2017 tweets

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This page archives Chris's Twitter posts from 2017.

On 19 January, Chris updated his Twitter with a background from the Love is Love comic and replaced his profile picture to match the one on his Facebook.

Chris's Twitter in 2017.


Tweeting a death threat to Trump

4 January 2017

Text Time
@realDonaldTrump https://www.facebook.com/CwcvilleGuardian/posts/1263412397086570 8:34 am

An archive is here.

Tweeting a death threat to Trump again

9 January 2017

Text Time
@realDonaldTrump Would you allow yourself to be discriminated for being straight in an alternate reality, Mr. Trump? https://www.facebook.com/CwcvilleGuardian/posts/1263412397086570 6:03 pm

An archive is here.

Chris is gay

10 January 2017

A troll had commented on Chris's last tweet to Trump by saying, "@CWCSonichu @realDonaldTrump Chris are you finally admitting that you are not a heterosexual?" Chris responded.

Text Time
@muddykipz77 I did that already; I came out as the Lesbian Transwoman that I am. 8:39 pm

My heroes

18 January 2017

Chris retweeted a sarcastic comment from JK Rowling on Trump's heroes and replied.

Text Time
@jk_rowling I have a lot of heroes, including every person in the LGBTQ communities who continue to be themselves, and love other people. 5:30 pm

Praise for Caitlyn Jenner

19 January 2017

Chris retweeted a message from Caitlyn Jenner, which reads: "Republicans need help understanding LGBTQ issues and I'm here to help!"

Text Time
@Caitlyn_Jenner You go, Jenner! Remind Drumpf that Love Is Love, and our communities will continue our fights for equal rights. 11:02 pm
Text Time
@Caitlyn_Jenner Great speech; please remember not only the Trans of you, I and all, but all the Lesbians (me also), Gay, Bi & Queer. 11:14 pm
Text Time
@Caitlyn_Jenner And, Thank You, for speaking to the Republicans in our honor and love. 11:15 pm

Pmurt Inauguration salt

20 January 2017

Text Time
The USA Has No President or Vice President Now to 2020. #USAHasNoPresident20162020 10:53 pm

Chris then tweeted to President Trump and Vice President Pence.

Text Time
@realDonaldTrump You and Pence are NOT the President and Vice President; I do not acknowledge either of you. #USAHasNoPresident20162020 (link) 10:59 pm
Text Time
@mike_pence You and Trump are NOT the Presidents; I do not acknowledge either of you in office. #USAHasNoPresident20162020 (link) 11:00 pm

Saying hi to MLP VAs

26 January 2017

Text Time
@ash_leigh_ball Hi, Ashleigh. I'm just tweeting to say hi, and I am a fan of RD and Applejack. :) Have a great and safe day.) 1:10 pm
Text Time
@AndreaLibman Hi, Andrea. Just tweeting to say Hi; I do enjoy your voice between Pinkie and Fluttershy. Have a great and safe day. :) 1:12 pm

Empathy for Tara Strong

28 January 2017

Tara Strong tweeted about someone insulting her.

Trump supporter calls me a “Kike that needs to go to the gas chamber” shared my story on @facebook …they suspend MY account. BannonBook?

Chris replied:

Text Time
@tarastrong Hey, Tara. I've been bullied like that before. Stay strong; you are better than the trolls and bullies. <3 4:19 pm


28 January 2017

Text Time
Tweet 10:13 pm


Prayers for the Spears family

7 February 2017

Text Time
@britneyspears @jamielynnspears I feel for your troubles, and I send my heart and prayers to you all. ❤️ 2:09 am

7 February 2017

Text Time
@jamielynnspears I've just read about Maddie's recovery from Womanista; I'm relieved and happy for y'all. ❤️ Stay Safe. 11:45 pm

Jamie's daughter had been injured in an ATV accident.



5 March 2017

Chris tweeted multiple replies to Tara Strong's tweets. The third message from Strong was her complimenting a photo of a fan.

Strong's comment Chris's reply Time
I've got lots to talk about. Standing up to bullies is top of my list. Me too; I do not like bullies. People fear their kids will turn gay if the LGBTQ youth are protected; that's just dumb; Protect All Youth. 9:37 am
“No fair, I just wanted to insult a celebrity from comfort of my own home, I didn’t want them to stand up for themselves or show integrity” @tarastrong You never know when people will get wind of the insult and rather or not they stand up for themselves after. People Stand. 6:47 pm
As you should! SHE'S GORGEOUS @tarastrong It sounds like you've just made someone's day or week. ;) 8:53 pm

Nicest thing about a job

6 March

Notable for Libman responding to him.

Libman's comment Chris's reply Time
Having one of those "I can't believe this is my job" days. Can't wait to share with you.... @AndreaLibman The nicest thing about such a job is the people who are thankful with you in response. <3 2:28 pm
@CWCSonichu very true @AndreaLibman Thank You. :) 3:18 pm

Mourning TV host Robert Osborne

6 March

Veronica Taylor Chris Time
So sad to hear of @TCM host extraordinaire Robert Osborne's passing. Sharing his wealth of knowledge and love of movies...Irreplaceable. @TheVeronicaT @tcm I remember him when my father and I enjoyed the movies on TCM. I remember the one where he had the Powerpuff Girls ... 5:14 pm
@TheVeronicaT @tcm ...gust star while Wizard of Oz was showing. 5:14 pm
@TheVeronicaT @tcm **Guest 5:15 pm

Missed point on Trump criticism

6 March

Tara Strong Chris Time
I just find it comforting that @realDonaldTrump is tweeting about #Apprentice ratings & bogus wiretaps while #NorthKorea threatens war. @tarastrong @realDonaldTrump I can agree with that; it is the modern and human thing to think about other things besides fighting. 6:06 pm
@tarastrong @realDonaldTrump Although, if anything I would like to hear of 45 tweet of (besides being impeached) is Compliments of... 6:08 pm
@tarastrong @realDonaldTrump ...the LGBTQ community and reinstating our equal rights and protections. 6:09 pm
@tarastrong @realDonaldTrump **Compliments TO the LGBTQ people and communities. 6:21 pm

Empathizing with BPD

7 March

DoopieDoOver Chris Time
I'm trying my best to understand people. BPD makes me rather judgmental towards those who've hurt me. Their actions confuse me. @DoopieDoOver I don't have BPD, but I can empathize with difficulty understanding hurtful people, particularly, internet trolls. 5:18 am
@DoopieDoOver I have been hurt by a number of them, as well as some people in person aside. I have felt upset and emotionally distraught. 5:19 am
@DoopieDoOver I try to keep an open heart and open mind for those who respond in kindness and compassion, as I know they are still around. 5:21 am
@DoopieDoOver Nowadays, I have put the bad people behind me, and I try to maintain a positive outlook; some success, but I still have... 5:23 am
@DoopieDoOver ...my own mental quandaries to try resolving. Anyhow, all we can do is take life one moment at a time, and do what we... 5:24 am
@DoopieDoOver ...each are able to do for ourselves and those we care about. <3 5:25 am

Ranting at Tara Strong about Cole

7 March

After being triggered by seeing a photo of a man he believes resembles his half-brother Cole Smithey, Chris veered into a rant about him, demanding that he apologize for shutting their manipulative, evil and abusive mother out of his life.

Chris tagged Tara Strong and Danny Zuker while making his multi-tweet rant, revealing his family drama to them.

Tara Strong
The people have voted. Seeing how close my arch nemesis @DannyZuker is to 300,00 shows you’d rather see this naked than this. #sad


Chris Time
@tarastrong @DannyZuker Wow. He in that photo; he looks similar to my half-brother, @colesmithey. 7:04 pm
@tarastrong @DannyZuker @colesmithey I would like my New York Critic Brother after he makes amends and apologizes to our mother. 7:05 pm
@tarastrong @DannyZuker @colesmithey, You are 50+ years old; our mom is 75; it is Time to apologize and make amends; get that old... 7:07 pm
@tarastrong @DannyZuker @colesmithey ...chip about your father and whatever else Off of your mind. Your hip problem is not her fault either 7:07 pm