CWCki:Frequently Asked Questions

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Welcome to the world of Christian Weston Chandler.

New people are being initiated to the horrors of Christian Weston Chandler's world every day. Some of these people have simple questions that the veteran troll might be able to answer with the greatest of ease. However, people hate being asked the same questions time and time again, so this page shall serve as a quick database of some of the most common questions encountered.

All the questions can be answered in more detail than they appear here, which should be an incentive for you to go peruse the wiki and other resources to learn all you can about everyone's favorite manchild.


Is Chris a troll? Is the whole thing a hoax?
No. The verified documentation on Chris's entire life is far too complete and detailed for it to be a reverse-troll setup. There are news reports from his childhood confirming his autism (see Chris in the media). There are two different blogs about Chris's behavior that were published before Chris came to a wider attention on the internet. Sonichu has existed since 2000. Phone calls have been made to Chris's parents and his pastoral counselor. When Chris was arrested and charged with a felony he acted as he does online even in court.
How can you get off taunting an autistic guy?
The CWCki itself is not involved in any trolling; it merely documents Chris's life in detail. The motivations of Chris's trolls are varied, but few (if any) to none have any interest in tormenting him simply for having a mental problem.
Chris is very notorious on the Internet as he's a perverse, disgusting, quarrelsome, mean-spirited, delusional, narcissistic, sexist, racist, homophobic, overweight, unsympathetic, ungrateful, jealous, kid-scaring, troll-feeding, heretical, spiteful, cruel, hateful, antagonistic, completely and utterly untalented thief and all-around failure who wastes the hard-earned tax money of average Americans on video games and sex toys while contributing nothing to society despite his basic abilities. He uses his autism as a crutch. He blames his lack of a job on trolls and never follows up on his promises to apply. He's someone who knows full well that he has a problem and what he does doesn't work, but refuses to get help, even ignoring the help of well-meaning individuals.
On top of that Chris was, for a time, incredibly responsive to trolling, adding fuel to the fire by producing many videos in which he raged at the camera as a result of trolling - this no doubt gave many trolls significant motivation.
However, before you want to inflict harm upon Chris and claiming that how Chris gives you autistics 'a bad name', please read the A-Logging article.
Why don't you try helping him instead?
Many people better than you have tried over the years and they have all accomplished nothing. See the White knight article for reasons for and against trying to save Chris. Regardless of how hard you try, he won't listen. Even his actual friends can't help him.
Do you exaggerate Chris's antics?
The editors here try their hardest to paint an accurate picture of Chris's life, but that is sometimes difficult due to the subject matter. For various (good) reasons, the CWCki is largely from Chris's point of view—that is, information presented here is what Chris acknowledges to be true. Trolls are merely players on the stage that is Chris's life. It's probably best to understand the world of Chris as he understands it, much like it's best to understand a fictional world from the point of view of its characters, rather than the underlying reality of it. In other words, while Chris's reactions to events are real and the documentation of the reactions are indeed real, the situations and characters that provoke these reactions are contrived.
Can I give suggestions on how next to troll Chris?
As of 2014, efforts to troll Chris are strongly discouraged. Read here if you're planning to troll Chris. In a nutshell; the effect Chris's father's death and other recent events has had on him, combined with his relative reclusiveness due to being wary of previous trolls, make it extremely difficult and not worth the effort.

However, if you insist on ignoring this advice and trying your luck anyway, you can post your idea on the CWCki Forums or #sonichu, where people who do troll Chris are likely to notice you.


Is he seeing a psychiatrist?
Not regularly, but he is seeing his church counselor and he has been sentenced to see a real psychiatrist although details on this are not available. See Chris and psychology.
Is he really autistic?
This is debated, but the claim has never really been falsified. He always specifies that he has high-functioning autism; however, note that "high-functioning autism" is an informal term with no actual medical significance to it (you won't find the term in any official publication by the American Psychiatric Association). Based on a cursory psychiatric survey from 2004, his diagnosis was autism (DSM-IV 299.00).
Does he have Asperger's syndrome?
Depends on what you define as "having" Asperger's. He has never been formally diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome, he has never claimed to have it, and in fact, he angrily rejects the label outright. However, it needs to be noted that "Asperger's" did not exist as a formally recognized diagnosis when Chris was diagnosed as "high-functioning autistic" as a child in the 1980s. There is a very good case to be made that Chris would most likely be given the "Asperger's" label if he had been born a few years later.
Is he retarded?
A more proper word for what Chris is may be "inept". He managed to graduate from community college and obtain a driver's license. Chris does understand the consequences of his actions, has a consistent ethical system (albeit a warped, self-serving one), and recognizes what he's doing isn't working (though he chooses to pin the blame on external forces or goes about his way anyways). The more likely answer to his perceived retardation is that he has very little common sense, which may be attributed (along with the obvious) to excessive parental sheltering. However, given that he receives regular payments from the government and does not demonstrate the competence to commit successful fraud, it has to be assumed that he was legitimately diagnosed at some point with some kind of disability.


Why didn't he hire a prostitute earlier?
For the majority of his love quest, Chris refused to hire a hooker. The reasons varied: prostitutes are not TRUE and HONEST love, they are expensive, and Chris is afraid of STDs[1]. His ideal sex partner would also do all the work around the house, give him her income to spend on video games, and otherwise serve as his replacement mother—all of which a prostitute would be unwilling to do. When some prostitutes were sent to his house in early 2009, he cried.[2] However, as his thirties approached, he got more lenient about his policy towards hookers. He once tried to solicit the services of a prostitute by phone, and tried to get a discount by offering the chance of deflowering him and telling his life story; the prostitute hung up on him.[3] In April 2012 though, Chris claimed on Facebook that he lost his virginity to a hooker who complimented him on the size of his penis.[4]
Is he gay?
This is a hotly debated point, and as of yet there's no consensus on this. He acts as though he is attracted to women. On the other hand, he clearly believes that previously-straight people can be turned gay, either by accident or through being tricked, he makes a practice of meditating upon Sailor Moon in order to keep himself straight, and he drinks his own semen. Most likely, Chris is either a) a homophobic straight guy who thinks people can be duped into straying from the straight path because he's an idiot, b) a homophobic bi-curious guy who thinks people can be duped into straying from the straight path because he personally has homoerotic fantasies that he desperately tries to suppress, or c) too immature to have a real sexual preference, so he ends up overdoing his straightness. It's worth noting that a moderately common characteristic of autism is difficulty or inability to be intimate with another person.
Is he a furry?
While he has stated that he does not consider himself one[5], he does enjoy porn of anthropomorphic characters, and he draws his own even in his comics. He also identifies with several anthropomorphic avatars. Although he does not regularly wear fur-suits, he did once dress up as ECV 00002, the anthropomorphic form he takes on his comic series. He may find it easier to draw and relate to cartoon characters over humans, but he has never identified as a furry and does not participate in the wider furry community.
Is he a pedophile?
No, but people imply otherwise to troll him. One of the few kind things Mimms and Lucas said about Chris in a troll Q&A thread was that he probably wasn't a pedophile and that people are trying too hard with that. He has stated he would like to lower his state's legal age of consent to sixteen and created a sexualized 14 year old Sonichu character in the form of Zapina, but these actions are more likely due to a childish mindset and an inability to move past high school than latent pedophilia.
Is Chris a crossdresser? A transvestite? Does he want a sex change?
He refers to himself as Intersex of Female Soul with Male Body, and a Tranny Cross-Dresser; but his use of the slur 'Tranny' as well as his past view on transexuality suggests that he has little to no clue what being transgendered actually means. He has been known to wear miniskirts, bras, and panties. On multiple occasions, he has worn female clothing in public. He calls himself a "tomgirl" (a male equivalent to a tomboy), and he somehow thinks this is attractive to potential sweethearts. However, Chris has mentioned that if he were ever to "become" homosexual, he would have a sex change. More recently, however, he seems to have reversed this stance.
Is Chris asexual?
This is another hotly contested issue to which there is no clear answer. Some claim that Chris is not truly interested in sexual relations, but feels that sex is something which a "grown up" is required to do. Chris's desire to lose his virgin with rage status may have simply been an urge to undergo what he saw as a traditional right of passage into adulthood. It is clear that Chris's sex drive is atypical, evidenced by the fact that he did not discover masturbation until he was sixteen and even as an adult only engaged in the activity twice a week. On the other hand, much of Chris's adult life has been spent in the pursuit of a sex partner and his comic characters are highly sexual.


What's the deal with Sonic, anyway?
He has always liked family-friendly games in particular, and many years ago, won a Sega contest that allowed him to stock up on Sonic titles. For some reason, the Sonic the Hedgehog series appears to have certain qualities that attract autistics more than other game series.
Where can I find the uncensored images from Sonichu #8?
For those who may be curious, they are located here.
Will he do more Sonichu comics?
Chris hasn't written a Sonichu comic since February 2010 and is unlikely to ever do another one. He attributes his beloved creation's unceremonious end to his trolls and fans being too demanding and the comic not being fun to draw anymore. Some of these changes were likely caused by his feud with Alec Benson Leary's Asperchu; a trolling attempt which disrupted and altered Chris's CWCville fantasy world and may have made it impossible for him to use it as the form of escapism it once was.

Contact Chris

I want to e-mail Chris and pretend to be Megan/Jimmy Hill/Jesus/Michael Snyder. Can I have his e-mail?
It's, but Chris doesn't read e-mails from people he doesn't already know.[6] He's currently active on his Facebook and Twitter now.
What are his dox?
Chris's previous dox could be found here and here. Chris's dox after the destruction of his house is not currently known.


What does he smell like?
According to Emily, "rotten watermelons." According to Robert Simmons V, a variant of the homeless person stank. According to field agents, body odor masked with gallons of Axe. Point is, Chris smells awful.
What's the deal with Chris's eyes?
According to Chris, his eyes were originally blue but he got pink eye in his right eye during high school and medication for it turned it green. His eyes are only faintly different and definitely not to the degree that they're depicted in his comic form. A cursory examination of this image demonstrates that he has had heterochromia since at least elementary school. Additionally, it's fairly common for people with blue or green eyes to have one eye of a slightly different hue.
What's the deal with the striped shirts?
Many of Chris's shirts were bought by his mother from the Salvation Army and Goodwill.[7]. Following Chris's introduction to the world of internet trolling his wardrobe went through several iterations before settling on its current tomgirl from.
What's the deal with the yellow thing on the back of the medallion chain?
It's a Wilson wrist warmer he wears because the chain irritates his skin.[8] — probably due to sensory defensiveness, a common trait in autism.
Does Chris drink or do drugs?
Chris is firmly against smoking and drug abuse. For much of his life he was equally strongly opposed to drinking as well, but a video of him drinking a salty-tasting Long Island Iced Tea turned up in 2009 and he has since softened his stance, saying he is a "social drinker"[9]. He has since been known to drink Budweiser and Kahlúa.
What's this about Chris hating Harry Potter?
As Chris mentions here and here, Chris's distaste for the boy wizard is likely derived from what he perceived as its "competition" with his beloved Pokémon. However, he did own a PSone Harry Potter game, and his stance softened under Jackie's influence.
What's this about Jimmy Hill?
Jimmy Hill was a trolling effort run by the Something Awful Sycophant Squad (S.A.S.S.), but disintegrated in November 2008 at the same time the board collapsed. It was supposed to make Chris believe someone was stealing his Sonichu character, since possible theft of Sonichu seems to be one of the few things that gets him worked up into a fury. Chris stopped believing in Jimmy Hill some time after when he noticed the page never updated. This is one of the very few recorded examples of Chris realizing that someone was a troll without them openly declaring it. Despite this, he still has a grudge against Jimmy Hill, leaving him in the final version of Sonichu #10 from December 2009.
Of note, Jimmy Hill passed the "rights" to Sonichu in Europe to the TRUE and HONEST Christian Weston Chandler.
Why does Chris call his welfare check a "monthly tugboat"?
The "tugboat" is one of Chris's CWC-isms; impenetrable mangled figures of speech that he either uses to avoid uncomfortable subjects or, in this case, because he thinks they are clever. "Tugboat" is derived from the phrase "Our ship has come in," referring to a fortuitous event. Whereas winning the lottery is like a large cruise ship coming in, for Chris, getting $809 a month for sitting on his ass is like a small boat—like a tugboat—coming in for him.
Where does Chris currently publish new content?
His YouTube accounts have been inactive for a long time, and his original site and CWCipedia are dead. Since his father's death in 2011, Facebook, Imgur and Twitter have been his only outlets.
Where can I learn more about this guy?
Well, right here at this fine wiki, of course. If you really want to induct yourself into the horrors of Chris, I would recommend starting with where it began for most of us: the Megan Saga and the release of the e-mail correspondence between the two. Other resources include:


  1. Mumble #4
  2. Hooker incident
  3. #Prostitution
  4. File:Virginbreaker.png
  5. Chris admits to Sarah May that he is slightly turned on by Rosechu, though he maintains he is not a furry.
  6. Kacey Call 23: "I don't even bother to open their e-mails. So I just expand on the e- on the sender's address and then add them to my block list."
  7. Mailbag #42
  8. E-mail from Chris posted in old PVCC thread #162
  9. Mailbag_16#Alcoholism