4 September 2009

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Captain's Log, Stardate September 4th 2009 is a video was made after a gift was sent to Bob due to his birthday. Chris also mentions Vivian, showing his displeasure at Vivian wanting to put the audiobooks and sell them, demanding that she remove all the videos and shut down her account before she can regain his respect again.


Vivian, if you REALLY want to Earn My Trust, you DELETE ALL YOUR VIDEOS, then Close Your YouTube Account, and NEVER REUPLOAD THOSE VIDEOS EVER AGAIN!



Captain's Log, Stardate September 4th, 2009. Uh, couple-uh, yeah, couple of issues. Firstly I wish to, uh... [Removes his glasses] express my father's gratitude for the present. Apparently you ordered for him. And to Miss Vivian still it is not an excuse to forgive what you have done to me, made a mockery out of me. You ha-behind my back the stupid audiobooks, [Grabs a clown doll] and you ar-and you are trolls. Remeber this clown? Clyde Cash! Clyde Cash is Vivian's cousin or was if the bastard is dead. And we all know what he did to me. That son of a bitch. But anyway, Vivian is just as deep as he is because she is amongst those trolls slandering and mock my good name. Specially in what in her videos she did against me. [Sigh] You know what? Equivalent to Clyde Cash, equivalent to Vivian Gee.

[Holds clown doll, and launches it towards the PSEye camera]
[Jump cut]

Anyway, look Vivian, if you ever want to be on my good side. You close your Youtube account and make sure all videos are deleted, and NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, upload them or makeany more of them EVER AGAIN! Trust last one of your videos. Delete all your videos. Close your Youtube, then I will let you [Exhales] be back to my good graces. And I will block you e-mail address from my AOL. [Sighs] Still curse you. Because betwwen you and Clyde Cash, you both have done so much bad against me.

[Grunts, grabs the clown doll, and launches it towards the PSEye camera, AGAIN]
[Jump cut]

Anyway, also stop sending us the dang catalogues and junk. We are shipping up them right back, we are making sure they get sent back. To the Office and they cannot be sent back. So you may just trolls stop it! And you can stop the incoming calls because I'm just going to ignore you and delete your voice mails. [Talks in a high pitch] I have information! [Begins touching his right manboob] I think you are sexy! I know you're trolls, talking like that. So just may shut the fuck up! And for the rest of everybody who is honest, true and good; [Makes peace sign] peace and have a good day.