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[[File:CWC Griffin.jpg|thumb|Holy crap, Lois, I'm autistic!]]
'''''Family Guy''''' is an animated sitcom that debuted on Fox in [[1999]]. It is known for satirizing pop-culture and extensive use of cutaway gags, with the series peaking in popularity and cultural significance in the mid-2000s and subsequently sticking around in a diminished capacity but never quite leaving, much like its inspiration, ''[[The Simpsons]]''. [[Chris]] [[Things Chris has ripped off|rips it off]] an unbelievable amount in [[Sonichu (comic)|his comics]].

[[Image:Herbert (Family Guy).JPG|thumb|Chris's favorite Family Guy character, [[Pedofork|Herbert]].<br><br>''Get your fat ass back here!'']]
==Influence on Chris==
Chris has expressed fanaticism for the series, to the extent of his beliefs being influenced by it. He [[Captain's Log, Stardate March 10th, 2009|cites ''Family Guy'']] as material that endorses [[homos|homophobia]], having completely misinterpreted what was a not-so-subtle jab at the prejudice in an episode. The specific scene which Chris referenced depicted {{w|Stewie Griffin}} quoting {{w|the Bible}} to prove that gay marriage is wrong. The joke is twofold; Stewie himself is ambiguously [[Homos|gay]], making his quoting of the Bible [[Chris and hypocrisy|hypocritical]], and, as pointed out by {{w|Brian Griffin}}, he is too infantile to properly contextualize Biblical scripture. This joke obviously soared over Chris's head, and it is a dig at ''precisely'' the sort of [[Chris and religion|brainless Bible-thumping]] Chris exhibits. What's even more ridiculous is the fact that Chris seems to have not heard of any specific parts of the Bible that condemn homosexuality – despite being a supposedly devout Christian his entire life – until it was spelled out in an animated comedy series.

''[[Family Guy]]'' is a mediocre [[Random-access humor|animated sitcom]] renowned for its lack of originality and blatant plagiarism, which is ironic considering [[Chris|Chris]] rips it off so much in his comics.  
===In ''Sonichu''===
* The series is part of the the "inspiration" for Chris's infamous ''[[Ghostbusters]]'' [[Sonichu_7#The_Family_Guy_.22Skitch.22|"skitch"]] that appeared in [[Sonichu 7|''Sonichu'' #7]] and contained the one-off appearance of his character [[Sammy]], a creation that was a mix between Chris and {{w|Peter Griffin}}. Chris had hoped that the creator of ''Family Guy'', {{w|Seth MacFarlane|Seth MacFarlane}}, could possibly use his "skitch" in a future episode.
* [[Sonichu 8|''Sonichu'' #8]] featured the line "Insert rod 'A' into slot 'B'" as an apparent example of dirty talk. In "{{w|Emission Impossible}}", the line "Insert rod support 'A' into slot 'B'" is interpreted as innuendo.
* Chris's habit of [[recycling]] may also be an influence of "Emission Impossible". Peter and Lois try to make another baby and Stewie tries to kill the sperm before they can fertilize an egg, and, in Chris's warped view of reality, he can save his children from death by ingesting them.
* Also in ''Sonichu'' #8, [[Bubbles Rosechu]] asks [[Blake]] what he wished for and he says "It's already come true". This could be directly from ''{{w|Sixteen Candles}}'', but it could also be from the [[parody]] of this scene in ''Family Guy''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s "{{w|PTV (Family Guy)|PTV}}".
* The "Spring Break" plotline also owes a lot to Meg and Lois's story in "{{w|A Fish out of Water (Family Guy)|A Fish out of Water}}", including the bit where every channel is showing Spring Break, even the news channels.
* The "[[homos|gay]] vaccine" storyline from [[Sonichu 10|''Sonichu'' #10]] was partially inspired by the episode "{{w|Family Gay|Family Gay}}", where Peter becomes gay after being injected with the gay gene.<ref>[[Kacey Call 16]]</ref>
* In [[Sonichu 11|''Sonichu'' #11]], Chris copies the line "I'm the Virgin Mary; that's my story and I'm sticking to it", from "{{w|A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas}}".

The series is also the inspiration for Chris's infamous ''[[Ghostbusters]]'' [[Sonichu_7#The_Family_Guy_.22Skitch.22|"skitch"]] that appeared in ''[[Sonichu 7]]'' and introduced the one-off appearance of his character [[Sammy]], a creation that was a mix between Chris and Peter Griffin (srsly, and you thought his mix of him and [[Sonichu]] was bad!). Chris had hoped that the creator of ''Family Guy'', Seth McFarlane, could possibly use his sketch in a future episode, but he unfortunately didn't realize McFarlane is quite capable of making unfunny, plagiarized, boring shit on his own.
==Chris and Meg==
{{main|Meg Griffin}}
[[Image:Meg 08-10-2009.jpg|thumb|Chris's declaration of intention regarding [[Megan Schroeder|Meg]].]]

==Influence on Chris==
{{Quote|Megan thanks me very much for my compliments I gave a lot of, and we hang out throughout the episode (I hope she has turned Eighteen by the time I get there, so this can be a really good story).|Chris, on what makes a story [[China|really good]].<ref>[http://archive.sonichu.com/cwcipedia/index.php?title=Family_Guy Cwcipedia page on ''Family Guy'']</ref>}}
[[Image:Meg 08-10-2009.jpg|thumb|Chris's declaration of intention regarding [[Megan Schroeder|Meg]].]]
[[Image:ChrisChanfamilyguy.jpg|thumb|Chris's welcome page as of 9 October 2009.]]
Chris has a crush on [[Meg Griffin]] ([[Chris and reality|a cartoon character, for those keeping track at home]]). However, what Chris doesn't seem to understand is that there's a running gag (though not much anymore) of Meg being bullied. Despite her portrayal, Chris has developed feelings for her, perhaps finding a kindred spirit in another person whose only use seems to be to entertain the masses by being constantly mistreated by the world at large (that or her name just reminds him of [[Megan Schroeder|someone...]]). Although she is [[pedofork|underage]], Chris has sought porn of her, going so far as to assimilate it into his drawings.
On 8 [[October 2009]], he commented on a [[YouTube]] clip from the episode "{{w|Road to the Multiverse}}" depicting a hot alternate-universe Meg, lamenting that if only MacFarlane let Meg turn eighteen that CWC would "be all over her sweet pussy and breasts".<ref>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDy-LEpQapQ</ref>

Chris has variously expressed fanaticism for the series and watches it regularly. It can be inferred from this that the show's frequent use of [[random-access humor|non-sequitur, referential humor]] has bolstered Chris's belief that reproducing (or at least deriving) themes, motifs and characters from other works makes for legitimate, original art and has influenced his muddled understanding of [[parody]].
In [[Sonichu 10|''Sonichu'' #10]], Chris inserted Meg into the comic, [[Chris and his ego|having her compliment Chris on the comic]]. In turn, Chris defends Meg's "honor" by beating up a guy who insults the two of them. He then kisses Meg, cheating on his future wife [[Lovely Weather]]. It turns out that Meg is [[Silvana Rosechu]], an evil hermaphrodite furfag, in disguise. When accused of being a [[pedofork]] (Meg is 17), Chris retorted "SHE PUSHED HERSELF ONTO ME!"<ref>[[Mailbag 37]]</ref>

Also significant is his [[Captain's Log, Stardate March 10th, 2009|citing of ''Family Guy'']] as material that endorses [[homos|homophobia]], having completely misinterpreted what was a not-so-subtle jab at the prejudice in a recent episode. As the series often deals with issues of bigotry and other social taboos in a manner which to most would constitute ham-fisted irony, the question is raised as to what other messages from the show Chris takes at face value.
Chris also wrote about her in [[Mailbag 20]]:
{{quote|She has a fun and sweet personality; she is very pretty; she is smart; what is there NOT to like about her? Nothing from my point of view.}}

One of the best examples of Chris's misunderstandings of the show is Chris's referencing of a scene in which Stewie quotes the Bible to prove that gay marriage is wrong, the joke being that Stewie is constantly switching between being gay and straight (more often leaning toward gay), making his quoting of the Bible hypocritical. This joke obviously soared over Chris's head, and even now Chris references that scene to prove that being gay is wrong. What's even more ridiculous is the fact that Chris is using an animated comedy show to form his opinions on things like this.
==Chris's message to Seth MacFarlane==
On 5 [[June 2009]], [[The Miscreants]] special ops agent [[Bryan Bash]] hacked into Chris's YouTube account and found a message Chris sent to ''Family Guy'' creator Seth MacFarlane via his YouTube account. In all likeliness, Seth never read the message and was discarded by his account manager.

It is notable that Seth McFarlane holds almost the complete opposite beliefs to Chris — he is liberal, an atheist, supports [[Homos|gay]] marriage, believes in gay rights, and has hinted at drug use. The irony is nearly painful. [[Jack Thaddeus]] once purchased ad space on [[CWCipedia]] to display an ad banner announcing McFarlane's support for gay rights; Chris was mortally offended and demanded the ad's removal.
{{quotebox|Hello Seth,

Chris lifts lines and phrases from the show in conversation, perhaps unconsciously. He's been heard spouting the wacky phrase, "In da eaaaaggghh!", probably referring to an episode where Meg and her boyfriend take an abstinence pledge, and are discovered by Lois having ear sex. When he's angry - in the [[Father Call]], in [[Vivitheg's AIM chat]], in the e-mail that accompanied the [[sports bra photo series]] - Chris often declares that a person or situation "grinds his gears," which is originally one of Peter Griffin's stock sayings.
I am a long-time Family Guy Fan. I have purchased the Blu-Ray of {{w|Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy|your Calvacade}}; I enjoyed all but the homosexual and dick jokes (I detest the [[homos]] very strongly). For your next bunch of 50 or so videos, please do more breast and vagina jokes.

==Chris's influence on ''Family Guy''==
Also, in Family Guy, PLEASE give Megan more respect, because she [[Chris and writing|IS VERY BEATIFUL]] in my perspective, and she truly deserves MORE Positive attention and less abuse. Give her an irreversable Love Potion or something yo give her the attention that she deserves for MULTIPLE SEASONS and MULTIPLE CONSISTANT episodes.
[[Image:Peter Weston Griffen.JPG|thumb|Coincidence?<br>Or Seth McFarlane taking the piss?]]

While probably unintentional, there are a few instances of eerie similarity from Chris's work on ''Family Guy''.  
We LOVE Megan Marie Griffin.

The first few minutes of "Road to Germany", where Mort Goldman looks desperately for a bathroom, only to accidentally go into Stewie's new time machine, is strikingly similar to the ''Ghostbusters'' skitch.

Likewise, many CWC trolls noticed how uncanny Peter Griffin in the episode "Three Kings" was wearing a shirt very similar to one of Chris's [[Chris and fashion|trademark shirts]].
Christian Weston Chandler, creator of Sonichu and Rosechu at http://www.cwcville.com}}

In the episode "[[Wikipedia:Family Goy|Family Goy]]", Peter falls in love with a cardboard cutout of [[Kimmi|Kathy Ireland]] and later [[Sex tape|has sex with said cutout]].
==The Chrisode==
[[File:CWC Famguy.jpeg|thumb|Top-secret leaks from Fox animation]]
[[Image:126052012913.jpg|thumb|Leaked concept sketches made by [[Trolls|Seth MacFarlane]] himself.]]
[[File:FamilyGuyChris.JPG|thumb|Chris's own sketch in a ''Family Guy''-style.]]
On [[Captain's Log, Stardate December 9th, 2009|9 December 2009]] Chris said that he'd heard rumors that Seth MacFarlane was planning on including him in a future ''Family Guy'' episode. This obviously [[Pmurt|fake news]] inflated [[Chris and his Ego|Chris's ego]] to [[Giant Penis Comic|gigantic proportions]], to the point where he felt the need to pitch an idea for the plot. Below is the {{CWCipedia link|Family Guy|plot he posted}} on the [[CWCipedia]].

{{quotebox|I, Christian Weston Chandler, have described the story in a nutshell in my [[Captain's Log, Stardate December 9th, 2009|recent video]]. But to reiterate (the final story will be typed up then copied/pasted onto this page), The show opens on Megan going onto the [[Cwcipedia]] on her computer in her room, reading the latest page uploaded and enjoying it. Later, she sends a message for the [[Mailbag]], asking if I could come to Quahog for their upcoming Comic Book Convention to show off my work. I respond, "[[Rape|I just may, Meg]]. ;)" Then I later drive up to Quahog in [[Son-Chu|my car]] (debatable on the destination being the Comic Con or the Griffin House), either way, the Griffins greet and welcome me. Then I break out [[Homos#Evidence that Chris is a homo|my two]] [[S-Chu Ball]]s, toss them and release [[Sonichu (character)|Sonichu]] and [[Rosechu]]; more greetings. Megan thanks me very much for my compliments I gave a lot of, and we hang out throughout the episode ([[pedofork|I hope she has turned Eighteen]] by the time I get there, so this can be a really good story). For the {{w|Subplot|"B" Story}}, Brian gets a bit [[autism|antsy]] around the [[Sonichu_0#Episode_2:_.22Genesis_of_the_Lovehogs.22|Lovehogs]]' cuddlings, and he just could not help but ask them about how they maintain their relationship. And Sonichu and Rosechu tell Brian and help him find himself a new good girlfriend. **Suggestion to Seth, Let's Add a Smart, [[Patti-Chan|Sweet Girl Dog]] for Brian (Yes, SHE TALKS), as for breed, [[Chris and sex#Bestiality|I think any sexy breed]] (not a poodle; nothing against poodles, but I feel that a poodle might not work well for Brian).}}
A majority of the show is based off of its shock appeal, and has sparked several debates with parental groups over TV. It is unknown if Chris objects to ''Family Guy'' for many of its controversial topics and lewd jokes, but it is certainly something to question, as he usually feels very awkward about anything offensive.

==Chris and Meg==
Chris also described the plot in his [[9 December 2009]] C-Log; basically the same, except that it was an anime con.

{{Quote|Megan thanks me very much for my compliments I gave a lot of, and we hang out throughout the episode (I hope she has turned Eighteen by the time I get there, so this can be a really good story).|Chris, on what makes a story [[China|really good]].<ref>[http://cogsdev.110mb.com/cwcipedia/index.php/Family_Guy Cwcipedia page on Family Guy]</ref>}}
==Chris's criticisms==
At the time when Chris loved ''Family Guy'', he had several ideas that he was certain would make the show much, much better.<ref>https://archive.sonichu.com/cwcipedia/index.php?title=Family_Guy</ref> Most of his suggestions revolve around his infantile fears of [[homos]]exuality, his sad ability to fall desperately in love with [[BlueSpike|fictional women]] and issues with the plot that only someone with [[autism]] would notice. Also, the tower incident that Chris is referring to takes place in the ''{{w|Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story}}''. However, Chris is wrong about it causing Stewie to be straight. This is because it is pretty obviously hinted in this movie that he is gay, possibly bi, as he is a virgin at 30, still shows very flamboyant tendencies and is very reluctant to have sex with a woman.

[[Image:ChrisChanfamilyguy.jpg|thumb|Chris's welcome page as of 9 October 2009]]
Also: subtle hints of [[Chris and sex#Bestiality|bestiality]].
Chris has a crush on Megan Griffin (a cartoon character, for those keeping track at home). However, what Chris doesn't seem to understand is that a good portion of the show's "humor" is intended to come at the expense of Meg Griffin. She is mostly portrayed as [[Chris|fat, unlikeable, ugly]] and given very few lines in episodes. Despite this, Chris has developed feelings for her, perhaps finding a kindred spirit in another person whose only use seems to be to entertain the masses by being constantly mistreated by the world at large (that or her name just reminds him of [[Megan Schroeder|someone...]]). Although she is [[pedofork|underage]], Chris has sought porn of her, going so far as to assimilate it into his comics (see [[:Image:Chrischantraced2.jpg|here]]).

On 8 October 2009, he commented on a [[YouTube]] clip from the episode "Road to the Multiverse" depicting a hot alternate-universe Meg, lamenting that if only McFarlane let Meg turn 18 that CWC would "be all over her sweet pussy and breasts."<ref>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDy-LEpQapQ</ref>
*''"Megan does not deserve [[Kick the Autistic|the abuse]] she gets. She is a Beautiful Girl, she is Very Smart, and she is the Oldest of the three children. So, Why.T.F. does Seth let most everyone treat her terribly? What is it about her that everyone is seeing to instinctively wail on her by default? WHAT and WHY?!"''
It is unknown what his opinion of Meg is following all the "nasty-ass" sex she had with Jerome in Family Guy 0807 ("Jerome is the New Black").

==Chris's message to Seth McFarlane==
*''"Stewie should have let that tower fall on him; at least in the future scenario there, he Ended Up [[Straight]]."''
On 05 June 2009, [[The Miscreants]] special ops agent [[Bryan Bash]] hacked into Chris's YouTube account and found a message Chris sent to ''Family Guy'' creator Seth McFarlane, via his YouTube account.

{{quotebox|Hello Seth,
*''"{{w|Chris Griffin|Chris}} finally got the best girlfriend he could ask for at the end of {{w|Family Guy (season 6)|Season 6}}, Anna, so what happened to her between then and when Connie dated him in {{w|Family Guy (season 7)|Season 7}}?"''

I am a long-time Family Guy Fan. I have purchased the Blu-Ray of your Calvacade; I enjoyed all but the homosexual and dick jokes (I detest the [[homos]] very strongly). For your next bunch of 50 or so videos, please do more breast and vagina jokes.
*''"While I can see [[Chris and English|Brain]] looking for the womanly qualities that he finds in the women he's dated, why does he not date female talking dogs who are That Pretty, Smart and all that?"''
<br>Also, in Family Guy, PLEASE give [[Megan]] more respect, because she IS VERY BEATIFUL in my perspective, and she truly deserves MORE Positive attention and less abuse. Give her an irreversable Love Potion or something yo give her the attention that she deserves for MULTIPLE SEASONS and MULTIPLE CONSISTANT episodes.
<br>We LOVE Megan Marie Griffin.
<br>Christian Weston Chandler, creator of Sonichu and Rosechu at http://www.cwcville.com}}

==''The Cleveland Show''==
*''"In "Road to the Multiverse", in the "''{{w|Robot Chicken}}''" Universe, Stewie asks {{w|Seth Green|Seth Greene}} through Chris, "How does it feel to be on a Major Network for 30 Seconds?" Upon watching the video file on my [[PS3]], [[Autism|the time in that universe was Only 20 Seconds Total]], and there were NO additional portions of that scene in the version later shown on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. Seth McFarline owes Seth Greene 10 Seconds and then some."''

27 September 2009 saw the debut of [[wikipedia:The Cleveland Show|''The Cleveland Show'']], a ''Family Guy'' spin-off that answered the question, "What would happen if we took one of the least popular characters on ''Family Guy'' and gave him his own show?"  Naturally, it sounded like a solid gold idea to Chris, as he plugged the show heavily on one of his [[Captain's Log, Stardate October 15th, 2009|Captain's Logs]].  The eager endorsement of the show by an [[DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS|odorous]] [[Sports bra photo series|bra-wearing]] [[The Creepy Stare|creepy-ass]] manchild is certainly much appreciated by the Fox network.
*Chris wants American Dad to have "{{w|Hayley Smith (American Dad!)|Haley}}" in more episodes.

It would seem Chris may have been too hasty in his initial endorsement of the show.  In a [[CWCipedia]] update on 11 December 2009, after making several idiotic points about ''Family Guy'', his analysis of ''The Cleveland Show'' consisted simply of, "I do not care for all the dick jokes."
*He does not care for all the [[pickle|dick]] jokes in ''{{w|The Cleveland Show}}''.

==The Chrisode==
==Other mentions==
[[Image:126052012913.jpg|thumb|Leaked concept sketches made by [[Trolls|Seth McFarlane]] himself.]]
[[File:CWC-Family Guy art commission Nov2023.jpg|thumb|Commissioned art Chris drew in [[November 2023]].]]
On [[Captain's Log, Stardate December 9th, 2009|December 9th, 2009]] Chris states that he's heard rumors that Seth McFarlane is planning on including him in a future ''Family Guy'' episode. This obviously fake news swells [[Chris and his Ego|Chris's ego]] to [[Giant Penis Comic|gigantic proportions]] and he feels the need to pitch his idea for the plot. Below is the plot currently posted on the Cwcipedia.
Chris recycles ''Family Guy'' jokes at every opportunity, usually so out-of-context that they make no sense.

{{quotebox|I, Christian Weston Chandler, have described the story in a nutshell in my [[Captain's Log, Stardate December 9th, 2009|recent video]]. But to reiterate (the final story will be typed up then copied/pasted onto this page), The show opens on Megan going onto the [[Cwcipedia]] on her computer in her room, reading the latest page uploaded and enjoying it. Later, she sends a message for the [[Mailbag]], asking if I could come to Quahog for their upcoming Comic Book Convention to show off my work. I respond, "[[Rape|I just may, Meg]].  ;)" Then I later drive up to Quahog in [[Son-Chu|my car]] (debatable on the destination being the [[Lie|Comic Con]] or the Griffin House), either way, the Griffins greet and welcome me. Then I break out [[Homo#Evidence_that_Chris_is_a_homo|my two S-Chu Balls]], toss them and release [[Sonichu]] and [[Rosechu]]; more greetings. Megan thanks me very much for my compliments I gave a lot of, and we hang out throughout the episode ([[pedofork|I hope she has turned Eighteen]] by the time I get there, so this [[Hanky-Panky|can be a really]] [[China|good story]]). For the "B" Story, Brian gets a bit antsy around the [[Sonichu_0#Episode_2:_.22Genesis_of_the_Lovehogs.22|Lovehogs]]' cuddlings, and he just could not help but ask them about how they maintain their relationship. And Sonichu and Rosechu tell Brian and help him find himself a new good girlfriend. **Suggestion to Seth, Let's Add a Smart, [[Patti-Chan|Sweet Girl Dog]] for Brian (Yes, SHE TALKS), as for breed, [[Chris_and_sex#Bestiality|I think any sexy breed]] (not a poodle; nothing against poodles, but I feel that a poodle might not work well for Brian).}}
*In [[CWC's Second Message]], he was angry that people were saying he was a [[pedofork]], like {{w|Herbert (Family Guy)|Herbert}}.
*Chris said "SHAZZAM!" when [[Vanessa AIM Chat 2|cybering with "Vanessa Hudgens"]], a joke borrowed from "{{w|The Perfect Castaway}}" and "{{w|Fifteen Minutes of Shame}}."
*Chris constantly described ''[[Asperchu]]'' as "blocky" and "low-resolution",<ref>[[Mailbag 41]]</ref><ref>[[Mailbag 42]]</ref><ref>[[Mailbag 43]]</ref><ref>[[Mailbag 45]]</ref> which is taken from "Road to the Multiverse."
*In [[For My Sweetest Ivy]], Chris proposes watching Family Guy reruns to [[Ivy]] as a possible date idea when she inevitably flew out to meet him.
*In [[Rollin' and Trollin']], Chris called [[Obama]] "a regular stand-up family guy."
*In [[Kacey Call 11]], Chris talks about how he hated finding out that Stewie is gay. He also claimed that ''Family Guy'' was temporarily cancelled in [[2002]] because everyone was "distracted" by [[Twin Falling Towers|9/11]].
*Chris's [[A Public Announcement for Congress|Public Announcement for Congress]] segues into the theme tune of {{w|The Facts of Life (TV series)|''The Facts of Life''}}, a joke taken from "{{w|Running Mates (Family Guy)|Running Mates}}."
*In [[Kacey Call 22]], Chris told her that he ignores it, or turns down the volume, when Stewie acts gay or when pro-homo scenes appear in ''Family Guy''.
*The story [[JenkinsJinkies]] told about his [[Trollin Train|gay experience]] at camp was allegedly inspired by Peter's parrot squawking "I had a gay experience at camp!" in "{{w|Long John Peter}}".<ref>[[Jackie E-mails 5]]</ref><ref>[[Facebook]]</ref>
*In [[Chris Sings Fart Song for Flora]], Chris sings the fart song from "{{w|The Man with Two Brians}}."
*Chris's knowledge of {{w|Mormonism}} is mainly derived from "{{w|The Father, the Son, and the Holy Fonz}}."<ref>[[IRC (27 December 2008)]]</ref>
*Chris has referred to his obesity as a "{{w|Budai|Buddha}} belly"; this is probably taken from "{{w|He's Too Sexy For His Fat}}" or "{{w|To Love and Die in Dixie}}."
*Chris sang "{{w|Never Gonna Give You Up}}" in [[Chris Chan Update 24 September 2008]] – he doesn't seem to link it to {{w|Rickrolling}} and probably knew it from "{{w|Meet the Quagmires}}".
*Chris imitated Peter (horribly) when talking to [[Clyde Cash]] in [[Mumble 4]]:
* Chris often declares that a person or situation "grinds his gears," which was Peter Griffin's stock saying in ''Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story''.<ref>[[Father Call]], [[Vivitheg's AIM chat]], [[sports bra]]</ref>
*When [[100 2266|acting as the Grimace]], Chris said that Grimace is [[autistic]], which he took from a throwaway line in "{{w|Prick Up Your Ears}}."
*In [[Mailbag 25#This is perhaps the worst advice Chris has ever given|Mailbag 25]] Chris gives some awful relationship advice which seems to have been inspired by the ''Family Guy'' episode "{{w|Bill & Peter's Bogus Journey}}".
*The video [[It's not that cold]] shows Chris reenacting a scene shown in the episode ''"Stew-Roids"'', where Chris Griffin is exposed doing the exact same routine.
*During the [[LadyOfTheCosmo]] fiasco, Chris quoted "Seth MacFarline" from "#FamilyGuy" as an example of an older person who is famous.
*In [[CopperCab|Chris's interview with CopperCab]], he explains birth as "sperm A into egg B", no doubt a rip off of "insert rod A into slot B" as mentioned above.
*In multiple [[jail letters]] Chris describes the Qur'an as being to the Bible what ''Family Guy'' is to ''The Simpsons'' (i.e. an inferior derivative work).
*In a tweet from [[February 2024]] directed at ''Family Guy'' creator Seth Macfarlane, Chris criticized Peter as a narcissistic fat man, and sympathized with Meg over Peter's treatment of her.<ref>[[February 2024 social media posts#Family Guy]]</ref>

==Chris's criticisms==
==Other MacFarlane shows==
Although Chris loves ''Family Guy'', he has several ideas that he's certain would make the show [[Chris and his Ego|much, much better]]. Most of his suggestions revolve around his infantile fears of [[homos|homosexuality]] and his sad ability to fall desperately in love with [[Julie|fictional women]]. Also: subtle hints of [[Chris and sex#Bestiality|bestiality]].

{{quotebox|Family Guy
===''American Dad!''===
-Megan does not deserve the abuse she gets. She is a Beautiful Girl, she is Very Smart, and she is the Oldest of the three children. So, Why.T.F. does Seth let most everyone treat her terribly? What is it about her that everyone is seeing to instinctively wail on her by default? WHAT and WHY?!
[[File:Pickle Sttan.JPG|thumb|[[Man in the Pickle Suit|An old friend]] appears in ''American Dad!'' ("Trophy Wife, Trophy Life")]]
''{{w|American Dad!|American Dad!}}'' is another MacFarlane series, again based around a single family. This is the MacFarlane show that Chris appears to pay the least attention to, though he does appear to be somewhat of a fan. Chris stated on the [[CWCipedia]] that "There should be More Stories starring Haley." {{w|Hayley Smith (American Dad!)|Hayley Smith}} is the left-wing daughter of Stan Smith. Doubtless Chris wanted more Hayley stories, not due to his love of marijuana jokes or the Democratic Party, but because he thought she was sexy. He also probably saw a bit of himself on Hayley's teenage brother, Steve Smith, who, like Chris was in [[2009]], is fixated on getting a girlfriend and losing his virginity (achieving the former briefly in several episodes and the latter in the [[2018]] episode "My Purity Ball and Chain").

-Stewie should have let that tower fall on him; at least in the future scenario there, he Ended Up Straight.  
===''The Cleveland Show''===
27 [[September 2009]] saw the debut of ''The Cleveland Show'', a ''Family Guy'' spin-off. Chris plugged the show heavily on [[Captain's Log, Stardate October 15th, 2009|one of his  Captain's Logs]].

-Chris finally got the best girlfriend he could ask for at the end of Season 6, Anna, so what happened to her between then and when Connie dated him in Season 7?
It would seem Chris may have been too hasty in his initial endorsement of the show. In a [[CWCipedia]] update on 11 [[December 2009]], after making several idiotic points about ''Family Guy'', his analysis of ''The Cleveland Show'' consisted simply of, "I do not care for all the dick jokes." This didn't stop him from buying the show's first season through the [[PlayStation Network]], though.

-While I can see Brain looking for the womanly qualities that he finds in the women he's dated, why does he not date female talking dogs who are That Pretty, Smart and all that?
In another eerie coincidence, an episode revolved around a sex doll named [[Kimmi]].

-In "Road to Multiverse", in the "Robot Chicken" Universe, Stewie asks Seth Greene through Chris, "How does it feel to be on a Major Network for 30 Seconds?" Upon watching the video file on my PS3, the time in that universe was Only 20 Seconds Total, and there were NO additional portions of that scene in the version later shown on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. Seth McFarline owes Seth Greene 10 Seconds and then some.  
On 22 [[March 2010]], Chris broke [[03212010 C-Ya Later.MOV|his vow never to use the Internet again]] after thirty-six hours to [[Cleveland Show Voice Rant|complain]] about changes in the show's voice acting. He would continue his whining in [[Some Favored Comedians|a video about his favorite comedians]] [[May 2010|two months later]].

American Dad
In an [[100 2279|October 2010]] video, Chris held up a DVD box set of the first season of ''The Cleveland Show'' and performed a terrible rendition of the show's theme tune. He spent $30 on this set, much to [[Jackie]]'s chagrin.<ref>[[Jackie Chat 8]]</ref>
-There should be More Stories starring Haley.  

The Cleveland Show
Sadly, Chris's seal of approval did nothing to help the show's fortunes, and it was cancelled in [[May 2013]]. Chris does not appear to have commented on the show's demise, suggesting that even he had stopped caring by this point.
-I do not care for all the dick jokes. }}

==See also==
==See also==
*[[Sammy]] - Chris's bastard love child creation of him combined with Peter Griffin.
*''[[Aqua Teen Hunger Force]]''
* [[Sammy]] Chris's bastard love child creation of him combined with Peter Griffin
*''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus]]''
* ''[[Aqua Teen Hunger Force]]''
*''[[South Park]]''
* ''[[Monty Python|Monty Python's Flying Circus]]''
* ''[[South Park]]''

== Fan videos ==
| name          = Chris Chan and one woman vigilante sing Family Guy
| ytid          = HXnoZ3YDfZw
| stardate      = 16 [[November 2022]]
| subject        = {{Comedy|Music}}
| maker          = James Worley

==External links==
==External links==
*[[Wikipedia:Family Guy|Wikipedia article on ''Family Guy'']]
* ''{{w|Family Guy}}'' at [[Wikipedia]]

[[Category:Things Chris has ripped off]]
[[Category:Things Chris has ripped off]]
[[Category:Television shows]]

Latest revision as of 13:36, 2 January 2025

Holy crap, Lois, I'm autistic!

Family Guy is an animated sitcom that debuted on Fox in 1999. It is known for satirizing pop-culture and extensive use of cutaway gags, with the series peaking in popularity and cultural significance in the mid-2000s and subsequently sticking around in a diminished capacity but never quite leaving, much like its inspiration, The Simpsons. Chris rips it off an unbelievable amount in his comics.

Influence on Chris

Chris has expressed fanaticism for the series, to the extent of his beliefs being influenced by it. He cites Family Guy as material that endorses homophobia, having completely misinterpreted what was a not-so-subtle jab at the prejudice in an episode. The specific scene which Chris referenced depicted Stewie Griffin quoting the Bible to prove that gay marriage is wrong. The joke is twofold; Stewie himself is ambiguously gay, making his quoting of the Bible hypocritical, and, as pointed out by Brian Griffin, he is too infantile to properly contextualize Biblical scripture. This joke obviously soared over Chris's head, and it is a dig at precisely the sort of brainless Bible-thumping Chris exhibits. What's even more ridiculous is the fact that Chris seems to have not heard of any specific parts of the Bible that condemn homosexuality – despite being a supposedly devout Christian his entire life – until it was spelled out in an animated comedy series.

In Sonichu

  • The series is part of the the "inspiration" for Chris's infamous Ghostbusters "skitch" that appeared in Sonichu #7 and contained the one-off appearance of his character Sammy, a creation that was a mix between Chris and Peter Griffin. Chris had hoped that the creator of Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane, could possibly use his "skitch" in a future episode.
  • Sonichu #8 featured the line "Insert rod 'A' into slot 'B'" as an apparent example of dirty talk. In "Emission Impossible", the line "Insert rod support 'A' into slot 'B'" is interpreted as innuendo.
  • Chris's habit of recycling may also be an influence of "Emission Impossible". Peter and Lois try to make another baby and Stewie tries to kill the sperm before they can fertilize an egg, and, in Chris's warped view of reality, he can save his children from death by ingesting them.
  • Also in Sonichu #8, Bubbles Rosechu asks Blake what he wished for and he says "It's already come true". This could be directly from Sixteen Candles, but it could also be from the parody of this scene in Family Guy's "PTV".
  • The "Spring Break" plotline also owes a lot to Meg and Lois's story in "A Fish out of Water", including the bit where every channel is showing Spring Break, even the news channels.
  • The "gay vaccine" storyline from Sonichu #10 was partially inspired by the episode "Family Gay", where Peter becomes gay after being injected with the gay gene.[1]
  • In Sonichu #11, Chris copies the line "I'm the Virgin Mary; that's my story and I'm sticking to it", from "A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas".

Chris and Meg

Main article: Meg Griffin
Chris's declaration of intention regarding Meg.
Megan thanks me very much for my compliments I gave a lot of, and we hang out throughout the episode (I hope she has turned Eighteen by the time I get there, so this can be a really good story).
Chris, on what makes a story really good.[2]
Chris's welcome page as of 9 October 2009.

Chris has a crush on Meg Griffin (a cartoon character, for those keeping track at home). However, what Chris doesn't seem to understand is that there's a running gag (though not much anymore) of Meg being bullied. Despite her portrayal, Chris has developed feelings for her, perhaps finding a kindred spirit in another person whose only use seems to be to entertain the masses by being constantly mistreated by the world at large (that or her name just reminds him of someone...). Although she is underage, Chris has sought porn of her, going so far as to assimilate it into his drawings.

On 8 October 2009, he commented on a YouTube clip from the episode "Road to the Multiverse" depicting a hot alternate-universe Meg, lamenting that if only MacFarlane let Meg turn eighteen that CWC would "be all over her sweet pussy and breasts".[3]

In Sonichu #10, Chris inserted Meg into the comic, having her compliment Chris on the comic. In turn, Chris defends Meg's "honor" by beating up a guy who insults the two of them. He then kisses Meg, cheating on his future wife Lovely Weather. It turns out that Meg is Silvana Rosechu, an evil hermaphrodite furfag, in disguise. When accused of being a pedofork (Meg is 17), Chris retorted "SHE PUSHED HERSELF ONTO ME!"[4]

Chris also wrote about her in Mailbag 20:

She has a fun and sweet personality; she is very pretty; she is smart; what is there NOT to like about her? Nothing from my point of view.

Chris's message to Seth MacFarlane

On 5 June 2009, The Miscreants special ops agent Bryan Bash hacked into Chris's YouTube account and found a message Chris sent to Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane via his YouTube account. In all likeliness, Seth never read the message and was discarded by his account manager.

Hello Seth,

I am a long-time Family Guy Fan. I have purchased the Blu-Ray of your Calvacade; I enjoyed all but the homosexual and dick jokes (I detest the homos very strongly). For your next bunch of 50 or so videos, please do more breast and vagina jokes.

Also, in Family Guy, PLEASE give Megan more respect, because she IS VERY BEATIFUL in my perspective, and she truly deserves MORE Positive attention and less abuse. Give her an irreversable Love Potion or something yo give her the attention that she deserves for MULTIPLE SEASONS and MULTIPLE CONSISTANT episodes.

We LOVE Megan Marie Griffin.


Christian Weston Chandler, creator of Sonichu and Rosechu at http://www.cwcville.com

The Chrisode

Top-secret leaks from Fox animation
Leaked concept sketches made by Seth MacFarlane himself.
Chris's own sketch in a Family Guy-style.

On 9 December 2009 Chris said that he'd heard rumors that Seth MacFarlane was planning on including him in a future Family Guy episode. This obviously fake news inflated Chris's ego to gigantic proportions, to the point where he felt the need to pitch an idea for the plot. Below is the plot he posted on the CWCipedia.

I, Christian Weston Chandler, have described the story in a nutshell in my recent video. But to reiterate (the final story will be typed up then copied/pasted onto this page), The show opens on Megan going onto the Cwcipedia on her computer in her room, reading the latest page uploaded and enjoying it. Later, she sends a message for the Mailbag, asking if I could come to Quahog for their upcoming Comic Book Convention to show off my work. I respond, "I just may, Meg. ;)" Then I later drive up to Quahog in my car (debatable on the destination being the Comic Con or the Griffin House), either way, the Griffins greet and welcome me. Then I break out my two S-Chu Balls, toss them and release Sonichu and Rosechu; more greetings. Megan thanks me very much for my compliments I gave a lot of, and we hang out throughout the episode (I hope she has turned Eighteen by the time I get there, so this can be a really good story). For the "B" Story, Brian gets a bit antsy around the Lovehogs' cuddlings, and he just could not help but ask them about how they maintain their relationship. And Sonichu and Rosechu tell Brian and help him find himself a new good girlfriend. **Suggestion to Seth, Let's Add a Smart, Sweet Girl Dog for Brian (Yes, SHE TALKS), as for breed, I think any sexy breed (not a poodle; nothing against poodles, but I feel that a poodle might not work well for Brian).

Chris also described the plot in his 9 December 2009 C-Log; basically the same, except that it was an anime con.

Chris's criticisms

At the time when Chris loved Family Guy, he had several ideas that he was certain would make the show much, much better.[5] Most of his suggestions revolve around his infantile fears of homosexuality, his sad ability to fall desperately in love with fictional women and issues with the plot that only someone with autism would notice. Also, the tower incident that Chris is referring to takes place in the Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story. However, Chris is wrong about it causing Stewie to be straight. This is because it is pretty obviously hinted in this movie that he is gay, possibly bi, as he is a virgin at 30, still shows very flamboyant tendencies and is very reluctant to have sex with a woman.

Also: subtle hints of bestiality.

  • "Megan does not deserve the abuse she gets. She is a Beautiful Girl, she is Very Smart, and she is the Oldest of the three children. So, Why.T.F. does Seth let most everyone treat her terribly? What is it about her that everyone is seeing to instinctively wail on her by default? WHAT and WHY?!"
  • "Stewie should have let that tower fall on him; at least in the future scenario there, he Ended Up Straight."
  • "Chris finally got the best girlfriend he could ask for at the end of Season 6, Anna, so what happened to her between then and when Connie dated him in Season 7?"
  • "While I can see Brain looking for the womanly qualities that he finds in the women he's dated, why does he not date female talking dogs who are That Pretty, Smart and all that?"
  • "In "Road to the Multiverse", in the "Robot Chicken" Universe, Stewie asks Seth Greene through Chris, "How does it feel to be on a Major Network for 30 Seconds?" Upon watching the video file on my PS3, the time in that universe was Only 20 Seconds Total, and there were NO additional portions of that scene in the version later shown on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. Seth McFarline owes Seth Greene 10 Seconds and then some."
  • Chris wants American Dad to have "Haley" in more episodes.

Other mentions

Commissioned art Chris drew in November 2023.

Chris recycles Family Guy jokes at every opportunity, usually so out-of-context that they make no sense.

Other MacFarlane shows

American Dad!

An old friend appears in American Dad! ("Trophy Wife, Trophy Life")

American Dad! is another MacFarlane series, again based around a single family. This is the MacFarlane show that Chris appears to pay the least attention to, though he does appear to be somewhat of a fan. Chris stated on the CWCipedia that "There should be More Stories starring Haley." Hayley Smith is the left-wing daughter of Stan Smith. Doubtless Chris wanted more Hayley stories, not due to his love of marijuana jokes or the Democratic Party, but because he thought she was sexy. He also probably saw a bit of himself on Hayley's teenage brother, Steve Smith, who, like Chris was in 2009, is fixated on getting a girlfriend and losing his virginity (achieving the former briefly in several episodes and the latter in the 2018 episode "My Purity Ball and Chain").

The Cleveland Show

27 September 2009 saw the debut of The Cleveland Show, a Family Guy spin-off. Chris plugged the show heavily on one of his Captain's Logs.

It would seem Chris may have been too hasty in his initial endorsement of the show. In a CWCipedia update on 11 December 2009, after making several idiotic points about Family Guy, his analysis of The Cleveland Show consisted simply of, "I do not care for all the dick jokes." This didn't stop him from buying the show's first season through the PlayStation Network, though.

In another eerie coincidence, an episode revolved around a sex doll named Kimmi.

On 22 March 2010, Chris broke his vow never to use the Internet again after thirty-six hours to complain about changes in the show's voice acting. He would continue his whining in a video about his favorite comedians two months later.

In an October 2010 video, Chris held up a DVD box set of the first season of The Cleveland Show and performed a terrible rendition of the show's theme tune. He spent $30 on this set, much to Jackie's chagrin.[15]

Sadly, Chris's seal of approval did nothing to help the show's fortunes, and it was cancelled in May 2013. Chris does not appear to have commented on the show's demise, suggesting that even he had stopped caring by this point.

See also

CWCipedia logo.png
For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Family Guy


Fan videos

Chris Chan and one woman vigilante sing Family Guy
Direct link Youtube, archive
Stardate 16 November 2022
Made By James Worley
Subject Matter ComedyComedy Music
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

External links