SingStar Challenge

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CWC Challenge was a video competition between Chris (IBAChandler) and CChanSonichuCWC to determine who is the real CWC.

Because Chris was too much of a pussy to challenge CChanSonichuCWC to a proper duel like a Southern gentleman, he had opted instead for a singing competition, like Southern homosexuals.

Happily, CWC couldn't have chosen a worse medium to duel through, as he is so tone deaf he doesn't even realize that he is tone deaf. Chris believes his singing voice has "a Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby flavor"[1], so he seems to believed that he's a shoe-in to win.


Because it's totally fair that Chris gets to set the rules to a competition he's competing in without even asking his opponent if the terms are acceptable, Chris laid out in great detail the rules of engagement:

Even to the slow in the minds it's clear that several rules contradict themselves immediately, such as not being allowed karaoke equipment but being allowed to play the song itself in the background. This still hasn't stopped Chris from stuffing up.


Game on. Abrey la contesta!


Hi, Christian, Mr. Brown-Striped Impostor, since you have been able to accept and complete my question challenges, it is time to issue a new challenge. I challenge you in a SingStar competition. The rules are simple. We are to each pick one song out of our libraries, our own playlists, and sing them verbatim with out any printed lyrics and with out any karaoke. 'Quipment.

(picks up camera)

And I will show you right now how fair I am. My room lay out.

(pans around his overstuffed with junk room)

No karaoke equipment what so ever.

(camera returns to Chris in frame)

(sigh) And if it-and also we must have the mp3s played behind us, so therefore no musical instruments its so-what so ever in any video. And... only... in song number five, no song before, we [sigh] will allow each other to pick one song and challenge the other with that song. And the deadline for each uh, up, each uploaded song is etsa-approximately 24 hours from the previous one. So your song number one will, the deadline for that will be 24 hours after I upload and p-start my first st-song. [sigh] So, with that we will soon be commencing with the first track, "Sonic Boom" [holds up "Sonic CD" cover]

(jump cut)

And with that I will be showing you my lil lay out

(camera once again turns to Chris's crap laden room)

my speakers over there,

(camera moves to show some Lego bricks)

my camera will sit here

(camera moves back to Chris)

the only thing that I ask anotherly, anotherly in this, no separate microphones but only the microphones on our webcamps. [holds up a mirror to reflect the camera]

(jump cut to Chris setting down the camera facing his bed and sits down into frame)

(jump cut to Chris once again holding the camera on himself making the last jump cut meaningless)

Oh, I forgot one thing, you may use your mp3 player of choice. My PSP is mine, attached to my speakers.

(Chris once again sets down the camera)

You may show me yours in your first video, Mr. Christian.

(jump cut)

Any mutiny against the rules I have set forth in this video will be [sigh] [dramatic glasses removal] not countable. And you will have to do it all over again.

(jump cut to Chris throwing his glasses)

And so with that

(jump cut to Chris removing his vest and throwing it behind him)

[starting to remove square medallion] Ow! [removes square medallion, holds it up to the camera to read: The Good Life) [starts to shave goatee dry] [after 11 seconds the head comes off the razor, Chris reattaches it and continues shaving then sets razor down]

(jump cut)

[one second into new scene razor head falls off again, Chris reattaches again and continues to shave until goatee is mostly gone]

(jump cut)

(jump cut)

-rst thing, no imported music. Which means no Japanese, no Spanish, no German, no odd country language. Only English. Shame, would loved to play "Sailor Star" or "Flame Sniper" [makes motion as if getting ready to fire an arrow from a bow]

(jump cut)

And also, once a song has been sung, of that specific title, from that specific band, it will not be reusable in a future song. Neither by you, neither by me. Abide by the rules.

(jump cut)

[Chris is once again holding the razor] Game on. Abrey la contesta!


Round IBAChandler's song CChanSonichuCWC's song
Round 1 "Sonic Boom" from Sonic the Hedgehog CD "You're Pitiful" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Round 2 "Don't Say You Love Me" by M2M "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" by Will Smith
Round 3 "Autumn Goodbye" by Britney Spears "Heaven" by Bryan Adams
Round 4 "The Touch" by Stan Bush "Think Twice" by Eve 6
Round 5 "Can I Smell Yo Dick?" by Riskay
(Opponent's request)
"Lift your Eyes" by the Planetshakers
(Opponent's request)

Awaiting the judges' ruling

After round five finished, Chris began a campaign against CChanSonichuCWC in various fronts, mainly through video:

  • A "direct" confrontation between him and CChanSonichuCWC:
    • CWC - Exposing Jeff, where by his "detective work" he finds that CChanSonichuCWC's true name is Jeff, this name is a callback to a previous trolling affair.
    • CHRIS!!! CHANDLER!!!, a video who shows the rage held by Chris by the accomplishments of his rival, he tries to demotivate CChanSonichu by using her girlfriend, Kacey as a deterrent.
    • CCWC's Final Warning to the Second CWC, where he threatens legal persecution and gives some anecdotes about his life, mainly his name change and again mentions Kacey.
    • LOOK at the truth!, where he tries a comparison between him and CChanSonichuCWC, acknowledging and reaffirming his failures. This is also a video that shows a side of Chris few people have the fortune of not seeing, his manboobs.
  • Trying to steal Kacey from CChanSonichuCWC, by the pretense of her being in love to the "Real Deal" Chris and not the impostor. This resulted in the following videos:
    • CWC - Hand Drawn Original, where he shows the viewers the process behind a Sonichu drawing. This insight reveals that Chris is incapable of holding a pen correctly and the materials used are Crayola markers.
    • For Kacey from CWC, Chris tried to impersonate CChanSonichuCWC and invite her to his home for visit.
    • A telephone interchange between Chris and Kacey, where he tells her some graphic acts of sexual activites that he wants to do to her.

CChanSonichuCWC was not happy with these events and began his crusade for vindication:

  • A telephone conversation between him and Chris, where he tries to convince Chris that he is a impostor and should stop impersonating him. Chris, like in his previous video loses it again, threatening CChanSonichuCWC with the police and involving Bob in this debacle.
  • His own final warning against Chris. CChanSonichuCWC shows his anger against the impersonator, exposing his faults and weaknesses. This video is notable for including a "The Matrix" reference, relating to Chris real name "Ian Brandon Anderson".

The Winner


I declare myself the winner of the Singstar Challenge!


Captain's Log, Stardate: August 11th, 2009

Hello my loyal fanbase, I would like to address the impostor, Ian Brandon Anderson, for a moment. I officially declare myself the winner of the SingStar Challenge contest between because your judges have not followed my rules- followed not- followed not - not followed any rules or uploaded any videos. My judges have been following the rules and giving me scores, therefore because you don't have any scores you're out of the running and I am the true Christian Weston Chandler. Now, I dun care if you're stealing my original works, and comic pages and arts, and uploading them to a dimpy little website where no one will see them, bec- while the true comics are about to be published by Dark Horse Comics. Yes, you heard it right, Dark Horse is wary fent- they are working fenderlessly, furiously, to create and draw and write the first Sonichu Episode 0 comic within accordance from Sega and Nintendo. Now they are also working with a certain Microsoft as well. My current on the project is they may hire me as production manager. So, you know, keep my fingers crossed. And another thing, I present to you another true Sonichu merchandise selling site is and it's your one stop shop for anything Sonichu, Rosechu or CWCville related. I will show you a bit of the site right here. And on another note there uh uh gonna start selling Lego sets of CWCville along with uh, guides to the city. So, uh, be looking forward to that one, true believers! The uh, Sonichu Crystal Chronicles games has come along pretty well. It's going to a, uh rpg style game, a role playing game, and outside the city of CWCville. And, uh, it is currently being produced in tandem with Microsoft for the-mm, X-box 360. Look forward to the official revealing of it in the uh Da-Dallas Game Developers Conference. Ehm, anyways, uh, anyway, yeh, that's about it for now. Still making lots of money, rol- rolling in the- rolling in the dough, ya know and uh, WHO KNOWS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS?

And to my, my darling sweetheart Kacey, eventual, a light a magical lighthouse is randomly shone is a healing, guiding light upon previously shattered heart and tortured soul, and mending them back into good shape and form. One girl walked into my life like a sailor soldier who had just vanquished a heart snatcher. Bit by bit, I've noticed you're shining, lustrous hair, you're shiny blue Chaos Emerald-like eyes and personality- strong and caring, like a true buttercup bloom. I followed my recovered heart's instincts and followed you. As I got to know you over the months and my heart was growing stronger as I was falling for you. I blushed more strawberry pink than I ever had before and everything was shining like a sun's mellow color, yellow. For you I would travel even a thousand miles just to be with ya. Fortunately you lives only about 2 hours away from my house and uh, I meet you when we dates. This feeling that was, and still is, so pure and true, it's as if I was born to love you. When you smiles I feel like I'm walking on sunshine and I give my replying smile and gaze into your eyes. And your hair is the softest and most warm tingling. Cloud nine? I feel like I'm on ten! Kacey my love, will you marry me? Peace

Chris Is A Sore Loser

After losing the contest Chris uploaded The Contest NEVER was to Determine Who was Who, where he pulls a massive retcon out of his ass and says the contest was just for fun.


This succesful saga marked a new take on previous attempts to make Chris believe that someone else was taking all the fame and glory of his Sonichu creation. By confronting a doppelgänger who was succesful in everything he tried to be, Chris began to show a violent side of his psyche. While fruitlessly trying to prove that he was the TRUE and Honest person, his actions produced a surge of content unparalleled to anything produced in 2009, even to point of jumpstarting the production of Sonichu 9.
