CWC's Message for Ivy

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On 24 March 2009, Chris released a short video where he absolutely loses his fucking mind as he professes his love for his new e-girlfriend Ivy.

This is a notable video as it is primarily shot close up with an emphasis on Chris's face, in apparently a different room other than his bedroom, and making no attempt to establish the validity of the video by either showing of the high school ring or his (new) medallion.



[in a voice similar to one used to talk to a baby with] Hi Ivy, I love you! I can't stop thinking about you. Mmm, anyway, for a qualification, I can say "GOOD MORNING! Wish you a happy day!" Or as you go off to sleep, I can say "Good night! I'll be in your dreams!" I love you! [blows kiss and starts to sing] ♪ Ivy, Ivy, love you, Ivy, Ivy, Ivy, at least you're not the poisonous kind ♪. [in his more regular tone of voice] Seriously though, I love you, Ivy. I believe you all around. Keep a happy thought.