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[[File:cwc bronycon 2017 3.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:cwc bronycon 2017 3.jpg|thumb]]

'''BronyCon''' is a yearly convention held by adult fans of [[My Little Pony]]. The 2017 convention ran from 11 August to 13 August. Chris drove all the way to Baltimore, Maryland, to visit the convention, staying for the full three days, spending the money he earned from [[Patreon]] instead of on bills. While he was there, Chris took many pictures with some of the show's staff, as well as other fans. He also made several new drawings over the course of the event; some of these were signed by voice actresses from the show.
'''BronyCon''' was a yearly convention held by ''bronies'', adult fans of [[My Little Pony]], each summer from 2011 to 2019. It was held annually at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland, beginning in [[2013]].
Several fellow bronies from [[4chan]]'s /mlp/ board,<ref name=mlp>http://archive.is/lHRYe</ref> Twitter, and [[Kiwi Farms]] provided photos and reports on their sightings of Chris.
Unlike his [[March 2012 Facebook Posts#Mythbusters|last out-of-state trip]] five years before, he left [[Barb]] behind, however she did make him call her twice a day to check up on her<ref name=clare></ref>. One of his friends implied that she was helping Chris by promising to be on call for Barb if she needed help during the weekend.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/twitter-8-11-2017-chris-spotted-at-bronycon.33187/page-19#post-2507095 "a friend asked me to be on call for her mom while she is out of town."</ref>
Overall, Chris' trip to Bronycon went abnormally well and seemingly without incident. He even described feeling "the MOST Love I have ever felt in my life" after returning home.
==Day 1==
Chris met Cathy Weseluck, a voice actress for MLP, talked to her about Sonichu and CWCville,<ref name=clare>[[Clare Porter]]</ref> and got an autograph and a photo with her. He also met [[Clare Porter]], a fan of his. Chris can be seen toting three large bags throughout the convention which apparently contained "the original copies of Sonichu",<ref name=clare></ref> snacks, and toys.
File:Bc1 1.jpg|A wild clopper has been spotted!
File:Clopper Spotting2.png
File:Bc1 2.png
File:Bc1 3.jpg|In line for a panel.
File:cwc bronycon 2017 1.jpg|Donning his brand new [[unicorn cosplay]].
File:Bc1 with RarifriendHN.jpg
File:cwc bronycon 2017 2.jpg|With Cathy Weseluck, a voice actress.
File:cwc bronycon 2017 4.jpg|"Also, Fluffle licking Vinyl. LOL"
File:Flufflepuff cwc glasses.jpg|"Fluffle Puff looks smart with my glasses; [[Ego|she Knows a Lot. 😋]]"
File:Bc1 - chris card.png|Miiverse card, which he handed out. Note the lazy correction of Christian to Christine.
File:Spike-sonichu.jpg ‎|"Spike loves Sonichu too.  :)"
File:Chris and scared girl.jpg|
==Day 2==
[[File:Bc2 mlp-soul-min.jpg|thumb|150px]]
An /mlp/ user got Chris's autograph.

{{quoteboxred|I don't know anything about this year's CWC drama, but I'm glad to have my own little souvenir from the Con. After the panel Chris was showing a little girl a binder of Sonichu stuff with a Sonic Rainboom in it, so I took my opportunity.<ref name=mlp></ref>}}
Chris had been a fan of the series [[Christian Weston Chandler's FUTURE MESSAGE|years]] before then, yet he only began attending the conventions in [[2017]] as his interest in the children's cartoon deepened. He would continue to attend annually until ''My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'', BronyCon's ''raison d'être'', ended its nine-year run in 2019 (despite Chris's [[June 2019 social media posts#Chris Spreads a Message from MLP Characters to Boycott the Upcoming Show|protests]]). Even with his [[Soft Exile|low regard]] among the MLP community, Chris has remained eager to congregate with his fellow fans.

The same user provided an audio clip, apparently of Chris.
In total, Chris attended three BronyCons:
*[[BronyCon 2017]]
*[[BronyCon 2018]]
*[[BronyCon 2019]]
[[File:Chris at the Grand Galloping Gala.jpg|thumb|200px|Another, less shitty shot of Chris at the Gala.]]
Another user reported playing against Chris at poker and accidentally misgendering him, and answered a few questions:
{{quoteboxred|Okay. So who's this Christine? I played poker against her in the tournament and she got really, really fucking mad when I accidentally called her - him.
I never care to call someone by their shitty preferred gender, but fuck you got to give me some time to figure out what you fucking want to be called.
I met her again at the gala and shes been glaring at me. Lol.
I didn't realize she was a meme until I saw pictures. Who is she?}}
{{quoteboxyellow|How did he smell like? Did he joined you at poker? Did you beat him?}}
It was a paired tournament so we didn't have be a choice who we played.
And she can't play worth a shit. But she did manage to build off of idiots. She lost it all chasing though.}}
{{quoteboxyellow|Did he say anything else at all? Talked about his comic? Was he alone?}}
{{quoteboxred|Nah. Just a lot of shit about people needing to respect correct genders.}}
[[File:Bc2 mlp3.jpg|thumb|200px]]
A fan complimented Chris on the Sonichu merch he had brought with him:
{{quoteboxred|I found Chris-Chan at a panel and gained his trust.
I asked him if his Sonichu Medallion was authentic, and he said "I am the she that used to be that he that.." and then quickly showed me the first edition of Sonichu.
He wanted to take a selfie with me, and here it is after cropping myself out.
Then he shook my hand for some reason.}}
A 4chan user claimed that Chris was "told off" by convention officials for "going up to guests and saying he's horny," apparently in reference to his plastic unicorn horn. However, there is no solid evidence backing up this claim, and at this point it should be taken with a grain of salt.
During the early morning hours, Chris was spotted walking away from a parking garage which had closed for the night, leaving him unable to access his car.<ref name=mlp></ref> He took an Uber back to his hotel.
File:Bc2 mlp1 (see summary for hi-res link).jpg|Totes Lez.
File:Bc2 mlp2 (reduced size, see comment).png|Viewing "Keeping Friendship Magic: The Odd Pony Out" panel.
File:Bc2 with Kelly Sheridan.jpg|"Me and Kelly [Sheridan], Times Two!"
File:Chris at Bronypalooza.jpg| Spotted again at Bronypalooza, a BronyCon concert.
File:Blurry Chris spotting.jpg| Chris at the Grand Galloping Gala.
File:Bc2 with imaginary friend.jpg|"He's sitting here talking to himself and holding his hand out in front himself."
File:Bc2 mlp4.jpg|Cropped selfie with a fan.
File:Chris with @PopPunkAlto.jpg| Shut-in minds think alike.
File:Bc2 with @BookFag.jpg
File:Chris with @flutterplushies.jpg| Chris in his Gala dress.
File:Chris and @KrazyKariana.jpg| With a gal-pal/potential [[Love Quest|sweetheart]].
File:Chris Posing BC D2.jpg| Chris posing for a photo, legging holes on full display.
File:Bronycon d2 posing with mascots.jpg| With two other unicorns.
File:Chris' belongings at Bronycon.jpg|Chris' belongings.
File:Bc2 mlp5.jpg|Locked out of the parking garage.
File:Bc2 with Tetsuotherobot.jpg |"Just helped out @CWCSonichu with an uber. Worth it."
Chris appears in voice actor Claire Corlett's vlog for Day 2. Chris is seen briefly at 4:32 in the background, above the Brony wearing the rainbow wig.
| name          = BRONYCON DAY 2!  Claire Margaret Corlett
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|_uKk-2dRpSI}}
| Stardate      = 12 August 2017
| Maker          = Claire Margaret Corlett
| Subject        =
| Video Type    =
| Other Info    =
==Day 3==
Chris spent his final day at Bronycon attending a panel, taking pictures with cosplayers and other fans, and no doubt buying more crap he doesn't need with his [[Patreon]] and [[Monthly Tugboat|tugboat]] money. He wore a [[Chris and fashion|multicolored poncho]] as a top, somehow managing to look even worse than he did for the previous two days.
Day 3 pictures of Chris confirm that he wore the same ripped pair of [[Chris and fashion|leggings]] for three consecutive days. Based on his lack of basic hygiene habits, it can be assumed that they were not washed for the entire weekend.
File:Chris at the Holiday Inn Express.jpg| Chris fueling up before the con at the Holiday Inn Express.
File:Chris on a bus.jpg| Chris, presumably carpooling to the con.
File:Bronycon 2017 Panel.jpg|The panel Chris visited his final day at Bronycon.
File:Chris' outfit Bronycon day 3.jpg| A head-to-toe view of Chris' Day 3 outfit.
File:Spike in a Pikachu costume.jpg| The second drawing of Spike in a Pikachu costume. This one's only nominally less [[Chris and art|disturbing]] than the first.
‎File:Fluffle Love.jpg| "Lots of Fluffle Love. :)"
File:Chris looking uncomfortable with unknown man.jpg| Looking uncomfortable with a fan.
File:Chris dabbing.jpg| Chris performing a mating dance to attract a potential sweetheart. Pictured with [[Clare Porter]].
File:CWCmobile.jpg| [[Son-Chu]] 3.0 crossing the Virginia state line, on it's way back to the [[14 Branchland Court|horde]].
Chris was recorded asking a [[Chris and oration|difficult-to-understand]] question about ad-libbing at the aforementioned panel, but not before greeting them in a jarringly high-pitched voice. He later shared the video on [[Facebook]], with the caption "So cute! :)". {{Infobox/Fanvideo
| name          = CWC at Bronycon 2017
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|dA0Ax1OYtAU}}
| Stardate      = 13 August 2017
| Maker          = BB Rocket
| Subject        =
| Video Type    =
| Other Info    =
'''Chris''': [''extremely high pitched voice''] Hi again!
'''Panel''': Hello.
'''Chris''': [''creepy laugh''] Ohhhh, but yeah [unintelligible] the talk, ya'll did answer my questions, starting with, y'know, I like kites [?] from that episode of My Little Pony. I did see and live and [unintelligible] so [mumbles]. Um, what ideal ad-lib would you like to contribute eventually in any show, including My Little Pony, and uh, which ones have you done so far are your personal favorite? Not including [unintellible]. [''laughs'']
'''Panel''': Is that a question for all of us?
The panel's response to Chris is as below: {{Infobox/Fanvideo
| name          = Chris Chan at Bronycon 2017
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|dKDEI7CJ-2I}}
| Stardate      = 16 August 2017
| Maker          = The Last Tendie
| Subject        =
| Video Type    =
| Other Info    =
[''Continuation of Chris's question from previous video'']
'''Panel''': Is that a question for all of us?
'''Chris''': Yes.
'''Panel''': Okay.
Panel''': Ad libs? Well, the whole thing with ad libs is it's kind of hard to pre-plan an ad lib because that's the nature of it, is to just kind of make it up on the spot. Kind of as you're saying the lines. So, uh, I mean I guess I'd want to say one that was popular, maybe. I feel like an ad lib for Tho- I don't know if there's Thorax ad libs, but for [?] had a lot of ad libs and [unintelligible], uh, he did [''character voice''] "Uhhhhh, I don't know!" He had lots of weird ad libs.
'''Panel''': Normally, we don't get- We're not allowed to ad lib. Whatever is written, uh, in the script is pretty much what we have to say, so, unless you're coughing or laughing or [unintelligible], it stays. It's really standard not to do that. But if I were to pick something I would say, I would love to ad lib more Spike in his sleep. Sleep talking.
==Souvenirs and autographs==
After the around three-hour drive back to [[14 Branchland Court]], Chris shared images on Facebook, showing pieces of merchandise he purchased along with some new drawings he made. Some of these were autographed by other visitors to the convention, notably several [[Chris and socialization#MLP voice actresses|MLP voice actresses]].
File:Signed Sonichu.jpg| Chris had Cathy Weseluck, the voice actress for Spike the Dragon, autograph his "personal copy of Sonichu #0".
File:KSheridan Drawing.jpg| Kelly Sheridan, an actress best known for voicing Barbie and "Indigo Zap", signed one of Chris's drawings.
File:CMC Drawing.jpg| Claire Corlett, Michelle Creber, Madeleine Peters, and Brynna Drummond all "read" about Chris's "many talents" and signed his [[Chris and ego|ego-stroking]] drawing for him.
File:Signed BC Picture.jpg| Daniel Ingram's (?) autograph on a picture of two ponies.
File:Vinyl Scratch Figure.jpg| Nowacking autographed Chris's Vinyl Scratch figure for him. Nowacking would later block Chris on Twitter.
File:BC fb haul 1.JPG| Finally, FluffyMixer signed Chris's bag with mysterious brown stains.

==See also==
==See also==
*[[Chris and socialization]]
*[[Chris and socialization]]
*[[Chris and hygiene]]
*[[Chris and hygiene]]


Latest revision as of 06:05, 20 March 2024

Cwc bronycon 2017 3.jpg

BronyCon was a yearly convention held by bronies, adult fans of My Little Pony, each summer from 2011 to 2019. It was held annually at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland, beginning in 2013.

Chris had been a fan of the series years before then, yet he only began attending the conventions in 2017 as his interest in the children's cartoon deepened. He would continue to attend annually until My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, BronyCon's raison d'être, ended its nine-year run in 2019 (despite Chris's protests). Even with his low regard among the MLP community, Chris has remained eager to congregate with his fellow fans.

In total, Chris attended three BronyCons:

See also