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(Big information overload!)
(About a third of the way done. If somebody wants to go over this and look for typos or mistakes, and correct my formatting, I'd appreciate it, otherwise I'll do it myself when I'm entirely finished)
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''[Christine Chandl]'' er comin' to you live from home once again, and... Captain's Log, Stardate 10182zeh... 10172017 ''[fart sound]'', do I have to do that everytime because I have the C-Log, and the date written- type- typed in the title of this video? ''[another fart sound]'' Anyway, regardless before we preceed uh, lettin' y'all know that this is a special video how to make a Sonichu Medallion, okay? Doin' this I want to make ah, sfew... I want to go for a few explicit details. The reason why I'm makin' this video today is, for the fans. Definitely for ''[takes off glasses normally]''the fans. But also I want to make it perfectly clear that this video is not to instigate anybody lookin' to make fake or (uncomplete)
''[Christine Chandl]'' -er, comin' to you live from home once again! And, Captain's Log, Stardate, 101820... [Abruptly pauses, making a confused expression] 10172017. Pfft. Do I have to do that every time, because I have the C-Log, and the date written in the ti-, typed in the title of this video. Pfft. Anyway, regardless, before we proceed, uh, letting y'all know, this is a special video: how to make a Sonichu Medallion. Okay? Doin' this, uh, and I want to make a sfew, I want to go over a few explicit details. The reason I am making this video today is... for the fans. Definitely for the fans.  [Takes off glasses] But also, I want s-, make it perfectly clear that this video is not to instigate anybody looking to make fake, or quote-unquote "fake", ungh, medallions. I mean, cause, I pretty much have gone out of the market of making them myself. But asi-, but aside from that, um, we, uh, my S-, my Sonichu team and I, we are looking for somebody to make the medallions on my behalf, so, the e-, the business email will be in the description down below, I will-, and y'all can se-, send, make the medallions following my schematic, following my detailed instructions. And, uh, we'll pu- and f-, and, we'll have the best one, or ones, to make the medallions, and we'll end up uh, selling on, maybe on Red Bubble or something.
And of course, along those lines also, the, we su-, we, people can also apply to make the custom Amiibo figures. I think we got enough footage that the default, that the original Sonichu figure has been made. Best one that can do it uh, matching the original prototype I still have... We'll consider that. Again, mail your... mail what you, y-, you can email photos of what you made to the business email in the description below. And also, check out my Patreon and my Red Bubble, those things will be in the description down below. And so without further ado, let's, uh, get into making a medallion. Uh, you will not end up necessarily making the final form medallion, but the closest, uh, you'll get, uh, will be pretty good, uh, cause there's, there's a picture of this on the internet, so.
Alright, so, what you need to make a medallion. Well, you'll need a necklace, or some leather strapping. Leather straps, to make the medallion with. You'll need lil' metal rings, [Holds up a little metal ring to the camera] lil' metal rings, that goes into the, into the medal, right there, just as my demo prototype, my made based off my medallion that I... I have sss-, little sheet that I use for reference, which I'll show that off in just a moment. And uh, I'll be sure tuh, upload this onto my Twitter or Facebook, as well. But anyway, you need the ring, you need the ring. Um, you can ver-, you can, small or large, or keyring size, as long as you got something to put the, uh, loop the strap, or makesu-, or, shift, fashion necklace with a metal clip, with a metal ring attached to that like I do. Yadda yadda yadda. Hm.
Um, model magic. You will need some white model magic. Comes in varying packs, um. I mean, obviously th-, this 8 ounce pack is gonna be too, is gonna be, is a lot of model magic, so I reccomay baybe, on retrospect maybe, 1 to 4 ounces of model magic? And with that, you'll need a ss-, closable ziploc bag to put the remaining model magic that you don't use cause it's not gonna stay long, exposed to the air and the... Anyway. Close that up and they'll stay, they'll stay good longer. And, let's see, you're gonna need some crazy glue. You can buy 2 pack, a pack of 2 of crazy glue at any family dollar store for like a, I think it was like 2, th-, it was like 3 or 4 dollars. Anyway, that's a good, that's a good deal for 2 pack, and this with the precision tip, and all that. It's really good. That's a good deal for me. And of course, you'll need paint brushes, so go ahead and get yourself an assortment pack, so you can have a large one to cover large surfaces, or... Thin ones to cover the detailed, thin areas.
And of course you'll need acryllic paints. These are obtainable at, uh, any craft store, Wal-Mart, reasably pwiced. You're gonna need the following colours: flag red, [Holds a red bottle of paint up to the camera] uh, just give you a... sh-, ah, that's, that shade of red. Uh, bright yellow, [Holds a yellow bottle of paint up to the camera] comes out kinda lookin' like that. Well, that's why I got the, and that's why we got the names on there, thankfully. Spring green. [Holds a green bottle of paint up to the camera] Ahem. A'course, the default: black and white. [Picks up the black and white paint bottles, but omits holding them up to the camera] Those are always helpful.
If you'd like to write on the back of your medallion like I do, just saying like, you know, "Property of your name", or whatever. [In a high pitched voice] That's not the right colour... [Returning to normal voice] A black sharpie is best used for that. For that specific handwriting detail.  Sus those aside there. And, um, let me think a moment... Right. Alright, so, this is essentially an outline for each section. I'm gonna display this for li-, for a little bit, and point out each part. Let y'all know. [Holds a piece of paper, presumably the aforementioned reference sheet, up to the camera. Due to poor lighting and insufficient resolution, it is completely illegible. It also appears to be backwards, likely a result of the recording software flipping the video horizontally] Alright, so. Obviously I'll sc-, I'll scan this and upload it later. But anyway, pretty much the s-, line, outlines, pretty much the full square shape of the medallion where saah, when I made them before, they're able to fit in that little box, so, this is the main, the full head of the medallion. It's big part. That's for the spikes. You're gonna end up making four of those. That's the muzzle/mouth area. This is the nose, uh, pretty much the diameter of this nose, and the length of the nose. And this is an ear. You're gonna make two ears. Okay? [Sighs]
Ahem. Like I said, again, I'll put this up on my Twitter and Facebook, and y'all can print out some 8 1/2" x 11" side-by-side, so. Course, model magic. You wanna open up your model magic. It's all nice and consistent when you get it out, when you pour it out. You might wanna make sure also any remaining model magic, you don't wanna leave any behind on that foil. Just push the uh, clump of model magic onto that. Picks it up no problem. Picks it up no problem. [Grunts with exertion as Chris begins to shape the model magic into a ball] Squeeze that together a bit. [Continues to grunt] Alright, get this out, get that out of the way. You can dispose of that. And you can definitely go ahead and put your bulk of model magic into your ziploc bag. Make sure it's a sizable ziploc bag. You might have difficulty. I'm having difficulty. That'll do. Just gonna check to see if it closes. It closes. And of course, when you store it, you want to make sure you have no air remaining in there. Make it, so that way it doesn't dry out so quick.
Alright, so, and open it back up, gonna use the model ma-, we're gonna use the model magic. Now, take out as much as you think you're gonna need, estimate. In the shape-forms, like I previously specifi-, like I specified. The first part you're gonna do is the circle. The circle part. So, you wanna get a fair amount you want to do this like as if you're making a, you're making a cookie, you're moulding the dough for a cookie, you wanna make a shape out of that. It's pretty much similar to that. [Accidentally knocks over some objects standing in the foreground: the redrawn Sonichu #1 cover, and a Sonichu figurine] And that just happened. [Repositions the objects so they are standing upright again, before blowing a raspberry] Well that just happened. [Makes another short raspberry and raises arms in an "oh well" gesture] Aside from that, um, so, obviously this is too big for the circle, which, that's okay, you definitely want to go overboard a little bit when you're figuring out how much you need. So you just rip off the excess and start again from what you have there. You want to make sure th-, you want to try to make it about that thick, you know, thick as an actual cookie. Or like, um, cracker, I guess you want to make it two or three crackers thick.
Anyway, so, take the form, obviously I'm gonna ha-... Hm. That's a bit too thick. That's a bit too thick, so I'm gonna just, take a bit more off. It's, I almost got it able to fit into the form, into the shape. [Grunts while adjusting the dimensions of the model magic] Just watch me as I do it. And you wanna just mould it, tap it, dab it, pinch it, all that good stuff. Hm. Eh, this is definitely the perfect shape, the right sized circle or oval shape. Hm. I'm gonna say for these pa-, for this, uh, this would be about okay. Yeah, that's an okay thickness, it's just a little too thick, but I'm gonna let it go. This is okay for demonstration here. Alright, so with that, I'm gonna set that off to the side. We're gonna make the quills next. The quills. And, again, that's [Holds up illegible reference paper again] This one over here. It's like a moon. So, we're gonna end up making four of these, again. You just take a small amount, I'd say like as if you're got a wad of gum you just pulled it out of your mouth. No, don't, [Looks up and begins waving hand] don't go pulling any gum ou-, any pre-chewed gum out of your mouth, or out of the bottom of a desk, do just, please, that's... eew. Ew. And we got a little bit of too much, so gonna pull that off. And... Also, another thing to note, uh, when you do this, you're gonna make four of them, you've gotta the two opposing sides, you wanna, make s-, you definitely want to make sure it fits within the form, but when you're doing them to your, the ones that goes to the medallions, uh, you're facing the back here, and that's pretty much why I have the quill. So, it'll b-, deuh, I'm gonna make 2 that's gonna go out on this side, the medallion's left side, so you wanna pinch the end, the bottom, the pinch the end that goes in the bottom.
And, otherwise, uh, if you've got, you're doing the quills that's doing this way, you've got this thing right, you got this form right side of that, if you want to pinch the top half to make those quills, cause you want those quills to be pointed. So we've got one quill, ahem. Gonna make three more, and then we'll attach them to the head. (Completed up to 13:01)

{{Captain's Log}}
{{Captain's Log}}

Revision as of 22:19, 13 November 2017

Chris talks about how a Sonichu Medallion is made.

The framework


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CLog 10172017 - Medallion Making
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Stardate 17 October 2017
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Applications for those who can make the custom Sonichu/Rosechu Amiibo Figures, to my prototype specs and so forth, as well as those who can make the Sonichu Medallions, can be submitted directly to: sonichumanager@gmail.com.

Official Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sonichu

Official Sonichu and CWC Store on Redbubble https://www.redbubble.com/people/soni...

Applications for those who can make the custom Sonichu/Rosechu Amiibo Figures, to my prototype specs and so forth, as well as those who can make the Sonichu Medallions, can be submitted directly to: sonichumanager@gmail.com.

Thank You. Have a Great and Safe Day!

This is the Official YouTube channel of the one and only creator and author of the Sonichu and Rosechu series, Christine Weston Chandler (AKA Christian, Christopher, Chris Chan, Ricardo); me. Links to my personal Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as my stores of Sonichu and Rosechu, and self, merchandise are available for purchase. Among which, more items are to come in the future, so stay tuned for the updates when I make them personally.add


[Christine Chandl] -er, comin' to you live from home once again! And, Captain's Log, Stardate, 101820... [Abruptly pauses, making a confused expression] 10172017. Pfft. Do I have to do that every time, because I have the C-Log, and the date written in the ti-, typed in the title of this video. Pfft. Anyway, regardless, before we proceed, uh, letting y'all know, this is a special video: how to make a Sonichu Medallion. Okay? Doin' this, uh, and I want to make a sfew, I want to go over a few explicit details. The reason I am making this video today is... for the fans. Definitely for the fans. [Takes off glasses] But also, I want s-, make it perfectly clear that this video is not to instigate anybody looking to make fake, or quote-unquote "fake", ungh, medallions. I mean, cause, I pretty much have gone out of the market of making them myself. But asi-, but aside from that, um, we, uh, my S-, my Sonichu team and I, we are looking for somebody to make the medallions on my behalf, so, the e-, the business email will be in the description down below, I will-, and y'all can se-, send, make the medallions following my schematic, following my detailed instructions. And, uh, we'll pu- and f-, and, we'll have the best one, or ones, to make the medallions, and we'll end up uh, selling on, maybe on Red Bubble or something.

And of course, along those lines also, the, we su-, we, people can also apply to make the custom Amiibo figures. I think we got enough footage that the default, that the original Sonichu figure has been made. Best one that can do it uh, matching the original prototype I still have... We'll consider that. Again, mail your... mail what you, y-, you can email photos of what you made to the business email in the description below. And also, check out my Patreon and my Red Bubble, those things will be in the description down below. And so without further ado, let's, uh, get into making a medallion. Uh, you will not end up necessarily making the final form medallion, but the closest, uh, you'll get, uh, will be pretty good, uh, cause there's, there's a picture of this on the internet, so.

Alright, so, what you need to make a medallion. Well, you'll need a necklace, or some leather strapping. Leather straps, to make the medallion with. You'll need lil' metal rings, [Holds up a little metal ring to the camera] lil' metal rings, that goes into the, into the medal, right there, just as my demo prototype, my made based off my medallion that I... I have sss-, little sheet that I use for reference, which I'll show that off in just a moment. And uh, I'll be sure tuh, upload this onto my Twitter or Facebook, as well. But anyway, you need the ring, you need the ring. Um, you can ver-, you can, small or large, or keyring size, as long as you got something to put the, uh, loop the strap, or makesu-, or, shift, fashion necklace with a metal clip, with a metal ring attached to that like I do. Yadda yadda yadda. Hm.

Um, model magic. You will need some white model magic. Comes in varying packs, um. I mean, obviously th-, this 8 ounce pack is gonna be too, is gonna be, is a lot of model magic, so I reccomay baybe, on retrospect maybe, 1 to 4 ounces of model magic? And with that, you'll need a ss-, closable ziploc bag to put the remaining model magic that you don't use cause it's not gonna stay long, exposed to the air and the... Anyway. Close that up and they'll stay, they'll stay good longer. And, let's see, you're gonna need some crazy glue. You can buy 2 pack, a pack of 2 of crazy glue at any family dollar store for like a, I think it was like 2, th-, it was like 3 or 4 dollars. Anyway, that's a good, that's a good deal for 2 pack, and this with the precision tip, and all that. It's really good. That's a good deal for me. And of course, you'll need paint brushes, so go ahead and get yourself an assortment pack, so you can have a large one to cover large surfaces, or... Thin ones to cover the detailed, thin areas.

And of course you'll need acryllic paints. These are obtainable at, uh, any craft store, Wal-Mart, reasably pwiced. You're gonna need the following colours: flag red, [Holds a red bottle of paint up to the camera] uh, just give you a... sh-, ah, that's, that shade of red. Uh, bright yellow, [Holds a yellow bottle of paint up to the camera] comes out kinda lookin' like that. Well, that's why I got the, and that's why we got the names on there, thankfully. Spring green. [Holds a green bottle of paint up to the camera] Ahem. A'course, the default: black and white. [Picks up the black and white paint bottles, but omits holding them up to the camera] Those are always helpful.

If you'd like to write on the back of your medallion like I do, just saying like, you know, "Property of your name", or whatever. [In a high pitched voice] That's not the right colour... [Returning to normal voice] A black sharpie is best used for that. For that specific handwriting detail. Sus those aside there. And, um, let me think a moment... Right. Alright, so, this is essentially an outline for each section. I'm gonna display this for li-, for a little bit, and point out each part. Let y'all know. [Holds a piece of paper, presumably the aforementioned reference sheet, up to the camera. Due to poor lighting and insufficient resolution, it is completely illegible. It also appears to be backwards, likely a result of the recording software flipping the video horizontally] Alright, so. Obviously I'll sc-, I'll scan this and upload it later. But anyway, pretty much the s-, line, outlines, pretty much the full square shape of the medallion where saah, when I made them before, they're able to fit in that little box, so, this is the main, the full head of the medallion. It's big part. That's for the spikes. You're gonna end up making four of those. That's the muzzle/mouth area. This is the nose, uh, pretty much the diameter of this nose, and the length of the nose. And this is an ear. You're gonna make two ears. Okay? [Sighs]

Ahem. Like I said, again, I'll put this up on my Twitter and Facebook, and y'all can print out some 8 1/2" x 11" side-by-side, so. Course, model magic. You wanna open up your model magic. It's all nice and consistent when you get it out, when you pour it out. You might wanna make sure also any remaining model magic, you don't wanna leave any behind on that foil. Just push the uh, clump of model magic onto that. Picks it up no problem. Picks it up no problem. [Grunts with exertion as Chris begins to shape the model magic into a ball] Squeeze that together a bit. [Continues to grunt] Alright, get this out, get that out of the way. You can dispose of that. And you can definitely go ahead and put your bulk of model magic into your ziploc bag. Make sure it's a sizable ziploc bag. You might have difficulty. I'm having difficulty. That'll do. Just gonna check to see if it closes. It closes. And of course, when you store it, you want to make sure you have no air remaining in there. Make it, so that way it doesn't dry out so quick.

Alright, so, and open it back up, gonna use the model ma-, we're gonna use the model magic. Now, take out as much as you think you're gonna need, estimate. In the shape-forms, like I previously specifi-, like I specified. The first part you're gonna do is the circle. The circle part. So, you wanna get a fair amount you want to do this like as if you're making a, you're making a cookie, you're moulding the dough for a cookie, you wanna make a shape out of that. It's pretty much similar to that. [Accidentally knocks over some objects standing in the foreground: the redrawn Sonichu #1 cover, and a Sonichu figurine] And that just happened. [Repositions the objects so they are standing upright again, before blowing a raspberry] Well that just happened. [Makes another short raspberry and raises arms in an "oh well" gesture] Aside from that, um, so, obviously this is too big for the circle, which, that's okay, you definitely want to go overboard a little bit when you're figuring out how much you need. So you just rip off the excess and start again from what you have there. You want to make sure th-, you want to try to make it about that thick, you know, thick as an actual cookie. Or like, um, cracker, I guess you want to make it two or three crackers thick.

Anyway, so, take the form, obviously I'm gonna ha-... Hm. That's a bit too thick. That's a bit too thick, so I'm gonna just, take a bit more off. It's, I almost got it able to fit into the form, into the shape. [Grunts while adjusting the dimensions of the model magic] Just watch me as I do it. And you wanna just mould it, tap it, dab it, pinch it, all that good stuff. Hm. Eh, this is definitely the perfect shape, the right sized circle or oval shape. Hm. I'm gonna say for these pa-, for this, uh, this would be about okay. Yeah, that's an okay thickness, it's just a little too thick, but I'm gonna let it go. This is okay for demonstration here. Alright, so with that, I'm gonna set that off to the side. We're gonna make the quills next. The quills. And, again, that's [Holds up illegible reference paper again] This one over here. It's like a moon. So, we're gonna end up making four of these, again. You just take a small amount, I'd say like as if you're got a wad of gum you just pulled it out of your mouth. No, don't, [Looks up and begins waving hand] don't go pulling any gum ou-, any pre-chewed gum out of your mouth, or out of the bottom of a desk, do just, please, that's... eew. Ew. And we got a little bit of too much, so gonna pull that off. And... Also, another thing to note, uh, when you do this, you're gonna make four of them, you've gotta the two opposing sides, you wanna, make s-, you definitely want to make sure it fits within the form, but when you're doing them to your, the ones that goes to the medallions, uh, you're facing the back here, and that's pretty much why I have the quill. So, it'll b-, deuh, I'm gonna make 2 that's gonna go out on this side, the medallion's left side, so you wanna pinch the end, the bottom, the pinch the end that goes in the bottom.

And, otherwise, uh, if you've got, you're doing the quills that's doing this way, you've got this thing right, you got this form right side of that, if you want to pinch the top half to make those quills, cause you want those quills to be pointed. So we've got one quill, ahem. Gonna make three more, and then we'll attach them to the head. (Completed up to 13:01)

CLog Special - PATREON & MORE Chris's videos Re-enactment - Gingers Have Souls