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Pearls before swine presents! The like. Do you like this bottle, or how about this bottle? I'll give you a karate-kick for your money. I'll give you a punch, and a whiz-bang, and a boom! All you got to do is get down here.
Pearls before swine presents! The like. Do you like this bottle, or how about this bottle? I'll give you a karate-kick for your money. I'll give you a punch, and a whiz-bang, and a boom! All you got to do is get down here.

Oh my gosh, what can it be? Oh dear, I forgot my Santa suit, and my hat, and apparatus. I don't know, but I guess. Here thank you. Here's my clothes. Bwaa. I've went out to Khartoum.
[''Donald Duck Impression''] Oh my gosh, what can it be? Oh dear, I forgot my Santa suit, and my hat, and apparatus. I don't know, but I guess. Here thank you. Here's my clothes. Bwaa. I've went out to Khartoum.

Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Excuse me, what did you say? Hmmph, rmmph.
Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Excuse me, what did you say? Hmmph, rmmph.

Revision as of 00:21, 8 June 2009

This article is rated M for Honest Content

It may contain content deemed not safe for work. Reader discretion is advised.

CWCFlyingElephants, is a seven minute video, published by The Miscreants on April 27, 2009. It shows Chris in his room, naked, displaying a show of what he calls random-access humor. Much like a typical three year old, Chris runs, twirls, acts loony, and does headstands while in the nude. In addition, he imitates children's cartoon Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, quotes Monthy Python, plays with toys, and throws around Lil' Chris. It's quite a sight...


And now for something completely different. BUUUUNG! And now it's Monty Python's flying elephants. Du tu du tu du tu du. Du tu du tu du tu du. Johan, why is people running away? I dont know, Greeg, why is people running away. Johan! Johan, why is people running away? I don't know Johan! Greeg! Johan! Johan! Why is people running away? I don't know, buddy Greeg. Johan! Johan, why is people running away? I dont know, Greeg. Johan, Johan, why is people running away? SHUT UP! You're driving me crazy! AAAAAAAAGH! HNNNNG! HNNNNG! HNNNNG! HNNNNG! HNNNNG! Hm! It's a trick! HNNNNNNG! HNNNNG! HNNNNG! HNNNNG!

And now for something completely different, a man impersonating Towelie the Towel. Oh my goodness, my pussy is wet! Don't forget to bring a towel! Heh? When your pussy is wet, and you don't want to lose a bet, you want to dry yourself up right away. That's why Towelie says: don't forget to bring a towel! Wanna get high? NOOOOO! NOOO!

I would like to meet someone of severe intelligence. I would like to hear the sound of two bricks being smashed together. I would like to see ten million stupid monkeys. I would like to see John the Baptist impersonation of Graham Hill. Yes it's a strong impersonations!

Hvofonds ability. Yes I would do it. If it was valid. If the money was valid. I parted permisses society! I've heard of you in a sense, but I've never had it. Shut up you're driving me crazy. AAAAAAAAAGH!

I'm a woodpecker! Simp wit durk!


And now for something completely different. Bebelapdapbambalamba. Bebelabadapbambajamba-Bumblebeeee! Buzzing around. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Really, Prowl. And how important is that side-car. Just so you can wear the helmet of your past mastaaaaaar! Come here. Soundwave. Lend me Laserbeak!

DIIII DIIII DIIII DIIII More than a feeling-

I like a nice dance in forstue. Otherwise, who said that? Who said that? Who said that? Anywaaay. Who said that? There will now be a short intermission, during which small ice-creams and large boxes will be served in the commissary. Another way to drive people away from the theater is to show a turfs-dispenser. Fzzzs. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.

Pearls before swine presents! The like. Do you like this bottle, or how about this bottle? I'll give you a karate-kick for your money. I'll give you a punch, and a whiz-bang, and a boom! All you got to do is get down here.

[Donald Duck Impression] Oh my gosh, what can it be? Oh dear, I forgot my Santa suit, and my hat, and apparatus. I don't know, but I guess. Here thank you. Here's my clothes. Bwaa. I've went out to Khartoum.

Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Hmmph, rmmph. Excuse me, what did you say? Hmmph, rmmph.

Hey Kenny, you get out here, you take off that super little orange or blue jacket, or why over the hell come in underwear, I talk to people like you every real life, don't just mumble your words. Hit it, that's not cool.

Yep. Yep. Yep. Mm-hm.


Product placement, eh. Product placement in this program is hereby endorsed and provided by the studio, which is provided from the companies of which these products became, originated from, thereof. Another way we can drive people away from the studio is to act. Like. A. Loony!

I once knew a man from Nantucket, he has on his head, the silly bucket. And now I have on my head, the silly little bear, I'm wearing clean underwear. Wearing clean underwear like I just don't care.

Wow, he just said what I said. I'm undecided!


Hm, I guess he's don't lock the studio for nothing. Well, that's all folks.

Du du du du du du du du. Du du du du du du du du. Pedi pedi di di. Plong.


Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. Moola moola moola. He must be asking for a handout. Indeed. And now it's the indeed show, starring Mr. Thurston Howell, III. Indeed. Indeed.


See Also