Lovers Attributes List

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Cute and Sexy [...] Motherly
Among the attributes Chris listed for his imaginary wife Cryzel, foreshadowing what was to come.

On 12 March 2021, shortly after mentioning his Affirmations List, Chris posted his Lovers Attributes LIst to the Watchmen Discord server The Place. It is a list of attributes for his imaginary spouses.

He then tagged MKR and asked her to review the list to see if she would match up with any attributes. A month prior, he mentioned in the server to have been considering MKR for a relationship.[1]

Chat excerpts

I also in the interest of love and relationships in this universe, composed a multi-column list of the attributes of my loves.

[Chris posted the Lovers Attributes List]

It can be certain that should I attract and meet anyone on that in this universe, they will take on the common attributes between them.

Hey, @MKR, how many of these do you feel you match up with?

But of an exercise for you to read, and look into yourself as well. (edited)


Quite a few yes

I'm obviously not a psychic or electric type

The list

Chris's Lovers Attributes List.
All-In-Common: Appreciative, Patient[note 1]


-Very Honest and Direct[note 2]

-Wise Knowledgeable, and Spiritual WELL above and beyond his physical years, and then some.


-Very Resourceful

-Metaphysical and Interdimensional



-Very Caring

-Real Guardian


-Can't be deceived.


-Vivacious Rainbow Aura



-Physically Strong and Fast

-Mentally Clear and Fast Processing of thoughts in greatest depth and detail


-Very handsome


-Serious and Stern at times.


-Full Awareness






-Excellent Listener


-Not Vulnerable

-Can't be manipulated

-Excellent Leader

  • Overpowered Psychic/Electric Type









-Ferocious when provoked or threatened

-Super Powerful

-Plenty mature in mind and soul.



-Forgiving, But not ignorant of faults




-Cute and Sexy

-Can get emotional

-Good Self-Control

-Motherly or Sisterly, depending on the situation




-Not too Impulsive


-Physically and Mentally Very Strong and Fast.

-Not Vulnerable

-Electric Type

-Humble beginnings








-Honest and Direct with her closest loved ones, friends and allies.

-Well-developed after a misled past; made amends and learned better of the truths.

-Very adaptive


-Muti-Skilled and Multi-Faceted

-Heavy-Powered Psychic Type


-Can't be deceived

-Can't be manipulated

-Very compassionate

-Highly deep



-Knows very well what she likes and wants and needs.


-Highly Wise, Knowledgeable, and spiritual above and beyond his physical years.

-Troubled past

-Very Resourceful


-Metaphysical Interdimensional


-Big heart for all true and kind in heart and intentions.


-Real Guardian




-Strong and Fast in all aspects

-Mentally Clear


-Not deceivable

-Serious and Stern





-Can tame a crowd


-Excellent leader

-Cares for wild life.

-Loves nature.


-Awesome Mentor Five-plus stars

-Overpowered Psychic Type


See also



  1. This is written on the side of the page.
  2. It is impossible to recreate, but many of the items listed are crowded together in the original document.