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From [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qimacxayOY DSiferd]; Video8: It has good use of being inside a car, but is that an airbag or a pillow? And what is up with the wierd dude with the leaves on his head; and the drills serves no purpose. To better his video, I would suggest keeping all the shots within in his car; not switching it from his living room. But he gave good effort in rappin' a-capella. I give this video 3.5/5 Stars. | From [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qimacxayOY DSiferd]; Video8: It has good use of being inside a car, but is that an airbag or a pillow? And what is up with the wierd ''[sic]'' dude with the leaves on his head; and the drills serves no purpose. To better his video, I would suggest keeping all the shots within in his car; not switching it from his living room. But he gave good effort in rappin' a-capella. I give this video 3.5/5 Stars. | ||
Number 6: | Number 6: |
Revision as of 15:02, 26 May 2016
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If only I could understand Japanese. |
” |
The closest Chris gets to weeaboo territory |
The PSN blogs are Chris's blog posts and his responses to other people's blog posts on the PSN website from October 2006 to December 2008. The posts to read are those concerning Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown in July and August 2007, an example of Chris feeding his own ego and blowing up in a place on the internet with no trolls, where people were actually being nice to him to get him to calm down. His other posts are normal by comparison. As shown in the 14 December entry, Chris can't spell the name of even his own favorite console.
GAP stands for Gamer Advisory Panel.
Personal Information
I am young at heart, because I enjoy the seemingly child-like things I do like playing with Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Legos, My Little Pony, and drawing cartoonishly. I am also creator of my Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, Sonichu. I have been drawing and writing comic books, and I've drawn/written quite a few issues so far. I have graduated from Manchester High School on the Honor Roll, and I have graduated from PVCC with two Computer Aided Drafting & Design Degrees May, 2006. I am shy, but I would really enjoy the company of a pretty girl who likes some of the things I do, with a few opposite traits (excluding smokers and drunks). I also like to have fun when I can, and I don't like to be alone. I really would prefer Person-to-person encounters/chats instead of over the internet, but please feel free to send me a message or comments. |
17 October 2006 20:21 — Re: Gamer's Day - What Do YOU Want To Know?
Backwards Compatibility by Sonichu
THE pressing Question on mine and a bunch of other people's minds; Is the PS3 Backwards-Compatable with PS1 and PS2 games? |
17 October 2006 21:54 — Re: Gap kit/ PSP camera?
PSP's Camera is the New EyeToy by Sonichu
Or, so I've heard; there's supposedly a PSP version of EyeToy Play (as compared to the original PS2 game). |
29 March 2007 21:57 — A Few Playstation 3 Thoughts.
A Few Playstation 3 Thoughts. by Sonichu
I've owned my PS3 for a few weeks now, and I've been Broadbanded for a few days now; I have some thoughts I'd like to share.
First, the Guitar Hero gameplay... okay, I have a couple of PS2 to PS3 Controller Coverters. I used one to try to play Guitar Hero with my custom painted Guitar controller. Failure followed. Sure, it doesn't have a "PS" button like a Sixaxis controller, nor am I able to assign a controller port to it. But here's the Idea For SONY; a Playstation 3 Upgrade where from a PS2 Controller (regular or Guitar), LET pressing Select & Start in unison and holding them for 5 Seconds result in what the "PS" button does for the Sixaxis; bringing up the Assignment/Quit Menu. Another thing I'd like to mention is being able to search for fellow PS3 owners to add to my Friends list. In observation, it appears that to find the friends to add, you have to go online with an online-capable game. Which I understand the upcoming "Home" program will allow for, but similar to a universal Chat Room, an easier method to finding new friends. Also, talk about the upcoming 80GB system; Sony can sell the new systems. But I would suggest selling the 80GB HDDs individually for those of us current owners of a 60GB (me) or a 20GB. And in that case, there should be an upgrade where our downloaded games and matching data that we get from the Playstation Store can be copied and transferred to the new HDD on a memory stick or something. Also, I would like to mention the LIMITED typing space for typing an E-Mail from, for example, one's AOL account; I'm typing an E-Mail to a friend of mine, and at the middle of the message... I am interruped with inablity to type anymore. Apparently the limit is the limit of the Typing Space View; fill the block, and that's it. Even when I opened an E-Mail, I was unable to scroll down in the message. But aside from the quirks and setbacks, I am enjoying the games, downloaded movies, game demos, music, sharing my PSP's Memory Stick Pro Duo content with my PS3 and the Wi-Fi Internet Browsing and shopping at the PSStore. Thank you. Chris Chan. PS3 Online ID: Sonichu. |
29 March 2007 21:29 — Re: 80 GB PS3
That's a good idea by Sonichu
But in addition to releasing a new PS3 system, they should offer the 80GB HDD by itself for those of us who have a 60 or 20GB system. It leaves a lot more room for downloads from the Playstation Store. :) |
29 March 2007 21:36 — Re: Sony, Please choose GAP members to beta test Home
Yes, Let us Come Home by Sonichu
I am new to the Playstation 3 Network area, and I'd like to be able to find those other than myself who are on the PSNetwork without requiring an Online-Capable game (Although the games are totally awesome in their features and graphics).
Chris Chan |
26 April 2007 — Adult Swim... All kids out of the Playstation!
Adult Swim... All kids out of the Playstation! by Sonichu
I am looking forward to the upcoming PS2 & PSP games from Adult Swim featuring the Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Harvey Birdman. Although the gameplay may or may not be all that and "M" rated, playing as Shake or Birdman will be something totally different that I look forward to enjoying. I wish I could find a screenshot or two to tempt my pallet. |
15 June 2007 02:47 — Go Puzzle Troubles!!!
Go Puzzle Troubles!!! by Sonichu
I've just download Go Puzzle for my PS3, and on the ONLINE MULTIPLAYER function, while my opponent is able to play on their half, my game CURSOR is unable to move. No matter how much I press my D-Pad or push my Analog Stick, IT WILL NOT MOVE. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!! Also, in the "Lobby", when I am prompted to "X" the "Ready?" icon, I can't seem to be able to, no matter how much I press my "X" button. WHAT IS THE DEAL?!!! WHY ME?!!! |
15 June 2007 21:52 — Guitar Hero ROCKABLE on Playstation 3!
Guitar Hero ROCKABLE on Playstation 3! by Sonichu
After a bunch of months longing to play my Guitar on my PS3 (when I thought I couldn't). I have recently found the ANSWER and SOLUTION... First, of course, get a PS2 to PS3 Controller Converter. Attach PS2 Guitar to Converter. Insert Guitar Hero 1 or 2, then select the PS2 Disc icon from the XMB with the Sixaxis or Bluetooth remote. JUST AS the screen goes blank, INSERT the Guitar-attached converter into a PS3 USB slot. Then notice the Sixaxis controller detaches itself from the PS3... DO NOT PRESS THE "PS" BUTTON AT ALL (until you're done playing). With the Sixaxis unfound wirelessly, the Guitar IS PICKED UP by the PS3 as the DEFAULT controller 1 (if there is a second guitar attached THIS SAME WAY, it will likely get noticed as well). ROCK ON, ROCKER! When you're ready to quit the game, DISCONNECT THE GUITAR FIRST, then press the "PS" button on the Sixaxis controller and "Quit Game". Upon the first Sixaxis Disconnection timing, it may be possible to attach a Dance Pad (Dance Dance Revolution) or Taiko Drum (Taiko Drum Master). Spread The Word: THE TRULY ROCKIN' PS2 GAMES ARE SOLID-PLAYABLE ON THE PLAYSTATION 3. |
23 July 2007 — PaRappin' For A Vote
PaRappin' For A Vote by Sonichu
My PaRappa the Rapper Video is Among the Top 10 in the Chop Chop Master Onion Contest. It is the Lucky 7th Video with the BLUE GUITAR. A Vote for my video would be most appreciated, but I'd also like to know how those of you who have viewed it and/or voted for it felt about it. Thank you for your support for a better future for this AUTISTIC LIFE. :) |
... by Elsa43 (GAP Moderator)
I haven't checked out the videos yet... but I will (though I'm not sure if they allow Canadians to vote... I'll have to check that out and see too!) :) |
31 July 2007 12:59 — Last Day to VOTE, Rappers!
Last Day to VOTE, Rappers! by Sonichu
Editor's note: Added YouTube links to the videos in Chris's review.
This IS the last DAY to vote on who will go to Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo. I would like to take this moment to reflect on the TOP 10.
Number 1: From CWCSonichu; **Video LUCKY 7**: Such honesty of his situation and devotion for his lucky girlfriend adds great emotions to his performance. The visually appealing effects added the best humor and biggest laugh I had among the bunch. I enjoyed the fun background of his assumed-to-be bedroom. And his informative feedback on playing Guitar Hero on Playstation 3 was truly a wise and great addition. Also, he has nailed the lyrics A-Capella. :) As this brave AUTISTIC warrior so creatively put it at the end, "Rap, Rap, Rap, That's a Wrap!" Truly the cherry on the top of the sundae. A perfect score of 5/5 Stars for his marvelous effort, and smiling at knowing he looked a bit stupid. :) Number 2: From adamstackhouse; Video1: It's okay, if you like someone making the music in the background. It took away pops from the rappin of the two cooks. And adding seafood like in the song to the cake... are you kidding? They should have done it without the noise; it's in da rules. A petite comical moment comes around with an empty plate for no sample and turning off the TV after "thinking about it". I give it 4/5 Stars for moderate effort. Number 3: From suryabuchwald; Video10: The introductory animation is totally uncalled for, and the sharp fangs poping out take away from the potential cuteness. The dude showing off his PS2 controller and using it in time to the background "bum bum" that sounds more like the Super Mario Bros. theme is somewhat clever. But it wasn't all that swift. And purposly rapidly tapping buttons for multi punch, chop, kick, etc. Again, another rule-breaking of music in place of a-capella. And his grin is stupid and ugly. But for the cleverly creative effort, I give it 4/5 Stars. Number 4: From Billjones; Video4: I liked his multi-use of different vehicles; functional and otherwise. The antlers are uncalled for though; too silly. And adding a boombox like as if his a-capella song is being played from it adds a fun boost to the video. His cat was cute with the headphones on him. For his video, I give him 4/5 Stars. Number 5: From DSiferd; Video8: It has good use of being inside a car, but is that an airbag or a pillow? And what is up with the wierd [sic] dude with the leaves on his head; and the drills serves no purpose. To better his video, I would suggest keeping all the shots within in his car; not switching it from his living room. But he gave good effort in rappin' a-capella. I give this video 3.5/5 Stars. Number 6: From aprelewsky; Video3: It was cute using the "Guarenteed to Catch Her Heart" screen from the game to introduce the video. But once again, there is someone in the background giving music to this should-be a-capella performance. The two gentlemen, from the way they interact, they remind me of George and Lenny from "Of Mice & Men". Overall, I give this video 3.5/5 Stars. Number 7: From ajbrewer; Video2: Unlike the Topping Lucky 7 Video of CWCSonichu; this one is dropped to this low position for the guy's show-offmanship. Who does he think he is with his sunglasses and hood, Snoop Dog or Elvis? He portrayed a depressed single man living in a one-person apartment. I pity the fool for his show-off act, but I commend him for his effort in his a-capella performance. I give him 3/5 Stars. Number 8: From scottteichmer; Video9: I felt his camera was too close in his face for him to be higher in the ranks. Although I liked the humor in the use of his monkey doll, and I commend him for his a-capella performance. The downfall, of course, was being too close to his face. I give him 3/5 Stars. Number 9: From chrisadams; Video6: The downfall of this young man's performance is the static from his singing and breathing; it made me want to turn away, because it was too loud and annoying. But he did what he could; he had his cheat-sheet in his hand and he gave an a-capella performance. I give him 2.5 Stars. Number 10: From brudell; Video5: Don't correct me; these dudes had energy and rubber ducks. The only thing that puts him at the bottom was the rediculous way he was dressed up, his hairdo, and the guy was obviously...the opposite of Straight. ):( This is the worst of the bunch. I give him 1 Star for his effort, but that's all. If the clock hasn't struck Midnight on this July 31, 2007, you can still place your VOTE for any one of the ten. But I HIGHLY reccommend giving it up for the Autistic warrior who gave his effort to get closer to his girlfriend, so he can have a better future for her and himself... **LUCKY VIDEO NUMBER 7; CWCSonichu** Thank you for reading this review, and happy voting. :) |
31 July 2007 16:37 — PaRappin Reviews of the Top 10!
PaRappin Reviews of the Top 10! by Sonichu
This IS the last DAY to vote on who will go to Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo. I would like to take this moment to reflect on the TOP 10. Number 1: From CWCSonichu; **Video LUCKY 7**: Such honesty of his situation and devotion for his lucky girlfriend adds great emotions to his performance. The visually appealing effects added the best humor and biggest laugh I had among the bunch. I enjoyed the fun background of his assumed-to-be bedroom. And his informative feedback on playing Guitar Hero on Playstation 3 was truly a wise and great addition. Also, he has nailed the lyrics A-Capella. :) As this brave AUTISTIC warrior so creatively put it at the end, "Rap, Rap, Rap, That's a Wrap!" Truly the cherry on the top of the sundae. A perfect score of 5/5 Stars for his marvelous effort, and smiling at knowing he looked a bit stupid. :) Number 2: From adamstackhouse; Video1: It's okay, if you like someone making the music in the background. It took away pops from the rappin of the two cooks. And adding seafood like in the song to the cake... are you kidding? They should have done it without the noise; it's in da rules. A petite comical moment comes around with an empty plate for no sample and turning off the TV after "thinking about it". I give it 4/5 Stars for moderate effort. Number 3: From suryabuchwald; Video10: The introductory animation is totally uncalled for, and the sharp fangs poping out take away from the potential cuteness. The dude showing off his PS2 controller and using it in time to the background "bum bum" that sounds more like the Super Mario Bros. theme is somewhat clever. But it wasn't all that swift. And purposly rapidly tapping buttons for multi punch, chop, kick, etc. Again, another rule-breaking of music in place of a-capella. And his grin is stupid and ugly. But for the cleverly creative effort, I give it 4/5 Stars. Number 4: From Billjones; Video4: I liked his multi-use of different vehicles; functional and otherwise. The antlers are uncalled for though; too silly. And adding a boombox like as if his a-capella song is being played from it adds a fun boost to the video. His cat was cute with the headphones on him. For his video, I give him 4/5 Stars. Number 5: From DSiferd; Video8: It has good use of being inside a car, but is that an airbag or a pillow? And what is up with the wierd dude with the leaves on his head; and the drills serves no purpose. To better his video, I would suggest keeping all the shots within in his car; not switching it from his living room. But he gave good effort in rappin' a-capella. I give this video 3.5/5 Stars. Number 6: From aprelewsky; Video3: It was cute using the "Guarenteed to Catch Her Heart" screen from the game to introduce the video. But once again, there is someone in the background giving music to this should-be a-capella performance. The two gentlemen, from the way they interact, they remind me of George and Lenny from "Of Mice & Men". Overall, I give this video 3.5/5 Stars. Number 7: From ajbrewer; Video2: Unlike the Topping Lucky 7 Video of CWCSonichu; this one is dropped to this low position for the guy's show-offmanship. Who does he think he is with his sunglasses and hood, Snoop Dog or Elvis? He portrayed a depressed single man living in a one-person apartment. I pity the fool for his show-off act, but I commend him for his effort in his a-capella performance. I give him 3/5 Stars. Number 8: From scottteichmer; Video9: I felt his camera was too close in his face for him to be higher in the ranks. Although I liked the humor in the use of his monkey doll, and I commend him for his a-capella performance. The downfall, of course, was being too close to his face. I give him 3/5 Stars. Number 9: From chrisadams; Video6: The downfall of this young man's performance is the static from his singing and breathing; it made me want to turn away, because it was too loud and annoying. But he did what he could; he had his cheat-sheet in his hand and he gave an a-capella performance. I give him 2.5 Stars. Number 10: From brudell; Video5: Don't correct me; these dudes had energy and rubber ducks. The only thing that puts him at the bottom was the rediculous way he was dressed up, his hairdo, and the guy was obviously...the opposite of Straight. ):( This is the worst of the bunch. I give him 1 Star for his effort, but that's all. If the clock hasn't struck Midnight on this July 31, 2007, you can still place your VOTE for any one of the ten. But I HIGHLY reccommend giving it up for the Autistic warrior who gave his effort to get closer to his girlfriend, so he can have a better future for her and himself... **LUCKY VIDEO NUMBER 7; CWCSonichu** Thank you for reading this review, and happy voting. :) |
31 July 2007 20:23 — I'm nervously anxious.
I'm nervously anxious. by Sonichu
The Polls are closed, and I am anxious to find out if I am **Number 1** of the Rappas or not. I REALLY want that trip to Seattle, so I can be with my sweet Megan longer than usual and have fun together. I Luv her so much. I wish they would have at least left a link for the rules, so I could check the details for comfort. And I wanted to check which PSP (Core, Entertainment, Giga, etc.) is in the grand prize. |
Contest by rapt00r
Best of luck! |
1 August 2007 15:17 — Re: Guitar Hero II on PS3!!!
I can help by Sonichu
Chris Chan I have been having fun on my own with Guitar Hero 1 and 2 (Encore soon) on my Playstation 3; the ONLY thing that is reversed is the Strum Bar... When it's strummed UP, it is read as DOWN and vice-versa, and for some reason, it doesn't seem to recognize my Whammy Bar for some reason. I see is as no big deal during the songplay, but when I'm going up and down the menu, I have to remember the bar is reversed. REMEMBER to NOT press the PS button after the Sixaxis disconnects itself from the system as the game loads. And be sure to hook the converted guitar AFTER selceting the game disc from the XMB; otherwise it will swerve all the way to the far left of the XMB. Rock ON! |
1 August 2007 15:21 — Bladestorm Japan Demo
Bladestorm Japan Demo by Sonichu
I have just downloaded the demo from the Japan Store. Can anyone describe the control functions to me? If only I could understand Japanese. |
4 August 2007 — Adam Stackhouse!!!
Adam Stackhouse!!! by Sonichu
This is directed mostly to Adam Stackhouse; the S.O.B. who was the Alphabetically First Video in the PaRappa Contest and got WRONGFULLY the big prize. This JERK's Video WAS AGAINST The NO MUSIC RULE!!!! His, Suryabuchwald and Aprelewsky's VIDEO ALL SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED because they ALL HAD MUSIC!!!! In any case, I LOATHE Adam and his Sister for STEALING my one chance at taking my Sweet Gal-Friend to Seattle; it would have been terriffic. I might have even been able to change her outlook on not planning on having children (she and I are both virgins; although I am a FRUSTRATED, High-Functionally AUTISTIC, 25-YEAR OLD VIRGIN. And I LOATHE Surybuchwald and Aprelewsky as well, because their MUSIC probably landed those JERKS in 2nd and 3rd. I don't have much going on for me really, because I have been the dog in America's favorite game, "KICK THE AUTISTIC" for my whole life. I curse those seven people (between the cast of the three illegal videos) to DIE and BURN! As for Adam, if he is reading this and is asking, "You've got something to say to me?" I do, P.S. F*** You, you Dream Smashing Son of a B****! |
. by TonicBH
Sweet jesus mercy criminy, once is enough! And man. Calling somebody out like that is so not cool. It might help for you to read the site guidelines, hopefully realize your mistake and promptly delete these. |
Whoa! by SolidusPrime
If I were you I'd listen to Tonic. This is one post that can easily get you in hot water here! |
Excuse Me by Yukino
Sonichu, can you please remove this blog and the other 3 blogs which you posted about this topic? These are extremely pointless posts, and even if you were to keep a cleaned up version of one around, you still only need one blog. Thank you, Yukino - GAP Moderator |
Indeed.. by Defions
As for the winner, I believe the "music" they were using was probably allowed because it sounded more like both of them beat-boxing in the background, not neccesarily music, but I'm not the judge in the contest. Don't worry, there are plenty more contests coming up, I'm sorry to hear you didn't win, just keep trying. |
Easy Now... by pixelsword
The king of Israel answered, "Tell him: 'One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off.' " -I Kings 20:11 ...Rules I guess were loosely appplied? Anyways, I'd Erase this and just be the bigger man: You'll have another chance and there are other contests. How many contests would you win if you're kicked out of the GAP? |
Dude Chill Out by Neo Bahamut Knight
For one this blog is pointless and could get you banned. Two: If you feel you have a valid complaint I would write those in charge of the contest and demand an appeal or at least a ruling to the validity of the win. Ask them why their video was an acception. All you are doing is venting and slandering to ppl that you are mad at. If you are in the right then fight back the right way. Not like this. This way is totally pointless. |
I am sure there will be by DESTROYER41139
I am sure there will be many more chances to win trips or other prize.No need to call someone out by name and cuss them that is pretty immature of you. Sony must not have thought it was against the rules because they allowed it. |
I Thought It Was Good. by Kream85
I really thought it was the best there, you shouldnt attack them. Its Catchy. |
... by no_i_am_chuck
I am a FRUSTRATED, High-Functionally AUTISTIC, 25-YEAR OLD VIRGIN. You needn't have written that...it isn't hard to tell from your post. |
. . . by bobdblob
Ummm. I'm speechless. All I can say is that this really dosn't belong here. |
OK... by no_i_am_chuck
Leave Sonichu alone now. His time is measured. |
NIAC is correct by jonson
Sonichu is on a time out, his other posts are deleted, and we're done here. GAP Admin |
4 September 2007 — I've been having trouble connecting to the PSN since I upgraded to 1.92
I've been having trouble connecting to the PSN since I upgraded to 1.92 by Sonichu
I've been having trouble connecting to the PSN since I upgraded to 1.92. On the Internet Connection Test, it WAS able to obtain the IP Address and connect to the internet, but it has failed to connect to the Playstation Network. Has anyone else had this problem since upgrading to the 1.92 software? Also, what is the official reading of features for 1.92? Please reply with comments. Thank You. |
5 September 2007 — Re: PSN log in troubles
I have since I've installed the 1.92 Update by Sonichu
I have been having this problem since I've installed the 1.92 Update. I've tried rebooting my PS3 many times, and I still have the problem. The distance from the router does not matter, I can tell you that. It's either some PSN maintanence, or there was a humongous Glitch in the 1.92. It really Grinds My Gears. Chris Chan |
12 September 2007 — PSP Update 3.7
PSP Update 3.7 by Sonichu
Under careful consideration after research on 3.7, I did download it (25MB space required) and install it onto my PSP. -It features the Music/Photo at same time feature (like the PS3). -The awesome ability to select a 60-second chapter increment of a saved Movie file. -And the button assignment for Remote Play makes it easier to play the Doko Demo Issyo Mainichi Issyo game, as well as zooming in or out while browsing the internet. The PSP Spot Icon under the Internet icon; I consider that a Bonus Short-Cut to the Japan PSP Browser. While currently, after the update, it has become unable to establish a connection to check for the update (likely because of having just updated), when Sony of America adds a newer update BEYOND 3.7, and if I am unable to locate it through "Network Update" search, I can still download it from the official US website through my PC. Gotta keep the American Sony People on their toes when word gets out about the Next Update, that they give it a NUMBER 3.71 or HIGHER. In a nutshell, I personally reccomend updating to 3.7 now, if applicable. |
12 September 2007 — Re: Finally Spurged...Need Everyone's Help!!!
I was a Newbie just Last Sept. 4. by Sonichu
I had just bought the game myself after downloading the 1.92 update; needless to say, I was unable to go online for a while. Delayed WarHawking. But to get my feet wet, I did not select "ONLINE", instead I selected the second option, where it would play with closeby PS3s. It allowed me to walk about, drive a jeep, tank, fly a jet or whatever without the stressful shooting gallery. I highly reccommend just getting your feet wet before fighting online via wi-fi; select the closeby PS3 option. Have fun, fellow beginner. :) Chris Chan |
27 September 2007 20:42 — Quick Question...
Quick Question... by Sonichu
Has anyone tried hooking a wired 360 controller into a PS3 USB port and seeing if it would function like a normal controller? |
27 September 2007 20:46 — Re: Yeah I'm Sick of this, anyone want to buy my Warhawk?
Yeah I'm Sick of this, anyone want to buy my Warhawk? by templar_syd
Ok, the guy keeps killing me with like nothing, he respawned at the same place even when it was my teams base, 4 knife 2 grenades head on would not kill him.....I'm sooo fricking sick of this horses***, Today seems even worse than most days. My team was like nothing but 5 year olds and the same like 5 people from the other team were near impossible to kill even when using a knife 4-6 times on them, then rest of their team was like 1 hit from behind but not those 5. Warhawk needs an overhaul big time. I was sooo ticked that I wasted a perfectly good cherry jones soda against the door...but thats all cleaned up now.... unlike Suckhawk err, Warhawk |
LOL NOOB. HAHAHA getting so by Phillip_Cat
LOL NOOB. HAHAHA getting so pissed over a game. I hope you missed a piece of glass and you gash your foot open. 1 (800) LEARN-2-PLAY |
reply by Sonichu
EDIT your language! |
31 October 2007 — Where is the Behind the Scenes Video
Where is the Behind the Scenes Video by Sonichu
I just got my copy of God of War Chains of Olympus yesterday. I've completed the Attica Level successfully. The package of the demo disc said that it had the "Bringing an Epic to PSP" video in the demo. I have found the Walkthrough, but not the Bringing an Epic video. Where is it on that demo? Chris Chan |
9 August 2008 — Playstation EyeCreate REQUIRED OPTION
Playstation EyeCreate REQUIRED OPTION by Sonichu
I would really like the ability to import photo, audio and video files already saved on my PS3's HDD, accessable on the XMB, so I can actually have them available to add into a movie in progress. |
14 December 2008 — Re: **Playstatoin Home Suggestions**
The Hand-Held Device by Sonichu
I had the Closed Beta for Home in my Japan Account; although it was in Japanese. Anyway, I LOVED the in-Home PSP for the hand-held device. What we have NOW in the Open Home is, IMHO, a stupid-looking IDK-what-the-heck-it-is device. Please Bring Back the In-Home PSP. Chris Chan |
External links
Chris's GAP blogDELETED