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05142010 is a 15 May 2010 video where Chris bores his fanbase by discussing the death of a girl who was murdered by her boyfriend after cheating on him. The girl in question attended the University of Virginia located in Charlottesville, which seems to be the only reason why Chris knows or cares about her. Note that Chris has stated in the past he is willingly ignorant of news events (he hates "bad news") and hearing him discuss something of national interest is a rarity. After this, he goes on to blame the trolls and autism for his problems with females.

In this video, a new shirt emerges which seems to say "I got what I deserve." However the last word is partially illegible due to it being stuck between his rolls of stomach fat.


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Stardate 15 May 2010
Subject Matter AutismAutism Life
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy
Shirt Pity ShirtPityShirt.png Pity Shirt


[A loud fan is humming in the background.]

Captain's log, the 14th of, uh May, 2010. [adjusts his glasses] I would like to take this, uh, brief moment to... talk about, uh, a loca- local... recent events. Like, uh, yeah, I understand... recen- I understand recently that there was a girl who was, uh, murdered at UVA by her ex-boyfriend. She was on the lacrosse team. [glasses removal] It was very sad... for a- for a woman. He just kicked the door in and banged her head against the wall, and totally ruined her right side and- right side of her head. She died from that.

And then she- and then he tooked her computer, 'cause apparently there was some... there was an email on there that he sent her. And he didn't want that to get out. Sure got out by now. [pause] That's very sad. I h- and I, uh, hope that- I hope that, if they haven't done so already, that the lacrosse team for UV- for UVA... wins, in memory of that- in memory of that girl.

And yeah, it was not an accident. He- as, as so that the, uh, dude claims to say as it was. 'Cause if he had not- if he had no intention of killing her, he would- he would not have banged her against the wall. No accident. He should get a whole- wish he'd get like 20 years in jail. That's what he deserves for that. He deserves jail time and hard time... banging rocks, making license plates. So he can repay... debt to society for... the shock from this girl's murder.

And also, uh... yeah, uh, also the other events around the world, uh... yeah, slip in mind right now, but... I am- well, I do watch the news. And, uh, when I have a thought about a recent event I feel is of, uh... good tal- of, uh, worth my talkin' about, then I will. I will record it, and I will... talk about it.

And also, yeah. Autism the ner- a little mention about that from my point of view. Uh, ap- apparently, uh, not- not just- uh, the fact that we are unable to soc- unable to socialize... but at least from my point of view, uh... in a crowded- in a crowded event or section, very crowded, where it's not easy for me to get much attention... I- I just wa- I just likely tend to freeze up vocally. I, uh, I can pretty much, uh, do body language fair enough, but it's like... can't get a word out... of my throat. I mean, not even so much as a hello.

[puts his fist to his forehead, apparently stressed]

I am not a bad man. I am not- have no... intention- uh, anything negative of that sort. I'm just ver- I'm just... damn shy from the autism. Freezing me up. And I am working on that. I just... need he- I just need help from... my-- I just need help from my fr- from my real friends, real people... 'Cause I can't just expect... women that fall into my lap like that. I mean, if was that easy, then- if it was that easy, then... at this point, especially over the Internet... Definitely be an action of a troll, so... I can tell- I can tell the difference right there.

Made me paranoid... you did... damn trolls.

[puts his glasses back on] Leave you all with that for today, and, uhh... wait 'til another day when I have another thought about recent events. [flashes the peace sign, then reaches to turn off the camera] Have a good day.

100 2178 Chris's videos Current
Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks
