XBox is OK.MOV

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XBox is OK.MOV is the second of two videos Chris uploaded on 13 September 2010. In it, Chris makes various declarations including a recanting of his Xbox hatred, stating that he has nothing against homosexual men, and removing any curses he placed.

Chris's recantations were, of course, merely a bid to impress Jackie, who had mentioned her fondness of the HEXBox[1][2][3] and dislike of Chris's homophobia.[4] Not too surprising to veteran trolls, mind you, who would quickly notice the absence of the Medallion Of Fail, making this video anything but TRUE and HONEST. Sure enough, years later, Chris would wind up vandalizing a Wal-Mart's Xbox One display, proving just that.

At several points in the video, a strange groaning sound can be heard. Some have theorized that these noises are coming from Bob, who was in very poor health at the time it was made. Bob died a little less than a year after this video was made.

To date, this was Chris's last video to use the opening phrase "Captain's Log".


XBox is OK.MOV
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Stardate 13 September 2010
Subject Matter RumorsRumors Rumors, HomosHomos Homos, Video gamesVideo games Video Games
Performance Style SmugSmug Smug, ReasonReason Reason
Saga JackieJackie Jackie
Shirt Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png The Happy Jack
To Jackie, with Love.MOV
Song for Jackie.MOV

I have no...I have no hate... I have little... I have no hatred or anger towards the gay men. None at all. No questions, straight forward. I'm cool with...I'm cool with you gays, you know?


Captain's Log. Stardate September 13, 2010.

I am making this video to make a public statement.

I no longer have any angst or hatred or anything, any beef, against the Xbox. It is a good console, a very good console, prob-a about equally good as a PS3, cannot play Blu-ray, but! It is still a good console and is just another gaming console. Just know, I guess, PS...a PS3 is another gaming console, another Wii, or a Wii is another gaming console.

[Turns to his TV] And you notice that there's a depreciation in the number of gaming consoles in the center [gestures at the TV; Chris's Xbox 360ko Mod is visibly idling on the screen] because, the gaming addiction is gooone! I... [loses train of thought momentarily] I have gotten rid of the hoarded systems - systems and games that have been, I have hoarded for a number of years.

And also, I would like to make another statement. [Looks away from the camera] I have no...I have no hate... I have little... I have no hatred or anger towards the gay men. None at all. No questions, straight forward. [Chris looks visibly insincere] I'm cool with...I'm cool with you gays, you know? You go do what you want to do, just you know, keep it to yourselves. That's all. We're all equal people. We have every right to live our lives free however...each, however each of us individually chooses. So there.

[pauses and shifts positioning]

[mumbles] Uh, let's see that was another thing...another thing. Hmm.

Anyway that's, uh, that's essentially it. Oh yes I just remembered the other thing. [Holds up a hand in forgiveness blessing fashion] I remove ALL hexes and curses to every single person I have ever...around the world that I have ever left a curse on. So consider yourselves [wave of his arm] cleansed! You're all forgiven. Every last one of you. Forgiveness!

And with that I bid you a good day and a safe one too, all of you.

To Jackie, with Love.MOV Chris's videos Song for Jackie.MOV
