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[[Christian Weston Chandler]] refers to [[Piedmont Virginia Community College]] as the '''Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens''' due to numerous grievances he has with the school.   
[[Christian Weston Chandler]] refers to [[Piedmont Virginia Community College]] as the '''Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens''' due to numerous grievances he has with the school.   

Although it is known that PVCC and its dean [[Mary Lee Walsh]] interfered with Chris's [[Love Quest]] and the distribution of the [[Sonichu's News Dash]] newsletter, it remains unclear which particular incident inspired him to coin the term. Within the context of his ''[[Sonichu (comic)|Sonichu]]'' comics, Christian has characterized the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens as the headquarters for the collective activities of the supervillains of [[CWCville]].
Although it is known that PVCC and its dean [[Mary Lee Walsh]] interfered with Chris's [[Love Quest]] and the distribution of the ''[[Sonichu's News Dash]] newsletter, it remains unclear which particular incident inspired him to coin the term. Within the context of his ''[[Sonichu (comic)|Sonichu]]'' comics, Christian has characterized the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens as the headquarters for the collective activities of the supervillains of [[CWCville]].

As you can imagine, when [[Cogsdev]] decided to create the troll message boards, [[Private_Villa_of_Corrupted_Citizens_(message_board)|it just had to be christened with this name]].
As you can imagine, when [[Cogsdev]] decided to create the troll message boards, [[Private_Villa_of_Corrupted_Citizens_(message_board)|it just had to be christened with this name]].

Revision as of 22:15, 7 September 2010

For other uses of "PVCC", see the disambiguation page.
Mary Lee Walsh Slaweel Ryam and her corrupted citizens.
The PVCC logo
After being Laid Off and down on her Love Luck, she sought revenge and make that ALL WILL REMAIN VIRGINS WITHOUT TRUE, HONEST LOVE within the State of Virginia.
Chris, on the origins of the PVCC

Christian Weston Chandler refers to Piedmont Virginia Community College as the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens due to numerous grievances he has with the school.

Although it is known that PVCC and its dean Mary Lee Walsh interfered with Chris's Love Quest and the distribution of the Sonichu's News Dash newsletter, it remains unclear which particular incident inspired him to coin the term. Within the context of his Sonichu comics, Christian has characterized the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens as the headquarters for the collective activities of the supervillains of CWCville.

As you can imagine, when Cogsdev decided to create the troll message boards, it just had to be christened with this name.

The fictional history

Apparently, Mary Lee Walsh (retconned as Slaweel Ryam) was "Dean of Student Services" at Piedmont Virginia Community College, around June 2000. She was fired for making love potions and selling drugs on the side. No, I'm not fucking with you.[1]

[..] she provided High-Inducing Concoctions to the Bummed Hobos that hung around the campus during Closed Hours.
Chris, on Cwcipedia

The downtrodden MLW picked herself up and built the "Prowldent Virginia Community College" (Chris fucks up the entire series continuity right here), ten miles north of CWCville. While building, Mary came into contact with Count Graduon, amplifying her powers. Under the guise of running an educational institution, she begins to recruit the Jerkops and engineers the first Decepti-clones.[2]

ProwldentVCC or PVCCitizens?

Another PVCC logo, on the same goddamn page

So... is is "Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens" or "Prowldent Virginia Community College"?

One could assume that the latter is just an innocently-sounding front for MLW's shady business, while the former is the name of her criminal organization. However, in his annotations to his ED article Chris called MLW's educational facility "PVCCitizens", not "Prowldent Virginia Community College".

He also noted that, though it often goes to war against CWCville as a whole, it's not a city, but an "Evil School". A previously unknown type of educational facility, we can only deduce that its goal is to teach children all things evil – like, e.g., an Art School teaches art. It's probably the kind of school Dr. Evil attended, before getting his Doctorate in Evil.

To recap

  • CWC is heart-shattered. Much whining comes after.
  • Nazi golem rampages through town, controlled by MLW. Is soon stopped by Chris and company.
  • Chris breaks into Mary's home, beats her up.
  • Cock-blocking in the mall.
  • Yet more cock-blocking.
  • MLW traps Crystal, who is saved 5 issues later, possibly due to Chris completely forgetting this plot thread.

Errors and retcons

In Sonichu 4 it's established that MLW took over Manchester High School, yet in all media that follows the place is still described as the PVCC. Disregarding the creepy little tale known as The High School Story, of course.

According to the Cwcipedia,[3] Chris fought against the tyrannical PVCC in March 2004, in some sort of terrible Go-Bots/Power Rangers/Anime battle. This runs counter to all of the published comics, in which the only Power Ranger-esque character is Bagget, and the Go-Bots have never been seen.

Akin to Chris claiming that Slaweel and Mary Lee Walsh were separate people, Chris clarifies in one of the Official Videobooks that the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens (PVCC) should be referred to as "PVCCitizens" to distinguish it from Piedmont Virginia Community College. (It should come as no surprise that Chris has no idea what kind of images the phrase "PVC citizens" conjures up among regular people.)

Two Marys

Yet another major retcon by Chris, apparently there are two Mary Lee Walshes. Ironically, the one that shattered his heart retired in peace, and was replaced by a malevolent clone, even further bent on torturing Chris.[4] This second Mary would become Slaweel Ryam. (Clever, right?)

NOTE, the Mary Lee Walsh of the Comic Pages is a Different Person from the one who replaced her at Piedmont Virginia Community College FOR REAL. NO Blood Ties or Relation at all with the First One; and this one had resided in Virginia a LONG Time with her husband and children. She was working at another college before being transferred to PVCC after the OLDER Mary was fired.
Chris, apologizing to the woman he wanted to "mach punch"

See also

CWCipedia logo.png
For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens


Locations in the CWCverse


Main sights (map): CWCville City | CWCville Park | CWCville Mall (CWCville Mayoral Office | Full list of stores) | Jungle/Mountain Areas (Chameleon Cult Jungle Dojo | Wild Sonichu's Treehouse) | Subdivision Areas (14 Brunchville Lane) | Target Mini-Marts | Walmart Mini-Marts

Other places of note: Billy Mays Tower | Bolyn High | CWC-Cola Bottling Company | CWCee Dees | CWCville Beach (Pier 969) | CWCville Baptist Church | CWCville General Hospital | CWCville Studios | CWCville University | Cwick-Circuit City | Cwick City Gym | Double-CWC Hotel | KCWC | Layla's Apartment | Local Coffee Shop | Pokemon Center | Samuel Memorial United Christian Church | Sarah's Apartment Complex | Simonla Rosechu's Rabbit Hole | True Blue St. (CWCville Police Dept. 11th Precinct)

Environs (map): Giovanni's Gym/Base | Kel's House | Pallet Town | Sonic's House | Station Square | Zapbud Fields

The Axis of Slaweel: Clarksville, Tennessee (4-cent_garbage.com HQ) | Cly's Mansion | Dark Mirror Hole | Doctor Robotnik's Base | Get-Tar Region | Giovanni's Gym/Base | Mal-Wart Region (M-C-Dville) | The Moon | Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens (High School District) | Sho-Mall Region (Fa-Square) | Viridian City

Other places: Destiny Cave | Mysterious Rainbow Island | Mysterious Mountain | Nabe's Dojo-Shin | New Island | The Ocean | Parodyse Isle | RuleCWC | Time Void

The CWC-tionary

Relationships: Attraction Location | Boyfriend-free girl | Darling | Dating education | Friend Zone | Gal-pal | Heart Level | Homos | Infinitely-High Boyfriend-Factor | Love Quest | Noviophobia | SLGBTQ | Sweetheart | Sweetheart from the Ground-Up

Sex: China | Comeuppance | Duck | JULAY | Mass debating | Negligent | Pedofork | Pickle | Recycling | Soul Bonding | Virgin with rage | Virginia is for Virgins | Women's rights

Himself: Biological clock | Butt garments | Captain's Log | Christian Love Day | DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS | Fuzzy-Wuzzies & Prickly-Wicklies | Honest Content | I'LL BREAK YOU DEAD | Monthly tugboat | Muscle bra | Random-access humor | Saga | Scale of Respect | Tomgirl |

Stressors: 4-cent_garbage | GOPony | HEXBox | JERKS | Jerkops | Kick the Autistic | Manajerks | Naïve | Niggos | Pmurt | Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens | Slow-in-the-minds | Tobacky

Fantasies: Anaxis bird | Curse-ye-ha-me-ha | Dimension | Fangs | Godjesus | Iron Curtain | OC | Un-clit

Comics: Anchuent Prophecy | Da Update | Electric Hedgehog Pokemon | Nombie-zazis | Parody | Rosechu | Sonichu | Sub-Episodes | Sweetbolt

See also: Chris and English | List of phrases Chris copied from media