This was my fault

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Revision as of 13:18, 2 January 2010 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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This was my fault (also know as 01022010 - This was My Fault.MOV) is a video posted by Chris on 2 January 2010 where he apologize to the Sysop of CWCipedia and the Coca-Cola company for his crass attitude and is ready to take full responsibility for his abuse of the Coca-Cola trademark.

The second video is because Chris's camera is "fickle," probably because he abuses it like he did his PSEye.

Again, Chris thinks YouTube is a mystical, magical place where the person, company or entity you address is likely to watch your video simply because they were mentioned.

Part one


Mmm... Captain's Log, Stardate: January 2nd, 2010.

Ahh... well, currently, the CWCipedia is down. I count out a mistake I made... mmm... with the Coca-Cola ads. I thought...uh... free advertisements was OK, but it turns out I was wrong. But anyway, I thought the majority of the ads on there, because number one the...uh... mislabelings, and I am sick and tired of those; I'm straight, goddamn it! And plus, (stutters) of Jack Thaddeus, I put the more offensive ads that were on there before the less offensive ads that we have--uh-- he has left up there now. But anyway, uh, quickly addressing the Coca-Cola Company, I hope it wasn't--I pray it is not too late and that they get this-- and that they get this-- I apologize for misusing the --uh-- label, and if you will grant me the chance, I will be happy to remove those-- I will be happy to remove all traces of those-- uh-- images... from the website... post-haste. And, uh, also, to the sysop, I apologize for this sort-- I apologize for putting up trouble-- I feel terrible about this... so, yeah, don't sell yet, Coca-Cola company, do not-- (video abruptly ends)

Part Two


Ah, go figure, the fickle battery cable on my--uh-- camera... Anyway, the Coca-Cola Company: If--uh-- I apologize, and--uh-- you don't have to address the CWCipedia webmaster, take your complaints to me. I'm the one responsible for ma--er, for making that happen. It was my mistake and I take full responsibility of it. Anyway, with that, I hope we get the CWCipedia up as soon as possible, so I can undo the mistake-- ah-- of the placement of the Coke ads, and I deeply apologize. Uh, to most everybody, (peace sign) have a good day.

See Also

Address to my Cwcipedia SysOp Chris's videos Current