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==20 July 2023==
==20 July 2023==
File:CWC sighting 20Jul2023 1.jpg ‎
File:CWC sighting 20Jul2023 2.jpg ‎

==Fan art==
==Fan art==

Revision as of 02:39, 21 July 2023

Event marker.jpg

The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

We once again advise you to never ever directly engage with Chris nor attempt to get him banned from the places he's been to. On the off-chance that you cross paths with Chris, the absolute most that you should do is get some kind of documentation of Chris, but never to directly engage with him; otherwise, it is best to leave Chris alone. To put it more bluntly: DO NOT attempt to stalk Chris upon seeing him, and NEVER speak to Chris in ANY way, shape, or form, or to anyone at his current place of residence. You do NOT want to be a part of Christory.
A map of all Chris sightings in May 2023. (Note: this map has the wrong Walmart labeled. The Walmart where Chris was spotted is further south, just off of US Route 360.)
As foreseen, a mean keen ween by the name of Peen seen looking for Christine.

On 27 March 2023, Chris was released from jail, with the only explanation being "released by court order". Beginning on 1 May, sightings of Chris were reported in various places around Chesterfield County, Virginia, with some weens referring to this period as "the chase" as they attempt to gangstalk Chris.

Most of the sightings were originally posted on the r/ChrisChanSonichu subreddit. So far, all sightings have involved Chris either shopping or playing trading card games in public.

Walmart (May)

Walmart branch on 14501 Hancock Village St. in Midlothian

On 1 May 2023, Chris was spotted shopping at a Walmart in Midlothian, Virginia, a western suburb of Richmond in Chesterfield County.

On the same day, a Reddit user called DarylMcGoofyGuy posted a thread with a photo of Chris, claiming that a friend had sent the picture.[1] On Twitter, more photos were posted by an account named Speedymctweet, again claiming a friend had sent them.[2] In the photos, Chris's hair has returned to its natural brown color, and he also appears thinner, congruent with his last mugshot. He also has a Sonichu medallion, most likely a Mark V version.

Another Reddit user, Alternative_Roof1940, subsequently posted photos of Chris from the security cameras at the Walmart.[3]

Alternative_Roof1940 also uploaded a brief video clip of Chris walking away outside of the store.

May 1, 2023
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 May 2023
Saga TheChaseicon.png Post-Jail

He also claimed:[4]

Chris approached the electronic department asking for a flash drive and also ended up buying a switch (yes......again). The second photo is from the electronics when he was asking
There was a large black van chris got into about 8 stores down driven by a large black woman. I didn't take any photos of the vehicle for the sake of the woman driving
No, there was no group. Chris was alone the entire time up until chris got into the car with 1 single person parked 8 stores away

The address of the Walmart was not revealed by any of the observers, but the exterior view shown in Alternative_Roof1940's video indicates that it is the location at 14501 Hancock Village Street. This location happens to be 10 miles (16 km) by road from the main campus of Gateway Homes, lending support to the hypothesis that Chris is residing there. One of the rules of Gateway Homes states “No registered sex offenders or individuals who have committed a sexual offense will be considered”,[5] although Chris is not a registered offender and has not been formally convicted of incest, making it unclear if his charge poses an issue for admission. Without confirmation we cannot say for sure where Chris is residing. Coincidentally, the Walmart is only 4 miles (6 km) from Manchester High School, which Chris attended from 1996 to 2000.


On 2 May 2023, Chris was spotted playing cards at the game store Battlegrounds, also in Midlothian, around 11 miles north of Walmart he was shopping on May 1st and a half hour drive from his speculated Gateway Homes. The photo was posted by Euclid_Class_Object to Reddit on the same day presumably. [6]

Euclid Class Object sourced the photo from a member of the "Zodiac Duelist" Yu-Gi-Oh Facebook group.

On the 5th, Battlegrounds set their Facebook store page to private, most likely due to ween activity.

Chris was wearing the same Mark V medallion he was wearing in the Walmart photos.

Chesterfield Towne Center


On 3 May 2023, for the third time in a row, Chris was spotted outside a Donatos Pizza at Chesterfield Towne Center in Chesterfield County, about 16 miles (25 km) north of the speculated Gateway Homes and over 2 miles (4 km) east of Battlegrounds. The photo was posted to Reddit by Pure_Lingonberry_677, who also claims his friend took the photo [7]

This is the first sighting where Chris is aware that he is being photographed. Chris appears to be put off and even nervous, something uncharacteristic of him before the Jail Saga, though Chris could just be caught off-guard.

Also, the Sonichu medallion itself has also somehow turned its face towards the camera; whether this is due to Chris moving fast enough for the medallion to bounce naturally off of Chris, or that the medallion itself is possessed by the same forces set to bring about the Dimensional Merge is uncertain.

Earthbound Trading Company

Chris, fitting in.

On 3 May 2023 a reddit user called sagehazes who works as a cashier mentioned in a comment on the Chesterfield Towne Center sighting thread that they had rung Chris up at the store where they work:

came into my store and signed the receipt "sonichu"

At the time sagehazes did not elaborate or provide evidence.

On 27 May 2023 sagehazes rang Chris up again, and on 29 May they rang him up a third time. That same day, sagehazes posted a picture of Chris in line at the register and a picture of his signature on a receipt. While the pictures on Reddit are from the 27 May sighting, sagehazes claims that they also took pictures during the 29 May sighting. It remains to be seen if those will be uploaded as well.[8]

In the thread, sagehazes did not name the store but described it as "a hippie/new age type store".[9] One Reddit user identified the store as Earthbound Trading Company, a clothing and new-age chain which has a location in Chesterfield Towne Center. Photographs of the mall store on Google Maps show that the store's ceiling matches the ceiling visible in sagehazes' photo.

According to sagehazes, Chris had been to the shop at least twice, once near the end of April and again on 27 May. Sagehazes described his purchases as "usually jewelry and crystals" and described Chris as looking relatively normal (by his standards) but emitting an unhealthy odor:[9]

it was definitely funky with a hint of shit
pure shit I had to breathe through my mouth very shallowly

Sagehazes also claimed that Chris was talking to himself while in the store.[9]

One notable change from early May is that Chris's hair has been dyed a bright teal color. Also conspicuous is the absence of the Sonichu medallion, presumably to avoid recognition by weens. On closer inspection, however, the back of a necklace can be seen on his neck, as well as what looks to be a bump in the shape of the medallion under his clothes, so it is likely he has simply hidden it under his shirt.

The signature reads "J. Christ Chan Sonichu", showing that Chris's Jesus delusions remain strong after being released from jail.

This is what Chris actually believes.

Modern Table Top Gaming

On 30 May 2023, a now-deleted reddit user Literally-poop spotted Chris playing Magic: The Gathering in an unspecified location and posted a photo of him to r/ChrisChanSonichu the same day.[10] The Sonichu Medallion is once again presumably hidden under Chris's shirt.

User SaleneDreams identified the store as Modern Table Top Gaming in Chester, a community in eastern Chesterfield County.[11] Photos of Modern Table Top Gaming on Google Maps confirm that the chairs and table in the store match those in the photo and that the framed picture behind Chris had been blacked out because it prominently displayed the store's name. The store is 15 miles (24 km) east of Gateway Homes.

Williamsburg Premium Outlets

Chris with two women.

On 7 June 2023, Chris was spotted buying Ben and Jerry's at Williamsburg Premium Outlets in Williamsburg, Virginia with two women, one of whom was in a wheelchair. On the same day, user CardboardJoJo claimed on r/ChrisChanSonichu that Chris had complemented their dog, initially without any photos and refusing to state where this had happened.[12]

CardboardJoJo wrote:

Won’t say where, but similar to where they’ve been sighted in May. Was walking my dog and a person in leggings and a jeans skirt said “That is just the cutest dog!” and I immediately recognized their voice. I was shook and just told them “thank you!” but I feel so blessed.

A few hours later, CardboardJoJo posted a photo of Chris and the women and disclosed the location.[13]

This was in Williamsburg at the Premium Outlets for those interested in documenting that level of specifics. Didn’t want to post this info at the time in case someone would attempt to go there and make contact. They were on the way to get Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.

This is the first post-jail sighting of Chris outside of Chesterfield County. The Ben and Jerry's location is about 66 miles (102 km) east of Gateway Homes by road, a drive of more than an hour without traffic.

Walmart (July)

On 3 July 2023, a member of the Official CWCki Server posted that a friend had seen Chris at Walmart in Chesterfield County and had taken a photo of Chris looking at a display of G-Fuel drinks. Chris is seen with newly-dyed dark blue hair and the photographer noted he (Chris) had his medallion on.

Later that day, the photographer posted to r/ChrisChanSonichu, adding that the Walmart was at Hancock Village St[14] and also posted a similar photo.[15]

In the high-resolution photo it can be seen that Chris has a drawing of the Neo Spiritual Christianity cross clipped to his backpack, seemingly a memento from his jail days as it it done entirely in black and blue pen.

20 July 2023

Fan art

Fan art

See also


PostJail2.png Third Exile PostJail2.png
Places: Gateway HomesBig Island HouseMal-WartBattlegrounds Game ShopChesterfield Towne CenterEarthbound Trading Co.Modern Table Top GamingWilliamsburg Premium OutletsDragon Fire Games14 Branchland Court
Platforms: RedditTwitter4chanDiscord

The Players: The Prizes: