CWC Address to Unilever About AXE

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Chris talks about axe and how he is still straight even if the major demographic may be "of the wrong orientation". He goes on to defend that it is "intended for the straight orientation!". Right on Chris. Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos!



CWC Letter to Unilever


I wish to, uh, take a moment right now to, uh, read a letter I have just hand-written for the, uh, Unilever company about the, uh, issue at hand with AXE. I read this out loud because I currently cannot find the snail mail address, but when I do I will mail it off directly. But I re--but I read it now for hope that they will at least be able to get the--get the understanding and the gist of my, uh, of my proposition and hopefully do something about it and will not blow me off because of an opinion.

Hmmm. Anyway, to the Unilever company who creates, uh, AXE body spray, shower gel, shampoo, and all of that.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, Christian Weston Chandler, have been a loyal user of AXE body spray for years now, and I have been enjoying the scent as I look forward to it making me smell better to attract (and keep one of) women to be my sweetheart. I have been sussessful with being enjoyed by my sweetheart--[looks up to camera] My sweetest Ivy. [continues]--who enjoys my pleasant presence and company with her.

I write the letter today, with concern of hearing that the ho-mo-sess-u-al pop-u-la-tion wear the AXE body spray as often as or greater than the straight people. Like myself. For the longest time, AXE has been advertised and meant for STRAIGHT men to attract WOMEN. It was certainly NOT meant to attract...other dudes.

I would like--I would ask to ban sale of--and use of the product from the homos, but that would be retarded. Instead I respectfully and humbly request that on the package a statement li--such as "DESIGNED ONLY FOR STRAIGHT ORIENTED MEN" or something strongly similar. Please make this so, and please do not try to blow me off for having an opinion about the product. Or having an opinion about the homosexuals. Because I do not care much about them.

Sincerely, Christian Weston Chandler Proud Straight Male AXE User
