Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

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"Wesley Mem"* is a church for all of God’s children, regardless of age, race, gender, socio-economic situation, or sexual orientation.
WMUMC's slogan
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Charlottesville.

Christian started attending the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Charlottesville in March 2008 after getting kicked out of his old church, the Grace Baptist Church. He was baptised at WMUMC on Mother's Day of 2008.[1]

WFMC is closely associated with the University of Virginia. Ironically, given his intense homophobia, Chris attends a homo-accepting church because it is the only one that won't kick him out. Having been besieged with nudes of Chris, they now have this disclaimer on their homepage: "We are not responsible for any content or links that may appear on the personal web pages of any member of this congregation."

Bob attended with his son, with Barbara usually staying home.[2]


Wesley Foundation Methodist Church's logo.
  • Reverend Ed Winkler, current pastor
  • Reverend Elizabeth Foss, former pastor
  • Marty Peterman, who told Chris to not send anything over the internet he wouldn't want his grandmother to see[3]
  • Reverend Rocky Shoemaker, pastoral counselor; Elizabeth introduced Rocky to Chris in September 2008 because she knows Chris doesn't listen to men[3]

Since Elizabeth and Rocky are authority figures Chris respects, he lists them as references on his resume and continually seeks help from them against trolls.[4]


On 15 March 2009, Robert Simmons V visited this church and talked to Chris and Bob.

On July 2011 Ed Winkler became a pastor at the church.[5] He would later on ban Chris from the church for an entire month, and would also forbid Chris from speaking there. Winkler's treatment of Chris was one of the factors that led the latter to withdraw from the church for an unknown period of time.[6]

On 12 September 2011, Bob's funeral took place at the church.

On 10 June 2012, Chris ran a lemonade stand for a cancer charity.


On 30 March 2013, a note had made its way to the CWCki Forums shedding light on Chris' current status within Wesley Methodist:

**Please Print (in multiples) and Share This Message with EVERYBODY at Church**

I, Christian Weston Chandler, will not be attending church for a long time.

I feel that ever since Reverend Elizabeth Foss left our church, it has greatly gone downhill for me. Ed Winkler Banned me from the church for a month. He has Banned me from Speaking my peace during the Sharing of Joys and Concerns, and from that, I have felt unnecessarily Silenced. I also feel my meetings with Rocky no longer have much effect on me or my life. My life continues to be at a disappointing standstill of sadness, loneliness and great stress. Only the people way older than me ever do so much as greet me, and I have very little to share in common with any of them. Nobody even close to my age, or even in their twenties, gives me much to do, or include me in their conversations.

Aside from that, I am hated by a number of people for reasons beyond my full understanding, because I always tried to be a good and nice person for a long time. And in public, I am constantly overlooked, ignored or ostracized by Everybody. Even speaking out gets me absolutely no attention. I continue to be paranoid of most everyone, because of them likely being among the Internet Trolls that still continue to haunt and taunt me. I am still long desperate for a woman to be my Sweetheart. I am tired of being single, dang it. I continue to serve my family the best I can, and I continue to feel sad, depressed and lonely. My heart feels numb, and I am forced to keep a great emotional distance from Everybody outside my house and home. I am an autistic mental and emotional mess, and there is very little I can do to help myself, beyond my knowledge. And God sees fit for some (hate-filled) reason to continue to curse me as a jinx.

And, so, the church is not helping me much in my life, mentally, or emotionally, at all. So I will not be coming back for a long time.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler


In a last-ditch effort to blame anything but himself for his woes, Chris has now resorted to slamming GodJesus Himself for playing Kick the Autistic. The letter also reveals that Chris has earned himself a temporary ban from the church, probably because the minister has tired of hearing Chris ramble about da trolls during the homily. In a rare moment of insight, Chris also notes that Rocky has been ineffective as a counselor.

It should also be noted that Chris had asked Rocky to distribute copies of this exact letter to the congregation, effectively demanding she distribute not only "proof" of her own counseling inadequacy but also a letter insulting God to an entire Methodist congregation.


See also

External links