably be put off by the sheer desperation he displays in essentially saying that he'd be willing to change genders just to get laid, and that's without even considering the squalor he lives in, his bizarre, unkempt appearance, or his many personality flaws.
It has been speculated for a long time that Chris has gender issues, confirmed in 2016 when he was diagnosed with gender identity disorder.<ref name=psychologist>Chris changed the gender marker on his driver's license to identify him as female in 2016. The procedure to do this in Virginia is to have a professional whose "practice includes the treatment and counseling of persons with gender identity issues" vouch for the person's gender identity on [https://web.archive.org/web/20161223001047/https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/webdoc/pdf/dl17.pdf this form].</ref> In 2005, he created [[Crystal Weston Chandler (sister)|Crystal Weston Chandler]], a female version of himself. In [[Christian Weston Chandler's FUTURE MESSAGE]], he mentioned that you should try out the opposite gender's toys while keeping your original gender in mind, possibly indicating that he may have been in denial about transgenderism long before becoming a tomgirl. He also wondered what he would be like if he were born a female.<ref>[[Mailbag 27]] - Is Chris hitting on Bailey Jay?</ref>

Chris also may have done this in hopes that trolls would stop suggesting he likes "[[Homos|the wrong gender]]". Some just believe Chris has been [[TRUE and HONEST]] and has always felt this way, despite little evidence. Regardless of the reason, the Tomgirl Saga has continued to this day. Despite being self-described as a "lesbian in a male body", and even showing off pictures of him slapping Human Rights Campaign stickers all over his [[Son-Chu|car]], Chris still seems to be rendered very uncomfortable by gay men, although he has slowly backed down from his bigotry towards them, possibly recognizing that his disdain for them is irrational even by his standards.
Chris spent many years struggling to articulate his position on transgender topics. Prior to his own exploration of transgenderism, he confessed that he was uncomfortable with the idea of transgender people, and made it clear that he was not sexually attracted to them.<ref>[[Mailbag 39#Shemales and man-tits]]</ref> “I have given thought about the transgenders and transvesites; I do not feel comfortable with them….[D]icks are dicks, and I do not care about them, except for my own,” he wrote in a [[January 2009]] chat.<ref>[[IRC (03 January 2009)]]</ref>  He later reiterated: “I Do Not Care Much for Transgender People or Hermaphrodites, but I do not discriminate them as individual people.”<ref>[[Mailbag 26#Reusing the same excuses for everything else!]]</ref>

However, being transgender does not stop him from prejudice against other transgenders; during his quest against [[Jeff/Francine]], who is also trans, Chris calls her a "pretty little lady-man", a "he-she", and even "Mistress Jeff" showing that even years his transformation into a Tomgirl, Chris is still Chris.
Responding to a troll impersonating the transgender {{w|Bailey Jay}}, Chris wrote, "I can relate to how you feel. Sometimes, I wonder what my life would be like if I was born female instead, because of some of my emotional, caring, self-conscious thoughts I had in my lifetime. Then I would later remember that God must have made me all straight male for good reasons."<ref>[[Mailbag 25#It's a trap!]] and [[Mailbag 27#Is Chris hitting on Bailey Jay?]]</ref>

== See also ==
In [[2014]] Chris came out as a "'''lesbian-identified male'''" before identifying as a "'''trans woman'''". After transitioning, Chris adopted the name '''Christine''' to accompany his new gender identity along with the corresponding personal pronouns.
*[[Women's rights]]
In [[2019]] Chris updated his Twitter to reaffirm his gender pronouns.<ref>https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/1084516261097279488</ref>
{{quotebox|Also, I Am Female; please address and talk about me with the correct Pronouns. She/Her/Hers.
Thank You.  😊}}
As of 28 [[September 2020]], Chris's [[Twitter]] includes a pinned tweet reiterating that he is "Female" and uses she/her/hers pronouns. His twitter biography also refers to himself as [[Polyamorous marriage|Mrs. Christine W. Chandler Sonichu]] and continues to emphasize the use of she/her/hers pronouns.
==Non-binary genders==
{{quote|"I really did not know how many genders there are, but I am not and do not judge. Have a good day."|Chris's beliefs on Non-Binary Genders}}
Given how complicated of a topic gender is to tackle, especially today, people will tend to argue about what classifies as a "gender" and therefore some people might argue that there exists more than two. In Chris's case, believing everything he sees without giving it a second thought, also concluded that there really are more than two genders simply looking at a Facebook post about how Facebook is allowing their users to identify themselves as 58 different genders on September 17, 2016, [[Naïve|taking it to mean that there are in fact 58 genders]]. <ref>https://archive.md/H42cq</ref> The next month, Chris is interviewed on the same topic, and is asked how many genders there are, and simply says there are 58 all because of that same Facebook post. <ref>https://archive.md/wi10r</ref>
==See also==
*[[Chris and fashion]]
*[[Chris and sex]]
*[[Chris and sex]]
*[[Chris and fashion]]
*[[Muscle bra]]
*[[Muscle bra]]
*[[Women's rights]]

== References ==

{{Chris and}}
{{Chris and}}
[[Category:Chris and...]]

Latest revision as of 23:50, 14 July 2024

This article is out of date.

We suggest you keep up with the times.

The CWCki continues to refer to Christian only by his true, original gender and GodBear-given name, to keep consistent to classical records.
When I feel like totally grossed out with even an image of a penis, and recalling and focusing on a vagina image in my mind usually works
Chris's gender issues in a nutshell.

Similar to the topic of faith and the topic of morality, Chris's actual beliefs on gender and how it is classified are more complex than his stated beliefs. For someone so preoccupied with gender identity, Chris displays a staggering ignorance of how either gender typically behaves, and his views of both genders are extremely warped due to him taking the stereotypes he is presented with in television and music at face value.


Chris repeatedly asserts his reverence of women, and seems to have a comparatively glowing opinion of them, stating that he finds women "empathetic". But, as stated at the beginning of the article, the truth is more complicated. While Chris has always preferred female friends, and is known to be far more accommodating of lesbians than gay men, even going so far as to identify as one himself, in truth, Chris has a distinctly sexist view of women. Based on his failed attempts at getting girls at the mall, Chris views females as hyper-sexual, preoccupied with shopping, given to conversing with others for hours, and fixated on getting married and having children. This is highly evident in his female characters in Sonichu. As a matter of fact, In Sonichu #9, he referred to women as another species. This seems to be hyperbole, but considering Chris's abysmal knowledge of the sciences, it is difficult to be sure. His Rosechu character who is a living embodiment of how Chris believes all women behave, has a "personality" which consists solely of the traits listed above, which is considered ironic as Chris constantly tries to show Rosechu with a passion for Women's Rights. Despite trying to portray them as being equal in power to their male counterparts, Chris rarely depicts Rosechus fighting, more often simply leaving them on the sidelines of a battle to wail like damsels in distress, even when their boyfriends are in mortal danger. Even outside battle, they tend to be little more than organic sex toys for the Sonichus.


Main article: JERKS

Chris has harbored a deep hatred for men ever since his teenage years, because he was bullied in grade school (largely because of his bloated ego making him extremely annoying to be around), not to mention the fact that Chris is known to fly into fits of jealous rage whenever he sees a man more successful than him, especially if that man is getting some and he isn't. This gradually blossomed into a general distaste for masculine traits such as body hair; indeed, in his nudes it is apparent that he is surprisingly meticulous in shaving his body hair, certainly compared to other aspects of grooming. He also has stated, as shown in this video, a disgust for "topless men" and encourages men to wear muscle bras so he doesn't have to see their nipples. He even made a (now outdated) short list of the men he doesn't consider "jerks", which included himself, his father and Santa Clause [sic]. Chris's misandry continued after identifying as a "tomgirl"; he has variously referred to men in general as "barbarians" and "Neanderthals", which, coming from him, are rather ironic accusations for a number of reasons.

Chris has since relaxed his former misandric attitude and no longer takes issue with the company of men.

Crossdressing and Gender Dysphoria

Main article: Transgender
Chris's Twitter bio as observed shortly before spending nearly two years in jail. As of 2024, the profile matches this description.

It has been speculated for a long time that Chris has gender issues, confirmed in 2016 when he was diagnosed with gender identity disorder.[2] In 2005, he created Crystal Weston Chandler, a female version of himself. In Christian Weston Chandler's FUTURE MESSAGE, he mentioned that you should try out the opposite gender's toys while keeping your original gender in mind, possibly indicating that he may have been in denial about transgenderism long before becoming a tomgirl. He also wondered what he would be like if he were born a female.[3]

Chris spent many years struggling to articulate his position on transgender topics. Prior to his own exploration of transgenderism, he confessed that he was uncomfortable with the idea of transgender people, and made it clear that he was not sexually attracted to them.[4] “I have given thought about the transgenders and transvesites; I do not feel comfortable with them….[D]icks are dicks, and I do not care about them, except for my own,” he wrote in a January 2009 chat.[5] He later reiterated: “I Do Not Care Much for Transgender People or Hermaphrodites, but I do not discriminate them as individual people.”[6]

Responding to a troll impersonating the transgender Bailey Jay, Chris wrote, "I can relate to how you feel. Sometimes, I wonder what my life would be like if I was born female instead, because of some of my emotional, caring, self-conscious thoughts I had in my lifetime. Then I would later remember that God must have made me all straight male for good reasons."[7]

In 2014 Chris came out as a "lesbian-identified male" before identifying as a "trans woman". After transitioning, Chris adopted the name Christine to accompany his new gender identity along with the corresponding personal pronouns.

In 2019 Chris updated his Twitter to reaffirm his gender pronouns.[8]

Also, I Am Female; please address and talk about me with the correct Pronouns. She/Her/Hers.

Thank You. 😊

As of 28 September 2020, Chris's Twitter includes a pinned tweet reiterating that he is "Female" and uses she/her/hers pronouns. His twitter biography also refers to himself as Mrs. Christine W. Chandler Sonichu and continues to emphasize the use of she/her/hers pronouns. [9]

Non-binary genders

"I really did not know how many genders there are, but I am not and do not judge. Have a good day."
Chris's beliefs on Non-Binary Genders

Given how complicated of a topic gender is to tackle, especially today, people will tend to argue about what classifies as a "gender" and therefore some people might argue that there exists more than two. In Chris's case, believing everything he sees without giving it a second thought, also concluded that there really are more than two genders simply looking at a Facebook post about how Facebook is allowing their users to identify themselves as 58 different genders on September 17, 2016, taking it to mean that there are in fact 58 genders. [10] The next month, Chris is interviewed on the same topic, and is asked how many genders there are, and simply says there are 58 all because of that same Facebook post. [11]

See also


  1. Misc texts#Desiree Delightful
  2. Chris changed the gender marker on his driver's license to identify him as female in 2016. The procedure to do this in Virginia is to have a professional whose "practice includes the treatment and counseling of persons with gender identity issues" vouch for the person's gender identity on this form.
  3. Mailbag 27 - Is Chris hitting on Bailey Jay?
  4. Mailbag 39#Shemales and man-tits
  5. IRC (03 January 2009)
  6. Mailbag 26#Reusing the same excuses for everything else!
  7. Mailbag 25#It's a trap! and Mailbag 27#Is Chris hitting on Bailey Jay?
  8. https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/1084516261097279488
  9. https://twitter.com/CPU_CWCSonichu/status/1310653174462717952
  10. https://archive.md/H42cq
  11. https://archive.md/wi10r

Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: ContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games