Christian's Update 11 September 2008

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Earlier in the week of September 7, 2008, Lordsillynipples, using a MySpace account purporting to belong to Blanca, tricked Chris into taking and sending the nudes to the person he thought was his sweetheart. On 9/11 the pictures were released and the MySpace page was changed to "reveal" that Blanca was a black man in a pickle suit.

Although Christian would shortly determine that the pickle man and Blanca are different people, at the time of this statement he is still humiliated by the leaked nudes and crushed by the apparent revelation that he has been in love with a man. The bluster of his anti-ED videos and the hubris of his addresses to his fanbase are now gone, leaving only a boy whose heart has been shattered to 0%. Some of the language he directs to Blanca/KawaiiKitsune is similar to his August 6th diatribe against Jason Kendrick Howell, but all the passion has been drained away from him.

Chris does find it within himself to respond to a Sonichu action figure advertisement, marking the beginning of his long conflict with Jimmy Hill. He also claims ownership of Blanca's character Jiggliami, apparently on the premise that if Blanca's not really a woman then nobody really created the character.



An official know who I am...but right now at the moment I'm upset and sad. [sighs]

The featured friend that I have, uh, recently given a s-guest spot in the, in the, uh, c--in the, uh comic, in the seventh comic book? Turns out that woman was a fake, a troll. [sighs] And, well, she...rather he tricked me stuff. I was tricked, I was betrayed. So Kaw--so the one th--so YouTube member, KawaiiKitsune, the--yeah. YouTube people, destroy that account, because that person does--that person does not--is not who he claims to be. Uhhhh...sorry Bob, you gave me a bad lead, but hey, it's not your fault.

Also on another note, uh, I noticed th--I've taken the notice of the, uh, recent ad in the vi--in the video game magazine or comic book, somehwere, I don't, I'm not exactly sure where, about merchandise. I did NOT--I have not ever, up to this point, authorized any distribution or advertisement of any Sonichu merchandise. So the ad there, that is a fake. Boycott that, at all costs. And for god's sake, stay away from that Encyclopedia Dramatica page. Unless you've already seen it. Those of you who haven't, stay away from the--stay away from that website. Good day.

Also at, uh, this point I will, uh, claim Jiggliami as my own from this point on. And uh, Blanca character I associated with her in the drawing...well...she'll be like a character in the city, but she's not gonna be a active character. But Jiggliami, I'll be claiming her as my own from this point on. Good day.